15 research outputs found

    Statistical modelling of nano CMOS transistors with surface potential compact model PSP

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    The development of a statistical compact model strategy for nano-scale CMOS transistors is presented in this thesis. Statistical variability which arises from the discreteness of charge and granularity of matter plays an important role in scaling of nano CMOS transistors especially in sub 50nm technology nodes. In order to achieve reasonable performance and yield in contemporary CMOS designs, the statistical variability that affects the circuit/system performance and yield must be accurately represented by the industry standard compact models. As a starting point, predictive 3D simulation of an ensemble of 1000 microscopically different 35nm gate length transistors is carried out to characterize the impact of statistical variability on the device characteristics. PSP, an advanced surface potential compact model that is selected as the next generation industry standard compact model, is targeted in this study. There are two challenges in development of a statistical compact model strategy. The first challenge is related to the selection of a small subset of statistical compact model parameters from the large number of compact model parameters. We propose a strategy to select 7 parameters from PSP to capture the impact of statistical variability on current-voltage characteristics. These 7 parameters are used in statistical parameter extraction with an average RMS error of less than 2.5% crossing the whole operation region of the simulated transistors. Moreover, the accuracy of statistical compact model extraction strategy in reproducing the MOSFET electrical figures of merit is studied in detail. The results of the statistical compact model extraction are used for statistical circuit simulation of a CMOS inverter under different input-output conditions and different number of statistical parameters. The second challenge in the development of statistical compact model strategy is associated with statistical generation of parameters preserving the distribution and correlation of the directly extracted parameters. By using advanced statistical methods such as principal component analysis and nonlinear power method, the accuracy of parameter generation is evaluated and compared to directly extracted parameter sets. Finally, an extension of the PSP statistical compact model strategy to different channel width/length devices is presented. The statistical trends of parameters and figures of merit versus channel width/length are characterized

    Compact modelling in RF CMOS technology

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    With the continuous downscaling of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the RF performance of metal-oxide-semiconductor field transistors (MOSFETs) has considerably improved over the past years. Today, the standard CMOS technology has become a popular choice for realizing radio frequency (RF) applications. The focus of the thesis is on device compact modelling methodologies in RF CMOS. Compact models oriented to integrated circuit (ICs) computer automatic design (CAD) are the key component of a process design kit (PDK) and the bridge between design houses and foundries. In this work, a novel substrate model is proposed for accurately characterizing the behaviour of RF-MOSFETs with deep n-wells (DNW). A simple test structure is presented to directly access the substrate parasitics from two-port measurements in DNWs. The most important passive device in RFIC design in CMOS is the spiral inductor. A 1-pi model with a novel substrate network is proposed to characterize the broadband loss mechanisms of spiral inductors. Based on the proposed 1-pi model, a physics-originated fully-scalable 2-pi model and model parameter extraction methodology are also presented for spiral inductors in this work. To test and verify the developed active and passive device models and model parameter extraction methods, a series of RF-MOSFETs and planar on-chip spiral inductors with different geometries manufactured by employing standard RF CMOS processes were considered. Excellent agreement between the measured and the simulated results validate the compact models and modelling technologies developed in this work

    A Powerful Optimization Tool for Analog Integrated Circuits Design

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    This paper presents a new optimization tool for analog circuit design. Proposed tool is based on the robust version of the differential evolution optimization method. Corners of technology, temperature, voltage and current supplies are taken into account during the optimization. That ensures robust resulting circuits. Those circuits usually do not need any schematic change and are ready for the layout.. The newly developed tool is implemented directly to the Cadence design environment to achieve very short setup time of the optimization task. The design automation procedure was enhanced by optimization watchdog feature. It was created to control optimization progress and moreover to reduce the search space to produce better design in shorter time. The optimization algorithm presented in this paper was successfully tested on several design examples

    ImplĂ©mentation de PCM (Process Compact Models) pour l’étude et l’amĂ©lioration de la variabilitĂ© des technologies CMOS FDSOI avancĂ©es

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    Recently, the race for miniaturization has seen its growth slow because of technological challenges it entails. These barriers include the increasing impact of the local variability and processes from the increasing complexity of the manufacturing process and miniaturization, in addition to the difficult of reducing the channel length. To address these challenges, new architectures, very different from the traditional one (bulk), have been proposed. However these new architectures require more effort to be industrialized. Increasing complexity and development time require larger financial investments. In fact there is a real need to improve the development and optimization of devices. This work gives some tips in order to achieve these goals. The idea to address the problem is to reduce the number of trials required to find the optimal manufacturing process. The optimal process is one that results in a device whose performance and dispersion reach the predefined aims. The idea developed in this thesis is to combine TCAD tool and compact models in order to build and calibrate what is called PCM (Process Compact Model). PCM is an analytical model that establishes linkages between process and electrical parameters of the MOSFET. It takes both the benefits of TCAD (since it connects directly to the process parameters electrical parameters) and compact (since the model is analytic and therefore faster to calculate). A sufficiently robust predictive and PCM can be used to optimize performance and overall variability of the transistor through an appropriate optimization algorithm. This approach is different from traditional development methods that rely heavily on scientific expertise and successive tests in order to improve the system. Indeed this approach provides a deterministic and robust mathematical framework to the problem. The concept was developed, tested and applied to transistors 28 and 14 nm FD-SOI and to TCAD simulations. The results are presented and recommendations to implement it at industrial scale are provided. Some perspectives and applications are likewise suggested.RĂ©cemment, la course Ă  la miniaturisation a vue sa progression ralentir Ă  cause des dĂ©fis technologiques qu’elle implique. Parmi ces obstacles, on trouve l’impact croissant de la variabilitĂ© local et process Ă©manant de la complexitĂ© croissante du processus de fabrication et de la miniaturisation, en plus de la difficultĂ© Ă  rĂ©duire la longueur du canal. Afin de relever ces dĂ©fis, de nouvelles architectures, trĂšs diffĂ©rentes de celle traditionnelle (bulk), ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es. Cependant ces nouvelles architectures demandent plus d’efforts pour ĂȘtre industrialisĂ©es. L’augmentation de la complexitĂ© et du temps de dĂ©veloppement requiĂšrent de plus gros investissements financier. De fait il existe un besoin rĂ©el d’amĂ©liorer le dĂ©veloppement et l’optimisation des dispositifs. Ce travail donne quelques pistes dans le but d’atteindre ces objectifs. L’idĂ©e, pour rĂ©pondre au problĂšme, est de rĂ©duire le nombre d’essai nĂ©cessaire pour trouver le processus de fabrication optimal. Le processus optimal est celui qui conduit Ă  un dispositif dont les performances et leur dispersion atteignent les objectifs prĂ©dĂ©finis. L’idĂ©e dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans cette thĂšse est de combiner l’outil TCAD et les modĂšles compacts dans le but de construire et calibrer ce que l’on appelle un PCM (Process Compact Model). Un PCM est un modĂšle analytique qui Ă©tablit les liens entre les paramĂštres process et Ă©lectriques du MOSFET. Il tire Ă  la fois les bĂ©nĂ©fices de la TCAD (puisqu’il relie directement les paramĂštres process aux paramĂštres Ă©lectriques) et du modĂšle compact (puisque le modĂšle est analytique et donc rapide Ă  calculer). Un PCM suffisamment prĂ©dictif et robuste peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour optimiser les performances et la variabilitĂ© globale du transistor grĂące Ă  un algorithme d’optimisation appropriĂ©. Cette approche est diffĂ©rente des mĂ©thodes de dĂ©veloppement classiques qui font largement appel Ă  l’expertise scientifique et Ă  des essais successifs dans le but d’amĂ©liorer le dispositif. En effet cette approche apporte un cadre mathĂ©matique dĂ©terministe et robuste au problĂšme.Le concept a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©, testĂ© et appliquĂ© aux transistors 28 et 14 nm FD-SOI ainsi qu’aux simulations TCAD. Les rĂ©sultats sont exposĂ©s ainsi que les recommandations nĂ©cessaires pour implĂ©menter la technique Ă  Ă©chelle industrielle. Certaines perspectives et applications sont de mĂȘme suggĂ©rĂ©es

    Wind Power

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    This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers of different fields. A wide verity of research results are merged together to make this book useful for students and researchers who will take contribution for further development of the existing technology. I hope you will enjoy the book, so that my effort to bringing it together for you will be successful. In my capacity, as the Editor of this book, I would like to thanks and appreciate the chapter authors, who ensured the quality of the material as well as submitting their best works. Most of the results presented in to the book have already been published on international journals and appreciated in many international conferences

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 4

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    Glassy Materials Based Microdevices

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    Microtechnology has changed our world since the last century, when silicon microelectronics revolutionized sensor, control and communication areas, with applications extending from domotics to automotive, and from security to biomedicine. The present century, however, is also seeing an accelerating pace of innovation in glassy materials; as an example, glass-ceramics, which successfully combine the properties of an amorphous matrix with those of micro- or nano-crystals, offer a very high flexibility of design to chemists, physicists and engineers, who can conceive and implement advanced microdevices. In a very similar way, the synthesis of glassy polymers in a very wide range of chemical structures offers unprecedented potential of applications. The contemporary availability of microfabrication technologies, such as direct laser writing or 3D printing, which add to the most common processes (deposition, lithography and etching), facilitates the development of novel or advanced microdevices based on glassy materials. Biochemical and biomedical sensors, especially with the lab-on-a-chip target, are one of the most evident proofs of the success of this material platform. Other applications have also emerged in environment, food, and chemical industries. The present Special Issue of Micromachines aims at reviewing the current state-of-the-art and presenting perspectives of further development. Contributions related to the technologies, glassy materials, design and fabrication processes, characterization, and, eventually, applications are welcome