20 research outputs found

    Parallel ProXimal Algorithm for Image Restoration Using Hybrid Regularization -- Extended version

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    Regularization approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness for solving ill-posed problems. However, in the context of variational restoration methods, a challenging question remains, namely how to find a good regularizer. While total variation introduces staircase effects, wavelet domain regularization brings other artefacts, e.g. ringing. However, a trade-off can be made by introducing a hybrid regularization including several terms non necessarily acting in the same domain (e.g. spatial and wavelet transform domains). While this approach was shown to provide good results for solving deconvolution problems in the presence of additive Gaussian noise, an important issue is to efficiently deal with this hybrid regularization for more general noise models. To solve this problem, we adopt a convex optimization framework where the criterion to be minimized is split in the sum of more than two terms. For spatial domain regularization, isotropic or anisotropic total variation definitions using various gradient filters are considered. An accelerated version of the Parallel Proximal Algorithm is proposed to perform the minimization. Some difficulties in the computation of the proximity operators involved in this algorithm are also addressed in this paper. Numerical experiments performed in the context of Poisson data recovery, show the good behaviour of the algorithm as well as promising results concerning the use of hybrid regularization techniques

    Euclid in a Taxicab: Sparse Blind Deconvolution with Smoothed l1/l2 Regularization

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    The l1/l2 ratio regularization function has shown good performance for retrieving sparse signals in a number of recent works, in the context of blind deconvolution. Indeed, it benefits from a scale invariance property much desirable in the blind context. However, the l1/l2 function raises some difficulties when solving the nonconvex and nonsmooth minimization problems resulting from the use of such a penalty term in current restoration methods. In this paper, we propose a new penalty based on a smooth approximation to the l1/l2 function. In addition, we develop a proximal-based algorithm to solve variational problems involving this function and we derive theoretical convergence results. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through a comparison with a recent alternating optimization strategy dealing with the exact l1/l2 term, on an application to seismic data blind deconvolution.Comment: 5 page

    Phase and TV Based Convex Sets for Blind Deconvolution of Microscopic Images

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    In this article, two closed and convex sets for blind deconvolution problem are proposed. Most blurring functions in microscopy are symmetric with respect to the origin. Therefore, they do not modify the phase of the Fourier transform (FT) of the original image. As a result blurred image and the original image have the same FT phase. Therefore, the set of images with a prescribed FT phase can be used as a constraint set in blind deconvolution problems. Another convex set that can be used during the image reconstruction process is the epigraph set of Total Variation (TV) function. This set does not need a prescribed upper bound on the total variation of the image. The upper bound is automatically adjusted according to the current image of the restoration process. Both of these two closed and convex sets can be used as a part of any blind deconvolution algorithm. Simulation examples are presented.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting

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    This paper introduces the generalized forward-backward splitting algorithm for minimizing convex functions of the form F+i=1nGiF + \sum_{i=1}^n G_i, where FF has a Lipschitz-continuous gradient and the GiG_i's are simple in the sense that their Moreau proximity operators are easy to compute. While the forward-backward algorithm cannot deal with more than n=1n = 1 non-smooth function, our method generalizes it to the case of arbitrary nn. Our method makes an explicit use of the regularity of FF in the forward step, and the proximity operators of the GiG_i's are applied in parallel in the backward step. This allows the generalized forward backward to efficiently address an important class of convex problems. We prove its convergence in infinite dimension, and its robustness to errors on the computation of the proximity operators and of the gradient of FF. Examples on inverse problems in imaging demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods in comparison to other splitting algorithms.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Local Behavior of Sparse Analysis Regularization: Applications to Risk Estimation

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    In this paper, we aim at recovering an unknown signal x0 from noisy L1measurements y=Phi*x0+w, where Phi is an ill-conditioned or singular linear operator and w accounts for some noise. To regularize such an ill-posed inverse problem, we impose an analysis sparsity prior. More precisely, the recovery is cast as a convex optimization program where the objective is the sum of a quadratic data fidelity term and a regularization term formed of the L1-norm of the correlations between the sought after signal and atoms in a given (generally overcomplete) dictionary. The L1-sparsity analysis prior is weighted by a regularization parameter lambda>0. In this paper, we prove that any minimizers of this problem is a piecewise-affine function of the observations y and the regularization parameter lambda. As a byproduct, we exploit these properties to get an objectively guided choice of lambda. In particular, we develop an extension of the Generalized Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (GSURE) and show that it is an unbiased and reliable estimator of an appropriately defined risk. The latter encompasses special cases such as the prediction risk, the projection risk and the estimation risk. We apply these risk estimators to the special case of L1-sparsity analysis regularization. We also discuss implementation issues and propose fast algorithms to solve the L1 analysis minimization problem and to compute the associated GSURE. We finally illustrate the applicability of our framework to parameter(s) selection on several imaging problems

    Proximity Operators of Discrete Information Divergences

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    Information divergences allow one to assess how close two distributions are from each other. Among the large panel of available measures, a special attention has been paid to convex φ\varphi-divergences, such as Kullback-Leibler, Jeffreys-Kullback, Hellinger, Chi-Square, Renyi, and Iα_{\alpha} divergences. While φ\varphi-divergences have been extensively studied in convex analysis, their use in optimization problems often remains challenging. In this regard, one of the main shortcomings of existing methods is that the minimization of φ\varphi-divergences is usually performed with respect to one of their arguments, possibly within alternating optimization techniques. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by deriving new closed-form expressions for the proximity operator of such two-variable functions. This makes it possible to employ standard proximal methods for efficiently solving a wide range of convex optimization problems involving φ\varphi-divergences. In addition, we show that these proximity operators are useful to compute the epigraphical projection of several functions of practical interest. The proposed proximal tools are numerically validated in the context of optimal query execution within database management systems, where the problem of selectivity estimation plays a central role. Experiments are carried out on small to large scale scenarios