23 research outputs found

    A Recommendation for New Diction Rhymes to be used in Turkish Diction Education Studies

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    Acquisition of the ability to speak correctly and effectively is one of the main purposes of elocution. One of the conditions required to achieve this is to have a good diction. Although the students speak standard Turkish language at schools, they have poor diction due to being under the influence of local dialects in the family and outside the school. This affects the process of making the students acquire the ability of speaking, one of the main objectives of Turkish teaching. The aim of the study addressed with case study method is to determine how the diction rhymes should be to be prepared by the prospective Turkish teachers in order to correct and improve the diction of the students. The study group constituted 46 first-grade prospective Turkish teachers studying in the Department of Turkish Language Education, in Ataturk University between 2017-2018 academic year. Prospective Turkish teachers were asked to create a diction rhyme for 10 sounds “b, p, d, t, g, k, e, o, u, ü”. 434 diction rhymes were obtained as a result of the research. Rhymes were examined in terms of length, including the number of the target sound, entertainment, creativity, and availability in diction training. As a result of the examination, 149 of the recommended rhymes were determined to have the capability to be used in diction training

    Adaptive Reuse of the Built Legacy

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    Il progetto espositivo raccoglie i risultati del secondo anno dell’atelier “Riuso adattivo dell’eredità costruita” del Master in Architettura per il Patrimonio del Politecnico di Torino, a cui Urban Lab ha collaborato. 41 studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo hanno lavorato sulla nostra città proponendo 15 soluzioni di riuso adattivo per edifici esistenti oggi privi di una destinazione. All’interno dell’Atelier il progetto di riuso adattivo del patrimonio architettonico intercetta la scala dell’edificio e del suo contesto integrando le discipline della progettazione architettonica, della tecnologia e della scienza delle costruzioni. Le proposte esplorano la complessità del patrimonio edilizio e le sue caratteristiche, mostrandone le potenzialità attraverso un modello e un libro che raccoglie il processo di ricerca progettuale

    Gender, environment and place-based globalism’

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    __Abstract__ Thank you for the great honour of speaking at this Conference to mark the contribution of Parto to gender research in rural regions which includes important contribution to gender and diversity in relation to human ecology, her networking and leadership in connecting gender and global issues in the work of the university

    INPUTB: A thermal/structural data interface program for 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional interpolation

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    A computer program (INPUTB) for interpolation in both space and time, and based on a linear interpolation scheme using simplex spatial regions is described. The program was developed to provide data interfacing between the output from thermal analyzers and the input to the BOPACE 3-D program. The INPUTB interpolator is of a general nature and could be used for other tasks. The INPUTB program utilizes temperature values which are given at some sequence of time for a list of strategically located thermal nodes. It operates on these values by performing a double interpolation to provide temperature values at another desired sequence of times for a list of structural nodes

    Influence of individual biological traits on GPS fix-loss errors in wild bird tracking

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    In recent decades, global positioning system (GPS) location data and satellite telemetry systems for data transmission have become fundamental in the study of basic ecological traits in wildlife biology. Evaluating GPS location errors is essential in assessing detailed information about the behaviour of an animal species such as migration, habitat selection, species distribution or foraging strategy. While many studies of the influence of environmental and technical factors on the fix errors of solar-powered GPS transmitters have been published, few studies have focussed on the performance of GPS systems in relation to a species’ biological traits. Here, we evaluate the possible effects of the biological traits of a large raptor on the frequency of lost fixes—the fix-loss rate (FLR). We analysed 95,686 records obtained from 20 Bearded Vultures Gypaetus barbatus tracked with 17 solar-powered satellite transmitters in the Pyrenees (Spain, France and Andorra), between 2006 and 2019 to evaluate the influence of biological, technical, and environmental factors on the fix-loss rate of transmitters. We show that combined effects of technical factors and the biological traits of birds explained 23% of the deviance observed. As expected, the transmitter usage time significantly increased errors in the fix-loss rate, although the flight activity of birds revealed an unexpected trade-off: the greater the proportion of fixes recorded from perched birds, the lower the FLR. This finding seems related with the fact that territorial and breeding birds spend significantly more time flying than non-territorial individuals. The fix success rate is apparently due to the interactions between a complex of factors. Non-territorial adults and subadults, males, and breeding individuals showed a significantly lower FLR than juveniles-immatures females, territorial birds or non-breeding individuals. Animal telemetry tracking studies should include error analyses before reaching any ecological conclusions or hypotheses about spatial distribution.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (project CGL2015-66966-C2-2-R), the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-099609-B-C22). RGJ was supported by pre-doctoral Grant (FPI/BES-2016-077510) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Occurrence and genetic and pathogenic characterisation of Pyrenophora teres f. teres, P. teres f. maculata and their hybrids

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    Pyrenophora teres is the causal agent of net blotches, which are important foliar diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare) worldwide. Pyrenophora teres has two forms, P. teres f. teres (Ptt) and P. teres f. maculata (Ptm), which causes the net and spot forms respectively based on the symptoms that they induce on barley. The life cycles of both forms are almost identical in which they can undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction contributes to genetic and pathogenic evolution and provides challenges for development of commercial resistant cultivars. It is necessary to understand the genetic and pathogenic diversity of P. teres to effectively breed commercial barley cultivars with resistance. This will improve productivity for barley growers and industry and help reduce reliance on chemical fungicides. The two forms of P. teres consist of different virulence genes. Sexual recombination between two forms of P. teres provides a potential threat to breeding for resistance as it may result in combination of virulences from the two forms. Hybrids have been reported occasionally in the field. This study was conducted to investigate the frequency of Ptt x Ptm hybrid development in the field where both forms of P. teres co-exist. For this purpose, three field trial sites were established for three successive years and Ptt and Ptm of opposite mating types were inoculated to facilitate hybridisation. In addition, samples collected from barley growing regions in Australia during 1976–2015 were analysed. To identify hybrids between the two forms, twelve Ptt and Ptm specific markers were developed using a whole genome comparative approach. These markers provided a more efficient and robust method than previously developed markers for identification of hybrids. No Ptt x Ptm hybrids were identified in the collected samples. This indicates that sexual recombination between the two forms of P. teres was rare, even where conditions were conducive. Further, pre- and postmating barriers which may be responsible for reproductive isolation between Ptt and Ptm were reviewed. A thorough knowledge of the degree of genetic variation in the pathogen is important for successful deployment of resistance genes in barley breeding. Genetic changes occurring in Ptt populations during a three year period was investigated using diversity array technology markers. In the field new genotypes were identified together with the original inoculated isolates in the first year of the cropping season. This indicated clonal reproduction and migration event. In two subsequent years, high number of recombinant genotypes were identified which indicated that gene flow combined with sexual recombination plays a prominent role in rapidly changing the structure of Ptt populations. Barley grass (H. leporinum) is an alternative host to P. teres and can harbour virulent pathotypes of P. teres which can infect barley cultivars. Genetic diversity between P. teres collected from barley grass and barley showed that P. teres from the respective host were distinct, which suggested genetic isolation. Pathogenicity assay result showed that virulent P. teres from barley grass were avirulent on barley. This indicated that barley grass contributes little to the genetics of the P. teres population and negligible risk to commercial barley cultivars although the two hosts are often grown in close proximity. In summary, this study investigated several areas of research to better understand and manage net blotch resistance in future. Further research to investigate mating barriers responsible for reproductive isolation between two forms of P. teres is important to understand the evolution of the pathogen. In addition, identification of virulent/avirulent genes is required to understand virulence mechanism of the pathogen and its interaction with the barley host

    Analisis Pembelian Tidak Terencana pada Toko Online Shopee

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    The development of information and communication technology in the era of globalization is growing rapidly. This has a significant impact on internet usage in Indonesia. So that makes Indonesia a very potential market for e-commerce, which has triggered the emergence of various online stores in Indonesia. Achieving success in e-commerce business in online stores in Indonesia requires a strategy. Shopee is an e-commerce company that runs the C2C mobile marketplace business, which allows users to buy or sell goods through applications available on the iOS and Android platforms. This research is a quantitative research that aims to determine the effect of functional comfort and representative excitement on Impulse Buying. Data collection uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale with PLS (Partial Least Square) method with Smart PLS 3.2.7 software. The sample used in the study was 50 people. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling method. The results of this study indicate that functional convenience variables have a significant effect on unplanned purchases, while representative excitement variables have no significant effect on Impulse Buying