54,682 research outputs found

    Use of high throughput sequencing to observe genome dynamics at a single cell level

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    With the development of high throughput sequencing technology, it becomes possible to directly analyze mutation distribution in a genome-wide fashion, dissociating mutation rate measurements from the traditional underlying assumptions. Here, we sequenced several genomes of Escherichia coli from colonies obtained after chemical mutagenesis and observed a strikingly nonrandom distribution of the induced mutations. These include long stretches of exclusively G to A or C to T transitions along the genome and orders of magnitude intra- and inter-genomic differences in mutation density. Whereas most of these observations can be explained by the known features of enzymatic processes, the others could reflect stochasticity in the molecular processes at the single-cell level. Our results demonstrate how analysis of the molecular records left in the genomes of the descendants of an individual mutagenized cell allows for genome-scale observations of fixation and segregation of mutations, as well as recombination events, in the single genome of their progenitor.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures (including 5 supplementary), one tabl

    A quantitative model of the initiation of DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae predicts the effects of system perturbations.

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    BackgroundEukaryotic cell proliferation involves DNA replication, a tightly regulated process mediated by a multitude of protein factors. In budding yeast, the initiation of replication is facilitated by the heterohexameric origin recognition complex (ORC). ORC binds to specific origins of replication and then serves as a scaffold for the recruitment of other factors such as Cdt1, Cdc6, the Mcm2-7 complex, Cdc45 and the Dbf4-Cdc7 kinase complex. While many of the mechanisms controlling these associations are well documented, mathematical models are needed to explore the network's dynamic behaviour. We have developed an ordinary differential equation-based model of the protein-protein interaction network describing replication initiation.ResultsThe model was validated against quantified levels of protein factors over a range of cell cycle timepoints. Using chromatin extracts from synchronized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cultures, we were able to monitor the in vivo fluctuations of several of the aforementioned proteins, with additional data obtained from the literature. The model behaviour conforms to perturbation trials previously reported in the literature, and accurately predicts the results of our own knockdown experiments. Furthermore, we successfully incorporated our replication initiation model into an established model of the entire yeast cell cycle, thus providing a comprehensive description of these processes.ConclusionsThis study establishes a robust model of the processes driving DNA replication initiation. The model was validated against observed cell concentrations of the driving factors, and characterizes the interactions between factors implicated in eukaryotic DNA replication. Finally, this model can serve as a guide in efforts to generate a comprehensive model of the mammalian cell cycle in order to explore cancer-related phenotypes

    Sequence-based Multiscale Model (SeqMM) for High-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data analysis

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    In this paper, I introduce a Sequence-based Multiscale Model (SeqMM) for the biomolecular data analysis. With the combination of spectral graph method, I reveal the essential difference between the global scale models and local scale ones in structure clustering, i.e., different optimization on Euclidean (or spatial) distances and sequential (or genomic) distances. More specifically, clusters from global scale models optimize Euclidean distance relations. Local scale models, on the other hand, result in clusters that optimize the genomic distance relations. For a biomolecular data, Euclidean distances and sequential distances are two independent variables, which can never be optimized simultaneously in data clustering. However, sequence scale in my SeqMM can work as a tuning parameter that balances these two variables and deliver different clusterings based on my purposes. Further, my SeqMM is used to explore the hierarchical structures of chromosomes. I find that in global scale, the Fiedler vector from my SeqMM bears a great similarity with the principal vector from principal component analysis, and can be used to study genomic compartments. In TAD analysis, I find that TADs evaluated from different scales are not consistent and vary a lot. Particularly when the sequence scale is small, the calculated TAD boundaries are dramatically different. Even for regions with high contact frequencies, TAD regions show no obvious consistence. However, when the scale value increases further, although TADs are still quite different, TAD boundaries in these high contact frequency regions become more and more consistent. Finally, I find that for a fixed local scale, my method can deliver very robust TAD boundaries in different cluster numbers.Comment: 22 PAGES, 13 FIGURE

    Identification of Epstein-Barr virus replication proteins in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells

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    The working model to describe the mechanisms used to replicate the cancer-associated virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is partly derived from comparisons with other members of the Herpes virus family. Many genes within the EBV genome are homologous across the herpes virus family. Published transcriptome data for the EBV genome during its lytic replication cycle show extensive transcription, but the identification of the proteins is limited. We have taken a global proteomics approach to identify viral proteins that are expressed during the EBV lytic replication cycle. We combined an enrichment method to isolate cells undergoing EBV lytic replication with SILAC-labeling coupled to mass-spectrometry and identified viral and host proteins expressed during the OPEN ACCESS Pathogens 2015, 4 740 EBV lytic replication cycle. Amongst the most frequently identified viral proteins are two components of the DNA replication machinery, the single strand DNA binding protein BALF2, DNA polymerase accessory protein BMRF1 and both subunits of the viral ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase enzyme (BORF2 and BaRF1). An additional 42 EBV lytic cycle proteins were also detected. This provides proteomic identification for many EBV lytic replication cycle proteins and also identifies post-translational modifications

    Effects of initial telomere length distribution on senescence onset and heterogeneity

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    Replicative senescence, induced by telomere shortening, exhibits considerable asynchrony and heterogeneity, the origins of which remain unclear. Here, we formally study how telomere shortening mechanisms impact on senescence kinetics and define two regimes of senescence, depending on the initial telomere length variance. We provide analytical solutions to the model, highlighting a non-linear relationship between senescence onset and initial telomere length distribution. This study reveals the complexity of the collective behavior of telomeres as they shorten, leading to senescence heterogeneity

    A model for transition of 5 '-nuclease domain of DNA polymerase I from inert to active modes

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    Bacteria contain DNA polymerase I (PolI), a single polypeptide chain consisting of similar to 930 residues, possessing DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, 3'-5' proofreading and 5'-3' exonuclease (also known as flap endonuclease) activities. PolI is particularly important in the processing of Okazaki fragments generated during lagging strand replication and must ultimately produce a double-stranded substrate with a nick suitable for DNA ligase to seal. PolI's activities must be highly coordinated both temporally and spatially otherwise uncontrolled 5'-nuclease activity could attack a nick and produce extended gaps leading to potentially lethal double-strand breaks. To investigate the mechanism of how PolI efficiently produces these nicks, we present theoretical studies on the dynamics of two possible scenarios or models. In one the flap DNA substrate can transit from the polymerase active site to the 5'-nuclease active site, with the relative position of the two active sites being kept fixed; while the other is that the 5'-nuclease domain can transit from the inactive mode, with the 5'-nuclease active site distant from the cleavage site on the DNA substrate, to the active mode, where the active site and substrate cleavage site are juxtaposed. The theoretical results based on the former scenario are inconsistent with the available experimental data that indicated that the majority of 5'-nucleolytic processing events are carried out by the same PolI molecule that has just extended the upstream primer terminus. By contrast, the theoretical results on the latter model, which is constructed based on available structural studies, are consistent with the experimental data. We thus conclude that the latter model rather than the former one is reasonable to describe the cooperation of the PolI's polymerase and 5'-3' exonuclease activities. Moreover, predicted results for the latter model are presented

    Dynamical phase transition of a periodically driven DNA

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    Replication and transcription are two important processes in living systems. To execute such processes, various proteins work far away from equilibrium in a staggered way. Motivated by this, aspects of hysteresis during unzipping of DNA under a periodic drive in non-equilibrium conditions are studied. A steady state phase diagram of a driven DNA is proposed which is experimentally verifiable. As a two state system, we also compare the results of DNA with that of an Ising magnet under an asymmetrical variation of magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Accepted version in PR

    Yeast gene CMR1/YDL156W is consistently co-expressed with genes participating in DNA-metabolic processes in a variety of stringent clustering experiments

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    © 2013 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited.The binarization of consensus partition matrices (Bi-CoPaM) method has, among its unique features, the ability to perform ensemble clustering over the same set of genes from multiple microarray datasets by using various clustering methods in order to generate tunable tight clusters. Therefore, we have used the Bi-CoPaM method to the most synchronized 500 cell-cycle-regulated yeast genes from different microarray datasets to produce four tight, specific and exclusive clusters of co-expressed genes. We found 19 genes formed the tightest of the four clusters and this included the gene CMR1/YDL156W, which was an uncharacterized gene at the time of our investigations. Two very recent proteomic and biochemical studies have independently revealed many facets of CMR1 protein, although the precise functions of the protein remain to be elucidated. Our computational results complement these biological results and add more evidence to their recent findings of CMR1 as potentially participating in many of the DNA-metabolism processes such as replication, repair and transcription. Interestingly, our results demonstrate the close co-expressions of CMR1 and the replication protein A (RPA), the cohesion complex and the DNA polymerases α, δ and ɛ, as well as suggest functional relationships between CMR1 and the respective proteins. In addition, the analysis provides further substantial evidence that the expression of the CMR1 gene could be regulated by the MBF complex. In summary, the application of a novel analytic technique in large biological datasets has provided supporting evidence for a gene of previously unknown function, further hypotheses to test, and a more general demonstration of the value of sophisticated methods to explore new large datasets now so readily generated in biological experiments.National Institute for Health Researc
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