1,096 research outputs found

    Packing disjoint cycles over vertex cuts

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    AbstractFor a graph G, let ν(G) and ν′(G) denote the maximum cardinalities of packings of vertex-disjoint and edge-disjoint cycles of G, respectively. We study the interplay of these two parameters and vertex cuts in graphs. If G is a graph whose vertex set can be partitioned into three non-empty sets S, V1, and V2 such that there is no edge between V1 and V2, and k=|S|, then our results imply that ν(G) is uniquely determined by the values ν(H) for at most 2k+1k!2 graphs H of order at most max{|V1|,|V2|}+k, and ν′(G) is uniquely determined by the values ν′(H) for at most 2k2+1 graphs H of order at most max{|V1|,|V2|}+k

    Distributed Connectivity Decomposition

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    We present time-efficient distributed algorithms for decomposing graphs with large edge or vertex connectivity into multiple spanning or dominating trees, respectively. As their primary applications, these decompositions allow us to achieve information flow with size close to the connectivity by parallelizing it along the trees. More specifically, our distributed decomposition algorithms are as follows: (I) A decomposition of each undirected graph with vertex-connectivity kk into (fractionally) vertex-disjoint weighted dominating trees with total weight Ω(klogn)\Omega(\frac{k}{\log n}), in O~(D+n)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}) rounds. (II) A decomposition of each undirected graph with edge-connectivity λ\lambda into (fractionally) edge-disjoint weighted spanning trees with total weight λ12(1ε)\lceil\frac{\lambda-1}{2}\rceil(1-\varepsilon), in O~(D+nλ)\widetilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n\lambda}) rounds. We also show round complexity lower bounds of Ω~(D+nk)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{k}}) and Ω~(D+nλ)\tilde{\Omega}(D+\sqrt{\frac{n}{\lambda}}) for the above two decompositions, using techniques of [Das Sarma et al., STOC'11]. Moreover, our vertex-connectivity decomposition extends to centralized algorithms and improves the time complexity of [Censor-Hillel et al., SODA'14] from O(n3)O(n^3) to near-optimal O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). As corollaries, we also get distributed oblivious routing broadcast with O(1)O(1)-competitive edge-congestion and O(logn)O(\log n)-competitive vertex-congestion. Furthermore, the vertex connectivity decomposition leads to near-time-optimal O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation of vertex connectivity: centralized O~(m)\widetilde{O}(m) and distributed O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt{n}). The former moves toward the 1974 conjecture of Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman postulating an O(m)O(m) centralized exact algorithm while the latter is the first distributed vertex connectivity approximation

    Packing tight Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    Let H be a 3-uniform hypergraph with N vertices. A tight Hamilton cycle C \subset H is a collection of N edges for which there is an ordering of the vertices v_1, ..., v_N such that every triple of consecutive vertices {v_i, v_{i+1}, v_{i+2}} is an edge of C (indices are considered modulo N). We develop new techniques which enable us to prove that under certain natural pseudo-random conditions, almost all edges of H can be covered by edge-disjoint tight Hamilton cycles, for N divisible by 4. Consequently, we derive the corollary that random 3-uniform hypergraphs can be almost completely packed with tight Hamilton cycles w.h.p., for N divisible by 4 and P not too small. Along the way, we develop a similar result for packing Hamilton cycles in pseudo-random digraphs with even numbers of vertices.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Connectivity measures for internet topologies.

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    The topology of the Internet has initially been modelled as an undirected graph, where vertices correspond to so-called Autonomous Systems (ASs),and edges correspond to physical links between pairs of ASs. However, in order to capture the impact of routing policies, it has recently become apparent that one needs to classify the edges according to the existing economic relationships (customer-provider, peer-to-peer or siblings) between the ASs. This leads to a directed graph model in which traffic can be sent only along so-called valley-free paths. Four different algorithms have been proposed in the literature for inferring AS relationships using publicly available data from routing tables. We investigate the differences in the graph models produced by these algorithms, focussing on connectivity measures. To this aim, we compute the maximum number of vertex-disjoint valley-free paths between ASs as well as the size of a minimum cut separating a pair of ASs. Although these problems are solvable in polynomial time for ordinary graphs, they are NP-hard in our setting. We formulate the two problems as integer programs, and we propose a number of exact algorithms for solving them. For the problem of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint paths, we discuss two algorithms; the first one is a branch-and-price algorithm based on the IP formulation, and the second algorithm is a non LP based branch-and-bound algorithm. For the problem of finding minimum cuts we use a branch-and-cut algo rithm, based on the IP formulation of this problem. Using these algorithms, we obtain exact solutions for both problems in reasonable time. It turns out that there is a large gap in terms of the connectivity measures between the undirected and directed models. This finding supports our conclusion that economic relationships need to be taken into account when building a topology of the Internet.Research; Internet;

    Compression via Matroids: A Randomized Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal

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    The Odd Cycle Transversal problem (OCT) asks whether a given graph can be made bipartite by deleting at most kk of its vertices. In a breakthrough result Reed, Smith, and Vetta (Operations Research Letters, 2004) gave a \BigOh(4^kkmn) time algorithm for it, the first algorithm with polynomial runtime of uniform degree for every fixed kk. It is known that this implies a polynomial-time compression algorithm that turns OCT instances into equivalent instances of size at most \BigOh(4^k), a so-called kernelization. Since then the existence of a polynomial kernel for OCT, i.e., a kernelization with size bounded polynomially in kk, has turned into one of the main open questions in the study of kernelization. This work provides the first (randomized) polynomial kernelization for OCT. We introduce a novel kernelization approach based on matroid theory, where we encode all relevant information about a problem instance into a matroid with a representation of size polynomial in kk. For OCT, the matroid is built to allow us to simulate the computation of the iterative compression step of the algorithm of Reed, Smith, and Vetta, applied (for only one round) to an approximate odd cycle transversal which it is aiming to shrink to size kk. The process is randomized with one-sided error exponentially small in kk, where the result can contain false positives but no false negatives, and the size guarantee is cubic in the size of the approximate solution. Combined with an \BigOh(\sqrt{\log n})-approximation (Agarwal et al., STOC 2005), we get a reduction of the instance to size \BigOh(k^{4.5}), implying a randomized polynomial kernelization.Comment: Minor changes to agree with SODA 2012 version of the pape