1,702 research outputs found

    Efficacy Of Different Protocols Of Ovulation Synchronization And Resynchronization In Argentinian Buffalo Herds

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    During the last years bufalo reproductive researchers have been tried to develop and apply fxed timed artifcial insemination protocols to increase pregnancy rates to maximize improvement. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the pregnancy rates of diferent protocols of synchronization (Ovsynch and progesterone implants) and resynchronization of ovulation in a meat water bufalo herd during reproductive season of 2016. 194 mature Mediterranean females, were randomly assigned to four diferent protocols, ultrasound evaluation were used to determine cyclicity (presence of corpus luteum or follicles ≥7 mm de diameter). 18 days after insemination all females were resynchronized and at day 25 ultrasound were performed, those nonpregnant females were inseminated 28 days after frst insemination. All inseminations were performed by the same technician and only one bull was used. InfoStat software was used, statistical signifcance was considered when p value was lower than α of the 5%. No statistical signifcance were found within the protocols. Early embryonic dead 50 days after IA was 3.4%. Pregnancy rate was 47.9% and 53.5% for insemination and reinsemination respectively and the fnal pregnancy rate after the adjust for early pregnancy loss 73.2%, during the 28 days of the breeding period. The results obtained allow breeders to choose the best pharmacological option to use FTAI in their herds based on their own needs to improve production without afecting pregnancy rates.Fil: Crudeli, Gustavo Angel. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Konrad, José Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: de la Sota, Rodolfo Luzbel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Yuponi, Roberto Gregorio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Vallejos, Natalia. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Cardona Maya, Walter Darío. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Berdugo, Jesus Alfredo. Universidad de Antioquia; Colombi

    Improving the reproductive performance of the Muturu breed of cattle in Nigeria using modified Ovsynch and progesterone synchronization protocol : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Animal Science, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    The Ovsynch protocol has been used in cattle to synchronize ovulation and facilitate fixed-time AI (FTAI) but its efficacy has not been evaluated in the Nigerian Muturu breed of B. indicus cattle. The effects of a modified Ovsynch protocol (modified by the addition of progesterone, eCG and modification of time for AI) upon the reproductive performance of Muturu cows were therefore studied. The study was conducted at Abakiliki in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. Muturu cows (n=100) were selected for the study based on their previous calving history and the presence of follicle of greater than 5 mm diameter. Cows were then allotted to Untreated and Treated groups (n=50 each). Synchronization was by an Ovsynch regimen (Day 0: 100 μg GnRH, Day 7: 500 μg PGF2α (Ovuprost), Day 10: 100 μg GnRH), augmented by a progesterone-releasing intravaginal insert (CIDR) between Days 0 and 7, and 400 IU eCG (Norvomon) on Day 7. FTAI was performed 12 and 24 h after the second GnRH injection. Untreated animals were monitored over two consecutive oestrous cycles and examined daily for the presence of oestrus over a period of 49 days, and were exposed to natural mating upon detection of oestrus in the second oestrous cycle observed. Ovarian ultrasonography to ascertain follicle size was performed at the onset and end of oestrus in the Untreated group, and on Days 0,7,10 in the Treated group. Pregnancy diagnosis (ultrasonographic) was performed 45 days after FTAI (Synchronized) and 45 days after the last observed oestrus during the breeding season (Untreated). Blood samples were collected from Treated group of animals for progesterone, LH and oestradiol concentrations assay. All animals in the Treated group displayed oestrus after synchronization and all animals in the Untreated groups displayed oestrus during the 49-day study period. Follicle size (18 ± 0.4 mm versus 12± 0.2 mm), ovulation rate (100% versus 64%), duration of oestrus (54 h versus 19 h ) and 45-day pregnancy rate (84% versus 36%), were all greater (p<0.005) in Treated than Untreated animals. Additionally, the animals in the Treated group displayed 46% multiple ovulations, compared with none in the Untreated group. Oestradiol concentrations were related to follicle size. Increase in follicle size resulted in higher concentration of oestradiol. The presence of multiple ovulations appears to have been related to the use of eCG in the protocol. No multiple pregnancies occurred. It is concluded that the modified Ovsynch protocol produced synchrony of oestrus, ovulation and improved follicle size, that were supported by normal endocrine patterns. It therefore appears that oestrus synchronization and FTAI can improve reproductive performance of the Muturu breed of cattle. Key words: Muturu cows, pregnancy, follicle size, ovulation, oestrus, modified Ovsynch, Nigeri

    Ovarian Dynamic in Ongole Grade Cattle After GnRH Injection in Ovsynch Protocol Based on Progesterone Device

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    PO cattle have weaknesses to show clear estrus signs which cause difficulty in artificial insemination implementation. The present study was designed to obtain ovarian dynamic as effect of GnRH injection in ovsynch protocol based on progesterone intravaginal device. Heifers (18) and cows (n= 12) were allocated to one of three groups. Cuemate-PGF2α (CP) group inserted with a Cuemate on day 0-7 and injected with prostaglandin on day 7. Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (CPG) group was treated as CP group with the addition of GnRH injection on day 9. GnRH-Cuemate-PGF2α-GnRH (GCPG) group was treated as CPG group with addition of GnRH injection on day 0. Ultrasonography was performed on days 0-3, day 7 until ovulation and 7 days after ovulation. Percentage of ovulation synchronization increased significantly (P&lt;0.01) between CP, CPG, and GCPG, respectively, both in heifers (16%, 50%, and 85%, respectively) and cows (0%, 60%, and 100%, respectively), on day 11. Preovulatory follicle diameters between CP, CPG, and GCPG treatments were not different significantly both in heifers (11.9±0.5, 11.9±0.5, and 12.1±0.6 mm, respectively) and cows (11.7±0.4, 11.8±0.7, and 11.1±0.6 mm, respectively). This study concluded that GCPG protocol increased the synchrony of ovulation rate both in cows and heifers, without affecting the follicle preovulatory and CL diameters


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    Milk sales are the largest source of revenue on dairy farms. Reproduction is necessary to generate a new lactation. However, a pregnancy also dictates when the previous lactation must end so that the cow can retain sufficient condition into her new lactation. Pregnancy rate and estrus detection rate determine reproductive success. From an economics point of view, we talk about calving interval or days open so that a dollar value can be easily associated with the reproductive management program.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Evaluation of synchronization protocols and methods of early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle

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    The studies aimed to evaluate the pregnancy rate (PR) for timed artificial insemination (TAI) after G7G-Ovsynch, modified G7G-Ovsynch (MG7G-Ovsynch) and Ovsynch protocols and to assess the accuracy of using pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) and plasma progesterone (P4) in pregnancy diagnosis compared with ultrasonography (US). In study 1, Holstein cows (n = 37) were bred by TAI following the G7G-Ovsynch protocol (n = 19) or MG7G-Ovsynch (n = 18). Pregnancy was evaluated by US at days 31, 59, and 87 after breeding. The PR was not different for the G7G-Ovsynch and MG7G-Ovsynch. Blood and milk samples were collected on day 3 after insemination and then weekly through day 59 post TAI in cows diagnosed as not pregnant on day 31 and through day 87 in pregnant cows. PAGs were measured using ELISA and P4 by radioimmunoassay (RIA). In the second study, Holstein cows (n = 212) were bred by TAI following G7G-Ovsynch protocol (n = 110) or standard Ovsynch (n = 102). Cows were subjected to pregnancy diagnosis on days 30, 60, and 90. A subset (n = 15 in each group) was subjected to blood and milk samples on days 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 to measure PAGs and P4. In study 2, PR was not significantly different between synchronization protocols on days 30, 60, and 90. Pregnancy loss averaged 15% between day 30 and day 90. The use of PAGs and P4 proved equally effective in diagnosis of pregnancy. Thus, G7G-Ovsynch was deemed the protocol of choice in postpartum cows, and PAGs assayed in milk or plasma could be used to diagnose pregnancy

    Comparison of synchronisation and fertility after different modifications of the ovsynch protocol in cyclic dairy cows

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of (1) double doses of PGF2α administration or (2) an exogenous progesterone (CIDR) applied concurrently with, or (3) the day after, first GnRH of Ovsynch (GnRH-1), on synchronisation and fertility during the Ovsynch protocol. All cows (n = 378) received the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-TAI). The ‘OVS’ group (n = 105) received only the Ovsynch protocol. The ‘OVS-PGF’ group (n = 118, GnRH-7d-PGF2α-12h-PGF2α-44h-GnRH-18h-TAI) received an extra dose of PGF2α 12 h later on Day 7. The ‘OVS-7CIDR’ group (n = 78, GnRH+CIDR-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-TAI) received a CIDR for 7 days between GnRH-1 and PGF2α. In the ‘OVS-6CIDR’ group (n = 77, GnRH-24h-CIDR-6d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-TAI), CIDR was applied one day after GnRH-1 and removed 6 days later. When all cows were evaluated, the responses to GnRH-2 were higher (P = 0.005) in cows that responded to GnRH-1 (95.4%) compared to the cows that did not respond (87.6%). The pregnancy rates at 31 and 62 days for each group were 48.6% and 42.9% in the OVS, 54.2% and 52.5% in the OVS-PGF, 52.6% and 48.7% in the OVS-7CIDR, and 55.8% and 49.3% in the OVS-6CIDR groups. Thus, none of the three different treatments has an effect on increasing the out-comes of the Ovsynch protocol in cyclic lactating dairy cows

    Associação de medroxiprogesterona ao protocolo Ovsynch para inseminação artificial em tempo fixo de búfalas cíclicas (Bubalus bubalis) criadas na Amazônia Oriental.

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    O presente estudo visou avaliar os efeitos da associação da medroxiprogesterona (análogo sintético da progesterona) ao protocolo Ovsynch sobre o crescimento folicular, a ovulação e a taxa de concepção de búfalas criadas na Amazônia Oriental (Tracuateua-PA). Vinte e sete fêmeas adultas (G1 n=14 e G2 n=13), cíclicas, sem bezerro ao pé e com ECC 3,5 foram submetidas a Ovsynch. Os animais do G2 receberam 60 mg de medroxiprogesterona entre D0 e D7 (D0=início do tratamento). A ultra-sonografia ovariana foi realizada nos D 0, 7, 9 e 10. O contingente de folículos pequenos diferiu no D7 (G1: 4,57±0,60 versus G2: 6,54±0,67; P=0,05). Tempo e tratamento influenciaram o diâmetro folicular no D7. O crescimento do folículo dominante entre D7 e D9 foi maior nos animais tratados (G1: 2,05±0,49 mm/dia versus 3,48±0,41 mm/dia; P0,05). Os achados sugerem que a medroxiprogesterona (1) aumenta recrutamento folicular e retarda o crescimento dos folículos com diâmetro maior que 5,0 mm entre D0 e D7; (2) sua retirada incrementa em 1,7 vezes o crescimento folicular do D7 ao D9; (3) pode contribuir para a ovulação de folículos maiores e, em tese, para maior formação de tecido luteínico; (4) não promove ovulação precoce após o Ovsynch; (5) não eleva as taxas de concepção após sincronização de fêmeas cíclicas e com bom escore corporal, devendo ser avaliada para uso em fêmeas acíclicas ou com ECC mais baixo.Disponível também on-line

    Ovsynch i njegove modifikacije u kontroli reprodukcije i liječenju određenih neplodnosti u mliječnih krava- kada i zašto?

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    In order to optimise reproductive performance and thus production, it is now impossible to control the reproduction of dairy cows without the use of hormones. Due to the characteristics of dairy cows, the use of hormones not only reduces the need for visual heat detection and thus the number of undetected cows in heat, but also prevents certain problems associated with intensive production and its negative effects on reproduction. Ovsynch, as a planned combination of GnRH and PGF2α that allows artificial insemination at the optimal time without the need to control ovaries and uterus, once offered solutions to these problems, but over time its shortcomings were recognised. Therefore, pre-synchronisation protocols have been developed to create optimal conditions for Ovsynch and allow for the best outcome. In addition to pre-synchronisation, Ovsynch and its modifications can also be used in the resynchronisation of inseminated and sonographically diagnosed non-pregnant cows as soon as possible, improving farm efficiency. The addition of progesterone implants also further improves the performance of Ovsynch-based protocols. In addition to controlling reproduction, Ovsynch and its modifications have also proven successful in treating certain forms of infertility in dairy cows, such as anovulatory conditions and cystic ovarian disease. This paper presents the possibilities of using the Ovsynch protocol and its various modifications, and their advantages and disadvantages.Da bi se optimizirala reproduktivna učinkovitost, a samim time i proizvodnja mlijeka, danas je nemoguće zamisliti kontrolu reprodukcije mliječnih krava bez uporabe hormona. Zbog osobitosti mliječnih krava, uporabom hormona smanjuje se potreba za vizualnim opažanjem estrusa i na taj način broj nedetektiranih krava u estrusu, ali se i sprečavaju određeni problemi vezani za intenzivnu proizvodnju i njihov negativan utjecaj na reprodukciju. Ovsynch je kao planirana kombinacija GnRH i PGF2α koja omogućuje umjetno osjemenjivanje u optimalno vrijeme bez potrebe za kontrolom jajnika i maternice, svojevremeno ponudio rješenje vezano za ove probleme, ali s vremenom su uočeni i njegovi nedostatci. Stoga su se razvili i presinkronizacijski protokoli koji omogućavaju optimalne preduvjete za Ovsynch i omogućuju njegov najbolji rezultat. Osim u presinkronizaciji, Ovsynch i njegove modifikacije mogu se koristiti i u resinkronizaciji osjemenjenih i potom, čim prije, dijagnosticiranih negravidnih krava, čime se poboljšava učinkovitost farme. Dodavanje progesteronskih implantanata dodatno poboljšava i uspješnost protokola koji se baziraju na Ovsynchu. Osim u kontroli reprodukcije, Ovsynch i njegove modifikacije su se pokazale uspješnima i u liječenju određenih neplodnosti u mliječnih krava, poput anovulatornih stanja i cistične bolesti jajnika. U ovom će radu biti prikazane mogućnosti uporabe Ovsynch protokola i njegovih različitih modifikacija, zajedno s njihovim prednostima i nedostatcima