5 research outputs found

    Feedback Driven Annotation and Refactoring of Parallel Programs

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    Effective data parallel computing on multicore processors

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    The rise of chip multiprocessing or the integration of multiple general purpose processing cores on a single chip (multicores), has impacted all computing platforms including high performance, servers, desktops, mobile, and embedded processors. Programmers can no longer expect continued increases in software performance without developing parallel, memory hierarchy friendly software that can effectively exploit the chip level multiprocessing paradigm of multicores. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate a design process for data parallel problems that starts with a sequential algorithm and ends with a high performance implementation on a multicore platform. Our design process combines theoretical algorithm analysis with practical optimization techniques. Our target multicores are quad-core processors from Intel and the eight-SPE IBM Cell B.E. Target applications include Matrix Multiplications (MM), Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), LU Decomposition (LUD), and Power Flow Solver based on Gauss-Seidel (PFS-GS) algorithms. These applications are popular computation methods in science and engineering problems and are characterized by unit-stride (MM, LUD, and PFS-GS) or 2-point stencil (FDTD) memory access pattern. The main contributions of this dissertation include a cache- and space-efficient algorithm model, integrated data pre-fetching and caching strategies, and in-core optimization techniques. Our multicore efficient implementations of the above described applications outperform nai¨ve parallel implementations by at least 2x and scales well with problem size and with the number of processing cores

    Etude de l'adéquation des machines Exascale pour les algorithmes implémentant la méthode du Reverse Time Migation

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    As we are expecting Exascale systems for the 2018-2020 time frame, performance analysis and characterization of applications for new processor architectures and large scale systems are important tasks that permit to anticipate the required changes to efficiently exploit the future HPC systems. This thesis focuses on seismic imaging applications used for modeling complex physical phenomena, in particular the depth imaging application called Reverse Time Migration (RTM). My first contribution consists in characterizing and modeling the performance of the computational core of RTM which is based on finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) computations. I identify and explore the major tuning parameters influencing performance and the interaction between the architecture and the application. The second contribution is an analysis to identify the challenges for a hybrid and heterogeneous implementation of FDTD for manycore architectures. We target Intel’s first Xeon Phi co-processor, the Knights Corner. This architecture is an interesting proxy for our study since it contains some of the expected features of an Exascale system: concurrency and heterogeneity.My third contribution is an extension of the performance analysis and modeling to the full RTM. This adds communications and IOs to the computation part. RTM is a data intensive application and requires the storage of intermediate values of the computational field resulting in expensive IO accesses. My fourth contribution is the final measurement and model validation of my hybrid RTM implementation on a large system. This has been done on Stampede, a machine of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), which allows us to test the scalability up to 64 nodes each containing one 61-core Xeon Phi and two 8-core CPUs for a total close to 5000 heterogeneous coresLa caractérisation des applications en vue de les préparer pour les nouvelles architectures et les porter sur des systèmes très étendus est une étape importante pour pouvoir anticiper les modifications nécessaires. Comme les machines Exascale sont prévues pour la période 2018-2020, l'étude des applications et leur préparation pour ces machines s'avèrent donc essentielles. Nous nous intéressons aux applications d'imagerie sismique et en particulier à l'application Reverse Time Migration (RTM) car elle est très utilisée par les pétroliers dans le cadre de l'exploration sismique.La première partie de nos travaux a porté sur l'étude du cœur de calcul de l'application RTM qui consiste en un calcul de différences finies dans le domaine temporel (FDTD). Nous avons caractérisé cette partie de l'application en soulevant les aspects architecturaux des machines actuelles ayant un fort impact sur la performance, notamment les caches, les bandes passantes et le prefetching. Cette étude a abouti à l'élaboration d'un modèle de performance permettant de prédire le trafic DRAM des FDTD. La deuxième partie de la thèse se focalise sur l'impact de l'hétérogénéité et le parallélisme sur la FDTD et sur RTM. Nous avons choisi l'architecture manycore d’Intel, Xeon Phi, et nous avons étudié une implémentation "native" et une implémentation hétérogène et hybride, la version "symmetric". Enfin, nous avons porté l'application RTM sur un cluster hétérogène, Stampede du Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), où nous avons effectué des tests de scalabilité allant jusqu'à 64 nœuds contenant des coprocesseurs Xeon Phi et des processeurs Sandy Bridge ce qui correspond à presque 5000 cœur

    High-level compiler analysis for OpenMP

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    Nowadays, applications from dissimilar domains, such as high-performance computing and high-integrity systems, require levels of performance that can only be achieved by means of sophisticated heterogeneous architectures. However, the complex nature of such architectures hinders the production of efficient code at acceptable levels of time and cost. Moreover, the need for exploiting parallelism adds complications of its own (e.g., deadlocks, race conditions,...). In this context, compiler analysis is fundamental for optimizing parallel programs. There is however a trade-off between complexity and profit: low complexity analyses (e.g., reaching definitions) provide information that may be insufficient for many relevant transformations, and complex analyses based on mathematical representations (e.g., polyhedral model) give accurate results at a high computational cost. A range of parallel programming models providing different levels of programmability, performance and portability enable the exploitation of current architectures. However, OpenMP has proved many advantages over its competitors: 1) it delivers levels of performance comparable to highly tunable models such as CUDA and MPI, and better robustness than low level libraries such as Pthreads; 2) the extensions included in the latest specification meet the characteristics of current heterogeneous architectures (i.e., the coupling of a host processor to one or more accelerators, and the capability of expressing fine-grained, both structured and unstructured, and highly-dynamic task parallelism); 3) OpenMP is widely implemented by several chip (e.g., Kalray MPPA, Intel) and compiler (e.g., GNU, Intel) vendors; and 4) although currently the model lacks resiliency and reliability mechanisms, many works, including this thesis, pursue their introduction in the specification. This thesis addresses the study of compiler analysis techniques for OpenMP with two main purposes: 1) enhance the programmability and reliability of OpenMP, and 2) prove OpenMP as a suitable model to exploit parallelism in safety-critical domains. Particularly, the thesis focuses on the tasking model because it offers the flexibility to tackle the parallelization of algorithms with load imbalance, recursiveness and uncountable loop based kernels. Additionally, current works have proved the time-predictability of this model, shortening the distance towards its introduction in safety-critical domains. To enable the analysis of applications using the OpenMP tasking model, the first contribution of this thesis is the extension of a set of classic compiler techniques with support for OpenMP. As a basis for including reliability mechanisms, the second contribution consists of the development of a series of algorithms to statically detect situations involving OpenMP tasks, which may lead to a loss of performance, non-deterministic results or run-time failures. A well-known problem of parallel processing related to compilers is the static scheduling of a program represented by a directed graph. Although the literature is extensive in static scheduling techniques, the work related to the generation of the task graph at compile-time is very scant. Compilers are limited by the knowledge they can extract, which depends on the application and the programming model. The third contribution of this thesis is the generation of a predicated task dependency graph for OpenMP that can be interpreted by the runtime in such a way that the cost of solving dependences is reduced to the minimum. With the previous contributions as a basis for determining the functional safety of OpenMP, the final contribution of this thesis is the adaptation of OpenMP to the safety-critical domain considering two directions: 1) indicating how OpenMP can be safely used in such a domain, and 2) integrating OpenMP into Ada, a language widely used in the safety-critical domain.Actualment, aplicacions de dominis diversos com la computació d'altes prestacions i els sistemes d'alta integritat, requereixen nivells de rendiment assolibles només mitjançant arquitectures heterogènies sofisticades. No obstant, la natura complexa d'aquestes dificulta la producció de codi eficient en un temps i cost acceptables. A més, la necessitat d’explotar paral·lelisme introdueix complicacions en sí mateixa (p. ex. bloqueig mutu, condicions de carrera,...). En aquest context, l'anàlisi de compiladors és fonamental per optimitzar programes paral·lels. Existeix però un equilibri entre complexitat i beneficis: la informació obtinguda amb anàlisis simples (p. ex. definicions abastables) pot ser insuficient per moltes transformacions rellevants, i anàlisis complexos basats en models matemàtics (p. ex. model polièdric) faciliten resultats acurats a un alt cost computacional. Existeixen molts models de programació paral·lela que proporcionen diferents nivells de programabilitat, rendiment i portabilitat per l'explotació de les arquitectures actuals. En aquest marc, OpenMP ha demostrat molts avantatges respecte dels seus competidors: 1) el seu nivell de rendiment és comparable a models molt ajustables com CUDA i MPI, i proporciona més robustesa que llibreries de baix nivell com Pthreads; 2) les extensions que inclou la darrera especificació satisfan les característiques de les actuals arquitectures heterogènies (és a dir, l’acoblament d’un processador principal i un o més acceleradors, i la capacitat d'expressar paral·lelisme de tasques de gra fi, ja sigui estructurat o sense estructura; 3) OpenMP és àmpliament implementat per venedors de xips (p. ex. Kalray MPPA, Intel) i compiladors (p. ex. GNU, Intel); i 4) tot i que el model actual manca de mecanismes de resiliència i fiabilitat, molts treballs, incloent aquesta tesi, busquen la seva introducció a l'especificació. Aquesta tesi adreça l'estudi de tècniques d’anàlisi de compiladors amb dos objectius: 1) millorar la programabilitat i la fiabilitat de OpenMP, i 2) provar que OpenMP és un model adequat per explotar paral·lelisme en sistemes crítics. En particular, la tesi es centra en el model de tasques per què aquest ofereix la flexibilitat per abordar aplicacions amb problemes de balanceig de càrrega, recursivitat i bucles incomptables. A més, treballs recents han provat la predictibilitat en qüestió de temps del model, escurçant la distància cap a la seva introducció en sistemes crítics. Per a poder analitzar aplicacions que utilitzen el model de tasques d’OpenMP, la primera contribució d’aquesta tesi consisteix en l’extensió d'un conjunt de tècniques clàssiques de compilació per suportar OpenMP. Com a base per incloure mecanismes de fiabilitat, la segona contribució consisteix en el desenvolupament duna sèrie d'algorismes per detectar de forma estàtica situacions que involucren tasques d’OpenMP, i que poden conduir a una pèrdua de rendiment, resultats no deterministes, o fallades en temps d’execució. Un problema ben conegut del processament paral·lel relacionat amb els compiladors és la planificació estàtica d’un programa representat mitjançant un graf dirigit. Tot i que la literatura sobre planificació estàtica és extensa, aquella relacionada amb la generació del graf en temps de compilació és molt escassa. Els compiladors estan limitats pel coneixement que poden extreure, que depèn de l’aplicació i del model de programació. La tercera contribució de la tesi és la generació d’un graf de dependències enriquit que pot ser interpretat pel sistema en temps d’execució de manera que el cost de resoldre les dependències sigui mínim. Amb les anteriors contribucions com a base per a determinar la seguretat funcional de OpenMP, la darrera contribució de la tesi consisteix en adaptar OpenMP a sistemes crítics, explorant dues direccions: 1) indicar com OpenMP es pot utilitzar de forma segura en un domini com, i 2) integrar OpenMP en Ada, un llenguatge molt utilitzat en el domini de seguretat.Postprint (published version