334 research outputs found

    Big Data mining and machine learning techniques applied to real world scenarios

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    Data mining techniques allow the extraction of valuable information from heterogeneous and possibly very large data sources, which can be either structured or unstructured. Unstructured data, such as text files, social media, mobile data, are much more than structured data, and grow at a higher rate. Their high volume and the inherent ambiguity of natural language make unstructured data very hard to process and analyze. Appropriate text representations are therefore required in order to capture word semantics as well as to preserve statistical information, e.g. word counts. In Big Data scenarios, scalability is also a primary requirement. Data mining and machine learning approaches should take advantage of large-scale data, exploiting abundant information and avoiding the curse of dimensionality. The goal of this thesis is to enhance text understanding in the analysis of big data sets, introducing novel techniques that can be employed for the solution of real world problems. The presented Markov methods temporarily achieved the state-of-the-art on well-known Amazon reviews corpora for cross-domain sentiment analysis, before being outperformed by deep approaches in the analysis of large data sets. A noise detection method for the identification of relevant tweets leads to 88.9% accuracy in the Dow Jones Industrial Average daily prediction, which is the best result in literature based on social networks. Dimensionality reduction approaches are used in combination with LinkedIn users' skills to perform job recommendation. A framework based on deep learning and Markov Decision Process is designed with the purpose of modeling job transitions and recommending pathways towards a given career goal. Finally, parallel primitives for vendor-agnostic implementation of Big Data mining algorithms are introduced to foster multi-platform deployment, code reuse and optimization

    An integrated SDN architecture for application driven networking

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    The target of our effort is the definition of a dynamic network architecture meeting the requirements of applications competing for reliable high performance network resources. These applications have different requirements regarding reli- ability, bandwidth, latency, predictability, quality, reliable lead time and allocatability. At a designated instance in time a virtual network has to be defined automatically for a limited period of time, based on an existing physical network infrastructure, which implements the requirements of an application. We suggest an integrated Software Defined Network (SDN) architecture providing highly customizable functionalities required for efficient data transfer. It consists of a service interface towards the application and an open network interface towards the physical infrastruc- ture. Control and forwarding plane are separated for better scalability. This type of architecture allows to negotiate the reser- vation of network resources involving multiple applications with different requirement profiles within multi-domain environments

    Density-Aware Linear Algebra in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database System

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    Linear algebra operations appear in nearly every application in advanced analytics, machine learning, and of various science domains. Until today, many data analysts and scientists tend to use statistics software packages or hand-crafted solutions for their analysis. In the era of data deluge, however, the external statistics packages and custom analysis programs that often run on single-workstations are incapable to keep up with the vast increase in data volume and size. In particular, there is an increasing demand of scientists for large scale data manipulation, orchestration, and advanced data management capabilities. These are among the key features of a mature relational database management system (DBMS). With the rise of main memory database systems, it now has become feasible to also consider applications that built up on linear algebra. This thesis presents a deep integration of linear algebra functionality into an in-memory column-oriented database system. In particular, this work shows that it has become feasible to execute linear algebra queries on large data sets directly in a DBMS-integrated engine (LAPEG), without the need of transferring data and being restricted by hard disc latencies. From various application examples that are cited in this work, we deduce a number of requirements that are relevant for a database system that includes linear algebra functionality. Beside the deep integration of matrices and numerical algorithms, these include optimization of expressions, transparent matrix handling, scalability and data-parallelism, and data manipulation capabilities. These requirements are addressed by our linear algebra engine. In particular, the core contributions of this thesis are: firstly, we show that the columnar storage layer of an in-memory DBMS yields an easy adoption of efficient sparse matrix data types and algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the execution of linear algebra expressions significantly benefits from different techniques that are inspired from database technology. In a novel way, we implemented several of these optimization strategies in LAPEG’s optimizer (SpMachO), which uses an advanced density estimation method (SpProdest) to predict the matrix density of intermediate results. Moreover, we present an adaptive matrix data type AT Matrix to obviate the need of scientists for selecting appropriate matrix representations. The tiled substructure of AT Matrix is exploited by our matrix multiplication to saturate the different sockets of a multicore main-memory platform, reaching up to a speed-up of 6x compared to alternative approaches. Finally, a major part of this thesis is devoted to the topic of data manipulation; where we propose a matrix manipulation API and present different mutable matrix types to enable fast insertions and deletes. We finally conclude that our linear algebra engine is well-suited to process dynamic, large matrix workloads in an optimized way. In particular, the DBMS-integrated LAPEG is filling the linear algebra gap, and makes columnar in-memory DBMS attractive as efficient, scalable ad-hoc analysis platform for scientists

    Penerapan Data Mining untuk Mengetahui Minat Siswa pada Pelajaran Matematika menggunakan Metode K-Means Clustering

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    Matematika merupakan salah satu disiplin ilmu, yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir, dan berargumentasi. Minat merupakan suatu keadaan di mana seseorang mempunyai perhatian terhadap sesuatu dan disertai keinginan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari maupun membuktikannya lebih lanjut. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini bagaimana mengetahui minat siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan Teknik data mining dengan metode Clustering menggunakan Algoritma K-Means. Pengujian pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan data Nilai Tugas, Nilai Ulangan Harian (UH) dan Nilai Ujian Akhir Semeter (UAS) siswa untuk mengetahui minat siswa terhadap mata pelajaran matematika. Hasil clustering dengan menggunakan algoritma k-means memperlihatkan bahawa 45 siswa memiliki minat tinggi pada mata pelajaran matematika, 48 siswa memiliki minat sedang dan 29 siswa memiliki minat rendah pada mata pelajaran matematika

    CDMPP: A Device-Model Agnostic Framework for Latency Prediction of Tensor Programs

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown excellent performance in a wide range of machine learning applications. Knowing the latency of running a DNN model or tensor program on a specific device is useful in various tasks, such as DNN graph- or tensor-level optimization and device selection. Considering the large space of DNN models and devices that impede direct profiling of all combinations, recent efforts focus on building a predictor to model the performance of DNN models on different devices. However, none of the existing attempts have achieved a cost model that can accurately predict the performance of various tensor programs while supporting both training and inference accelerators. We propose CDMPP, an efficient tensor program latency prediction framework for both cross-model and cross-device prediction. We design an informative but efficient representation of tensor programs, called compact ASTs, and a pre-order-based positional encoding method, to capture the internal structure of tensor programs. We develop a domain-adaption-inspired method to learn domain-invariant representations and devise a KMeans-based sampling algorithm, for the predictor to learn from different domains (i.e., different DNN operators and devices). Our extensive experiments on a diverse range of DNN models and devices demonstrate that CDMPP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines with 14.03% and 10.85% prediction error for cross-model and cross-device prediction, respectively, and one order of magnitude higher training efficiency. The implementation and the expanded dataset are available at https://github.com/joapolarbear/cdmpp.Comment: Accepted by EuroSys 202

    Topology-aware optimization of big sparse matrices and matrix multiplications on main-memory systems

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    Since data sizes of analytical applications are continuously growing, many data scientists are switching from customized micro-solutions to scalable alternatives, such as statistical and scientific databases. However, many algorithms in data mining and science are expressed in terms of linear algebra, which is barely supported by major database vendors and big data solutions. On the other side, conventional linear algebra algorithms and legacy matrix representations are often not suitable for very large matrices. We propose a strategy for large matrix processing on modern multicore systems that is based on a novel, adaptive tile matrix representation (AT MATRIX). Our solution utilizes multiple techniques inspired from database technology, such as multidimensional data partitioning, cardinality estimation, indexing, dynamic rewrites, and many more in order to optimize the execution time. Based thereon we present a matrix multiplication operator ATMULT, which outperforms alternative approaches. The aim of our solution is to overcome the burden for data scientists of selecting appropriate algorithms and matrix storage representations. We evaluated AT MATRIX together with ATMULT on several real-world and synthetic random matrices
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