6 research outputs found

    On the hardness of learning sparse parities

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    This work investigates the hardness of computing sparse solutions to systems of linear equations over F_2. Consider the k-EvenSet problem: given a homogeneous system of linear equations over F_2 on n variables, decide if there exists a nonzero solution of Hamming weight at most k (i.e. a k-sparse solution). While there is a simple O(n^{k/2})-time algorithm for it, establishing fixed parameter intractability for k-EvenSet has been a notorious open problem. Towards this goal, we show that unless k-Clique can be solved in n^{o(k)} time, k-EvenSet has no poly(n)2^{o(sqrt{k})} time algorithm and no polynomial time algorithm when k = (log n)^{2+eta} for any eta > 0. Our work also shows that the non-homogeneous generalization of the problem -- which we call k-VectorSum -- is W[1]-hard on instances where the number of equations is O(k log n), improving on previous reductions which produced Omega(n) equations. We also show that for any constant eps > 0, given a system of O(exp(O(k))log n) linear equations, it is W[1]-hard to decide if there is a k-sparse linear form satisfying all the equations or if every function on at most k-variables (k-junta) satisfies at most (1/2 + eps)-fraction of the equations. In the setting of computational learning, this shows hardness of approximate non-proper learning of k-parities. In a similar vein, we use the hardness of k-EvenSet to show that that for any constant d, unless k-Clique can be solved in n^{o(k)} time there is no poly(m, n)2^{o(sqrt{k}) time algorithm to decide whether a given set of m points in F_2^n satisfies: (i) there exists a non-trivial k-sparse homogeneous linear form evaluating to 0 on all the points, or (ii) any non-trivial degree d polynomial P supported on at most k variables evaluates to zero on approx. Pr_{F_2^n}[P(z) = 0] fraction of the points i.e., P is fooled by the set of points

    Learning Versus Pseudorandom Generators in Constant Parallel Time

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum