490 research outputs found


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    Education represents one of the fundamentals of the social and economic environment in each and every society, even more in the current stage of development that involves higher educational levels for proper access to technologies. Depending on the specific level of education and training, people are able to find a suitable position in the society by integrating themselves into the labor market. The human potential within a region might be an essential element for embarking the area upon a positive trend in economic development. Without a doubt, the economic environment is primarily attracted to areas rich in human and material resources. Skilled human resources provide an edge especially as the share of the tertiary sector in the economy is becoming larger. Previous research were focused on determining the skill, knowledge and activities management and marketing specialists from the public and private - similarities and differences, selection schemes. A regional analysis of the educational system by taking into account the distribution of infrastructure and the educational categories within the structure of the active population could lead towards an “attractiveness chart†from this perspective. This paper aims to perform specific analyses for various types of infrastructure elements of the individual and integrated educational system in order to emphasize the educational capacity of each county. At the same time, on the basis of data on existing occupational groups in each county and by using the same method, counties can be ranked with respect to the materialized potential of the educational system. The outcomes of the study can be integrated into complex structural analyses, which underpin the public policies on education and employment of workforce and represent a possible approach of the infrastructure and outputs of a system. Organizational change and strategies for medium and long term are out coming of high technologies used by a skilled workforce. Romania is known less as a high-tech generation laboratory, but especially as the skilled workforce and highly qualified with outstanding creative and innovative skills reservoir. That is why the management of technological change should be understood in relationship with the workforce.

    Review of Higher Education’s Contribution to Regional Development in Romania

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    The impact of higher education institutions on the regional economy is now more important the ever, due not only to their role as providers of education and research, but also to their linkages to the economic, social and cultural surroundings. The paper explores the relationship between the higher education and the regional development, bringing evidence from the eight development regions of Romania: Bucharest and Ilfov, Center, West, North-West, North-East, South-East, South, and South-West, on the most widely used development indicators, according to the methodology proposed by OECD for the assessment of the local engagement of higher education institutions. The analysis reveals the needs to improve the relevance of university education, to widen and strengthen the collaboration between higher education institutions and the business environment, to improve the flexibility of the workforce by re-skilling and up-skilling through lifelong learning. In collaboration with regional and local authorities, universities are in the need to develop and expand learning and skills development programmes, research activities and outreach efforts to support the cultural and creative industry development of the regions they are embedded in, taking also into consideration the international dimension by building stronger connections with students, researchers and professionals from Europe and abroad.

    A comparative analysis of the Greek and Romanian public finances : 2000-2008

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    In this paper we analyze the situation of the Public Finances for Greece and Romania for the 2000-2008 period, attempting to identify the fundamental factors that lead to the poor situation of the two countries in the current period. Currently, Greece and Romania are facing difficult financial situations, confronted with record levels of public debt and deficits, being forced to close urgent financial agreements with the European Commission and IMF to avoid financial collapse. In the study we analyze the main parameters of the government finances of Greece and Romania and compare them with the average levels of the European Union.peer-reviewe

    Towards an ecological network for the Carpathians

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    The Carpathian Biodiversity Information System (CBIS) and the proposal for an ecological network for the eastern part of the Carpathians are the two main outcomes of the project funded by the BBI Matra program of the Dutch government. This brochure presents information on how the CBIS was designed, and how the data stored can be retrieved and used. It also clarifies how the CBIS data were used to design the ecological network and, last but not least, it offers recommendations for the use of the proposed ecological network in supporting sustainable developmentin the Carpathians. Due to funding restrictions, the project focused on three east Carpathian countries: Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which together host the largest area of the Carpathians (Fig. 2). Geographically, the Eastern Carpathians also include parts of the Carpathians located in Poland and Slovakia. Data collection in the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) will be completed by 2010 and is funded by a parallel project

    Procedural Factors Influencing Forest Certification Audits: An Empirical Study in Romania

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    In the recent decades, forest certification based on third-party external audits has gained momentum. This type of certification has been developed as a monitoring tool aimed at improving governance in corporate environmental management and differentiating products in the increasing environmentally sensitive markets. Although the scholarly literature has extensively analyzed the adoption and dissemination of forest certification, the findings of the external audits and certification practices remain under researched. On the basis of the analysis of 105 audit reports issued by accredited third-party certification bodies in Romania, this article sheds light on procedural factors that have significant influence on the characteristics of non-conformities (NCs) identified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) third party audits. Our research offers empirical evidence that certain procedural factors such as the type of assessment, auditing days, number of auditors, or the presence of foreign members in an audit team have a significant influence on the auditing process outcomes: number and grade of non-conformities, standard references, or methods of NC detection. The study opens interesting new lines of research—the influence of procedural or other types of contextual factors on certification outcomes—and provides indications on the effectiveness of the certification procedures and guidelines in certification process quality assurance.This research was funded by Transylvania University of Brasov

    Trends in High Nature Value farmland studies: A systematic review

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    Background. Since the High Nature Value (HNV) concept was defined in the early 1990s, several studies on HNV farmland has been increasing over the past 30 years in Europe, highlighting the interest by scientific community of HNV farming systems supporting biodiversity conservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trends and main gaps on HNV farmland peer-reviewed publications in order to contribute to the effectiveness of future research in this field. Methods. Searches were conducted using the databases Web of SciencesTM and Scopus in order to identify only peer-reviewed articles on HNV farmland, published prior to July 2017. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were developed a priori. Data as year, country, type of document, subject area, taxa studied and biodiversity metrics assessed were extracted and explored in order to analyse the spatial and temporal distribution of the concept, including the main topics addressed in HNV farmland literature. Results. After screening 308 original articles, 90 were selected for this review. HNV farmland studies involved several disciplines, mainly biodiversity and conservation and environmental sciences and ecology. Most peer-reviewed articles focused on HNV farming were conducted in Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal. The main studied taxa were plants and birds. Taxonomic diversity was the biodiversity metric more often used to assess the biodiversity status on HNV farmland areas. A positive correlation was found between HNV farmland area and HNV farmland studies conducted in respective countries. Discussion. The HNV farmland research subject is a relative novel approach, and this systematic review provides a comprehensive overview about the main topics in the HNV farmland peer-reviewed literature contributing to highlight the main gaps and provide some considerations in order to assist the performance of HNV farming systems and conservation policies, addressed to sustain high levels of biodiversity

    Some aspects concerning the financial security of the country

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    Given the increasingly globalized economy, in which the inter-dependencies of economic, financial, social, cultural, environmental, as well as other issues are widening, the maintenance and defence of attributes pertaining to sovereignty, independence and national security of each country, become a real and worthy challenge.In other words, the question arises, how could a country, especially one such as Romania, located at the intersection of particularly important geostrategic interests, manager, to converse national attributes of sovereignty, independence and security, while also fulfilling its obligations deriving from international treaties and bodies at which it is a party. 

    The New Pattern of European Governance and Its Influence on Business Environment

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    Deterioration of economic situation at global level showed the necessity of finding solutions for reducing the spread of negative effects between Member States. The widening and intensification of surveillance’s mechanisms of Member States’ macroeconomic developments seems to be necessary in the context of increasingly strong interconnection of European economies. Currently, a transition phenomenon may be observed from the idea of government, as a primary responsibility of a State, to the idea of European governance, which is accomplished through networks of institutions and individuals, as well as between technological entities that act in partnership and show mutual trust. Effective European governance is in fact an essential element of participation in the global economy. Given the development of European Union 2020 strategy "Europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”, this paper tries to explain the necessity of the new model of economic governance proposed at European level
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