105 research outputs found

    A Machine Vision Method for Correction of Eccentric Error: Based on Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm

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    In the procedure of surface defects detection for large-aperture aspherical optical elements, it is of vital significance to adjust the optical axis of the element to be coaxial with the mechanical spin axis accurately. Therefore, a machine vision method for eccentric error correction is proposed in this paper. Focusing on the severe defocus blur of reference crosshair image caused by the imaging characteristic of the aspherical optical element, which may lead to the failure of correction, an Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm (AEA) is proposed to strengthen the crosshair image. AEA is consisted of existed Guided Filter Dark Channel Dehazing Algorithm (GFA) and proposed lightweight Multi-scale Densely Connected Network (MDC-Net). The enhancement effect of GFA is excellent but time-consuming, and the enhancement effect of MDC-Net is slightly inferior but strongly real-time. As AEA will be executed dozens of times during each correction procedure, its real-time performance is very important. Therefore, by setting the empirical threshold of definition evaluation function SMD2, GFA and MDC-Net are respectively applied to highly and slightly blurred crosshair images so as to ensure the enhancement effect while saving as much time as possible. AEA has certain robustness in time-consuming performance, which takes an average time of 0.2721s and 0.0963s to execute GFA and MDC-Net separately on ten 200pixels 200pixels Region of Interest (ROI) images with different degrees of blur. And the eccentricity error can be reduced to within 10um by our method

    RIDCP: Revitalizing Real Image Dehazing via High-Quality Codebook Priors

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    Existing dehazing approaches struggle to process real-world hazy images owing to the lack of paired real data and robust priors. In this work, we present a new paradigm for real image dehazing from the perspectives of synthesizing more realistic hazy data and introducing more robust priors into the network. Specifically, (1) instead of adopting the de facto physical scattering model, we rethink the degradation of real hazy images and propose a phenomenological pipeline considering diverse degradation types. (2) We propose a Real Image Dehazing network via high-quality Codebook Priors (RIDCP). Firstly, a VQGAN is pre-trained on a large-scale high-quality dataset to obtain the discrete codebook, encapsulating high-quality priors (HQPs). After replacing the negative effects brought by haze with HQPs, the decoder equipped with a novel normalized feature alignment module can effectively utilize high-quality features and produce clean results. However, although our degradation pipeline drastically mitigates the domain gap between synthetic and real data, it is still intractable to avoid it, which challenges HQPs matching in the wild. Thus, we re-calculate the distance when matching the features to the HQPs by a controllable matching operation, which facilitates finding better counterparts. We provide a recommendation to control the matching based on an explainable solution. Users can also flexibly adjust the enhancement degree as per their preference. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of our data synthesis pipeline and the superior performance of RIDCP in real image dehazing.Comment: Acceptted by CVPR 202

    Haze visibility enhancement: A Survey and quantitative benchmarking

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    This paper provides a comprehensive survey of methods dealing with visibility enhancement of images taken in hazy or foggy scenes. The survey begins with discussing the optical models of atmospheric scattering media and image formation. This is followed by a survey of existing methods, which are categorized into: multiple image methods, polarizing filter-based methods, methods with known depth, and single-image methods. We also provide a benchmark of a number of well-known single-image methods, based on a recent dataset provided by Fattal (2014) and our newly generated scattering media dataset that contains ground truth images for quantitative evaluation. To our knowledge, this is the first benchmark using numerical metrics to evaluate dehazing techniques. This benchmark allows us to objectively compare the results of existing methods and to better identify the strengths and limitations of each method.This study is supported by an Nvidia GPU Grant and a Canadian NSERC Discovery grant. R. T. Tan’s work in this research is supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Ministers Office, Singapore under its International Research Centre in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Intelligent Transportation Related Complex Systems and Sensors

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    Building around innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are being widely adopted worldwide to improve the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. They enable users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and smarter decisions on the use of transport networks. Current ITSs are complex systems, made up of several components/sub-systems characterized by time-dependent interactions among themselves. Some examples of these transportation-related complex systems include: road traffic sensors, autonomous/automated cars, smart cities, smart sensors, virtual sensors, traffic control systems, smart roads, logistics systems, smart mobility systems, and many others that are emerging from niche areas. The efficient operation of these complex systems requires: i) efficient solutions to the issues of sensors/actuators used to capture and control the physical parameters of these systems, as well as the quality of data collected from these systems; ii) tackling complexities using simulations and analytical modelling techniques; and iii) applying optimization techniques to improve the performance of these systems. It includes twenty-four papers, which cover scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and various other ideas on analytics, trends and applications of transportation-related data

    GridFormer: Residual Dense Transformer with Grid Structure for Image Restoration in Adverse Weather Conditions

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    Image restoration in adverse weather conditions is a difficult task in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a novel transformer-based framework called GridFormer which serves as a backbone for image restoration under adverse weather conditions. GridFormer is designed in a grid structure using a residual dense transformer block, and it introduces two core designs. First, it uses an enhanced attention mechanism in the transformer layer. The mechanism includes stages of the sampler and compact self-attention to improve efficiency, and a local enhancement stage to strengthen local information. Second, we introduce a residual dense transformer block (RDTB) as the final GridFormer layer. This design further improves the network's ability to learn effective features from both preceding and current local features. The GridFormer framework achieves state-of-the-art results on five diverse image restoration tasks in adverse weather conditions, including image deraining, dehazing, deraining & dehazing, desnowing, and multi-weather restoration. The source code and pre-trained models will be released.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Visibility in underwater robotics: Benchmarking and single image dehazing

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    Dealing with underwater visibility is one of the most important challenges in autonomous underwater robotics. The light transmission in the water medium degrades images making the interpretation of the scene difficult and consequently compromising the whole intervention. This thesis contributes by analysing the impact of the underwater image degradation in commonly used vision algorithms through benchmarking. An online framework for underwater research that makes possible to analyse results under different conditions is presented. Finally, motivated by the results of experimentation with the developed framework, a deep learning solution is proposed capable of dehazing a degraded image in real time restoring the original colors of the image.Una de las dificultades más grandes de la robótica autónoma submarina es lidiar con la falta de visibilidad en imágenes submarinas. La transmisión de la luz en el agua degrada las imágenes dificultando el reconocimiento de objetos y en consecuencia la intervención. Ésta tesis se centra en el análisis del impacto de la degradación de las imágenes submarinas en algoritmos de visión a través de benchmarking, desarrollando un entorno de trabajo en la nube que permite analizar los resultados bajo diferentes condiciones. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos con este entorno, se proponen métodos basados en técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para mitigar el impacto de la degradación de las imágenes en tiempo real introduciendo un paso previo que permita recuperar los colores originales

    Style Transfer with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    This dissertation is focused on trying to use concepts from style transfer and image-to-image translation to address the problem of defogging. Defogging (or dehazing) is the ability to remove fog from an image, restoring it as if the photograph was taken during optimal weather conditions. The task of defogging is of particular interest in many fields, such as surveillance or self driving cars. In this thesis an unpaired approach to defogging is adopted, trying to translate a foggy image to the correspondent clear picture without having pairs of foggy and ground truth haze-free images during training. This approach is particularly significant, due to the difficult of gathering an image collection of exactly the same scenes with and without fog. Many of the models and techniques used in this dissertation already existed in literature, but they are extremely difficult to train, and often it is highly problematic to obtain the desired behavior. Our contribute was a systematic implementative and experimental activity, conducted with the aim of attaining a comprehensive understanding of how these models work, and the role of datasets and training procedures in the final results. We also analyzed metrics and evaluation strategies, in order to seek to assess the quality of the presented model in the most correct and appropriate manner. First, the feasibility of an unpaired approach to defogging was analyzed, using the cycleGAN model. Then, the base model was enhanced with a cycle perceptual loss, inspired by style transfer techniques. Next, the role of the training set was investigated, showing that improving the quality of data is at least as important as the utilization of more powerful models. Finally, our approach is compared with state-of-the art defogging methods, showing that the quality of our results is in line with preexisting approaches, even if our model was trained using unpaired data