136 research outputs found

    Parallelizing message schedules to accelerate the computations of hash functions

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    This paper describes an algorithm for accelerating the computations of Davies-Meyer based hash functions. It is based on parallelizing the computation of several message schedules for several message blocks of a given message. This parallelization, together with the proper use of vector processor instructions (SIMD) improves the overall algorithm’s performance. Using this method, we obtain a new software implementation of SHA-256 that performs at 12.11 Cycles/Byte on the 2nd and 10.84 Cycles/Byte on the 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ processors. We also show how to extend the method to the soon-to-come AVX2 architecture, which has wider registers. Since processors with AVX2 will be available only in 2013, exact performance reporting is not yet possible. Instead, we show that our resulting SHA-256 and SHA-512 implementations have a reduced number of instructions. Based on our findings, we make some observations on the SHA3 competition. We argue that if the prospective SHA3 standard is expected to be competitive against the performance of SHA-256 or SHA-512, on the high end platforms, then its performance should be well below 10 Cycles/Byte on the current, and certainly on the near future processors. Not all the SHA3 finalists have this performance. Furthermore, even the fastest finalists will probably offer only a small performance advantage over the current SHA-256 and SHA-512 implementations

    A j-lanes tree hashing mode and j-lanes SHA-256

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    j-lanes hashing is a tree mode that splits an input message to j slices, computes j independent digests of each slice, and outputs the hash value of their concatenation. We demonstrate the performance advantage of j-lanes hashing on SIMD architectures, by coding a 4-lanes-SHA-256 implementation and measuring its performance on the latest 3rd Generation Intel® Core™. For message ranging 2KB to 132KB in length, the 4-lanes SHA-256 is between 1.5 to 1.97 times faster than the fastest publicly available implementation (that we are aware of), and between 1.9 to 2.5 times faster than OpenSSL 1.0.1c. For long messages, there is no significant performance difference between different choices of j. We show that the 4-lanes SHA-256 is faster than the two SHA3 finalists (BLAKE and Keccak) that have a published tree mode implementation. We explain why j-lanes hashing will be even faster on the future AVX2 architecture with 256 bits registers. This suggests that standardizing a tree mode for hash functions (SHA-256 in particular) would deliver significant performance benefits for a multitude of algorithms and usages

    Simultaneous hashing of multiple messages

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    We describe a method for efficiently hashing multiple messages of different lengths. Such computations occur in various scenarios, and one of them is when an operating system checks the integrity of its components during boot time. These tasks can gain performance by parallelizing the computations and using SIMD architectures. For such scenarios, we compare the performance of a new 4-buffers SHA-256 S-HASH implementation, to that of the standard serial hashing. Our results are measured on the 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor, and demonstrate SHA-256 processing at effectively ~5.2 Cycles per Byte, when hashing from any of the three cache levels, or from the system memory. This represents speedup by a factor of 3.42x compared to OpenSSL (1.0.1), and by 2.25x compared to the recent and faster n-SMS method. For hashing from a disk, we show an effective rate of ~6.73 Cycles/Byte, which is almost 3 times faster than OpenSSL (1.0.1) under the same conditions. These results indicate that for some usage models, SHA-256 is significantly faster than commonly perceived

    Asymptotic Analysis of Plausible Tree Hash Modes for SHA-3

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    Discussions about the choice of a tree hash mode of operation for a standardization have recently been undertaken. It appears that a single tree mode cannot address adequately all possible uses and specifications of a system. In this paper, we review the tree modes which have been proposed, we discuss their problems and propose remedies. We make the reasonable assumption that communicating systems have different specifications and that software applications are of different types (securing stored content or live-streamed content). Finally, we propose new modes of operation that address the resource usage problem for the three most representative categories of devices and we analyse their asymptotic behavior

    Implementation of a parallel unstructured Euler solver on shared and distributed memory architectures

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    An efficient three dimensional unstructured Euler solver is parallelized on a Cray Y-MP C90 shared memory computer and on an Intel Touchstone Delta distributed memory computer. This paper relates the experiences gained and describes the software tools and hardware used in this study. Performance comparisons between two differing architectures are made

    Optimization of Tree Modes for Parallel Hash Functions: A Case Study

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    This paper focuses on parallel hash functions based on tree modes of operation for an inner Variable-Input-Length function. This inner function can be either a single-block-length (SBL) and prefix-free MD hash function, or a sponge-based hash function. We discuss the various forms of optimality that can be obtained when designing parallel hash functions based on trees where all leaves have the same depth. The first result is a scheme which optimizes the tree topology in order to decrease the running time. Then, without affecting the optimal running time we show that we can slightly change the corresponding tree topology so as to minimize the number of required processors as well. Consequently, the resulting scheme decreases in the first place the running time and in the second place the number of required processors.Comment: Preprint version. Added citations, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 201

    Feedback Driven Annotation and Refactoring of Parallel Programs

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    Implementing BLAKE with AVX, AVX2, and XOP

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    In 2013 Intel will release the AVX2 instructions, which introduce 256-bit single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) integer arithmetic. This will enable desktop and server processors from this vendor to support 4-way SIMD computation of 64-bit add-rotate-xor algorithms, as well as 8-way 32-bit SIMD computations. AVX2 also includes interesting instructions for cryptographic functions, like any-to-any permute and vectorized table-lookup. In this paper, we explore the potential of AVX2 to speed-up the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE, and present the first working assembly implementations of BLAKE-256 and BLAKE-512 with AVX2. We then investigate the potential of the recent AVX and XOP instructions to accelerate BLAKE, and report new speed records on Sandy Bridge and Bulldozer microarchitectures (7.47 and 11.64 cycles per byte for BLAKE-256, 5.71 and 6.95 for BLAKE-512)

    Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Spatial Join on HPC Platforms

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    Geospatial datasets are growing in volume, complexity, and heterogeneity. For efficient execution of geospatial computations and analytics on large scale datasets, parallel processing is necessary. To exploit fine-grained parallel processing on large scale compute clusters, partitioning of skewed datasets in a load-balanced way is challenging. The workload in spatial join is data dependent and highly irregular. Moreover, wide variation in the size and density of geometries from one region of the map to another, further exacerbates the load imbalance. This dissertation focuses on spatial join operation used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial databases, where the inputs are two layers of geospatial data, and the output is a combination of the two layers according to join predicate.This dissertation introduces a novel spatial data partitioning algorithm geared towards load balancing the parallel spatial join processing. Unlike existing partitioning techniques, the proposed partitioning algorithm divides the spatial join workload instead of partitioning the individual datasets separately to provide better load-balancing. This workload partitioning algorithm has been evaluated on a high-performance computing system using real-world datasets. An intermediate output-sensitive duplication avoidance technique is proposed that decreases the external memory space requirement for storing spatial join candidates across the partitions. GPU acceleration is used to further reduce the spatial partitioning runtime. For dynamic load balancing in spatial join, a novel framework for fine-grained work stealing is presented. This framework is efficient and NUMA-aware. Performance improvements are demonstrated on shared and distributed memory architectures using threads and message passing. Experimental results show effective mitigation of data skew. The framework supports a variety of spatial join predicates and spatial overlay using partitioned and un-partitioned datasets
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