235,010 research outputs found

    Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation

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    An overview of historical and current numerical aerodynamic simulation (NAS) is given. The capabilities and goals of the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility are outlined. Emphasis is given to numerical flow visualization and its applications to structural analysis of aircraft and spacecraft bodies. The uses of NAS in computational chemistry, engine design, and galactic evolution are mentioned

    Holographic flow visualization: State-of-the-art overview

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    Components and system designs of holographic flow visualization techniques are reviewed. Recording materials, lasers, and data processing and display are discussed

    On the role of domain-specific knowledge in the visualization of technical flows

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    In this paper, we present an overview of a number of existing flow visualization methods, developed by the authors in the recent past, that are specifically aimed at integrating and leveraging domain-specific knowledge into the visualization process. These methods transcend the traditional divide between interactive exploration and featurebased schemes and allow a visualization user to benefit from the abstraction properties of feature extraction and topological methods while retaining intuitive and interactive control over the visual analysis process, as we demonstrate on a number of examples

    Flow visualization

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o metodách vizualizace proudění tekutin a to ve vzduchu i ve vodě. Nejprve je uvedena stručná charakteristika základních pojmů souvisejících s prouděním tekutiny, jako je například proudnice, laminární a turbulentní proudění. Dále jsou uvedeny používané vizualizační metody, rozdělené podle určitých typů a použití pro kapalinu nebo plyn. Tyto metody poskytují kvalitativní pohled na proudění a umožňují vytvořit si přehled o vlastnostech proudění plynů nebo kapalin. Některé z těchto metod jsou jednoduché a některé jsou složitější. Na závěr je uveden popis realizovaného jednoduchého experimentu vizualizace proudění v kapalině za pomocí velmi výkonného laserového ukazovátka.This bachelor´s thesis deals with fluid flow visualization methods in the air and water. First brief characteristic of the basic concepts of fluid flow is described, such as streamline, laminar and turbulent flow. The described visualization methods are divided into certain types and are used for fluid or gas. These methods provide a qualitative view of the flow and create the overview of the characteristics of gas or liquid flow. Some of these methods are simple and some are more complex. Finally, a simple experiment of liquids flow visualization is described by very powerful laser pointer.

    Eyelet particle tracing - steady visualization of unsteady flow

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    It is a challenging task to visualize the behavior of time-dependent 3D vector fields. Most of the time an overview of unsteady fields is provided via animations, but, unfortunately, animations provide only transient impressions of momentary flow. In this paper we present two approaches to visualize time varying fields with fixed geometry. Path lines and streak lines represent such a steady visualization of unsteady vector fields, but because of occlusion and visual clutter it is useless to draw them all over the spatial domain. A selection is needed. We show how bundles of streak lines and path lines, running at different times through one point in space, like through an eyelet, yield an insightful visualization of flow structure ('eyelet lines'). To provide a more intuitive and appealing visualization we also explain how to construct a surface from these lines. As second approach, we use a simple measurement of local changes of a field over time to determine regions with strong changes. We visualize these regions with isosurfaces to give an overview of the activity in the dataset. Finally we use the regions as a guide for placing eyelets

    Live and Let Dye:Visualizing the Cellular Compartments of the Malaria Parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malaria remains one of the deadliest diseases worldwide and it is caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium spp. Parasite visualization is an important tool for the correct detection of malarial cases but also to understand its biology. Advances in visualization techniques promote new insights into the complex life cycle and biology of Plasmodium parasites. Live cell imaging by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry are the foundation of the visualization technique for malaria research. In this review, we present an overview of possibilities in live cell imaging of the malaria parasite. We discuss some of the state-of-the-art techniques to visualize organelles and processes of the parasite and discuss limitation and advantages of each technique. © 2019 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry

    Efficient Analysis Methodology for Huge Application Traces

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    International audienceThe growing complexity of computer system hard- ware and software makes their behavior analysis a challenging task. In this context, tracing appears to be a promising solution as it provides relevant information about the system execution. However, trace analysis techniques and tools lack in providing the analyst the way to perform an efficient analysis flow because of several issues. First, traces contain a huge volume of data difficult to store, load in memory and work with. Then, the analysis flow is hindered by various result formats, provided by different analysis techniques, often incompatible. Last, analysis frameworks lack an entry point to understand the traced application general behavior. Indeed, traditional visualization techniques suffer from time and space scalability issues due to screen size, and are not able to represent the full trace. In this article, we present how to do an efficient analysis by using the Shneiderman's mantra: "Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand". Our methodology is based on FrameSoC, a trace management infrastructure that provides solutions for trace storage, data access, and analysis flow, managing analysis results and tool. Ocelotl, a visualization tool, takes advantage of FrameSoC and shows a synthetic representa- tion of a trace by using a time aggregation. This visualization solves scalability issues and provides an entry point for the analysis by showing phases and behavior disruptions, with the objective of getting more details by focusing on the interesting trace parts

    Free vorticity field-boundary layer conversions: Effect of boundary configuration and scale

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    Progress was made on further flow visualization of vortex-leading edge interaction, in conjunction with characterization of the unsteady pressure field. The range of scale of an elliptical leading edge, relative to the incident primary vortex, was determined. The scale of the incident vortex was characterized in terms of mean shear layer parameters. An overview of the interaction mechanism for the range of thin to thick leading-edges is given. The interaction mechanism corresponding to the case where the incident vortex is above the leading-edge is given for hydrogen bubble wires well upstream of and at the tip of the leading edge. A sample of the instantaneous pressure distribution for the case where the incident vortex dives beneath the edge is presented. The effect of scale of the incident vortex relative to that of the leading-edge was examined. The circulation and length scale of the incident vortices in the street are being characterized