134,152 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Bayesian Inference on Bivariate Extremes

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    The tail of a bivariate distribution function in the domain of attraction of a bivariate extreme-value distribution may be approximated by the one of its extreme-value attractor. The extreme-value attractor has margins that belong to a three-parameter family and a dependence structure which is characterised by a spectral measure, that is a probability measure on the unit interval with mean equal to one half. As an alternative to parametric modelling of the spectral measure, we propose an infinite-dimensional model which is at the same time manageable and still dense within the class of spectral measures. Inference is done in a Bayesian framework, using the censored-likelihood approach. In particular, we construct a prior distribution on the class of spectral measures and develop a trans-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for numerical computations. The method provides a bivariate predictive density which can be used for predicting the extreme outcomes of the bivariate distribution. In a practical perspective, this is useful for computing rare event probabilities and extreme conditional quantiles. The methodology is validated by simulations and applied to a data-set of Danish fire insurance claims.Comment: The paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a major revisio

    High-dimensional Linear Regression for Dependent Data with Applications to Nowcasting

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    Recent research has focused on â„“1\ell_1 penalized least squares (Lasso) estimators for high-dimensional linear regressions in which the number of covariates pp is considerably larger than the sample size nn. However, few studies have examined the properties of the estimators when the errors and/or the covariates are serially dependent. In this study, we investigate the theoretical properties of the Lasso estimator for a linear regression with a random design and weak sparsity under serially dependent and/or nonsubGaussian errors and covariates. In contrast to the traditional case, in which the errors are independent and identically distributed and have finite exponential moments, we show that pp can be at most a power of nn if the errors have only finite polynomial moments. In addition, the rate of convergence becomes slower owing to the serial dependence in the errors and the covariates. We also consider the sign consistency of the model selection using the Lasso estimator when there are serial correlations in the errors or the covariates, or both. Adopting the framework of a functional dependence measure, we describe how the rates of convergence and the selection consistency of the estimators depend on the dependence measures and moment conditions of the errors and the covariates. Simulation results show that a Lasso regression can be significantly more powerful than a mixed-frequency data sampling regression (MIDAS) and a Dantzig selector in the presence of irrelevant variables. We apply the results obtained for the Lasso method to nowcasting with mixed-frequency data, in which serially correlated errors and a large number of covariates are common. The empirical results show that the Lasso procedure outperforms the MIDAS regression and the autoregressive model with exogenous variables in terms of both forecasting and nowcasting

    Bayesian Model Selection Based on Proper Scoring Rules

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    Bayesian model selection with improper priors is not well-defined because of the dependence of the marginal likelihood on the arbitrary scaling constants of the within-model prior densities. We show how this problem can be evaded by replacing marginal log-likelihood by a homogeneous proper scoring rule, which is insensitive to the scaling constants. Suitably applied, this will typically enable consistent selection of the true model.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-BA942 in the Bayesian Analysis (http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ba) by the International Society of Bayesian Analysis (http://bayesian.org/

    Probing dark energy models with extreme pairwise velocities of galaxy clusters from the DEUS-FUR simulations

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    Observations of colliding galaxy clusters with high relative velocity probe the tail of the halo pairwise velocity distribution with the potential of providing a powerful test of cosmology. As an example it has been argued that the discovery of the Bullet Cluster challenges standard Λ\LambdaCDM model predictions. Halo catalogs from N-body simulations have been used to estimate the probability of Bullet-like clusters. However, due to simulation volume effects previous studies had to rely on a Gaussian extrapolation of the pairwise velocity distribution to high velocities. Here, we perform a detail analysis using the halo catalogs from the Dark Energy Universe Simulation Full Universe Runs (DEUS-FUR), which enables us to resolve the high-velocity tail of the distribution and study its dependence on the halo mass definition, redshift and cosmology. Building upon these results we estimate the probability of Bullet-like systems in the framework of Extreme Value Statistics. We show that the tail of extreme pairwise velocities significantly deviates from that of a Gaussian, moreover it carries an imprint of the underlying cosmology. We find the Bullet Cluster probability to be two orders of magnitude larger than previous estimates, thus easing the tension with the Λ\LambdaCDM model. Finally, the comparison of the inferred probabilities for the different DEUS-FUR cosmologies suggests that observations of extreme interacting clusters can provide constraints on dark energy models complementary to standard cosmological tests.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 15 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Non-Gaussian halo assembly bias

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    The strong dependence of the large-scale dark matter halo bias on the (local) non-Gaussianity parameter, f_NL, offers a promising avenue towards constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with large-scale structure surveys. In this paper, we present the first detection of the dependence of the non-Gaussian halo bias on halo formation history using N-body simulations. We also present an analytic derivation of the expected signal based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism. In excellent agreement with our analytic prediction, we find that the halo formation history-dependent contribution to the non-Gaussian halo bias (which we call non-Gaussian halo assembly bias) can be factorized in a form approximately independent of redshift and halo mass. The correction to the non-Gaussian halo bias due to the halo formation history can be as large as 100%, with a suppression of the signal for recently formed halos and enhancement for old halos. This could in principle be a problem for realistic galaxy surveys if observational selection effects were to pick galaxies occupying only recently formed halos. Current semi-analytic galaxy formation models, for example, imply an enhancement in the expected signal of ~23% and ~48% for galaxies at z=1 selected by stellar mass and star formation rate, respectively.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JCAP. v2: accepted version, minor change
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