12,075 research outputs found

    Sequence-specific sequence comparison using pairwise statistical significance

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    Sequence comparison is one of the most fundamental computational problems in bioinformatics for which many approaches have been and are still being developed. In particular, pairwise sequence alignment forms the crux of both DNA and protein sequence comparison techniques, which in turn forms the basis of many other applications in bioinformatics. Pairwise sequence alignment methods align two sequences using a substitution matrix consisting of pairwise scores of aligning different residues with each other (like BLOSUM62), and give an alignment score for the given sequence-pair. The biologists routinely use such pairwise alignment programs to identify similar, or more specifically, related sequences (having common ancestor). It is widely accepted that the relatedness of two sequences is better judged by statistical significance of the alignment score rather than by the alignment score alone. This research addresses the problem of accurately estimating statistical significance of pairwise alignment for the purpose of identifying related sequences, by making the sequence comparison process more sequence-specific. The major contributions of this research work are as follows. Firstly, using sequence-specific strategies for pairwise sequence alignment in conjunction with sequence-specific strategies for statistical significance estimation, wherein accurate methods for pairwise statistical significance estimation using standard, sequence-specific, and position-specific substitution matrices are developed. Secondly, using pairwise statistical significance to improve the performance of the most popular database search program PSI-BLAST. Thirdly, design and implementation of heuristics to speed-up pairwise statistical significance estimation by an factor of more than 200. The implementation of all the methods developed in this work is freely available online. With the all-pervasive application of sequence alignment methods in bioinformatics using the ever-increasing sequence data, this work is expected to offer useful contributions to the research community

    Pairwise statistical significance of local sequence alignment using multiple parameter sets and empirical justification of parameter set change penalty

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    Background: Accurate estimation of statistical significance of a pairwise alignment is an important problem in sequence comparison. Recently, a comparative study of pairwise statistical significance with database statistical significance was conducted. In this paper, we extend the earlier work on pairwise statistical significance by incorporating with it the use of multiple parameter sets. Results: Results for a knowledge discovery application of homology detection reveal that using multiple parameter sets for pairwise statistical significance estimates gives better coverage than using a single parameter set, at least at some error levels. Further, the results of pairwise statistical significance using multiple parameter sets are shown to be significantly better than database statistical significance estimates reported by BLAST and PSI-BLAST, and comparable and at times significantly better than SSEARCH. Using non-zero parameter set change penalty values give better performance than zero penalty. Conclusion: The fact that the homology detection performance does not degrade when using multiple parameter sets is a strong evidence for the validity of the assumption that the alignment score distribution follows an extreme value distribution even when using multiple parameter sets. Parameter set change penalty is a useful parameter for alignment using multiple parameter sets. Pairwise statistical significance using multiple parameter sets can be effectively used to determine the relatedness of a (or a few) pair(s) of sequences without performing a time-consuming database search

    Where Does the Alignment Score Distribution Shape Come from?

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    Alignment algorithms are powerful tools for searching for homologous proteins in databases, providing a score for each sequence present in the database. It has been well known for 20 years that the shape of the score distribution looks like an extreme value distribution. The extremely large number of times biologists face this class of distributions raises the question of the evolutionary origin of this probability law

    A Probabilistic Model of Local Sequence Alignment That Simplifies Statistical Significance Estimation

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    Sequence database searches require accurate estimation of the statistical significance of scores. Optimal local sequence alignment scores follow Gumbel distributions, but determining an important parameter of the distribution (λ) requires time-consuming computational simulation. Moreover, optimal alignment scores are less powerful than probabilistic scores that integrate over alignment uncertainty (“Forward” scores), but the expected distribution of Forward scores remains unknown. Here, I conjecture that both expected score distributions have simple, predictable forms when full probabilistic modeling methods are used. For a probabilistic model of local sequence alignment, optimal alignment bit scores (“Viterbi” scores) are Gumbel-distributed with constant λ = log 2, and the high scoring tail of Forward scores is exponential with the same constant λ. Simulation studies support these conjectures over a wide range of profile/sequence comparisons, using 9,318 profile-hidden Markov models from the Pfam database. This enables efficient and accurate determination of expectation values (E-values) for both Viterbi and Forward scores for probabilistic local alignments

    Testing statistical significance scores of sequence comparison methods with structure similarity

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    BACKGROUND: In the past years the Smith-Waterman sequence comparison algorithm has gained popularity due to improved implementations and rapidly increasing computing power. However, the quality and sensitivity of a database search is not only determined by the algorithm but also by the statistical significance testing for an alignment. The e-value is the most commonly used statistical validation method for sequence database searching. The CluSTr database and the Protein World database have been created using an alternative statistical significance test: a Z-score based on Monte-Carlo statistics. Several papers have described the superiority of the Z-score as compared to the e-value, using simulated data. We were interested if this could be validated when applied to existing, evolutionary related protein sequences. RESULTS: All experiments are performed on the ASTRAL SCOP database. The Smith-Waterman sequence comparison algorithm with both e-value and Z-score statistics is evaluated, using ROC, CVE and AP measures. The BLAST and FASTA algorithms are used as reference. We find that two out of three Smith-Waterman implementations with e-value are better at predicting structural similarities between proteins than the Smith-Waterman implementation with Z-score. SSEARCH especially has very high scores. CONCLUSION: The compute intensive Z-score does not have a clear advantage over the e-value. The Smith-Waterman implementations give generally better results than their heuristic counterparts. We recommend using the SSEARCH algorithm combined with e-values for pairwise sequence comparisons

    Comprehensive structural classification of ligand binding motifs in proteins

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    Comprehensive knowledge of protein-ligand interactions should provide a useful basis for annotating protein functions, studying protein evolution, engineering enzymatic activity, and designing drugs. To investigate the diversity and universality of ligand binding sites in protein structures, we conducted the all-against-all atomic-level structural comparison of over 180,000 ligand binding sites found in all the known structures in the Protein Data Bank by using a recently developed database search and alignment algorithm. By applying a hybrid top-down-bottom-up clustering analysis to the comparison results, we determined approximately 3000 well-defined structural motifs of ligand binding sites. Apart from a handful of exceptions, most structural motifs were found to be confined within single families or superfamilies, and to be associated with particular ligands. Furthermore, we analyzed the components of the similarity network and enumerated more than 4000 pairs of ligand binding sites that were shared across different protein folds.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    The distance-profile representation and its application to detection of distantly related protein families

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    BACKGROUND: Detecting homology between remotely related protein families is an important problem in computational biology since the biological properties of uncharacterized proteins can often be inferred from those of homologous proteins. Many existing approaches address this problem by measuring the similarity between proteins through sequence or structural alignment. However, these methods do not exploit collective aspects of the protein space and the computed scores are often noisy and frequently fail to recognize distantly related protein families. RESULTS: We describe an algorithm that improves over the state of the art in homology detection by utilizing global information on the proximity of entities in the protein space. Our method relies on a vectorial representation of proteins and protein families and uses structure-specific association measures between proteins and template structures to form a high-dimensional feature vector for each query protein. These vectors are then processed and transformed to sparse feature vectors that are treated as statistical fingerprints of the query proteins. The new representation induces a new metric between proteins measured by the statistical difference between their corresponding probability distributions. CONCLUSION: Using several performance measures we show that the new tool considerably improves the performance in recognizing distant homologies compared to existing approaches such as PSIBLAST and FUGUE