82 research outputs found

    Sähköisen identiteetin toteuttaminen TPM 2.0 -laitteistolla

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    Most of the financial, healthcare, and governmental services are available on Internet, where traditional identification methods used on face-to-face identification are not possible. Identification with username and password is a mediocre solution and therefore some services require strong authentication. Finland has three approved strong authentication methods: smart cards, bank credentials, and mobile ID. Out of the three authentication methods, only the government issued smart card is available to everyone who police can identify reliably. Bank credentials require identification with an identity document from Finland or other European Economic Area (EEA) country. Mobile ID explicitly require identification with Finnish identity document. The problem with smart cards is the requirement for a reader, slow functioning, and requirement for custom driver. A TPM could function as a replacement for a smart card with accompanying software library. In this thesis, I created a PKCS #11 software library that allows TPM to be used for browser based authentication according to draft specification by Finnish population registry. The keys used for authentication are created, stored and used securely inside the TPM. TPMs are deemed viable replacement for smart cards. The implemented system is faster to use than smart cards and has similar security properties as smart cards have. The created library contains implementations for 30% of all TPM 2.0 functions and could be used as a base for further TPM 2.0 based software.Pankki-, terveys- ja julkiset palvelut ovat suureksi osin saatavilla internetin välityksellä. Tunnistautuminen käyttäjätunnuksella ja salasanalla ei takaa riittävää luotettavuutta, vaan joissain palveluissa on käytettävä vahvaa tunnistautumista. Suomessa on tällä hetkellä käytössä kolme vahvaa tunnistautumisvälinettä: pankkien käyttämät verkkopankkitunnukset, Väestörekisterikeskuksen kansalaisvarmenne ja teleyritysten mobiilivarmenteet. Näistä kolmesta kansalaisvarmenne on ainoa, joka ei vaadi asiakkuutta ja on täten kaikille saatavilla, jotka poliisi voi luotettavasti tunnistaa. Verkkopankkitunnukset vaativat tunnistautumisen suomalaisella tai Euroopan talousalueen (ETA) valtion myöntämällä henkilötodistus. Mobiilivarmenne myönnetään vain henkilölle, joka voidaan tunnistaa suomalaisella henkilötodistuksella. Kansalaisvarmenne on kuitenkin älykortti kaikkine älykortin ongelmineen: sen käyttämiseen tarvitaan erillinen lukija, sen toiminta on hidasta ja se vaatii erillisen laiteajurin. Tämän työn tavoitteena on luoda ratkaisu, jolla älykorttipohjainen tunnistautuminen voidaan toteuttaa tietokoneissa olevan TPM-piirin avulla. Tässä diplomityössä luotiin PKCS #11 -rajapinnan täyttävä ohjelmistokirjasto, joka mahdollistaa TPM-piirin käyttämisen tunnistautumiseen selaimessa Väestörekisterikeskuksen laatiman määritelmän luonnoksen mukaan. Tunnistautumisavaimet luodaan, tallennetaan ja niitä käytetään TPM:ssa, mikä varmistaa avainten luottamuksellisuuden. Älykortin toiminnallisuudet todettiin mahdolliseksi toteuttaa TPM-piirillä. Toteutettu järjestelmä on nopeampi käyttää kuin älykortti ja se takaa älykortteja vastaavan tietoturvatason. Työn tuloksena tehty kirjasto toteuttaa 30 % kaikista TPM 2.0 -ohjelmistorajapinnoista, ja kirjastoa voidaan käyttää osana tulevia TPM 2.0 -ohjelmistoja

    Strong Electronic Identification: Survey & Scenario Planning

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    The deployment of more high-risk services such as online banking and government services on the Internet has meant that the need and demand for strong electronic identity is bigger today more than ever. Different stakeholders have different reasons for moving their services to the Internet, including cost savings, being closer to the customer or citizen, increasing volume and value of services among others. This means that traditional online identification schemes based on self-asserted identities are no longer sufficient to cope with the required level of assurance demanded by these services. Therefore, strong electronic identification methods that utilize identifiers rooted in real world identities must be provided to be used by customers and citizens alike on the Internet. This thesis focuses on studying state-of-the-art methods for providing reliable and mass market strong electronic identity in the world today. It looks at concrete real-world examples that enable real world identities to be transferred and used in the virtual world of the Internet. The thesis identifies crucial factors that determine what constitutes a strong electronic identity solution and through these factors evaluates and compares the example solutions surveyed in the thesis. As the Internet become more pervasive in our lives; mobile devices are becoming the primary devices for communication and accessing Internet services. This has thus, raised the question of what sort of strong electronic identity solutions could be implemented and how such solutions could adapt to the future. To help to understand the possible alternate futures, a scenario planning and analysis method was used to develop a series of scenarios from underlying key economic, political, technological and social trends and uncertainties. The resulting three future scenarios indicate how the future of strong electronic identity will shape up with the aim of helping stakeholders contemplate the future and develop policies and strategies to better position themselves for the future

    Strong Electronic Identification: Survey & Scenario Planning

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    The deployment of more high-risk services such as online banking and government services on the Internet has meant that the need and demand for strong electronic identity is bigger today more than ever. Different stakeholders have different reasons for moving their services to the Internet, including cost savings, being closer to the customer or citizen, increasing volume and value of services among others. This means that traditional online identification schemes based on self-asserted identities are no longer sufficient to cope with the required level of assurance demanded by these services. Therefore, strong electronic identification methods that utilize identifiers rooted in real world identities must be provided to be used by customers and citizens alike on the Internet. This thesis focuses on studying state-of-the-art methods for providing reliable and mass market strong electronic identity in the world today. It looks at concrete real-world examples that enable real world identities to be transferred and used in the virtual world of the Internet. The thesis identifies crucial factors that determine what constitutes a strong electronic identity solution and through these factors evaluates and compares the example solutions surveyed in the thesis. As the Internet become more pervasive in our lives; mobile devices are becoming the primary devices for communication and accessing Internet services. This has thus, raised the question of what sort of strong electronic identity solutions could be implemented and how such solutions could adapt to the future. To help to understand the possible alternate futures, a scenario planning and analysis method was used to develop a series of scenarios from underlying key economic, political, technological and social trends and uncertainties. The resulting three future scenarios indicate how the future of strong electronic identity will shape up with the aim of helping stakeholders contemplate the future and develop policies and strategies to better position themselves for the future

    Secure Certificate Management and Device Enrollment at IoT Scale.

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to comprise of over 20 billion devices connected to the Internet by the year 2020, and support mission critical applications such as health care, road safety and emergency services to name a few. This massive scale of IoT device deployment, heterogeneity of devices and applications, and the autonomous nature of the decision making process introduces new security requirements and challenges. The devices must be securely bootstrapped in to the network to provide secure inter--device communication and also, the applications must be able to authenticate and authorize these devices to provide the relevant services. In today's Internet, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is widely used to provide authenticity, encryption and data integrity during network communication through the use of digital certificates. This thesis investigates the key aspects for deploying a PKI security solution in an IoT ecosystem, ranging from deploying certificates on new devices (bootstrapping) to complete life cycle management of these certificates. We believe that the current PKI can be, with suitable enhancements, used to provide the efficiency, scalability and flexibility needed for IoT security. This thesis provides a survey of key aspects for deploying PKI security solution in IoT ecosystem. We investigate different certificate management protocols and motivate the applicability of enhanced security over transport (EST) protocol for IoT PKI solution. In addition, we propose a PKI deployment model and the bootstrap mechanism to bring up an IoT device and provision it with a digital certificate. Furthermore, we provide a prototype implementation to demonstrate certificate enrollment procedure with an EST server

    Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни "Інфраструктура відкритих ключів"

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    Робоча навчальна програма з курсу «Інфраструктура відкритих ключів» є нормативним документом Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, який розроблено кафедрою інформаційної та кібернетичної безпеки імені професора Володимира Бурячка на основі освітньо-професійної програми підготовки здобувачів першого (бакалаврського) рівня відповідно до навчального плану спеціальності 125 «Кібербезпека». Навчальна дисципліна «Інфраструктура відкритих ключів» складається з двох змістовних модулів: Основи побудови та застосування інфраструктури відкритих ключів; Практичні аспекти розгортання системи ІВК та забезпечення її функціонування. Обсяг дисципліни – 180 год. (6 кредитів)

    Protecting EST Payloads with OSCORE: IETF Internet Draft

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    draft-selander-ace-coap-est-oscore-04This document specifies public-key certificate enrollment procedures protected with lightweight application-layer security protocols suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) deployments. The protocols leverage payload formats defined in Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) and existing IoT standards including the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) format

    Traceable Anonymous Certificate

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    Digital certificates and threshold cryptography

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    This dissertation discusses the use of secret sharing cryptographic protocols for distributing and sharing of secret documents, in our case PDF documents. We discuss the advantages and uses of such a system in the context of collaborative environments. Description of the cryptographic protocol involved and the necessary Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) shall be presented. We also provide an implementation of this framework as a “proof of concept” and fundament the use of a certificate extension as the basis for threshold cryptography. Details of the shared secret distribution protocol and shared secret recovery protocol shall be given as well as the associated technical implementation details. The actual secret sharing algorithm implemented at this stage is based on an existing well known secret sharing scheme that uses polynomial interpolation over a finite field. Finally we conclude with a practical assessment of our prototype

    Support of Secure Boot in Systemd-Boot Project

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je poskytnúť ucelený prehľad problematiky autentizácie v inicializačnom procese počítačov, pomocou technológie Secure Boot. Ďalej sa práca venuje prehľadu aktuálnych implementácií Secure Boot v operačných systémoch založených na jadre Linux. V závere práce je predstavená realizácia podpory Secure Boot vrámci projektu systemd-boot.The aim of this master thesis is to convey an ellaborate overview of Secure Boot, the technology used for an authentization during a platfrom boot up. Overview is followed by a description of contemporary implementations of Secure Boot found in the operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Finally, we propose a new implemenation of Secure Boot support in the systemd-boot project.