9 research outputs found

    Hand-based multimodal identification system with secure biometric template storage

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    WOS:000304107200001This study proposes a biometric system for personal identification based on three biometric characteristics from the hand, namely: the palmprint, finger surfaces and hand geometry. A protection scheme is applied to the biometric template data to guarantee its revocability, security and diversity among different biometric systems. An error-correcting code (ECC), a cryptographic hash function (CHF) and a binarisation module are the core of the template protection scheme. Since the ECC and CHF operate on binary data, an additional feature binarisation step is required. This study proposes: (i) a novel identification architecture that uses hand geometry as a soft biometric to accelerate the identification process and ensure the system's scalability; and (ii) a new feature binarisation technique that guarantees that the Hamming distance between transformed binary features is proportional to the difference between their real values. The proposed system achieves promising recognition and speed performances on two publicly available hand image databases.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The fundamentals of unimodal palmprint authentication based on a biometric system: A review

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    Biometric system can be defined as the automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral traits. Palmprint biometric-based authentication has gained considerable attention in recent years. Globally, enterprises have been exploring biometric authorization for some time, for the purpose of security, payment processing, law enforcement CCTV systems, and even access to offices, buildings, and gyms via the entry doors. Palmprint biometric system can be divided into unimodal and multimodal. This paper will investigate the biometric system and provide a detailed overview of the palmprint technology with existing recognition approaches. Finally, we introduce a review of previous works based on a unimodal palmprint system using different databases

    Elaborazione dell'immagine del palmo della mano per il riconoscimento di identitĂ 

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    Questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’elaborazione dell’immagine del palmo della mano ai fini dell’autenticazione biometrica. L’immagine della parte centrale del palmo, estratta nella fase di preprocessing, viene suddivisa in aree non sovrapposte allo scopo di utilizzarne solo alcune nella fase di riconoscimento. Per l’estrazione delle caratteristiche viene utilizzato il filtro di Gabor, che permette di estrarre le tessiture (texture) dell’immagine. Vengono testate diverse situazioni, in base alla scelta delle porzioni dell’immagine da elaborare, e queste saranno confrontate con la soluzione realizzata in letteratura, senza suddivisione dell’immagin

    Image Compression Techniques: A Survey in Lossless and Lossy algorithms

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    The bandwidth of the communication networks has been increased continuously as results of technological advances. However, the introduction of new services and the expansion of the existing ones have resulted in even higher demand for the bandwidth. This explains the many efforts currently being invested in the area of data compression. The primary goal of these works is to develop techniques of coding information sources such as speech, image and video to reduce the number of bits required to represent a source without significantly degrading its quality. With the large increase in the generation of digital image data, there has been a correspondingly large increase in research activity in the field of image compression. The goal is to represent an image in the fewest number of bits without losing the essential information content within. Images carry three main type of information: redundant, irrelevant, and useful. Redundant information is the deterministic part of the information, which can be reproduced without loss from other information contained in the image. Irrelevant information is the part of information that has enormous details, which are beyond the limit of perceptual significance (i.e., psychovisual redundancy). Useful information, on the other hand, is the part of information, which is neither redundant nor irrelevant. Human usually observes decompressed images. Therefore, their fidelities are subject to the capabilities and limitations of the Human Visual System. This paper provides a survey on various image compression techniques, their limitations, compression rates and highlights current research in medical image compression

    A survey on video compression fast block matching algorithms

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    Video compression is the process of reducing the amount of data required to represent digital video while preserving an acceptable video quality. Recent studies on video compression have focused on multimedia transmission, videophones, teleconferencing, high definition television, CD-ROM storage, etc. The idea of compression techniques is to remove the redundant information that exists in the video sequences. Motion compensation predictive coding is the main coding tool for removing temporal redundancy of video sequences and it typically accounts for 50–80% of video encoding complexity. This technique has been adopted by all of the existing International Video Coding Standards. It assumes that the current frame can be locally modelled as a translation of the reference frames. The practical and widely method used to carry out motion compensated prediction is block matching algorithm. In this method, video frames are divided into a set of non-overlapped macroblocks and compared with the search area in the reference frame in order to find the best matching macroblock. This will carry out displacement vectors that stipulate the movement of the macroblocks from one location to another in the reference frame. Checking all these locations is called Full Search, which provides the best result. However, this algorithm suffers from long computational time, which necessitates improvement. Several methods of Fast Block Matching algorithm are developed to reduce the computation complexity. This paper focuses on a survey for two video compression techniques: the first is called the lossless block matching algorithm process, in which the computational time required to determine the matching macroblock of the Full Search is decreased while the resolution of the predicted frames is the same as for the Full Search. The second is called lossy block matching algorithm process, which reduces the computational complexity effectively but the search result's quality is not the same as for the Full Search

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    The development of automated palmprint identification using major flexion creases

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    Palmar flexion crease matching is a method for verifying or establishing identity. New methods of palmprint identification, that complement existing identification strategies, or reduce analysis and comparison times, will benefit palmprint identification communities worldwide. To this end, this thesis describes new methods of manual and automated palmar flexion crease identification, that can be used to identify palmar flexion creases in online palmprint images. In the first instance, a manual palmar flexion crease identification and matching method is described, which was used to compare palmar flexion creases from 100 palms, each modified 10 times to mimic some of the types of alterations that can be found in crime scene palmar marks. From these comparisons, using manual palmar flexion crease identification, results showed that when labelled within 10 pixels, or 3.5 mm, of the palmar flexion crease, a palmprint image can be identified with a 99.2% genuine acceptance rate and a 0% false acceptance rate. Furthermore, in the second instance, a new method of automated palmar flexion crease recognition, that can be used to identify palmar flexion creases in online palmprint images, is described. A modified internal image seams algorithm was used to extract the flexion creases, and a matching algorithm, based on kd-tree nearest neighbour searching, was used to calculate the similarity between them. Results showed that in 1000 palmprint images from 100 palms, when compared to manually identified palmar flexion creases, a 100% genuine acceptance rate was achieved with a 0.0045% false acceptance rate. Finally, to determine if automated palmar flexion crease recognition can be used as an effective method of palmprint identification, palmar flexion creases from two online palmprint image data sets, containing images from 100 palms and 386 palms respectively, were automatically extracted and compared. In the first data set, that is, for images from 100 palms, an equal error rate of 0.3% was achieved. In the second data set, that is, for images from 386 palms, an equal error rate of 0.415% was achieved.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Intelligent strategies for sheep monitoring and management

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    With the growth in world population, there is an increasing demand for food resources and better land utilisation, e.g., domesticated animals and land management, which in turn brought about developments in intelligent farming. Modern farms rely upon intelligent sensors and advanced software solutions, to optimally manage pasture and support animal welfare. A very significant aspect in domesticated animal farms is monitoring and understanding of animal activity, which provides vital insight into animal well-being and the environment they live in. Moreover, “virtual” fencing systems provide an alternative to managing farmland by replacing traditional boundaries. This thesis proposes novel solutions to animal activity recognition based on accelerometer data using machine learning strategies, and supports the development of virtual fencing systems via animal behaviour management using audio stimuli. The first contribution of this work is four datasets comprising accelerometer gait signals. The first dataset consisted of accelerometer and gyroscope measurements, which were obtained using a Samsung smartphone on seven animals. Next, a dataset of accelerometer measurements was collected using the MetamotionR device on 8 Hebridean ewes. Finally, two datasets of nine Hebridean ewes were collected from two sensors (MetamotionR and Raspberry Pi) comprising of accelerometer signals describing active, inactive and grazing activity of the animal. These datasets will be made publicly available as there is limited availability of such datasets. In respect to activity recognition, a systematic study of the experimental setup, associated signal features and machine learning methods was performed. It was found that Random Forest using accelerometer measurements and a sample rate of 12.5Hz with a sliding window of 5 seconds provides an accuracy of above 96% when discriminating animal activity. The problem of sensor heterogeneity was addressed with transfer learning of Convolutional Neural Networks, which has been used for the first time in this problem, and resulted to an accuracy of 98.55%, and 96.59%, respectively, in the two experimental datasets. Next, the feasibility of using only audio stimuli in the context of a virtual fencing system was explored. Specifically, a systematic evaluation of the parameters of audio stimuli, e.g., frequency and duration, was performed on two sheep breeds, Hebridean and Greyface Dartmoor ewes, in the context of controlling animal position and keeping them away from a designated area. It worth noting that the use of sounds is different to existing approaches, which utilize electric shocks to train animals to adhere within the boundaries of a virtual fence. It was found that audio signals in the frequencies of 125Hz-440Hz, 10kHz-17kHz and white noise are able to control animal activity with accuracies of 89.88%, and 95.93%, for Hebridean and Greyface Dartmoor ewes, respectively. Last but not least, the thesis proposes a multifunctional system that identifies whether the animal is active or inactive, using transfer learning, and manipulates its position using the optimized sound settings achieving a classification accuracy of over 99.95%