99 research outputs found

    Adaptive image vectorisation and brushing using mesh colours

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    We propose the use of curved triangles and mesh colours as a vector primitive for image vectorisation. We show that our representation has clear benefits for rendering performance, texture detail, as well as further editing of the resulting vector images. The proposed method focuses on efficiency, but it still leads to results that compare favourably with those from previous work. We show results over a variety of input images ranging from photos, drawings, paintings, all the way to designs and cartoons. We implemented several editing workflows facilitated by our representation: interactive user-guided vectorisation, and novel raster-style feature-aware brushing capabilities

    Image editing and interaction tools for visual expression

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    Digital photography is becoming extremely common in our daily life. However, images are difficult to edit and interact with. From a user's perspective, it is important to interact freely with the images on his/her smartphone or ipad. In this thesis we develop several image editing and interaction systems with this idea in mind. We aim for creating visual models with pre-computed internal structures such that interaction is readily supported. We demonstrate that such interactable models, driven by a user's hand, can render powerful visual expressiveness, and make static pixel arrays much more fun to play with. The first system harnesses the editing power of vector graphics. We convert raster images into a vector representation using Loop's subdivision surfaces. An image is represented by a multi-resolution feature-preserving sparse control mesh, with which image editing can be done at semantic level. A user can easily put a smile on a face image, or adjust the level of scene abstractness through a simple slider. The second system allows one to insert an object from image into a new scene. The key is to correct the shading on the object such that it goes consistently with the scene. Unlike traditional approach, we use a simple shape to capture gross shading effects and a set of shading detail images to account for visual complexities. The high-frequency nature of these detail images allows a moderate range of interactive composition effects without causing alarming visual artifacts. The third system is on video clips instead of a single image. We proposed a fully automated algorithm to creat

    Beyond Pixels: Exploring Human-Readable SVG Generation for Simple Images with Vision Language Models

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    In the field of computer graphics, the use of vector graphics, particularly Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), represents a notable development from traditional pixel-based imagery. SVGs, with their XML-based format, are distinct in their ability to directly and explicitly represent visual elements such as shape, color, and path. This direct representation facilitates a more accurate and logical depiction of graphical elements, enhancing reasoning and interpretability. Recognizing the potential of SVGs, the machine learning community has introduced multiple methods for image vectorization. However, transforming images into SVG format while retaining the relational properties and context of the original scene remains a key challenge. Most vectorization methods often yield SVGs that are overly complex and not easily interpretable. In response to this challenge, we introduce our method, Simple-SVG-Generation (S\textsuperscript{2}VG\textsuperscript{2}). Our method focuses on producing SVGs that are both accurate and simple, aligning with human readability and understanding. With simple images, we evaluate our method with reasoning tasks together with advanced language models, the results show a clear improvement over previous SVG generation methods. We also conducted surveys for human evaluation on the readability of our generated SVGs, the results also favor our methods.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    VectorTalker: SVG Talking Face Generation with Progressive Vectorisation

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    High-fidelity and efficient audio-driven talking head generation has been a key research topic in computer graphics and computer vision. In this work, we study vector image based audio-driven talking head generation. Compared with directly animating the raster image that most widely used in existing works, vector image enjoys its excellent scalability being used for many applications. There are two main challenges for vector image based talking head generation: the high-quality vector image reconstruction w.r.t. the source portrait image and the vivid animation w.r.t. the audio signal. To address these, we propose a novel scalable vector graphic reconstruction and animation method, dubbed VectorTalker. Specifically, for the highfidelity reconstruction, VectorTalker hierarchically reconstructs the vector image in a coarse-to-fine manner. For the vivid audio-driven facial animation, we propose to use facial landmarks as intermediate motion representation and propose an efficient landmark-driven vector image deformation module. Our approach can handle various styles of portrait images within a unified framework, including Japanese manga, cartoon, and photorealistic images. We conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of VectorTalker in both vector graphic reconstruction and audio-driven animation

    Locally refinable gradient meshes supporting branching and sharp colour transitions:Towards a more versatile vector graphics primitive

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    We present a local refinement approach for gradient meshes, a primitive commonly used in the design of vector illustrations with complex colour propagation. Local refinement allows the artist to add more detail only in the regions where it is needed, as opposed to global refinement which often clutters the workspace with undesired detail and potentially slows down the workflow. Moreover, in contrast to existing implementations of gradient mesh refinement, our approach ensures mathematically exact refinement. Additionally, we introduce a branching feature that allows for a wider range of mesh topologies, as well as a feature that enables sharp colour transitions similar to diffusion curves, which turn the gradient mesh into a more versatile and expressive vector graphics primitive

    Vectorizing binary image boundaries with symmetric shape detection, bisection and optimal parameterization

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    Binary image boundary vectorization is the process of converting raster images into vector images represented with a sequence of Bézier curves. Two main factors in reconstructing parametric curves are to approximate the underlying structure of the boundaries as much as possible while using as few curves as possible. Existing methods do not perform well when considering both of these two main factors. In this article, we mimic the process of human vectorizing image boundaries by first segmenting the boundary points into multiple segments with the corner points. For the boundary points in each segment, we adopt the bisection method to find the largest number of points, which a single curve can fit. More curves will be added if the fitting error is larger than a predefined threshold. The process is repeated until all the points in the segment are fitted, thus minimizing the number of Bézier curves. Besides, symmetric image boundaries can be detected and used to further decrease the number of curves required. Our method can also choose the optimal parameterization method case by case to further reduce the fitting error. We make a comparison with both new and classical methods and show that our method outperforms them
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