63 research outputs found

    Lower bounds on the estimation performance in low complexity quantize-and-forward cooperative systems

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    Cooperative communication can effectively mitigate the effects of multipath propagation fading by using relay channels to provide spatial diversity. A relaying scheme suitable for half-duplex devices is the quantize-and-forward (QF) protocol, in which the information received from the source is quantized at the relay before being forwarded to the destination. In this contribution, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) is obtained for the case where all channel parameters in a QF system are estimated at the destination. The CRB is a lower bound (LB) on the mean square estimation error (MSEE) of an unbiased estimate and can thus be used to benchmark practical estimation algorithms. Additionally, the modified Cramer-Rao bound (MCRB) is also presented, which is a looser but computationally less complex bound. An importance sampling technique is developed to speed up the computation of the MCRBs, and the MSEE performance of a practical estimation algorithm is compared with the (M)CRBs. We point out that the parameters of the source-destination and relay-destination channels can be accurately estimated but that inevitably the source-relay channel estimate is poor when the instantaneous SNR on the relay-destination channel is low; however, in this case, the decoder performance is not affected by the inaccurate source-relay channel estimate

    Channel estimation, synchronisation and contention resolution in wireless communication networks

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    In the past decade, the number of wireless communications users is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, limited radio resources must accommodate the increasing number of users. Hence, the efficient use of radio spectrum is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. In order to improve the spectral efficiency for the wireless communication networks, we investigate two promising technologies, the relaying and the multiple access schemes. In the physical (PHY) layer of the open systems interconnect (OSI) model, the relaying schemes are capable to improve the transmission reliability and expand transmission coverage via cooperative communications by using relay nodes. Hence, the two-way relay network (TWRN), a cooperative communications network, is investigated in the first part of the thesis. In the media access control (MAC) layer of the OSI model, the multiple access schemes are able to schedule multiple transmissions by efficiently allocating limited radio resources. As a result, the contention-based multiple access schemes for contention resolution are explored in the second part of the thesis. In the first part of the thesis, the channel estimation for the two-way relay networks (TWRNs) is investigated. Firstly, the channel estimation issue is considered under the assumption of the perfect synchronisation. Then, the channel estimation is conducted, by relaxing the assumption of perfect synchronisation. Another challenge facing the wireless communication systems is the contention and interference due to multiple transmissions from multiple nodes, sharing the common communication medium. To improve the spectral efficiency in the media access control layer, a self-adaptive backoff (SAB) algorithm is proposed to resolve contention in the contention-based multiple access networks

    Channel estimation, synchronisation and contention resolution in wireless communication networks

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    In the past decade, the number of wireless communications users is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, limited radio resources must accommodate the increasing number of users. Hence, the efficient use of radio spectrum is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. In order to improve the spectral efficiency for the wireless communication networks, we investigate two promising technologies, the relaying and the multiple access schemes. In the physical (PHY) layer of the open systems interconnect (OSI) model, the relaying schemes are capable to improve the transmission reliability and expand transmission coverage via cooperative communications by using relay nodes. Hence, the two-way relay network (TWRN), a cooperative communications network, is investigated in the first part of the thesis. In the media access control (MAC) layer of the OSI model, the multiple access schemes are able to schedule multiple transmissions by efficiently allocating limited radio resources. As a result, the contention-based multiple access schemes for contention resolution are explored in the second part of the thesis. In the first part of the thesis, the channel estimation for the two-way relay networks (TWRNs) is investigated. Firstly, the channel estimation issue is considered under the assumption of the perfect synchronisation. Then, the channel estimation is conducted, by relaxing the assumption of perfect synchronisation. Another challenge facing the wireless communication systems is the contention and interference due to multiple transmissions from multiple nodes, sharing the common communication medium. To improve the spectral efficiency in the media access control layer, a self-adaptive backoff (SAB) algorithm is proposed to resolve contention in the contention-based multiple access networks

    Channel Estimation and Optimal Training Design for Correlated MIMO Two-Way Relay Systems in Colored Environment

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    In this paper, while considering the impact of antenna correlation and the interference from neighboring users, we analyze channel estimation and training sequence design for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) two-way relay (TWR) systems. To this end, we propose to decompose the bidirectional transmission links into two phases, i.e., the multiple access (MAC) phase and the broadcasting (BC) phase. By considering the Kronecker-structured channel model, we derive the optimal linear minimum mean-square-error (LMMSE) channel estimators. The corresponding training designs for the MAC and BC phases are then formulated and solved to improve channel estimation accuracy. For the general scenario of training sequence design for both phases, two iterative training design algorithms are proposed that are verified to produce training sequences that result in near optimal channel estimation performance. Furthermore, for specific practical scenarios, where the covariance matrices of the channel or disturbances are of particular structures, the optimal training sequence design guidelines are derived. In order to reduce training overhead, the minimum required training length for channel estimation in both the MAC and BC phases are also derived. Comprehensive simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed training designs

    Adaptive multibeam antennas for spacelab. Phase A: Feasibility study

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    The feasibility was studied of using adaptive multibeam multi-frequency antennas on the spacelab, and to define the experiment configuration and program plan needed for a demonstration to prove the concept. Three applications missions were selected, and requirements were defined for an L band communications experiment, an L band radiometer experiment, and a Ku band communications experiment. Reflector, passive lens, and phased array antenna systems were considered, and the Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array (AMPA) was chosen. Array configuration and beamforming network tradeoffs resulted in a single 3m x 3m L band array with 576 elements for high radiometer beam efficiency. Separate 0.4m x 0.4 m arrays are used to transmit and receive at Ku band with either 576 elements or thinned apertures. Each array has two independently steerable 5 deg beams, which are adaptively controlled

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks