11 research outputs found

    Independent AND-parallel implementation of narrowing

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    We present a parallel graph narrowing machine, which is used to implement a functional logic language on a shared memory multiprocessor. It is an extensión of an abstract machine for a purely functional language. The result is a programmed graph reduction machine which integrates the mechanisms of unification, backtracking, and independent and-parallelism. In the machine, the subexpressions of an expression can run in parallel. In the case of backtracking, the structure of an expression is used to avoid the reevaluation of subexpressions as far as possible. Deterministic computations are detected. Their results are maintained and need not be reevaluated after backtracking

    Some methodological issues in the design of CIAO, a generic, parallel concurrent constraint system

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    We informally discuss several issues related to the parallel execution of logic programming systems and concurrent logic programming systems, and their generalization to constraint programming. We propose a new view of these systems, based on a particular definition of parallelism. We argüe that, under this view, a large number of the actual systems and models can be explained through the application, at different levéis of granularity, of only a few basic principies: determinism, non-failure, independence (also referred to as stability), granularity, etc. Also, and based on the convergence of concepts that this view brings, we sketch a model for the implementation of several parallel constraint logic programming source languages and models based on a common, generic abstract machine and an intermedíate kernel language

    Towards CIAO-Prolog - A parallel concurrent constraint system

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    Transformation�based implementation and optimization of programs exploiting the basic Andorra model.

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    The characteristics of CC and CLP systems are in principle very dierent However a recent trend towards convergence in the implementation techniques for these systems can be observed While CLP and Prolog systems have been incorporating capabilities to deal with userdened suspension and coroutining CC compilers have been trying to coalesce negrained tasks into coarsergrained sequential threads This convergence of techniques opens up the possibility of having a general purpose kernel language and abstract machine to serve as a compilation target for a variety of userlevel languages We propose a transformation technique directed towards such an objective In particular we report on techniques to support the Andorra computational model essentially emulating the AndorraI system via program transformation into a sequential language with delay primitives The system is automatic comprising an optional program analyzer and a basic transformer to the kernel language It turns out that a simple parallel CLP or Prolog system with dynamic scheduling is sucient as a kernel language for this purpose The preliminary results are quite encouraging performance of the resulting system is comparable to the current AndorraI implementation

    An incremental prototyping methodology for distributed systems based on formal specifications

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    This thesis presents a new incremental prototyping methodology for formally specified distributed systems. The objective of this methodology is to fill the gap which currently exists between the phase where a specification is simulated, generally using some sequential logical inference tool, and the phase where the modeled system has a reliable, efficient and maintainable distributed implementation in a main-stream object-oriented programming language. This objective is realized by application of a methodology we call Mixed Prototyping with Object-Orientation (in short: OOMP). This is an extension of an existing approach, namely Mixed Prototyping, that we have adapted to the object-oriented paradigm, of which we exploit the flexibility and inherent capability of modeling abstract entities. The OOMP process proceeds as follows. First, the source specifications are automatically translated into a class-based object-oriented language, thus providing a portable and high-level initial implementation. The generated class hierarchy is designed so that the developer may independently derive new sub-classes in order to make the prototype more efficient or to add functionalities that could not be specified with the given formalism. This prototyping process is performed incrementally in order to safely validate the modifications against the semantics of the specification. The resulting prototype can finally be considered as the end-user implementation of the specified software. The originality of our approach is that we exploit object-oriented programming techniques in the implementation of formal specifications in order to gain flexibility in the development process. Simultaneously, the object paradigm gives the means to harness this newly acquired freedom by allowing automatic generation of test routines which verify the conformance of the hand-written code with respect to the specifications. We demonstrate the generality of our prototyping scheme by applying it to a distributed collaborative diary program within the frame of CO-OPN (Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Nets), a very powerful specification formalism which allows expressing concurrent and non-deterministic behaviours, and which provides structuring facilities such as modularity, encapsulation and genericity. An important effort has also been accomplished in the development or adaptation of distributed algorithms for cooperative symbolic resolution. These algorithms are used in the run-time support of the generated CO-OPN prototypes

    Proof search without backtracking for free variable tableaux [online]

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    On applying Or-Parallelism and Tabling to logic programs

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência de Computadores apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port