10 research outputs found

    Resiliencia y desempeño organizacional

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    El cambio hoy se reconoce como el principal reto que enfrentan las empresas. Desde diversas ciencias como la biología, la psicología y la dirección se vienen estudiando las diferentes variables que tienen relación con los procesos de ajuste y adaptación que los individuos y las organizaciones desarrollan cuando disrupciones de diverso tipo se materializan en el entorno. En las últimas décadas se ha contemplado el estudio de la resiliencia como una característica que pueden desarrollar las organizaciones. Por ello, es un tema de estudio interesante, tanto desde los individuos como desde las organizaciones. Se revisan en este artículo los conceptos de resiliencia, resiliencia individual y organizacional, así como las relaciones que surgen entre dichos conceptos para explicar el desempeño organizacional.Change today is recognized as the principal challenge that faces in the companies. Since different sciences as biology, psychology and management, they are being studying many variables that are related with different processes adaptation and fit that individuals and organizations develop when disruptions of various kinds materialize in the environment. In recent decades it has seen the study of resilience as a feature that can develop organizations. Resilience in the context organizational is one in the context described, since the perspective of the Individuals, as the organization. Concepts of resilience, individual and organizational resilience are reviewed, and the relationships that arise between these concepts, organizational performance and business sustainability.Centro de estudios empresariales para la perdurabilida

    Creation of unstructured big data from customer service: The case of parcel shipping companies on Twitter

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    Purpose - Customer service provision is a growing phenomenon on social media and parcel shipping companies have been among the most prominent adopters. This has coincided with greater interest in the development of analysis techniques for unstructured big data from social media platforms, such as the micro-blogging platform, Twitter. Given the growing use of dedicated customer service accounts on Twitter, this paper investigates the effectiveness with which parcel shipping companies use the platform. Design/methodology/approach – This paper demonstrates the use of a combination of tools for retrieving, processing and analysing large volumes of customer service related conversations generated between parcel shipping companies and their customers in Australia, United Kingdom and the United States. Extant studies using data from Twitter tend to focus on the contributions of individual entities and are unable to capture the insights provided by a holistic examination of the interactions. Findings – This study identifies the key issues that trigger customer contact with parcel shipping companies on Twitter. It identifies similarities and differences in the approaches that these companies bring to customer engagement and identifies opportunities for using the medium more effectively. Originality/value – The development of consumer-centric supply chains and relevant theories require researchers and practitioners to have the ability to include insights from growing quantities of unstructured data gathered from consumer engagement. This study makes a methodological contribution by demonstrating the use of a set of tools to gather insight from a large volume of conversations on a social media platform

    C-EMO: A Modeling Framework for Collaborative Network Emotions

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    Recent research in the area of collaborative networks is focusing on the social and organizational complexity of collaboration environments as a way to prevent technological failures and consequently contribute for the collaborative network’s sustainability. One direction is moving towards the need to provide “human-tech” friendly systems with cognitive models of human factors such as stress, emotion, trust, leadership, expertise or decision-making ability. In this context, an emotion-based system is being proposed with this thesis in order to bring another approach to avoid collaboration network’s failures and help in the management of conflicts. This approach, which is expected to improve the performance of existing CNs, adopts some of the models developed in the human psychology, sociology and affective computing areas. The underlying idea is to “borrow” the concept of human-emotion and apply it into the context of CNs, giving the CN players the ability to “feel emotions”. Therefore, this thesis contributes with a modeling framework that conceptualizes the notion of “emotion” in CNs and a methodology approach based on system dynamics and agent-based techniques that estimates the CN player’s “emotional states” giving support to decision-making processes. Aiming at demonstrating the appropriateness of the proposed framework a simulation prototype was implemented and a validation approach was proposed consisting of simulation of scenarios, qualitative assessment and validation by research community peers.Recentemente a área de investigação das redes colaborativas tem vindo a debruçar-se na complexidade social e organizacional em ambientes colaborativos e como pode ser usada para prevenir falhas tecnológicas e consequentemente contribuir para redes colaborativas sustentáveis. Uma das direcções de estudo assenta na necessidade de fornecer sistemas amigáveis “humano-tecnológicos” com modelos cognitivos de factores humanos como o stress, emoção, confiança, liderança ou capacidade de tomada de decisão. É neste contexto que esta tese propõe um sistema baseado em emoções com o objectivo de oferecer outra aproximação para a gestão de conflitos e falhas da rede de colaboração. Esta abordagem, que pressupõe melhorar o desempenho das redes existentes, adopta alguns dos modelos desenvolvidos nas áreas da psicologia humana, sociologia e affective computing. A ideia que está subjacente é a de “pedir emprestado” o conceito de emoção humana e aplicá-lo no contexto das redes colaborativas, dando aos seus intervenientes a capacidade de “sentir emoções”. Assim, esta tese contribui com uma framework de modelação que conceptualiza a noção de “emoção” em redes colaborativas e com uma aproximação de metodologia sustentada em sistemas dinâmicos e baseada em agentes que estimam os “estados emocionais” dos participantes e da própria rede colaborativa. De forma a demonstrar o nível de adequabilidade da framework de modelação proposta, foi implementado um protótipo de simulação e foi proposta uma abordagem de validação consistindo em simulação de cenários, avaliação qualitativa e validação pelos pares da comunidade científica

    Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen: Ein Beitrag zur ganzheitlichen Betrachtung und logischen Beschreibung von Sach- und Dienstleistungssystemen

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    Während der (empirische) Bedeutungszuwachs von Dienstleistungen weitgehend unstrittig ist (Fließ 2009; Klodt et al. 1997), gibt es bei der theoretischen Fundierung, was genau eine Dienstleistung ist, Probleme. Eine dieser Schwierigkeiten besteht darin, Dienstleistung(en) überhaupt zu definieren (vgl. u.a. Richter 2012; Paal 2005; Klodt et al. 1997; Corsten 1985) , insbesondere bei der Definition durch eine sektorenbezogene Negativbestimmung von Dienstleistung . Allgemein gesprochen herrscht eine diffuse Definitionslage von Dienstleistungen. Es gibt sowohl prozess- als auch ergebnisorientierte Definitionen (Richter 2012) – welche sich z.T. gegenüberstehen. Weiterhin gibt es einen Dimensionierungsansatz, welcher die Dienstleistung in drei Dimensionen (Potential-, Prozess-, Ergebnisdimension) unterteilt (Böttcher 2009; Bullinger et al. 2006) und auf diese Weise ergebnisorientierte wie auch prozessorientierte Definitionen zusammenbringt. Jedoch geht auch diese Form der Definition von Dienstleistungseigenschaften aus, welche nicht unumstritten sind (Lovelock und Gummesson 2004)(Vargo und Lusch 2004). Verschiedene Schulen aus dem Service Engineering, dem Service Design, dem Service Management (Grönroos 2007, 1990)(Fitzsimmons und Fitzsimmons 2006) und des Marketings (SD-Logic) (Vargo und Lusch 2004) stoßen bei der Definition immer wieder aufeinander. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Schaffung einer digitalen Grundlage um die Digitalisierung von Service Systemen, sowie deren Engineering und Management, zu fördern. So liegt der Fokus auf der Verbesserung der Informationsverteilung innerhalb des Lebenszyklus von Service Systemen und in komplexen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Gleichzeitig ist es Ziel der Arbeit, diese Erweiterung offen zu gestalten, sodass Informationsflüsse in andere Systeme ermöglicht werden. Es werden auf diese Weise die technischen Grundlagen geschaffen, um von den klassischen produktorientierten digitalen Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu hybriden Unterstützungswerkzeugen zu gelangen. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein Vorgehensmodell sowie eine Ontologie für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management von Service Systemen basierend auf einem Vergleich und Konsolidierung von 26 Vorgehensmodellen bzw. -ansätzen und vier thematisch nahen Ontologien sowie auf vier realen Anwendungsfällen (u.a. Ersatzteilmanagement für Industrieanlagen) welche detailliert analysiert wurden. Für das Vorgehensmodell wurden 44 einzelne Phasenmodule (Methoden) erarbeitet und auf ihre Eignung in besonderen Kontexten (z.B. industrielle Dienstleistungen), der Einsatzphasen sowie der identifizierten Werkzeuge ausgearbeitet. Um die Beschreibung einer Ontologie zu fundieren, wurde der Wissensraum für das Lebenszyklusengineering und -management für Service Systeme mittels der Description Logic modelliert. Anschließend hieß es, diese Beschreibung in ein OWL und damit in die technische Anwendbarkeit zu überführen. Diese Ontologie wurde hierbei mittels Protegé modelliert und implementiert. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 50 Klassen extrahiert und formal beschreiben

    The Impact of Enterprise Social Networks on Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management

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    Purpose: This research aims to understand how ESNs influence information exchange and the development of relationships and trust amongst stakeholders in supply chain management. Information exchange in the supply chain, highly influenced by the exchange beliefs, trust, and relationships among the partners, has increased in volume and complexity with the development of social media. The privacy and security concerns led organisations to adopt ESNs to enable collaboration and information exchange and establish relationships and trust with internal and external supply chain partners. This study also explores the type of information, the extent to which information is exchanged, and the antecedents and consequences of using ESNs in the context of SCM. Design: The study uses a qualitative approach employing netnography, with a triangulation of methods involving open-ended email questionnaires, focused interviews, and netnographic observation of ESN conversations. Findings: The main findings include the nature of relationship and trust, the nature and extent of information exchanged, and the degree of understanding among the supply chain partners, which is positively influenced by the length of online collaborative interactions through ESNs. They exhibited self-disclosure and risk-taking behaviour, as well as the sharing of confidential information. Individuals’ use of ESNs depends on their previous online experience, interests and organisations’ capabilities and support. Strategic and operational information is exchanged, and the prolonged use of ESNs moderates the reluctance to share information. Implications: This research contributes to the scholarly body of SCM and ESN, identifying the influence of long-term ESN usage on relationships, trust, and information exchange and its variation in different organisational settings, identifying the opportunity for future research. Organisations and supply chain practitioners get fresh insights into the role of ESNs in enabling information exchange and building relationships and trust and present a conceptual model that guides them in adopting ESNs. Originality: A netnographic analysis of ESN conversations reveals the nature and degree of information shared, the nature of relationships and trust, the behaviour exhibited by supply chain practitioners due to ESN, and the factors that promote using ESN in the SCM context

    Risk Management in Hierarchical Production Planning Using Inter-enterprise Architecture

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    Unexpected events in hierarchical production planning, such as rush orders, labor problems, lack of availability of materials and faulty machines have to be managed efficiently because they represent a risk for business continuity, based on their impact and duration. The use of inter-enterprise architecture offers multiple benefits for collaborative networks, including: business strategy and information technology alignment, joint process integration and synchronization, supply chain cost reduction, risk and redundancy minimization and customer services improvement. Therefore, the use of inter-enterprise architecture to address the problem of unexpected events in hierarchical production planning supporting operational risk management is proposed. This paper presents a model for inter-enterprise architecture that addresses the problem of handling unexpected events in hierarchical production planning and how the inter-enterprise framework is embedded into the model.This paper has been developed as a result of a mobility stay funded by the Erasmus + Mundus in framework of Traineeship Program. This research has been carried out inthe framework of the project ADENPRO-PJP (Ref. PAID-06-21) funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València.Vargas, A.; Boza Garcia, A.; Patel, S.; Patel, D.; Cuenca González, ML.; Ortiz Bas, Á. (2015). Risk Management in Hierarchical Production Planning Using Inter-enterprise Architecture. En Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks. 16th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2015, Albi, France,, October 5-7, 2015, Proceedings. Springer. 17-26. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24141-8_2S172