1,415 research outputs found

    Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computational Particle Filters for Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation

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    International audienceTo perform long-term and long-range missions, underwater vehicles need reliable navigation algorithms. This paper considers multi-beam Terrain Aided Navigation which can provide a drift-free navigation tool. This leads to an estimation problem with implicit observation equation and unknown likelihood. Indeed, the measurement sensor is considered to be a numerical black box model that introduces some unknown stochastic noise. We introduce a measurement updating procedure based on an adaptive kernel derived from Approximate Bayesian Computational filters. The proposed method is based on two well-known particle filters: Regularized Particle Filter and Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter. Numerical results are presented and the robustness is demonstrated with respect to the original filters, yielding to twice as less non-convergence cases. The proposed method increases the robustness of particle-like filters while remaining computationally efficient

    A Box Regularized Particle Filter for state estimation with severely ambiguous and non-linear measurements

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    International audienceThe first stage in any control system is to be able to accurately estimate the system's state. However, some types of measurements are ambiguous (non-injective) in terms of state. Existing algorithms for such problems, such as Monte Carlo methods, are computationally expensive or not robust to such ambiguity. We propose the Box Regularized Particle Filter (BRPF) to resolve these problems. Based on previous works on box particle filters, we present a more generic and accurate formulation of the algorithm, with two innovations: a generalized box resampling step and a kernel smoothing method, which is shown to be optimal in terms of Mean Integrated Square Error. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the efficiency of BRPF on a severely ambiguous and non-linear estimation problem, that of Terrain Aided Navigation. BRPF is compared to the Sequential Importance Resampling Particle Filter (SIR-PF), Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC), and the original Box Particle Filter (BPF). The algorithm outperforms existing methods in terms of Root Mean Square Error (e.g., improvement up to 42% in geographical position estimation with respect to the BPF) for a large initial uncertainty. The BRPF reduces the computational load by 73% and 90% for SIR-PF and MCMC, respectively, with similar RMSE values. This work offers an accurate (in terms of RMSE) and robust (in terms of divergence rate) way to tackle state estimation from ambiguous measurements while requiring a significantly lower computational load than classic Monte Carlo and particle filtering methods.The first stage in any control system is to be able to accurately estimate the system’s state. However, some types of measurements are ambiguous (non-injective) in terms of state. Existing algorithms for such problems, such as Monte Carlo methods, are computationally expensive or not robust to such ambiguity. We propose the Box Regularized Particle Filter (BRPF) to resolve these problems.Based on previous works on box particle filters, we present a more generic and accurate formulation of the algorithm, with two innovations: a generalized box resampling step and a kernel smoothing method, which is shown to be optimal in terms of Mean Integrated Square Error.Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the efficiency of BRPF on a severely ambiguous and non-linear estimation problem, the Terrain Aided Navigation. BRPF is compared to the Sequential Importance Resampling Particle Filter (SIR-PF), the Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach (MCMC), and the original Box Particle Filter (BPF). The algorithm is demonstrated to outperform existing methods in terms of Root Mean Square Error (e.g., improvement up to 42% in geographical position estimation with respect to the BPF) for a large initial uncertainty.The BRPF yields a computational load reduction of 73% with respect to the SIR-PF and of 90% with respect to MCMC for similar RMSE orders of magnitude. The present work offers an accurate (in terms of RMSE) and robust (in terms of divergence rate) way to tackle state estimation from ambiguous measurements while requiring a significantly lower computational load than classic Monte Carlo and particle filtering methods

    Cooperative bathymetry-based localization using low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles

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    We present a cooperative bathymetry-based localization approach for a team of low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), each equipped only with a single-beam altimeter, a depth sensor and an acoustic modem. The localization of the individual AUV is achieved via fully decentralized particle filtering, with the local filter’s measurement model driven by the AUV’s altimeter measurements and ranging information obtained through inter-vehicle communication. We perform empirical analysis on the factors that affect the filter performance. Simulation studies using randomly generated trajectories as well as trajectories executed by the AUVs during field experiments successfully demonstrate the feasibility of the technique. The proposed cooperative localization technique has the potential to prolong AUV mission time, and thus open the door for long-term autonomy underwater.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical EngineeringSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) (Graduate Fellowship


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    Accurate and robust autonomous underwater navigation (AUV) requires the fundamental task of position estimation in a variety of conditions. Additionally, the U.S. Navy would prefer to have systems that are not dependent on external beacon systems such as global positioning system (GPS), since they are subject to jamming and spoofing and can reduce operational effectiveness. Current methodologies such as Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) use exteroceptive imaging sensors for building a local reference position estimate and will not be useful when those sensors are out of range. What is needed are multiple navigation filters where each can be more effective depending on the mission conditions. This thesis investigates how to combine multiple navigation filters to provide a more robust AUV position estimate. The solution presented is to blend two different filtering methodologies utilizing an interacting multiple model (IMM) estimation approach based on an information theoretic framework. The first filter is a model-based Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that is effective under dead reckoning (DR) conditions. The second is a Particle Filter approach for Active Terrain Aided Navigation (ATAN) that is appropriate when in sensor range. Using data collected at Lake Crescent, Washington, each of the navigation filters are developed with results and then we demonstrate how an IMM information theoretic approach can be used to blend approaches to improve position and orientation estimation.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Probablistic approaches for intelligent AUV localisation

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    This thesis studies the problem of intelligent localisation for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). After an introduction about robot localisation and specific issues in the underwater domain, the thesis will focus on passive techniques for AUV localisation, highlighting experimental results and comparison among different techniques. Then, it will develop active techniques, which require intelligent decisions about the steps to undertake in order for the AUV to localise itself. The undertaken methodology consisted in three stages: theoretical analysis of the problem, tests with a simulation environment, integration in the robot architecture and field trials. The conclusions highlight applications and scenarios where the developed techniques have been successfully used or can be potentially used to enhance the results given by current techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is in the proposal of an active localisation module, which is able to determine the best set of action to be executed, in order to maximise the localisation results, in terms of time and efficiency

    Advances in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Confined Underwater Environments Using Sonar and Optical Imaging.

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    This thesis reports on the incorporation of surface information into a probabilistic simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework used on an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) designed for underwater inspection. AUVs operating in cluttered underwater environments, such as ship hulls or dams, are commonly equipped with Doppler-based sensors, which---in addition to navigation---provide a sparse representation of the environment in the form of a three-dimensional (3D) point cloud. The goal of this thesis is to develop perceptual algorithms that take full advantage of these sparse observations for correcting navigational drift and building a model of the environment. In particular, we focus on three objectives. First, we introduce a novel representation of this 3D point cloud as collections of planar features arranged in a factor graph. This factor graph representation probabalistically infers the spatial arrangement of each planar segment and can effectively model smooth surfaces (such as a ship hull). Second, we show how this technique can produce 3D models that serve as input to our pipeline that produces the first-ever 3D photomosaics using a two-dimensional (2D) imaging sonar. Finally, we propose a model-assisted bundle adjustment (BA) framework that allows for robust registration between surfaces observed from a Doppler sensor and visual features detected from optical images. Throughout this thesis, we show methods that produce 3D photomosaics using a combination of triangular meshes (derived from our SLAM framework or given a-priori), optical images, and sonar images. Overall, the contributions of this thesis greatly increase the accuracy, reliability, and utility of in-water ship hull inspection with AUVs despite the challenges they face in underwater environments. We provide results using the Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV) for autonomous ship hull inspection, which serves as the primary testbed for the algorithms presented in this thesis. The sensor payload of the HAUV consists primarily of: a Doppler velocity log (DVL) for underwater navigation and ranging, monocular and stereo cameras, and---for some applications---an imaging sonar.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120750/1/paulozog_1.pd

    Multi-Epoch 3D-Mapping-Aided Positioning using Bayesian Filtering Techniques

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    In dense urban areas, conventional GNSS does not perform satisfactorily, sometimes resulting in errors of tens of metres. This is due to the blocking, reflection and diffraction of GNSS satellite signals by obstructions such as buildings and moving vehicles. The 3D mapping data of buildings can be used to predict which GNSS signals are line-of-sight (LOS) and which are non-line-of-sight (NLOS). These data have been shown to greatly improve GNSS performance in urban environments. Location-based services typically use single-epoch positioning, while all pedestrian and vehicle navigation applications use filtered solutions. Filtering can reduce the impact of noise-like errors on the position solution. Kalman filtering-based solutions have been adopted as one of the standard algorithms for GNSS navigation in many different products, and particle filtering has been demonstrated by several research groups. This paper mainly investigates the performance of different filtering algorithms combined with 3D-mapping-aided (3DMA) techniques. In addition to the Kalman filter and particle filter, the grid filter is also considered. In contrast to a particle filter, the hypotheses of a grid filter are uniformly distributed (forming a grid), but with different likelihoods, which better fits the physics of the problem. At the same time, this allows the current UCL’s single-epoch 3DMA GNSS positioning algorithm to be easily extended to multi-epoch situations. This paper then compares the performance of these continuous positioning algorithms in urban environments. The datasets used for testing include pedestrian and vehicle navigation data, covering two main application scenarios that often appear in cities. Pedestrian navigation data is static, and was collected in the City of London using a u-blox EVK M8T GNSS receiver. The vehicle navigation data consists of GPS and Galileo measurements, collected in Canary Wharf by a trials van with a Racelogic Labsat 3 GNSS front end. Subsequently, these data are fed into several single- and multi-epoch filtering algorithms, including single-epoch conventional GNSS, single-epoch 3DMA GNSS, conventional extended Kalman Filter (EKF), conventional particle filter (PF), 3DMA GNSS particle filter (PF), and 3DMA GNSS grid filter (GF). The results show that filtering has a greater impact on the results of mobile positioning with significant movement compared to static positioning. In vehicle tests, the conventional multi-epoch GNSS algorithms improve positioning accuracy by more than 40% compared to single-epoch GNSS, whereas in static positioning they deliver a limited improvement. 3DMA GNSS significantly improves positioning accuracy in the denser environments, but provides little benefit in more open areas. The 3DMA GNSS techniques and the filtering algorithms benefit each other. The former provides the latter with a better position solution at the measurement update step, while the latter in turn repays the former with a better initial position and a smaller search area. In vehicle tests at Canary Wharf, the 3DMA GNSS filtering reduces the overall solution error by approximately 50% and 40% compared to the single-epoch 3DMA GNSS and filtered conventional GNSS, respectively. Thus, multi-epoch 3DMA GNSS filtering should bring maximum benefit to mobile positioning in dense environments. The results from both datasets also confirm that the performance of 3DMA GNSS particle filtering and grid filtering are similar in terms of positional accuracy. In terms of efficiency, 3DMA GNSS grid filtering uses fewer particles to achieve the same coverage of the search area as particle filtering

    Real-time performance-focused on localisation techniques for autonomous vehicle: a review

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    Multi-Epoch 3D-Mapping-Aided Positioning using Bayesian Filtering Techniques

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    The performance of different filtering algorithms combined with 3D mapping-aided (3DMA) techniques is investigated in this paper. Several single- and multi-epoch filtering algorithms were implemented and then tested on static pedestrian navigation data collected in the City of London using a u-blox EVK M8T GNSS receiver and vehicle navigation data collected in Canary Wharf, London, by a trial van with a Racelogic Labsat 3 GNSS front-end. The results show that filtering has a greater impact on mobile positioning than static positioning, while 3DMA GNSS brings more significant improvements to positioning accuracy in denser environments than in more open areas. Thus, multi-epoch 3DMA GNSS filtering should bring the maximum benefit to mobile positioning in dense environments. In vehicle tests at Canary Wharf, 3DMA GNSS filtering reduced the RMS horizontal position error by approximately 68% and 57% compared to the single-epoch 3DMA GNSS and filtered conventional GNSS, respectively
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