88 research outputs found

    Overcoming the uncanny valley: Displays of emotions reduce the uncanniness of humanlike robots

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    In this paper we show empirically that highly humanlike robots make thoughts of death more accessible, leading to perceptions of uncanniness and eeriness of such robots. Rather than reducing the humanlikeness of robots, our research suggests the addition of emotion displays to decrease a sense of uncanniness. We show that a highly humanlike robot displaying emotions in a social context reduces death-thought accessibility (DTA), which in turn reduces uncanniness. In a pre-test with N = 95 participants, we established that not all humanoid robots elicit thoughts of death and that the extent to which a robot appears humanlike may be linked to DTA. In our Main Study, N = 44 participants briefly interacted with a highly humanlike robotic head that either showed appropriate basic emotions or reacted by blinking. The display of emotions significantly reduced perceptions of uncanniness, which was mediated by a corresponding reduction in DTA. Implications for the design of humanoid robots are proposed.EPSR

    Familiarity and Overcoming of Uncanny Valley towards Computer-Generated Imagery Characters in Malaysian Film

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    Recently, the idea of the uncanny valley has drawn interest in robotics and other scientific circles and popular culture. Several scholars have discussed its implications and reactions towards human-like robots. However, only several previous studies examined overcoming the uncanny valley for realistic looking computer-generated actors in films and animation. This seeks to examine the familiarity of participants with the use of digital characters as actors. This paper explains how computer-generated imagery (CGI) was used to create actors in Malaysian films, the uncanny valley characteristics that may affect the audience’s attention. The researcher has chosen visual stimuli consisting of 1 genuine human character and 1 less humanlike subject. A self-administered survey (n = 127) with sample film footage and photos were delivered online via email and social networks to responders. Surprisingly, based on the data, the human resemblance of the humanlike characters was substantially higher than expected. This research concluded that the artificial CGI characters had higher perceived eeriness if the character was highly familiar to the audience. As a result, the digital actor’s replacement an impression of eeriness and disbelief, which confirms the uncanny valley theory

    The uncanny valley effects in digital characters based on human physical qualities

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    Do anthropomorphic service robots affect people’s sense of security? On the sidelines of the reflection on the future of the labour market in LIS

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    The problem addressed in the paper lies within the field of social robotics of media and social communication studies. The primary objective is to partially verify the occurrence of the phenomenon of the uncanny valley. It would occur in relation to anthropomorphic robots carrying out selected professions of high social respect. The second objective is to establish the level of a person’s sense of security depending on the type of services performed by the robots. The third purpose is to determine the correlation between various professional activities and anxiety of service recipients. The data was collected by means of a survey conducted on a target group of post-millennials by means of a questionnaire which assessed the images of anthropomorphic robots of varying degrees of similarity to humans who performed professions of high social prestige: university professor, physician, nurse, qualified worker, accountant, salesman. Some of the characteristics of the mentioned professions also feature a modern librarian, herein referred to as a librarian – an erudite of the digital era. The inference was carried out based on the distribution of marks and the Chi-squared independence test. The study indicates a premise that there exists the uncanny valley, and that there exists a relationship between the level of trust and confidence and the type of work the robot performs.Il problema affrontato in questo articolo si inserisce nel campo della robotica sociale e degli studi sui media e la comunicazione. L’obiettivo principale è verificare l’occorrenza del fenomeno della 'reazione da uncanny valley', ovvero il basso grado di accettabilità che si potrebbe riscontrare in presenza di robot umanoidi che svolgono professioni di alto rilievo sociale. Il secondo intento è stabilire il senso di sicurezza percepito al variare del servizio offerto dai robot. Il terzo fine è determinare la correlazione fra le diverse attività professionali e il senso di ansietà provato dagli utenti che ricevono il servizio. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un’indagine condotta su un gruppo di post-millennial per mezzo di un questionario che valutava le immagini di robot umanoidi, a vari livelli di somiglianza con l’uomo, che ricoprivano ruoli professionali di alto rilievo sociale: professore universitario, medico, infermiera, lavoratore specializzato, contabile, addetto alle vendite. Alcune delle caratteristiche delle professioni valutate si applicano anche al moderno bibliotecario, l’erudito dell’età digitale. Le inferenze statistiche sono state tratte basandosi sulla distribuzione dei valori e sul test chi quadrato di indipendenza. Lo studio suggerisce che esista di fatto la reazione da uncanny valley e che esista anche una relazione fra il livello di fiducia e sicurezza nell’utente e il tipo di lavoro eseguito dal robot

    Kesan tahap realistik karakter animasi talking-head ke atas emosi dan prestasi pelajar : satu kajian awal

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    Animasi talking-head merupakan animasi arahan yang mampu membantu pembelajaran kemahiran sebutan sesuatu perkataan secara betul dan tepat. Namun, kesilapan dalam penggunaan karakter animasi memberi kesan negatif kepada pelajar. Kajian ini memfokus kepada isu Uncanny Valley yang dapat memberi kesan kepada emosi pelajar akibat daripada karakter animasi yang hampir menyerupai manusia. Justeru, kajian ini menilai penggunaan animasi talking-head yang berbeza tahap realistik terhadap pembelajaran sebutan perkataan di Kolej Komuniti. Penilaian keberkesanan animasi ini diukur melalui ujian sebutan dan ujian emosi mengguna soal selidik AEQ. Empat perisian animasi talking-head dengan tahap realistik berbeza dibangun untuk diuji dan setiap perisian tersebut dipelajari secara kendiri oleh sekumpulan pelajar yang terdiri daripada 20 orang. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel ialah 80 orang terdiri daripada pelajar di empat buah kolej komuniti di Perak. Ujian statistik deskriptif seperti nilai min, sisihan piawai dan peratus diguna bagi menjawab persoalan kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan perisian animasi talking-headtiga dimensi tidak realistik (3D-TR) memperoleh peratusan tertinggi dari sudut emosi dan prestasi sebutan pelajar manakala perisian animasi talking-head tiga dimensi realistik (3D-R) memperoleh peratusan terendah dari kedua-dua aspek tersebut. Justeru, penggunaan karakter animasi tiga dimensi talking-head yang tidak realistik merupakan tahap realistik yang terbaik untuk membentuk emosi yang positif seterusnya berpotensi meningkat prestasi pelajar

    ¿ Qué hay más allá del Valle Inquietante ?

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    Durante muchos años, la hipótesis del Valle Inquietante propuesta por Mori, no sólo ha sido estudiada, respetada y hasta temida por diseñadores y desarrolladores robóticos, sino que sus efectos han sido de interés científico en los ámbitos de la Psicológia, la Ciencia Cognitiva, la Inteligencia Artificial, la Creación de videojuegos y la Animación. Aquellos que siguen la línea de Mori prefieren mantenerse lo suficientemente alejados del valle para garantizar el éxito de sus creaciones. Sin embargo un grupo de investigadores más osados, dispuestos no solo a entrar en el Valle sino también a descubrir una salida, han conseguido a través de los resultados de sus experimentos, poner en tela de duda la hipótesis planteada por el profesor japonés, dando paso al planteamiento de nuevas teorías

    On the causality between affective impact and coordinated human-robot reactions

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    The evocation and expression of emotion through documentary animation

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    How might an animator distil and study emotion? Could animation itself be a means to unlock meaning that previous experiments have not been able to access? Animation has the power to both highlight and conceal emotions as expressed through body movement and gesture. When we view live action (human interview) documentary footage, we are exposed not just to the spoken words, but the subtle nuances of body movements. How much might be lost when documentary footage is transposed into animation, or indeed, what might be gained, translated through the personal and artistic view of the animator? Drawing on my own previous experience as a games animator, now using research through practice methodology, this paper explores the results of the first of a series of animations created to explore the more subtle nuances of gesture. Though the medium of a documentary style interview, opposing topics are used to evoke strong emotions; firstly of happiness, then of sadness, with a view to accessing real rather than acted (simulated) emotions and their associated body movements

    Whom Do You Want to Be Friends With: An Extroverted or an Introverted Avatar? Impacts of the Uncanny Valley Effect and Conversational Cues

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    With the rapid growth of social virtual reality platforms, an increasing number of people will be interacting with others as avatars in virtual environments. Therefore, it is essential to develop a better understanding of the factors that could impact initial personality assessments and how they affect the willingness of people to befriend one another. Thin-slice judgment constitutes a quick judgment of a personality based on an avatar, and it could be impacted by the avatar’s appearance, particularly if the avatar elicits an uncanny valley effect that brings negative emotions such as eerieness. However, personality judgments and friendship decisions could also be influenced by social cues, such as conversational style. This experimental study investigated how these factors impact willingness to make friends with others in a virtual world. Drawing upon the uncanny valley effect and thin-slice judgment, this study examined how different levels of realism and conversational cues influence trustworthiness, likeability, and the willingness to be a friend. Furthermore, the current study tried to shed light on the interaction effects of realism and conversational cues to the dependent variables. In other words, this study investigated how this eventually influences one’s willingness to be a friend under the thin-slice judgment when personality judgments result from the negative feeling (i.e., eeriness) of the uncanny valley effect and social cues are conflicted. To this end, a 2 (realism: cartoonish vs. hyper-realistic) x 2 (conversational cues: extroverted vs. introverted) between-subjects online experiment was conducted. The results showed that trustworthiness and likeability significantly impacted the willingness to be a friend. Furthermore, realism and conversational cues marginally affected the willingness to be a friend. Keywords: uncanny valley effect, thin-slice judgment, avatar, personality judgment, willingness to be a frien
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