163 research outputs found

    Particle Filter Tracking of Complex Stochastic Systems Applied to In Silico Wavefront Propagation

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    Proceeding of 2018 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), September 23-26, 2018, Maastricht, The NetherlandsA high dimensional tracking system based on the FithzHugh-Nagumo (FH-N) equations emulating the biological excitation and propagation dynamics of the action potential across cardiac cells is proposed. The modified FH-N model tracks the electric cardiac wavefronts on a tissue, emulating an approximated atrial fibrillation scenario. Bayesian tracking is achieved with two particle filter (PF) schemes: a sequential Auxiliary PF (APF) and a parallelized method, Independent APF (IAPF). The numerical results of the two examples, involving both estimation errors and running times, provide numerical evidence that support the theoretical findings.This work has been partly supported by MINECO/FEDER (ADVENTURE, id. TEC2015-69868-C2-1-R), and Comunidad de Madrid (project CASI-CAM-CM, id. S2013/ICE-2845).Publicad

    Rotor detection in atrial fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias in the clinical practice. Catheter ablation method was developed more than 20 years ago as an approach to terminate this rhythm disorder. Since its outbreak, this technique obtained international acceptance among the clinicians, and technological advances in this field increased its safety while reducing the procedure duration. However, there is no perfect AF treatment procedure described yet, since the understanding of the driving and sustaining AF mechanisms remains poor, with pulmonary vein isolation being the most common ablation strategy. Several theories try to explain the initiating and maintenance mechanisms of the AF, ranging from multiple wavelets propagating at random in the atria to ectopic focus fired from the pulmonary veins. Alternatively, spatiotemporal stable sources (rotors) have been proposed as the maintenance mechanism of AF. The most representative characteristic of a rotor is the re-entry spiral-like propagation pattern that the electrical wavefront exhibits as it propagates. The assessment of its presence and posterior ablation of the sites where rotors anchor might improve the success of AF ablation. Technical solutions emerged focusing on the rotor assessment problem. They base their methods on the reconstruction of the atrial activity using multi-electrode catheters and phase maps, in which they detect singularity points, the sites where rotors spin. The ablation of these sites showed promising results, but the difficulty to reproduce the results by other authors increased the controversy on this technique. In this Thesis we address the rotor detection problem in the time domain as opposed to current methods based on the phase domain of the signals. We develop a new method to identify local activation times (LATs) in unipolar electrograms (EGMs) recorded with multi-electrode catheters. We propose a new filtering scheme to enhance the activation component of the EGM while considerably reducing the presence of noise in the signal. This signal processing method reects the real activity of the tissue in contact with the electrode. It opposes the Hilbert transform (HT) used to extract the phase component of the signal, that do not correlate well with the temporal activations. With the EGM LATs we perform a spatial interpolation translating the electrode positions of the catheter into a regular 2D grid. This way we generate isochronal maps revealing the electrical wavefronts in the atrium. What is more, this step guarantees compatibility with multi-electrode catheters, not restricting the method to specific models. With the isochronal maps, we develop a new rotor detection algorithm based on the optical flow of the wavefront dynamics, and a rotation pattern match. Additionally, we develop a new method based on Granger's causality to estimate the directionality of the wavefronts, that provides an additional indicator for rotational patterns. We validate the methods using in silico and real AF signals. We implement these methods into a system that can assess the presence of rotational activation sites in the atrium. Our system is able to operate in realtime with multi-electrode catheters of different topologies in contact with the atrial wall. We integrate signal acquisition and processing in our system, allowing direct acquisition of the signals without requiring signal exportation from a recording device, which delays the clinical procedure. We address the computational time handicap by designing parallelizable signal processing steps. We employ multi-core processors and GPU based code to distribute the computations and minimize the processing times, achieving near real-time results. The results presented in this Thesis provide a new technical solution to detect the presence of rotational activity (rotors) in AF patients in real-time. Although the presence of rotational activity is itself controversial, we individually validate each of the steps of the procedure and obtain evidence of the presence of rotational activity in AF patients. The system has been also found useful to characterize the atrial sites where rotational activity was found in terms of spatial and voltage distribution. The results of this Thesis provide a new alternative to existing methods based on phase analysis and open a new research line in the detection of the mechanisms sustaining AF.La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una de las arritmias más comunes en la práctica clínica. Para tratar de terminar esta fibrilación en pacientes se desarrollo el método de ablación con catéter hace ya más de 20 años. Desde su puesta en marchar esta técnica ha ido ganando aceptación internacional por parte de la comunidad médica, y los avances tecnológicos desarrollados en esta línea han aumentado la seguridad y disminuido la duración del procedimiento. Sin embargo todavía no existe un tratamiento perfecto para tratar la FA, debido en parte a que el conocimiento de los mecanismos que inician y sostienen la fibrilación son limitados. Como método de ablación el aislamiento de las venas pulmonares prevalece como el más empleado en la práctica, pero se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevos métodos para hacer frente al problema de la FA. Distintas teorías tratan de explicar los mecanismos de inicio y mantenimiento de la FA, desde unas basadas en la propagación de múltiples frentes de onda aleatorios en las aurículas, hasta las que basan su hipótesis en focos ectópicos disparados principalmente desde las venas pulmonares, entre otras teorías. Recientemente, una de estas teorías basada en fuentes espacio-temporalmente estables (rotores) se propuso como mecanismo de mantenimiento de la FA. La característica más representativa de un rotor es su patrón de reentrada en forma de espiral que realiza el frente de onda eléctrico en el tejido auricular. La evaluación de la presencia de rotores y la posterior de los sitios en los que se encuentren puede mejorar el éxito de la ablación en pacientes con FA. En vista de esta tendencia por la búsqueda de rotores se desarrollaron soluciones técnicas para la evaluación de zonas que alberguen actividad rotacional. Sus técnicas se basan en la reconstrucción de la actividad auricular empleando catéteres multi-electrodo y detectando puntos de singularidad en mapas de phase, esto es la posición en la aurícula en la que el rotor gira. La ablación de estos puntos mostró resultados prometedores, pero la dificultad por replicar los resultados por parte de otros autores incremento la controversia con respecto a esta técnica. En esta Tesis abordamos el problema de la detección de rotores en el dominio del tiempo, oponiéndonos a las técnicas actuales basadas en el dominio de la fase de las señales. Para ello hemos desarrollado un nuevo para identificar tiempos de activación local en electrogramas unipolares registrados con catéteres multi-electrodo. Para ello proponemos un nuevo método de filtrado para realzar la activación del electrograma reduciendo considerablemente la presencia de ruido en la señal. Con este procesado de la señal extraemos y reflejamos la actividad real del tejido en contacto con el electrodo. Al mismo tiempo nos oponemos a la transformada de Hilbert empleada para calcular la componente de fase de la señal, que es sabido no tiene una buena correlación con las activaciones temporales. Con los electrogramas y los tiempos de activación locales aplicamos una interpolación espacial logrando trasladar la posición de los electrodos en el catéter a una rejilla regular en 2D. Mediante este paso generamos mapas isócronos que reconstruyen los frentes de onda eléctricos que se propagan en la aurícula. Además, la interpolación nos permite garantizar una compatibilidad con otros catéteres multi-electrodos, no restringiendo el uso de nuestro método a modelos específicos. Con los mapas isócronos hemos desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo de detección de rotores basado en el flujo óptico de la dinámica del frente de onda que hacemos coincidir con un patrón de rotación. Adicionalmente hemos desarrollado un nuevo método basad en la causalidad propuesta por Granger para estimar la dirección de los frentes de propagación, que sirve como indicador adicional para encontrar patrones de activación rotacional. Hemos validado todos y cada uno de los métodos empleando señales in silico así como señales reales de pacientes con FA. En la parte de aplicación, hemos implementado los métodos en un sistema que evalúa la presencia de actividad rotacional en la aurícula. Nuestro sistema opera en tiempo real siendo compatible con catéteres multi-electrodo de diferentes topologías asegurando contacto con la pared auricular. Para evitar sobreextender el procedimiento clínico, hemos integrado las partes de adquisición y procesado de señal conjuntamente, lo que nos permite un registro de las señales directo sin viii necesidad de requerir un exportado adicional desde un sistema de registro. Para hacer frente al objetivo de presentar los resultados en tiempo real hemos diseñado todos los pasos de procesado de señal para que sean paralelizables. Para ello empleamos procesadores multinúcleo y código para ejecutar en tarjetas gráficas (GPUs) para distribuir las computaciones y minimizar el tiempo de procesado, logrando resultados en quasi tiempo real. Hemos empleado el sistema de detección de rotores para estudiar la distribución espacial y de voltaje de los sitios que muestran actividad rotacional en la aurícula. Aunque la presencia de actividad rotacional es en sí misma controvertida, hemos validad individualmente todos y cada uno de los pasos descritos obteniendo evidencia de la presencia de actividad rotacional en pacientes con FA.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Pablo Laguna Lasaosa.- Secretario: Pablo Martínez Olmos.- Vocal: Batiste Andreu Martínez Climen

    A computational framework for bioimaging simulation

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    Using bioimaging technology, biologists have attempted to identify and document analytical interpretations that underlie biological phenomena in biological cells. Theoretical biology aims at distilling those interpretations into knowledge in the mathematical form of biochemical reaction networks and understanding how higher level functions emerge from the combined action of biomolecules. However, there still remain formidable challenges in bridging the gap between bioimaging and mathematical modeling. Generally, measurements using fluorescence microscopy systems are influenced by systematic effects that arise from stochastic nature of biological cells, the imaging apparatus, and optical physics. Such systematic effects are always present in all bioimaging systems and hinder quantitative comparison between the cell model and bioimages. Computational tools for such a comparison are still unavailable. Thus, in this work, we present a computational framework for handling the parameters of the cell models and the optical physics governing bioimaging systems. Simulation using this framework can generate digital images of cell simulation results after accounting for the systematic effects. We then demonstrate that such a framework enables comparison at the level of photon-counting units.Comment: 57 page

    Stories from different worlds in the universe of complex systems: A journey through microstructural dynamics and emergent behaviours in the human heart and financial markets

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    A physical system is said to be complex if it exhibits unpredictable structures, patterns or regularities emerging from microstructural dynamics involving a large number of components. The study of complex systems, known as complexity science, is maturing into an independent and multidisciplinary area of research seeking to understand microscopic interactions and macroscopic emergence across a broad spectrum systems, such as the human brain and the economy, by combining specific modelling techniques, data analytics, statistics and computer simulations. In this dissertation we examine two different complex systems, the human heart and financial markets, and present various research projects addressing specific problems in these areas. Cardiac fibrillation is a diffuse pathology in which the periodic planar electrical conduction across the cardiac tissue is disrupted and replaced by fast and disorganised electrical waves. In spite of a century-long history of research, numerous debates and disputes on the mechanisms of cardiac fibrillation are still unresolved while the outcomes of clinical treatments remain far from satisfactory. In this dissertation we use cellular automata and mean-field models to qualitatively replicate the onset and maintenance of cardiac fibrillation from the interactions among neighboring cells and the underlying topology of the cardiac tissue. We use these models to study the transition from paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation, the mechanisms through which the gap-junction enhancer drug Rotigaptide terminates cardiac fibrillation and how focal and circuital drivers of fibrillation may co-exist as projections of transmural electrical activities. Financial markets are hubs in which heterogeneous participants, such as humans and algorithms, adopt different strategic behaviors to exchange financial assets. In recent decades the widespread adoption of algorithmic trading, the electronification of financial transactions, the increased competition among trading venues and the use of sophisticated financial instruments drove the transformation of financial markets into a global and interconnected complex system. In this thesis we introduce agent-based and state-space models to describe specific microstructural dynamics in the stock and foreign exchange markets. We use these models to replicate the emergence of cross-currency correlations from the interactions between heterogeneous participants in the currency market and to disentangle the relationships between price fluctuations, market liquidity and demand/supply imbalances in the stock market.Open Acces

    Opto-Thermal Characterization of Plasmon and Coupled Lattice Resonances in 2-D Metamaterial Arrays

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    Growing population and climate change inevitably requires longstanding dependency on sustainable sources of energy that are conducive to ecological balance, economies of scale and reduction of waste heat. Plasmonic-photonic systems are at the forefront of offering a promising path towards efficient light harvesting for enhanced optoelectronics, sensing, and chemical separations. Two-dimensional (2-D) metamaterial arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles arranged in polymer lattices developed herein support thermoplasmonic heating at off-resonances (near infrared, NIR) in addition to regular plasmonic resonances (visible), which extends their applicability compared to random dispersions. Especially, thermal responses of 2-D arrays at coupled lattice resonance (CLR) wavelengths were comparable in magnitudes to their counterparts at plasmon wavelengths. Opto-thermal characterization of 2-D arrays was conducted with a white light irradiation in the current work. Finite element analysis involving a three-dimensional (3-D) COMSOL model mimicked the heat transfer and average temperature increases in these systems at plasmon resonances with a ≤ 0.5 % discrepancy at the absorbed, extinguished power of the radiation. All-optical, mesoscopic characterization of 2-D arrays involving trichromatic particle analysis allowed detailed investigation of effects of particle populations and ordering on the optical signals of plasmon and CLR in addition to indicating a critical point of emergence for CLR. Overall, engineering these thermoplasmonic metamaterials for enhanced optothermal dissipation at visible to near-IR radiation supports their rapid implementation into emerging sustainable energy and healthcare systems

    Novel Cardiac Mapping Approaches and Multimodal Techniques to Unravel Multidomain Dynamics of Complex Arrhythmias Towards a Framework for Translational Mechanistic-Based Therapeutic Strategies

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    [ES] Las arritmias cardíacas son un problema importante para los sistemas de salud en el mundo desarrollado debido a su alta incidencia y prevalencia a medida que la población envejece. La fibrilación auricular (FA) y la fibrilación ventricular (FV) se encuentran entre las arritmias más complejas observadas en la práctica clínica. Las consecuencias clínicas de tales alteraciones arrítmicas incluyen el desarrollo de eventos cardioembólicos complejos en la FA, y repercusiones dramáticas debido a procesos fibrilatorios sostenidos que amenazan la vida infringiendo daño neurológico tras paro cardíaco por FV, y que pueden provocar la muerte súbita cardíaca (MSC). Sin embargo, a pesar de los avances tecnológicos de las últimas décadas, sus mecanismos intrínsecos se comprenden de forma incompleta y, hasta la fecha, las estrategias terapéuticas carecen de una base mecanicista suficiente y poseen bajas tasas de éxito. Entre los mecanismos implicados en la inducción y perpetuación de arritmias cardíacas, como la FA, se cree que las dinámicas de las fuentes focales y reentrantes de alta frecuencia, en sus diferentes modalidades, son las fuentes primarias que mantienen la arritmia. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre los atractores, así como, de la dinámica espacio-temporal de tales fuentes fibrilatorias primarias, específicamente, las fuentes focales o rotacionales dominantes que mantienen la arritmia. Por ello, se ha desarrollado una plataforma computacional, para comprender los factores (activos, pasivos y estructurales) determinantes, y moduladores de dicha dinámica. Esto ha permitido establecer un marco para comprender la compleja dinámica de los rotores con énfasis en sus propiedades deterministas para desarrollar herramientas basadas en los mecanismos para ayuda diagnóstica y terapéutica. Comprender los procesos fibrilatorios es clave para desarrollar marcadores y herramientas fisiológica- y clínicamente relevantes para la ayuda de diagnóstico temprano. Específicamente, las propiedades espectrales y de tiempo-frecuencia de los procesos fibrilatorios han demostrado resaltar el comportamiento determinista principal de los mecanismos intrínsecos subyacentes a las arritmias y el impacto de tales eventos arrítmicos. Esto es especialmente relevante para determinar el pronóstico temprano de los supervivientes comatosos después de un paro cardíaco debido a fibrilación ventricular (FV). Las técnicas de mapeo electrofisiológico, el mapeo eléctrico y óptico cardíaco, han demostrado ser recursos muy valiosos para dar forma a nuevas hipótesis y desarrollar nuevos enfoques mecanicistas y estrategias terapéuticas mejoradas. Esta tecnología permite además el trabajo multidisciplinar entre clínicos y bioingenieros, para el desarrollo y validación de dispositivos y metodologías para identificar biomarcadores multi-dominio que permitan rastrear con precisión la dinámica de las arritmias identificando fuentes dominantes y atractores con alta precisión para ser dianas de estrategias terapeúticas innovadoras. Es por ello que uno de los objetivos fundamentales ha sido la implantación y validación de nuevos sistemas de mapeo en distintas configuraciones que sirvan de plataforma de desarrollo de nuevas estrategias terapeúticas. Aunque el mapeo panorámico es el método principal y más completo para rastrear simultáneamente biomarcadores electrofisiológicos, su adopción por la comunidad científica es limitada principalmente debido al coste elevado de la tecnología. Aprovechando los avances tecnológicos recientes, nos hemos enfocado en desarrollar, y validar, sistemas de mapeo óptico de alta resolución para registro panorámico cardíaco, utilizando modelos clínicamente relevantes para la investigación básica y la bioingeniería.[CA] Les arítmies cardíaques són un problema important per als sistemes de salut del món desenvolupat a causa de la seva alta incidència i prevalença a mesura que la població envelleix. La fibril·lació auricular (FA) i la fibril·lació ventricular (FV), es troben entre les arítmies més complexes observades a la pràctica clínica. Les conseqüències clíniques d'aquests trastorns arítmics inclouen el desenvolupament d'esdeveniments cardioembòlics complexos en FA i repercussions dramàtiques a causa de processos fibril·latoris sostinguts que posen en perill la vida amb danys neurològics posteriors a la FV, que condueixen a una aturada cardíaca i a la mort cardíaca sobtada (SCD). Tanmateix, malgrat els avanços tecnològics de les darreres dècades, els seus mecanismes intrínsecs s'entenen de forma incompleta i, fins a la data, les estratègies terapèutiques no tenen una base mecanicista suficient i tenen baixes taxes d'èxit. La majoria dels avenços en el desenvolupament de biomarcadors òptims i noves estratègies terapèutiques en aquest camp provenen de tècniques valuoses en la investigació de mecanismes d'arítmia. Entre els mecanismes implicats en la inducció i perpetuació de les arítmies cardíaques, es creu que les fonts primàries subjacents a l'arítmia són les fonts focals reingressants d'alta freqüència dinàmica i AF, en les seves diferents modalitats. Tot i això, se sap poc sobre els atractors i la dinàmica espaciotemporal d'aquestes fonts primàries fibril·ladores, específicament les fonts rotacionals o focals dominants que mantenen l'arítmia. Per tant, s'ha desenvolupat una plataforma computacional per entendre determinants actius, passius, estructurals i moduladors d'aquestes dinàmiques. Això va permetre establir un marc per entendre la complexa dinàmica multidomini dels rotors amb ènfasi en les seves propietats deterministes per desenvolupar enfocaments mecanicistes per a l'ajuda i la teràpia diagnòstiques. La comprensió dels processos fibril·latoris és clau per desenvolupar puntuacions i eines rellevants fisiològicament i clínicament per ajudar al diagnòstic precoç. Concretament, les propietats espectrals i de temps-freqüència dels processos fibril·latoris han demostrat destacar un comportament determinista important dels mecanismes intrínsecs subjacents a les arítmies i l'impacte d'aquests esdeveniments arítmics. Mitjançant coneixements previs, processament de senyals, tècniques d'aprenentatge automàtic i anàlisi de dades, es va desenvolupar una puntuació de risc mecanicista a la aturada cardíaca per FV. Les tècniques de cartografia òptica cardíaca i electrofisiològica han demostrat ser recursos inestimables per donar forma a noves hipòtesis i desenvolupar nous enfocaments mecanicistes i estratègies terapèutiques. Aquesta tecnologia ha permès durant molts anys provar noves estratègies terapèutiques farmacològiques o ablatives i desenvolupar mètodes multidominis per fer un seguiment precís de la dinàmica d'arrímies que identifica fonts i atractors dominants. Tot i que el mapatge panoràmic és el mètode principal per al seguiment simultani de paràmetres electrofisiològics, la seva adopció per part de la comunitat multidisciplinària d'investigació cardiovascular està limitada principalment pel cost de la tecnologia. Aprofitant els avenços tecnològics recents, ens centrem en el desenvolupament i la validació de sistemes de mapes òptics de baix cost per a imatges panoràmiques mitjançant models clínicament rellevants per a la investigació bàsica i la bioenginyeria.[EN] Cardiac arrhythmias are a major problem for health systems in the developed world due to their high incidence and prevalence as the population ages. Atrial fibrillation (AF) and ventricular fibrillation (VF), are amongst the most complex arrhythmias seen in the clinical practice. Clinical consequences of such arrhythmic disturbances include developing complex cardio-embolic events in AF, and dramatic repercussions due to sustained life-threatening fibrillatory processes with subsequent neurological damage under VF, leading to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, despite the technological advances in the last decades, their intrinsic mechanisms are incompletely understood, and, to date, therapeutic strategies lack of sufficient mechanistic basis and have low success rates. Most of the progress for developing optimal biomarkers and novel therapeutic strategies in this field has come from valuable techniques in the research of arrhythmia mechanisms. Amongst the mechanisms involved in the induction and perpetuation of cardiac arrhythmias such AF, dynamic high-frequency re-entrant and focal sources, in its different modalities, are thought to be the primary sources underlying the arrhythmia. However, little is known about the attractors and spatiotemporal dynamics of such fibrillatory primary sources, specifically dominant rotational or focal sources maintaining the arrhythmia. Therefore, a computational platform for understanding active, passive and structural determinants, and modulators of such dynamics was developed. This allowed stablishing a framework for understanding the complex multidomain dynamics of rotors with enphasis in their deterministic properties to develop mechanistic approaches for diagnostic aid and therapy. Understanding fibrillatory processes is key to develop physiologically and clinically relevant scores and tools for early diagnostic aid. Specifically, spectral and time-frequency properties of fibrillatory processes have shown to highlight major deterministic behaviour of intrinsic mechanisms underlying the arrhythmias and the impact of such arrhythmic events. Using prior knowledge, signal processing, machine learning techniques and data analytics, we aimed at developing a reliable mechanistic risk-score for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest due to VF. Cardiac optical mapping and electrophysiological mapping techniques have shown to be unvaluable resources to shape new hypotheses and develop novel mechanistic approaches and therapeutic strategies. This technology has allowed for many years testing new pharmacological or ablative therapeutic strategies, and developing multidomain methods to accurately track arrhymia dynamics identigying dominant sources and attractors. Even though, panoramic mapping is the primary method for simultaneously tracking electrophysiological parameters, its adoption by the multidisciplinary cardiovascular research community is limited mainly due to the cost of the technology. Taking advantage of recent technological advances, we focus on developing and validating low-cost optical mapping systems for panoramic imaging using clinically relevant models for basic research and bioengineering.Calvo Saiz, CJ. (2022). Novel Cardiac Mapping Approaches and Multimodal Techniques to Unravel Multidomain Dynamics of Complex Arrhythmias Towards a Framework for Translational Mechanistic-Based Therapeutic Strategies [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182329TESI

    Computational Framework For Neuro-Optics Simulation And Deep Learning Denoising

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    The application of machine learning techniques in microscopic image restoration has shown superior performance. However, the development of such techniques has been hindered by the demand for large datasets and the lack of ground truth. To address these challenges, this study introduces a computer simulation model that accurately captures the neural anatomic volume, fluorescence light transportation within the tissue volume, and the photon collection process of microscopic imaging sensors. The primary goal of this simulation is to generate realistic image data for training and validating machine learning models. One notable aspect of this study is the incorporation of a machine learning denoiser into the simulation, which accelerates the computational efficiency of the entire process. By reducing noise levels in the generated images, the denoiser significantly enhances the simulation\u27s performance, allowing for faster and more accurate modeling and analysis of microscopy images. This approach addresses the limitations of data availability and ground truth annotation, offering a practical and efficient solution for microscopic image restoration. The integration of a machine learning denoiser within the simulation significantly accelerates the overall simulation process, while improving the quality of the generated images. This advancement opens new possibilities for training and validating machine learning models in microscopic image restoration, overcoming the challenges of large datasets and the lack of ground truth

    Bimodal sound source tracking applied to road traffic monitoring

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    The constant increase of road traffic requires closer and closer road network monitoring. The awareness of traffic characteristics in real time as well as its historical trends, facilitates decision-making for flow regulation, triggering relief operations, ensuring the motorists’ safety and contribute to optimize transport infrastructures. Today, the heterogeneity of the available data makes their processing complex and expensive (multiple sensors with different technologies, placed in different locations, with their own data format, unsynchronized, etc.). This leads metrologists to develop “smarter” monitoring devices, i.e. capable of providing all the necessary data synchronized from a single measurement point, with no impact on the flow road itself and ideally without complex installation. This work contributes to achieve such an objective through the development of a passive, compact, non-intrusive, acoustic-based system composed of a microphone array with a few number of elements placed on the roadside. The proposed signal processing techniques enable vehicle detection, the estimation of their speed as well as the estimation of their wheelbase length as they pass by. Sound sources emitted by tyre/road interactions are localized using generalized cross-correlation functions between sensor pairs. These successive correlation measurements are filtered using a sequential Monte Carlo method (particle filter) enabling, on one hand, the simultaneous tracking of multiple vehicles (that follow or pass each other) and on the other hand, a discrimination between useful sound sources and interfering noises. This document focuses on two-axle road vehicles only. The two tyre/road interactions (front and rear) observed by a microphone array on the roadside are modeled as two stochastic, zero-mean and uncorrelated processes, spatially disjoint by the wheelbase length. This bimodal sound source model defines a specific particle filter, called bimodal particle filter, which is presented here. Compared to the classical (unimodal) particle filter, a better robustness for speed estimation is achieved especially in cases of harsh observation. Moreover the proposed algorithm enables the wheelbase length estimation through purely passive acoustic measurement. An innovative microphone array design methodology, based on a mathematical expression of the observation and the tracking methodology itself is also presented. The developed algorithms are validated and assessed through in-situ measurements. Estimates provided by the acoustical signal processing are compared with standard radar measurements and confronted to video monitoring images. Although presented in a purely road-related applied context, we feel that the developed methodologies can be, at least partly, applied to rail, aerial, underwater or industrial metrology