26,942 research outputs found

    Probing the ν=2/3\nu=2/3 fractional quantum Hall edge by momentum-resolved tunneling

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    The nature of the fractional quantum Hall state with filling factor ν=2/3\nu=2/3 and its edge modes continues to remain an open problem in low-dimensional condensed matter physics. Here, we suggest an experimental setting to probe the ν=2/3\nu=2/3 edge by tunnel-coupling it to a ν=1\nu=1 integer quantum Hall edge in another layer of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). In this double-layer geometry, the momentum of tunneling electrons may be boosted by an auxiliary magnetic field parallel to the two planes of 2DEGs. We evaluate the current as a function of bias voltage and the boosting magnetic field. Its threshold behavior yields information about the spectral function of the ν=2/3\nu=2/3 edge, in particular about the nature of the chiral edge modes. Our theory accounts also for the effects of Coulomb interaction and disorder.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, and supplementary material (5 pages, 1 figure

    Relativistic parsec-scale jets: II. Synchrotron emission

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    We calculate the optically thin synchrotron emission of fast electrons and positrons in a spiral stationary magnetic field and a radial electric field of a rotating relativistic strongly magnetized force-free jet consisting of electron-positron pair plasma. The magnetic field has a helical structure with a uniform axial component and a toroidal component that is maximal inside the jet and decreasing to zero towards the boundary of the jet. Doppler boosting and swing of the polarization angle of synchrotron emission due to the relativistic motion of the emitting volume are calculated. The distribution of the plasma velocity in the jet is consistent with the electromagnetic field structure. Two spatial distributions of fast particles are considered: uniform, and concentrated in the vicinity of the Alfven resonance surface. The latter distribution corresponds to the regular acceleration by an electromagnetic wave in the vicinity of its Alfven resonance surface inside the jet. The polarization properties of the radiation have been obtained and compared with the existing VLBI polarization measurements of parsec-scale jets in BL Lac sources and quasars. Our results give a natural explanation of the observed bimodality in the alignment between the electric field vector of the polarized radiation and the projection of the jet axis on the plane of the sky. We interpret the motion of bright knots as a phase velocity of standing spiral eigenmodes of electromagnetic perturbations in a cylindrical jet. The degree of polarization and the velocity of the observed proper motion of bright knots depend upon the angular rotational velocity of the jet. The observed polarizations and velocities of knots indicate that the magnetic field lines are bent in the direction opposite to the direction of the jet rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Astron. Astroph. in pres

    On the Quantum Deviations from Einstein Dilation of Unstable Quanton Decay Evolution and Lifetimes

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    For over a decade several workers have argued for the existence of quantum deviations from the classical, Einstein dilation of the decay evolution of moving or Lorentz boosted unstable particles. While the general claim is correct, the discussions have been incomplete and, sometimes, misleading. The discussions have been of three kinds. Type 1 examines the time dependence of the survival probability for 3-momentum eigenstates of the unstable quanton (Khalfin). Type 2 does the same for velocity eigenstates, obtaining an outrageous result which then discredits velocity eigenstates (Shirokov / Hegerfeldt). Type 3 examines arbitrary boosts of 3-momentum eigenstates (Stefanovich). Type 1 is incomplete since the momentum eigenstates are not the boosts of one another. Type 2 is misleading since the outrageous result is due to misinterpreting the initial conditions of the velocity eigenstates (as I have previously argued). Type 3 is the most satisfactory, but has failed to recognize and implement the unification of all three types of discussion that can be achieved. In this paper I will provide that unified treatment, beginning with a recapitulation of Type 1 and offering further clarification of Type 2 in the process. The unified treatment fully reinstates velocity eigenstates as essential contributors to unstable quanton states. Besides discussing the time evolution of survival probabilities I also focus on the concept of lifetime defined as the average time of decay. This quantity is helpful in order to display the inequivalent dependence of dilation on momentum and boosts most sharply and the deviation from Einstein dilation most cleanly.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figure

    Physical Degrees of Freedom for Gauge Fields and the Issue of Spin

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    The conflict between the physical degrees of freedom of gauge bosons and the Lorentz group irreps naturally used to describe their couplings to matter fields are illustrated and discussed, and applied to issues of linear and angular momentum.Comment: 10pp., no figures, to appear in PACSpin2011 (Cairns, 20-24 June, 2011) conf. proc. (AIP

    Constraining Relativistic Bow Shock Properties in Rotation-Powered Millisecond Pulsar Binaries

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    Multiwavelength followup of unidentified Fermi sources has vastly expanded the number of known galactic-field "black widow" and "redback" millisecond pulsar binaries. Focusing on their rotation-powered state, we interpret the radio to X-ray phenomenology in a consistent framework. We advocate the existence of two distinct modes differing in their intrabinary shock orientation, distinguished by the phase-centering of the double-peaked X-ray orbital modulation originating from mildly-relativistic Doppler boosting. By constructing a geometric model for radio eclipses, we constrain the shock geometry as functions of binary inclination and shock stand-off R0R_0. We develop synthetic X-ray synchrotron orbital light curves and explore the model parameter space allowed by radio eclipse constraints applied on archetypal systems B1957+20 and J1023+0038. For B1957+20, from radio eclipses the stand-off is R0∼0.15R_0 \sim 0.15 -- 0.30.3 fraction of binary separation from the companion center, depending on the orbit inclination. Constructed X-ray light curves for B1957+20 using these values are qualitatively consistent with those observed, and we find occultation of the shock by the companion as a minor influence, demanding significant Doppler factors to yield double peaks. For J1023+0038, radio eclipses imply R0≲0.4R_0 \lesssim 0.4 while X-ray light curves suggest 0.1≲R0≲0.30.1\lesssim R_0 \lesssim 0.3 (from the pulsar). Degeneracies in the model parameter space encourage further development to include transport considerations. Generically, the spatial variation along the shock of the underlying electron power-law index should yield energy-dependence in the shape of light curves motivating future X-ray phase-resolved spectroscopic studies to probe the unknown physics of pulsar winds and relativistic shock acceleration therein.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 36 pages, 15 figures; comments welcom
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