18,333 research outputs found

    SIMPEL: Circuit model for photonic spike processing laser neurons

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    We propose an equivalent circuit model for photonic spike processing laser neurons with an embedded saturable absorber---a simulation model for photonic excitable lasers (SIMPEL). We show that by mapping the laser neuron rate equations into a circuit model, SPICE analysis can be used as an efficient and accurate engine for numerical calculations, capable of generalization to a variety of different laser neuron types found in literature. The development of this model parallels the Hodgkin--Huxley model of neuron biophysics, a circuit framework which brought efficiency, modularity, and generalizability to the study of neural dynamics. We employ the model to study various signal-processing effects such as excitability with excitatory and inhibitory pulses, binary all-or-nothing response, and bistable dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Dynamical laser spike processing

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    Novel materials and devices in photonics have the potential to revolutionize optical information processing, beyond conventional binary-logic approaches. Laser systems offer a rich repertoire of useful dynamical behaviors, including the excitable dynamics also found in the time-resolved "spiking" of neurons. Spiking reconciles the expressiveness and efficiency of analog processing with the robustness and scalability of digital processing. We demonstrate that graphene-coupled laser systems offer a unified low-level spike optical processing paradigm that goes well beyond previously studied laser dynamics. We show that this platform can simultaneously exhibit logic-level restoration, cascadability and input-output isolation---fundamental challenges in optical information processing. We also implement low-level spike-processing tasks that are critical for higher level processing: temporal pattern detection and stable recurrent memory. We study these properties in the context of a fiber laser system, but the addition of graphene leads to a number of advantages which stem from its unique properties, including high absorption and fast carrier relaxation. These could lead to significant speed and efficiency improvements in unconventional laser processing devices, and ongoing research on graphene microfabrication promises compatibility with integrated laser platforms.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Accumulation horizons and period-adding in optically injected semiconductor lasers

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    We study the hierarchical structuring of islands of stable periodic oscillations inside chaotic regions in phase diagrams of single-mode semiconductor lasers with optical injection. Phase diagrams display remarkable {\it accumulation horizons}: boundaries formed by the accumulation of infinite cascades of self-similar islands of periodic solutions of ever-increasing period. Each cascade follows a specific period-adding route. The riddling of chaotic laser phases by such networks of periodic solutions may compromise applications operating with chaotic signals such as e.g. secure communications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, laser phase diagrams, to appear in Phys. Rev. E, vol. 7

    WENO schemes applied to the quasi-relativistic Vlasov--Maxwell model for laser-plasma interaction

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    In this paper we focus on WENO-based methods for the simulation of the 1D Quasi-Relativistic Vlasov--Maxwell (QRVM) model used to describe how a laser wave interacts with and heats a plasma by penetrating into it. We propose several non-oscillatory methods based on either Runge--Kutta (explicit) or Time-Splitting (implicit) time discretizations. We then show preliminary numerical experiments

    High performance photonic reservoir computer based on a coherently driven passive cavity

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    Reservoir computing is a recent bio-inspired approach for processing time-dependent signals. It has enabled a breakthrough in analog information processing, with several experiments, both electronic and optical, demonstrating state-of-the-art performances for hard tasks such as speech recognition, time series prediction and nonlinear channel equalization. A proof-of-principle experiment using a linear optical circuit on a photonic chip to process digital signals was recently reported. Here we present a photonic implementation of a reservoir computer based on a coherently driven passive fiber cavity processing analog signals. Our experiment has error rate as low or lower than previous experiments on a wide variety of tasks, and also has lower power consumption. Furthermore, the analytical model describing our experiment is also of interest, as it constitutes a very simple high performance reservoir computer algorithm. The present experiment, given its good performances, low energy consumption and conceptual simplicity, confirms the great potential of photonic reservoir computing for information processing applications ranging from artificial intelligence to telecommunicationsComment: non

    Coherence and synchronization in diode-laser arrays with delayed global coupling

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    The dynamics of a semiconductor-laser array whose individual elements are coupled in a global way through an external mirror is numerically analysed. A coherent in-phase solution is seen to be preferred by the system at intermediate values of the feedback coupling strength. At low values of this parameter, a strong amplification of the spontaneous emission noise is observed. A tendency towards chaos synchronization is also observed at large values of the feedback strength.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 6 PS figures, to appear in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao