603 research outputs found

    Analysis of some global optimization algorithms for space trajectory design

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    In this paper, we analyze the performance of some global search algorithms on a number of space trajectory design problems. A rigorous testing procedure is introduced to measure the ability of an algorithm to identify the set of ²-optimal solutions. From the analysis of the test results, a novel algorithm is derived. The development of the novel algorithm starts from the redefinition of some evolutionary heuristics in the form of a discrete dynamical system. The convergence properties of this discrete dynamical system are used to derive a hybrid evolutionary algorithm that displays very good performance on the particular class of problems presented in this paper

    Prediction short-term photovoltaic power using improved chicken swarm optimizer - Extreme learning machine model

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    Photovoltaic power generation is greatly affected by weather conditions while the photovoltaic power has a certain negative impact on the power grid. The power sector takes certain measures to abandon photovoltaic power generation, thus limiting the development of clean energy power generation. This study is to propose an accurate short-term photovoltaic power prediction method. A new short-term photovoltaic power output prediction model is proposed Based on extreme learning machine and intelligent optimizer. Firstly, the input of the model is determined by correlation coefficient method. Then the chicken swarm optimizer is improved to strengthen the convergence. Secondly, the improved chicken swarm optimizer is used to optimize the weights and the extreme learning machine thresholds to improve the prediction effect. Finally, the improved chicken swarm optimizer extreme learning machine model is used to predict the photovoltaic power under different weather conditions. The testing results show that the average mean absolute percentage error and root mean square error of improved chicken swarm optimizer - extreme learning machine model are 5.54% and 3.08%. The proposed method is of great significance for the economic dispatch of power systems and the development of clean energy

    Swarm Intelligence

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    Swarm Intelligence has emerged as one of the most studied artificial intelligence branches during the last decade, constituting the fastest growing stream in the bio-inspired computation community. A clear trend can be deduced analyzing some of the most renowned scientific databases available, showing that the interest aroused by this branch has increased at a notable pace in the last years. This book describes the prominent theories and recent developments of Swarm Intelligence methods, and their application in all fields covered by engineering. This book unleashes a great opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and practitioners interested in Swarm Intelligence, optimization problems, and artificial intelligence

    A particle swarm optimization based memetic algorithm for dynamic optimization problems

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010.Recently, there has been an increasing concern from the evolutionary computation community on dynamic optimization problems since many real-world optimization problems are dynamic. This paper investigates a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based memetic algorithm that hybridizes PSO with a local search technique for dynamic optimization problems. Within the framework of the proposed algorithm, a local version of PSO with a ring-shape topology structure is used as the global search operator and a fuzzy cognition local search method is proposed as the local search technique. In addition, a self-organized random immigrants scheme is extended into our proposed algorithm in order to further enhance its exploration capacity for new peaks in the search space. Experimental study over the moving peaks benchmark problem shows that the proposed PSO-based memetic algorithm is robust and adaptable in dynamic environments.This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 70431003 and Grant No. 70671020, the National Innovation Research Community Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60521003, the National Support Plan of China under Grant No. 2006BAH02A09 and the Ministry of Education, science, and Technology in Korea through the Second-Phase of Brain Korea 21 Project in 2009, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Grants under Grant G-YH60

    Collision avoidance maneuver design based on multi-objective optimization

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    The possibility of having collision between a satellite and a space debris or another satellite is becoming frequent. The amount of propellant is directly related to a satellite’s operational lifetime and revenue. Thus, collision avoidance maneuvers should be performed in the most efficient and effective manner possible. In this work the problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization. The first objective is the Δv, whereas the second and third one are the collision probability and relative distance between the satellite and the threatening object in a given time window after the maneuver. This is to take into account that multiple conjunctions might occur in the short-term. This is particularly true for the GEO regime, where close conjunction between a pair of object can occur approximately every 12h for a few days. Thus, a CAM can in principle reduce the collision probability for one event, but significantly increase it for others. Another objective function is then added to manage mission constraint. To evaluate the objective function, the TLE are propagated with SGP4/SDP4 to the current time of the maneuver, then the Δv is applied. This allow to compute the corresponding “modified” TLE after the maneuver and identify (in a given time window after the CAM) all the relative minima of the squared distance between the spacecraft and the approaching object, by solving a global optimization problem rigorously by means of the verified global optimizer COSY-GO. Finally the collision probability for the sieved encounters can be computed. A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimizer is used to compute the set of Pareto optimal solutions.The method has been applied to two test cases, one that considers a conjunction in GEO and another in LEO. Results show that, in particular for the GEO case, considering all the possible conjunctions after one week of the execution of a CAM can prevent the occurrence of new close encounters in the short-term