23 research outputs found

    Parallelisation and application of AD3 as a method for solving large scale combinatorial auctions

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    Auctions, and combinatorial auctions (CAs), have been successfully employed to solve coordination problems in a wide range of application domains. However, the scale of CAs that can be optimally solved is small because of the complexity of the winner determination problem (WDP), namely of finding the bids that maximise the auctioneer’s revenue. A way of approximating the solution of a WDP is to solve its linear programming relaxation. The recently proposed Alternate Direction Dual Decomposition algorithm (AD3) has been shown to ef- ficiently solve large-scale LP relaxations. Hence, in this paper we show how to encode the WDP so that it can be approximated by means of AD3. Moreover, we present PAR-AD3, the first parallel implementation of AD3. PAR-AD3 shows to be up to 12.4 times faster than CPLEX in a single-thread execution, and up to 23 times faster than parallel CPLEX in an 8-core architecture. Therefore PAR- AD3 becomes the algorithm of choice to solve large-scale WDP LP relaxations for hard instances. Furthermore, PAR-AD3 has potential when considering large- scale coordination problems that must be solved as optimisation problems.Research supported by MICINN projects TIN2011-28689-C02-01, TIN2013-45732-C4-4-P and TIN2012-38876-C02-01Peer reviewe

    Solving the Coalition Structure Generation Problem on a GPU

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    We develop the first parallel algorithm for Coalition Structure Generation (CSG), which is central to many multi-agent systems applications. Our approach involves distributing the key steps of a dynamic programming approach to CSG across computational nodes on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) such that each of the thousands of threads of computation can be used to perform small computations that speed up the overall process. In so doing, we solve important challenges that arise in solving combinatorial optimisation problems on GPUs such as the efficient allocation of memory and computational threads to every step of the algorithm. In our empirical evaluations on a standard GPU, our results show an improvement of orders of magnitude over current dynamic programming approaches with an ever increasing divergence between the CPU and GPU-based algorithms in terms of growth. Thus, our algorithm is able to solve the CSG problem for 29 agents in one hour and thirty minutes as opposed to three days for the current state of the art dynamic programming algorithmsPeer Reviewe

    Multi-robot mission optimisation : an online approach for optimised, long range inspection and sampling missions

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    Mission execution optimisation is an essential aspect for the real world deployment of robotic systems. Execution optimisation can affect the outcome of a mission by allowing longer missions to be executed or by minimising the execution time of a mission. This work proposes methods for optimising inspection and sensing missions undertaken by a team of robots operating under communication and budget constraints. Regarding the inspection missions, it proposes the use of an information sharing architecture that is tolerant of communication errors combined with multirobot task allocation approaches that are inspired by the optimisation literature. Regarding the optimisation of sensing missions under budget constraints novel heuristic approaches are proposed that allow optimisation to be performed online. These methods are then combined to allow the online optimisation of long-range sensing missions performed by a team of robots communicating through a noisy channel and having budget constraints. All the proposed approaches have been evaluated using simulations and real-world robots. The gathered results are discussed in detail and show the benefits and the constraints of the proposed approaches, along with suggestions for further future directions

    Agriculture fleet vehicle routing: A decentralised and dynamic problem

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    To date, the research on agriculture vehicles in general and Agriculture Mobile Robots (AMRs) in particular has focused on a single vehicle (robot) and its agriculture-specific capabilities. Very little work has explored the coordination of fleets of such vehicles in the daily execution of farming tasks. This is especially the case when considering overall fleet performance, its efficiency and scalability in the context of highly automated agriculture vehicles that perform tasks throughout multiple fields potentially owned by different farmers and/or enterprises. The potential impact of automating AMR fleet coordination on commercial agriculture is immense. Major conglomerates with large and heterogeneous fleets of agriculture vehicles could operate on huge land areas without human operators to effect precision farming. In this paper, we propose the Agriculture Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (AF-VRP) which, to the best of our knowledge, differs from any other version of the Vehicle Routing Problem studied so far. We focus on the dynamic and decentralised version of this problem applicable in environments involving multiple agriculture machinery and farm owners where concepts of fairness and equity must be considered. Such a problem combines three related problems: the dynamic assignment problem, the dynamic 3-index assignment problem and the capacitated arc routing problem. We review the state-of-the-art and categorise solution approaches as centralised, distributed and decentralised, based on the underlining decision-making context. Finally, we discuss open challenges in applying distributed and decentralised coordination approaches to this problem

    Real-time algorithm configuration

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    This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of algorithm configur- ation. In particular, we present an extension to the algorithm configuration problem, real-time algorithm configuration, where configuration occurs online on a stream of instances, without the need for prior training, and problem solutions are returned in the shortest time possible. We propose a framework for solving the real-time algorithm configuration problem, ReACT. With ReACT we demonstrate that by using the parallel computing architectures, commonplace in many systems today, and a robust aggregate ranking system, configuration can occur without any impact on performance from the perspective of the user. This is achieved by means of a racing procedure. We show two concrete instantiations of the framework, and show them to be on a par with or even exceed the state-of-the-art in offline algorithm configuration using empirical evaluations on a range of combinatorial problems from the literature. We discuss, assess, and provide justification for each of the components used in our framework instantiations. Specifically, we show that the TrueSkill ranking system commonly used to rank players’ skill in multiplayer games can be used to accurately es- timate the quality of an algorithm’s configuration using only censored results from races between algorithm configurations. We confirm that the order that problem instances arrive in influences the configuration performance and that the optimal selection of configurations to participate in races is dependent on the distribution of the incoming in- stance stream. We outline how to maintain a pool of quality configurations by removing underperforming configurations, and techniques to generate replacement configurations with minimal computational overhead. Finally, we show that the configuration space can be reduced using feature selection techniques from the machine learning literature, and that doing so can provide a boost in configuration performance

    Solving real-world routing problems using evolutionary algorithms and multi-agent-systems

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    This thesis investigates the solving of routing problems using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). Routing problems are known to be hard and may possess complex search spaces. Evolutionary algorithms are potentially powerful tools for finding solutions within complex search spaces. The problem investigated is the routing of deliveries to households within an urban environment; the most common instance of this problem is that of daily postal deliveries. A representation known as Street Based Routing (SBR) is presented. This is a problem representation that makes use of the real world groupings of streets and houses. This representation is an indirect problem representation designed specifically for use with EAs. The SBR representation is incorporated within an EA and used to construct delivery routes around a variety of problem instances. The EA based system is compared against a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) solver, and the results are presented. The EA based system produces routes that are on average slightly longer than those produced by the TSP solver. Real world problems may often involve the construction of a network of delivery routes that are subject to multiple hard and soft constraints. A Multi Agent System (MAS) based framework for building delivery networks is presented that makes use of the SBR based EA presented earlier. Each agent within the system uses an EA to construct a single route. Agents may exchange work (via auctions or by directly negotiated exchanges) allowing the optimisation of their route. It is demonstrated that this approach has much potential and is capable of constructing delivery networks meeting set constraints, over a range of problem instances and constraint values.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Solving Real-World Routing Problems using Evolutionary Algorithms and Multi-Agent-Systems.

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    This thesis investigates the solving of routing problems using Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). Routing problems are known to be hard and may possess complex search spaces. Evolutionary algorithms are potentially powerful tools for finding solutions within complex search spaces.The problem investigated is the routing of deliveries to households within an urban environment; the most common instance of this problem is that of daily postal deliveries. A representation known as Street Based Routing (SBR) is presented. This is a problem representation that makes use of the real world groupings of streets and houses. This representation is an indirect problem representationdesigned specifically for use with EAs. The SBR representation is incorporated within an EA and used to construct delivery routes around a variety of probleminstances. The EA based system is compared against a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) solver, and the results are presented. The EA based system producesroutes that are on average slightly longer than those produced by the TSP solver.Real world problems may often involve the construction of a network of delivery routes that are subject to multiple hard and soft constraints. A Multi Agent System (MAS) based framework for building delivery networks is presented thatmakes use of the SBR based EA presented earlier. Each agent within the system uses an EA to construct a single route. Agents may exchange work (via auctionsor by directly negotiated exchanges) allowing the optimisation of their route. It is demonstrated that this approach has much potential and is capable of constructingdelivery networks meeting set constraints, over a range of problem instances and constraint values

    Distributed Coordination and Optimisation of Network-Aware Electricity Prosumers

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    Electricity networks are undergoing a transformation brought on by new technologies, market pressures and environmental concerns. This includes a shift from large centralised generators to small-scale distributed generators. The dramatic cost reductions in rooftop solar PV and battery storage means that prosumers (houses and other entities that can both produce and consume electricity) will have a large role to play in future networks. How can networks be managed going forward so that they run as efficiently as possible in this new prosumer paradigm? Our vision is to treat prosumers as active participants by developing a mechanism that incentivises them to help balance power and support the network. The whole process is automated to produce a near-optimal outcome and to reduce the need for human involvement. The first step is to design an autonomous energy management system (EMS) that can optimise the local costs of each prosumer in response to network electricity prices. In particular, we investigate different optimisation strategies for an EMS in an uncertain household environment. We find that the uncertainty associated with weather, network pricing and occupant behaviour can be effectively handled using online optimisation techniques using a forward receding horizon. The next step is to coordinate the actions of many EMSs spread out across the network, in order to minimise the overall cost of supplying electricity. We propose a distributed algorithm that can efficiently coordinate a network with thousands of prosumers without violating their privacy. We experiment with a range of power flow models of varying degrees of accuracy in order to test their convergence rate, computational burden and solution quality on a suburb-sized microgrid. We find that the higher accuracy model, although non-convex, converges in a timely manner and produces near-optimal solutions. We also develop simple but effective techniques for dealing with residential shiftable loads which require discrete decisions. The final part of the problem we explore is prosumer manipulation of the coordination mechanism. The receding horizon nature of our algorithm is great for managing uncertainty, but it opens up unique opportunities for prosumers to manipulate the actions of others. We formalise this form of receding horizon manipulation and investigate the benefits manipulative agents can obtain. We find that indeed strategic agents can harm the system, but only if they are large enough and have information about the behaviour of other agents. For the rare cases where this is possible, we develop simple privacy-preserving identifiers that monitor agents and distinguish manipulation from uncertainty. Together, these components create a complete solution for the distributed coordination and optimisation of network-aware electricity prosumers