871 research outputs found

    Denial of Service in Web-Domains: Building Defenses Against Next-Generation Attack Behavior

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    The existing state-of-the-art in the field of application layer Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection is generally designed, and thus effective, only for static web domains. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that studies the problem of application layer DDoS defense in web domains of dynamic content and organization, and for next-generation bot behaviour. In the first part of this thesis, we focus on the following research tasks: 1) we identify the main weaknesses of the existing application-layer anti-DDoS solutions as proposed in research literature and in the industry, 2) we obtain a comprehensive picture of the current-day as well as the next-generation application-layer attack behaviour and 3) we propose novel techniques, based on a multidisciplinary approach that combines offline machine learning algorithms and statistical analysis, for detection of suspicious web visitors in static web domains. Then, in the second part of the thesis, we propose and evaluate a novel anti-DDoS system that detects a broad range of application-layer DDoS attacks, both in static and dynamic web domains, through the use of advanced techniques of data mining. The key advantage of our system relative to other systems that resort to the use of challenge-response tests (such as CAPTCHAs) in combating malicious bots is that our system minimizes the number of these tests that are presented to valid human visitors while succeeding in preventing most malicious attackers from accessing the web site. The results of the experimental evaluation of the proposed system demonstrate effective detection of current and future variants of application layer DDoS attacks

    Performing Short-Term Travel Time Prediction on Arterials

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    As urban centers become larger and more densely developed, their roadway networks tend to experience more severe congestion for longer periods of the day and increasingly unreliable travel times. Proactive traffic management (PTM) strategies such as proactive traffic signal control systems and advanced traveler information systems provide the potential to cost effectively improve road network operations. However, these proactive management strategies require an ability to accurately predict near-future traffic conditions. Traffic conditions can be described using a variety of measures of performance and travel time is one of the most valued by both travelers and transportation system managers. Consequently, there exists a large body of literature dedicated to methods for performing travel time prediction. The majority of the existing body of research on travel time prediction has focused on freeway travel time prediction using fixed point sensor data. Predicting travel times on signalized arterials is more challenging than on freeways mainly as a result of the higher variation of travel times in these environments. For both freeways and arterial environments, making predictions in real-time is more challenging than performing off-line predictions, mainly because of data availability issues that arise for real-time applications. Recently, Bluetooth detectors have been utilized for collecting both spatial (i.e. travel time) and fixed point (e.g. number of detections) data. Bluetooth detectors have surpassed most of the conventional travel time measuring techniques in three main capacities: (i) direct measurement of travel time, (ii) continuous collection of travel times provides large samples, and (iii) anonymous detection. Beside these advantages, there are also caveats when using these detectors: (i) the Bluetooth obtained data include different sources of outliers and measurement errors that should be filtered out before the data are used in any travel time analysis and (ii) there is an inherent time lag in acquiring Bluetooth travel times (due to the matching of the detections at the upstream and downstream sensors) that should be carefully handled in real-time applications. In this thesis, (1) the magnitude of Bluetooth travel time measurement error has been examined through a simulation framework; (2) a real-time proactive outlier detection algorithm, which is suitable for filtering out data anomalies in Bluetooth obtained travel times, has been proposed; (3) the performance of the existing real-time outlier detection algorithms has been evaluated using both field data and simulation data; and (4) two different data-driven methodologies, that are appropriate for real-time applications, have been developed to predict near future travel times on arterials using data obtained from Bluetooth detectors. The results of this research demonstrate that (1) although the mean Bluetooth travel time measurement error is sufficiently close to zero across all the examined traffic conditions, for some situations the 95% confidence interval of the mentioned error approaches 35% of the true mean travel time; (2) the proposed proactive filtering algorithm appropriately detects the Bluetooth travel time outliers in real time and outperforms the existing data-driven filtering techniques; (3) the performance of different outlier detection algorithms can be objectively quantified under different conditions using the developed simulation framework; (4) the proposed prediction approaches significantly improved the accuracy of travel time predictions for 5-minutre prediction horizon. The daily mean absolute relative errors are improved by 18% to 24% for the proposed k-NN model and 8% to 14% for the proposed Markov model; (5) prevailing arterial traffic state and its transition through the course of the day can be adequately modeled using data obtained from Bluetooth technology

    Survey of Network Intrusion Detection Methods from the Perspective of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases Process

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    The identification of cyberattacks which target information and communication systems has been a focus of the research community for years. Network intrusion detection is a complex problem which presents a diverse number of challenges. Many attacks currently remain undetected, while newer ones emerge due to the proliferation of connected devices and the evolution of communication technology. In this survey, we review the methods that have been applied to network data with the purpose of developing an intrusion detector, but contrary to previous reviews in the area, we analyze them from the perspective of the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process. As such, we discuss the techniques used for the capture, preparation and transformation of the data, as well as, the data mining and evaluation methods. In addition, we also present the characteristics and motivations behind the use of each of these techniques and propose more adequate and up-to-date taxonomies and definitions for intrusion detectors based on the terminology used in the area of data mining and KDD. Special importance is given to the evaluation procedures followed to assess the different detectors, discussing their applicability in current real networks. Finally, as a result of this literature review, we investigate some open issues which will need to be considered for further research in the area of network security

    Modelling Web Usage in a Changing Environment

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    Eiben, A.E. [Promotor]Kowalczyk, W. [Copromotor

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing

    Online Analysis of Dynamic Streaming Data

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    Die Arbeit zum Thema "Online Analysis of Dynamic Streaming Data" beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Distanzmessung dynamischer, semistrukturierter Daten in kontinuierlichen Datenströmen um Analysen auf diesen Datenstrukturen bereits zur Laufzeit zu ermöglichen. Hierzu wird eine Formalisierung zur Distanzberechnung fĂŒr statische und dynamische BĂ€ume eingefĂŒhrt und durch eine explizite Betrachtung der Dynamik von Attributen einzelner Knoten der BĂ€ume ergĂ€nzt. Die Echtzeitanalyse basierend auf der Distanzmessung wird durch ein dichte-basiertes Clustering ergĂ€nzt, um eine Anwendung des Clustering, einer Klassifikation, aber auch einer Anomalieerkennung zu demonstrieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit basieren auf einer theoretischen Analyse der eingefĂŒhrten Formalisierung von Distanzmessungen fĂŒr dynamische BĂ€ume. Diese Analysen werden unterlegt mit empirischen Messungen auf Basis von Monitoring-Daten von Batchjobs aus dem Batchsystem des GridKa Daten- und Rechenzentrums. Die Evaluation der vorgeschlagenen Formalisierung sowie der darauf aufbauenden Echtzeitanalysemethoden zeigen die Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit des Verfahrens. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass die Betrachtung von Attributen und Attribut-Statistiken von besonderer Bedeutung fĂŒr die QualitĂ€t der Ergebnisse von Analysen dynamischer, semistrukturierter Daten ist. Außerdem zeigt die Evaluation, dass die QualitĂ€t der Ergebnisse durch eine unabhĂ€ngige Kombination mehrerer Distanzen weiter verbessert werden kann. Insbesondere wird durch die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die Analyse sich ĂŒber die Zeit verĂ€ndernder Daten ermöglicht


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    Cloud computing offers cost effective computational and storage services with on-demand scalable capacities according to the customers’ needs. These properties encourage organisations and individuals to migrate from classical computing to cloud computing from different disciplines. Although cloud computing is a trendy technology that opens the horizons for many businesses, it is a new paradigm that exploits already existing computing technologies in new framework rather than being a novel technology. This means that cloud computing inherited classical computing problems that are still challenging. Cloud computing security is considered one of the major problems, which require strong security systems to protect the system, and the valuable data stored and processed in it. Intrusion detection systems are one of the important security components and defence layer that detect cyber-attacks and malicious activities in cloud and non-cloud environments. However, there are some limitations such as attacks were detected at the time that the damage of the attack was already done. In recent years, cyber-attacks have increased rapidly in volume and diversity. In 2013, for example, over 552 million customers’ identities and crucial information were revealed through data breaches worldwide [3]. These growing threats are further demonstrated in the 50,000 daily attacks on the London Stock Exchange [4]. It has been predicted that the economic impact of cyber-attacks will cost the global economy $3 trillion on aggregate by 2020 [5]. This thesis focused on proposing an Intrusion Prediction System that is capable of sensing an attack before it happens in cloud or non-cloud environments. The proposed solution is based on assessing the host system vulnerabilities and monitoring the network traffic for attacks preparations. It has three main modules. The monitoring module observes the network for any intrusion preparations. This thesis proposes a new dynamic-selective statistical algorithm for detecting scan activities, which is part of reconnaissance that represents an essential step in network attack preparation. The proposed method performs a statistical selective analysis for network traffic searching for an attack or intrusion indications. This is achieved by exploring and applying different statistical and probabilistic methods that deal with scan detection. The second module of the prediction system is vulnerabilities assessment that evaluates the weaknesses and faults of the system and measures the probability of the system to fall victim to cyber-attack. Finally, the third module is the prediction module that combines the output of the two modules and performs risk assessments of the system security from intrusions prediction. The results of the conducted experiments showed that the suggested system outperforms the analogous methods in regards to performance of network scan detection, which means accordingly a significant improvement to the security of the targeted system. The scanning detection algorithm has achieved high detection accuracy with 0% false negative and 50% false positive. In term of performance, the detection algorithm consumed only 23% of the data needed for analysis compared to the best performed rival detection method
