22 research outputs found

    Regulating Offshore Electricity Infrastructure in the North Sea:Towards a New Legal Framework

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    Offshore wind farms need to be connected to the onshore electricity grids of the North Sea coastal states. With an increasing amount of wind farms, it becomes beneficial to construct a meshed offshore electricity grid rather than only single point-to-point lines between the windfarm and the coast. However, the legal framework for offshore electricity infrastructure is currently not yet able to facilitate an offshore electricity grid. Therefore, this dissertation discusses how the legal framework for offshore grid should be changed in order to facilitate the cost-effective development of offshore electricity infrastructure. A main conclusion is that a 'North Sea Agreement' is a suitable instrument. The dissertation analyses the possible contents of such an agreement using a qualitative informal cost benefit analysis

    A proposal for secured, efficient and scalable layer 2 network virtualisation mechanism

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    El contenidos de los capítulos 3 y 4 está sujeto a confidencialidad. 291 p.La Internet del Futuro ha emergido como un esfuerzo investigador para superar estas limitaciones identificadas en la actual Internet. Para ello es necesario investigar en arquitecturas y soluciones novedosas (evolutivas o rompedoras), y las plataformas de experimentación surgen para proporcionar un entorno realista para validar estas nuevas propuestas a gran escala.Debido a la necesidad de compartir la misma infraestructura y recursos para testear simultáneamente diversas propuestas de red, la virtualización de red es la clave del éxito. Se propone una nueva taxonomía para poder analizar y comparar las diferentes propuestas. Se identifican tres tipos: el Nodo Virtual (vNode), la Virtualización posibilitada por SDN (SDNeV) y el overlay.Además, se presentan las plataformas experimentales más relevantes, con un foco especial en la forma en la que cada una de ellas permite la investigación en propuestas de red, las cuales no cumplen todos estos requisitos impuestos: aislamiento, seguridad, flexibilidad, escalabilidad, estabilidad, transparencia, soporte para la investigación en propuestas de red. Por lo tanto, una nueva plataforma de experimentación ortogonal a la experimentación es necesaria.Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis, sustentadas sobre tecnología SDN y NFV, son también los elementos clave para construir la plataforma de experimentación: la Virtualización de Red basada en Prefijos de Nivel 2 (Layer 2 Prefix-based Network Virtualisation, L2PNV), un Protocolo para la Configuración de Direcciones MAC (MAC Address Configuration Protocol, MACP), y un sistema de Control de Acceso a Red basado en Flujos (Flow-based Network Access Control, FlowNAC).Como resultado, se ha desplegado en la Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) una nueva plataforma experimental, la Plataforma Activada por OpenFlow de EHU (EHU OpenFlow Enabled Facility, EHU-OEF), para experimentar y validar estas propuestas realizadas

    Modelling, Dimensioning and Optimization of 5G Communication Networks, Resources and Services

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    This reprint aims to collect state-of-the-art research contributions that address challenges in the emerging 5G networks design, dimensioning and optimization. Designing, dimensioning and optimization of communication networks resources and services have been an inseparable part of telecom network development. The latter must convey a large volume of traffic, providing service to traffic streams with highly differentiated requirements in terms of bit-rate and service time, required quality of service and quality of experience parameters. Such a communication infrastructure presents many important challenges, such as the study of necessary multi-layer cooperation, new protocols, performance evaluation of different network parts, low layer network design, network management and security issues, and new technologies in general, which will be discussed in this book

    Optimal collapse simulator for three-dimensional structures

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    In this project limit analysis for 3D structures is studied. The goal is to obtain for a certain structure the load factor that applied to the external loads induces collapse to the structure. The static theorem of limit analysis is the theoretical basis for the Structural Collapse Simulator (SCS), that is nding a stress distribution in equilibrium that does not violate yield criteria anywhere. This theorem is employed combined with linear programming techniques. Thereby a tutorial on LP problems is presented rst. Then a brief summary of the progresses in study of limit analysis for structures is o ered, being a useful introduction for understanding the very nature of SCS functioning. Moreover, limit analysis is developed and written as a LP problem, which consists of the maximization of the collapse load factor subject to equilibrium and yield criteria. Two major contributions are presented for nding the collapse load. Firstly, the yield curve of standard 2D beam cross sections is adaptively approximated with inscribed and circumscribed polygons that yield to lower and upper bounds of respectively. Secondly, an interesting approach for accounting with uniform distributed loads is shown, producing bounding of the load factor. Combining these two techniques the bound gap can be reduced arbitrarily, observing convergence of the upper and the lower bounds to the exact load factor. A tutorial for using SCS and computing structures is provided, and numerical examples are thoroughly studied in order to illustrate the functioning of the program and the limits of the method. Finally, recent developments and future branches of research are detailed in order to widen the applicability range of SCS, the most important being the adaptive approximation of the yield surface for 3D beams

    A morphological design and evaluation model for the development of circular facades

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    The current construction industry can be characterized by its linear model of material use resulting in waste with its possible negative impact on the environment and society. As a solution to the inefficient material use of the construction industry, they should strive to a circular model of material use. This can be obtained by the application of the circular economy concept. However, clear guidance on how to apply the circular economy concept in buildings is still to be fully developed. In this research, a Circular Building Framework (CBF) and a Morphological Design and Evaluation Model (MDEM) have been developed for the facade. The CBF forms the starting point of the MDEM by providing a holistic view on all aspects related to the design and functioning of circular buildings. The MDEM forms a first draft to apply two essential principles ‘design for disassembly’ and ‘design for adaptability’ in the development of circular designed facades. In the MDEM two types of conceptual circular facade design solutions are identified making the facade designer aware about the consequences of different design decisions. The application of the MDEM will reclaim the embodied values of facade products by enabling them to enter re-life options at high quality