21 research outputs found

    Access control lists in password capability environments

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    With reference to a protection system featuring active subjects that attempt to access passive, typed objects,we propose a set of mechanisms supporting the distribution,verification,review and revocation of access privileges. In our approach, a protection domain is a collection of access rights for the protected objects. An access control list is associated with each object to specify the access rights in each domain. Objects are grouped into clusters.To access the objects in a given cluster, a subject presents a gate referencing this cluster. The gate is a form of password capability that identifies one or more domains.The gate grants the access rights specified for these domains by the access control lists of the objects in the cluster. A subject that holds a gate and is aimed at distributing the access privileges in this gate in restricted form can reduce the gate to eliminate domains; the gate reduction procedure requires no intervention of the protection system. A small set of protection primitives allows subjects to manage objects and access control lists. Forms of revocation of access permissions are supported, at both levels of gates and access control lists

    CHERI: a research platform deconflating hardware virtualisation and protection

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    Contemporary CPU architectures conflate virtualization and protection, imposing virtualization-related performance, programmability, and debuggability penalties on software requiring finegrained protection. First observed in micro-kernel research, these problems are increasingly apparent in recent attempts to mitigate software vulnerabilities through application compartmentalisation. Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) extend RISC ISAs to support greater software compartmentalisation. CHERI’s hybrid capability model provides fine-grained compartmentalisation within address spaces while maintaining software backward compatibility, which will allow the incremental deployment of fine-grained compartmentalisation in both our most trusted and least trustworthy C-language software stacks. We have implemented a 64-bit MIPS research soft core, BERI, as well as a capability coprocessor, and begun adapting commodity software packages (FreeBSD and Chromium) to execute on the platform

    Password systems: design and implementation

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    Critical infrastructures require protection systems that are both flexible and efficient. Flexibility is essential to capture the multi-organizational and state-based nature of these systems, efficiency is necessary to cope with limitations of hardware resources. To meet these requirements, we consider a classical protection environment featuring subjects that attempt to access the protected objects. We approach the problem of specifying the access privileges held by each subject. Our protection model associates a password system with each object; the password system features a password for each access privilege defined for this object. A subject can access the object if it holds a key matching one of the passwords in the password system, and the access privilege corresponding to this password permits to accomplish the access. Password systems are implemented as hierarchical bidimensional one-way chains. Trade-offs are possible between the memory requirements for storage of a password system and the processing time necessary to validate a key

    Access right management by extended password capabilities

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    With reference to a classic protection system featuring active subjects that reference protected objects, we approach the problem of identifying the objects that each subject can access, and the operations that the subject can carry out on these objects. Password capabilities are a classical solution to this problem. We propose a new form of password capability, called extended password capability (or e-capability, for short). An e-capability can specify any combination of access rights. A subject that holds a given e-capability can generate new e-capabilities for reduced sets of access rights. Furthermore, a subject that created a given object is in a position to revoke the access permissions granted by every e-capability referencing this object, completely or in part. The size of an e-capability is comparable to that of a traditional password capability. The number of passwords that need to be stored in memory permanently is kept to a minimum, and is equal to a single password for each object

    Extended pointers for memory protection in single address space systems

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    With reference to a single address space paradigm of memory addressing, we identify a set of mechanisms aimed at preserving the integrity of the virtual space of a given process from erroneous or fraudulent access attempts originated from other processes. These mechanisms guarantee a level of protection that is, in many respects, superior to that of a traditional multiple address space environment. We introduce extended pointers as a generalization of the concept of a memory address, which includes a password and an access authorization. A universally known, parametric one-way function is used to assign passwords. A specialized address translation circuitry supports memory reference and protection at the hardware level. A small set of protection primitives forms the process interface of the protection system. An indication of the flexibility of the proposed protection paradigm is given by applying extended pointers to the solution of a variety of protection problems

    Object Protection in Distributed Systems

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    Withreferencetoadistributedsystemconsistingofnodesconnectedbyalocalareanetwork,we consider a salient aspect of the protection problem, the representation of access permissions and protection domains. We present a model of a protection system supporting typed objects. Possession of an access permission for a given object is certified by possession of an object pointer including the specification of a set of access rights. We associate an encryption key with each object and a password with each domain. Object pointers are stored in memory in a ciphertext form obtained by using the object key and including the value of the domain password. Each process is executed in a domain and can take advantage of a given object pointer only if this object pointer was encrypted by including the password of this domain. A set of protection primitives makes it possible to use object pointers for object reference and to control the movements of the objects across the network. The resulting protection environment is evaluated from a number of salient viewpoints, including ease of access right distribution and revocation, interprocess interaction and cooperation, protection against fraudulent actions of access right manipulation and stealing, storage overhead, and network traffic

    Protected pointers to specify access privileges in distributed systems

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    With reference to a distributed environment consisting of nodes connected in an arbitrary network topology, we propose the organization of a protection system in which a set of subjects, e.g. processes, generates access attempts to memory segments. One or more primary passwords are associated with each node. An access to a given segment can be accomplished successfully only if the subject attempting the access holds an access privilege, certified by possession of a valid protected pointer (p-pointer) referencing that segment. Each p-pointer includes a local password; the p-pointer is valid if the local password descends from a primary password by application of a universally known, parametric one-way generation function. A set of protection primitives makes it possible to manage the primary passwords, to reduce p-pointers to include less access rights, to allocate new segments, to delete existing segments, to read the segment contents and to overwrite these contents. The resulting protection environment is evaluated from a number of viewpoints, which include p-pointer forging and revocation, the network traffic generated by the execution of the protection primitives, the memory requirements for p-pointer storage, security, and the relation of our work to previous work. An indication of the flexibility of the p-pointer concept is given by applying p-pointers to the solution of a variety of protection problems

    Protection Structures in Multithreaded Systems

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    We consider a single-address-space system which implements a form of segmentation with paging within the framework of the multithreaded model of program execution. A salient problem of a system of this type is the definition of the set of mechanisms enforcing memory protection. We present a paradigm for the protection system design that is based on the well-known concepts of protection domains and access rights. The resulting environment guarantees an effective separation of the memory resources of the different processes, whose loosely coupled interactions correspond to explicit actions of information sharing. Within the boundaries of a single multithreaded process, a less-stringent protection requirement is to confine the consequences of a programming error in the thread that originated the error. These results are obtained by taking advantage of techniques of symmetric-key cryptography to represent access privileges in memory at the level of the single pages that form a segment

    Towards a formally verified microkernel using the VCC verifier

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    In this thesis we present the design by contract modular approach to formal verification of an industrial real-time microkernel which was not designed with formal verification in mind. The microkernel module targeted is a particular interrupt manager of xLuna Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for embedded systems built by Critical Software S.A. The annotations were verified automatically using the Microsoft Research Verified C Compiler (VCC) tool to reason about concurrency and safety properties of xLuna kernel. The specifications are based in Hoare-style pre- and post-conditions inlined with the real code. xLuna is a microkernel based on the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System. xLuna extends RTEMS for run a GNU/Linux Operating System, providing a runtime multitasking environment for real-time (RTEMS) and non-real-time (Linux) applications. xLuna runs in a preemptable and concurrent environment. Therefore, we use VCC for reasoning about concurrent executions and some functional and safety properties of xLuna microkernel. VCC is an automated verifier for concurrent C programs that is being developed by Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA and European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC), Aachen, Germany. VCC is being built and used for operating system verification which makes it suitable for our verification work. Specifications were added to xLuna code following a modular approach to the verification of a specific microkernel module, namely the Interrupt Request (IRQ) module. The Verified C Compiler (VCC) annotations added cover approximately 80% of the IRQ manager C code (the remaining 20% of the code are relative to auxiliary functions outside the scope of our verification work). All the annotations were automatically verified and proven to be correct