58,312 research outputs found

    Impact of Outbound Training in Organization Mission Statement: A Managerial Implication

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    This paper analyzes whether the purpose of outbound training can be a decisive factor that can have a significant impact on the achievement of an organization's mission statement. In this paper, Structural Equation Modeling - Generalized Structural Component Analysis (SEM-GSCA) will be used in the study to test the hypothesis of objective influence scientifically and also internally on the mission of the organization. MMT-ITS as postgraduate program in ITS-Surabaya has been selected as an example of an organization case to explore the effectiveness of outbound training programs in achieving organizational mission. The results of the analysis show that the objectives scientifically and internally from the outbound training activities will directly affect the achievement of the organization's mission. It was also found that the scientific objectives of outbound training activities can influence the mission statement of the organization better than the internal objectives of the outbound training activities

    Inbound and Outbound Marketing

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    Digital marketing has changed how businesses operate nowadays. When it comes to reaching and engaging consumers, effective marketing strategy is the key. Besides, in order to compete with the competitors, the companies should know everything about their customers from what their need is, how they can satisfy it and to what need they can further create (Hubspot, 2016) – of which a role mostly played by the marketing team

    Storytelling Security: User-Intention Based Traffic Sanitization

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    Malicious software (malware) with decentralized communication infrastructure, such as peer-to-peer botnets, is difficult to detect. In this paper, we describe a traffic-sanitization method for identifying malware-triggered outbound connections from a personal computer. Our solution correlates user activities with the content of outbound traffic. Our key observation is that user-initiated outbound traffic typically has corresponding human inputs, i.e., keystroke or mouse clicks. Our analysis on the causal relations between user inputs and packet payload enables the efficient enforcement of the inter-packet dependency at the application level. We formalize our approach within the framework of protocol-state machine. We define new application-level traffic-sanitization policies that enforce the inter-packet dependencies. The dependency is derived from the transitions among protocol states that involve both user actions and network events. We refer to our methodology as storytelling security. We demonstrate a concrete realization of our methodology in the context of peer-to-peer file-sharing application, describe its use in blocking traffic of P2P bots on a host. We implement and evaluate our prototype in Windows operating system in both online and offline deployment settings. Our experimental evaluation along with case studies of real-world P2P applications demonstrates the feasibility of verifying the inter-packet dependencies. Our deep packet inspection incurs overhead on the outbound network flow. Our solution can also be used as an offline collect-and-analyze tool

    Taxes, Leverage and the National Return on Outbound Foreign Direct Investment

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    The effect of outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) on the national income of the parent firm's country depends on the relative importance of two countervailing factors: the loss of tax revenue to the foreign government and the increased use of foreign debt. The present paper develops an explicit analysis of these two factors in the context of the segmented international capital market in which most national saving remains in the country in which the saving is done. The analysis is applied with realistic parameter values for U.S. outbound foreign direct investment. The calculations imply that an increase in outbound FDI raises the present value of U.S. national income by a rather substantial amount. Traditional analyses that conclude that the foreign tax credit causes excess outbound FDI fail to take into account the fact that firms that invest abroad increase their use of foreign debt as they increase the extent of their FDI.

    China's Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile: Drivers and Policy Implications

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    After decades of negligible outbound foreign direct investment (FDI), Chinese firms' outbound investment has reached significant levels in recent years, challenging international investment norms and affecting international relations. But China's outflows are poorly understood. Seen in context, China is a laggard in global investment, and the country faces numerous internal impediments to overcoming this disadvantaged position. Daniel H. Rosen and Thilo Hanemann review the data behind China's growing outbound investment, consider the commercial and political forces driving this growth, and analyze both foreign and domestic obstacles for Chinese overseas investors. While extensive media coverage has provoked worries that Chinese firms are buying up the world, China remains a relatively minor global investor compared with OECD countries. China's net FDI position remains negative, with 5ofFDIassetsunderforeignownershipinChinaforevery5 of FDI assets under foreign ownership in China for every 1 of Chinese direct investment assets abroad. But China's efforts to rebalance its economic growth and make the shift toward higher value-added economic activity will increasingly force Chinese firms to invest abroad. Government policy has evolved in recent years to encourage and support China's firms to look abroad. Investment regimes in host countries are one obstacle to Chinese outbound FDI, but China's firms are even more impeded by home-made problems, including the parochial executive leadership and a dearth of key management skills needed to operate successfully overseas. Rosen and Hanemann argue that the growing volume and changing nature of China's outbound investment have important implications for policymakers in host countries. Host country governments must clarify their policies and draw a clearer line between legitimate national security reviews and protectionist economic competitiveness impulses disguised as security concerns. The lack of data transparency contributes to the poor understanding of China's outbound investment, and these inadequacies must be corrected if China and investment incumbents are to work together optimally. In addition, given its disadvantaged FDI starting position China should be expected to pull considerable weight to preserve and promote an open international investment environment, including by maintaining openness at home. If China converges upward to OECD outbound investment levels rather than incumbent leaders trimming down to historic Chinese levels due to protectionism, then future flows coming from China can contribute positively to a range of international issues, from financial crisis recovery to mitigating climate change.

    The Correlation between Community Engagement and Capability Building Through Outbound Activities of Karang Taruna Members at Bencireng Kebontunggul, Mojokerto, Indonesia

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    Capability building for a group of society is necessary to build the rural community in order to grow the economic potent. One of the communal organization is Karang Taruna (Youth organization), which is expected to empower its youth members so that each member improves competencies for community and self. Capacity building can be accomplished through training programs, and one program often used for capacity building is outbound training. A specific outbound training can be designed for youth so they can comprehend their role in society through outbound implementation. This research is going to measure the correlation between the community engagement and capability building of the Karang Taruna members through implementing outbound activities. The data are collected through questionnaires distributed to all Karang Taruna members who join the outbound activities, and the questionnaires are constructed with the Likert scale from strongly disagree to agree strongly. The number of outbound participants is 16, and each participant is given treatment by outbound instructors about capability building so that each can implement the ability during the outbound. The data analysis is using cross tabulation, and the results show that the outbound training material can improve the skills of the participant during the outbound sessions, can increase the community engagement and motivate the Karang Taruna members, and can enable self-development through continuous learning processes about the outbound. The instructors’ ability to explain the training material can accelerate new experiences for outbound participants, can bring new insights to face problems, and can continuously improve the self- development of each participant

    Trends in Taiwan\u27s Tourism Market

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    In 1979, Taiwan\u27s government relaxed the outbound travel market. The situations of inbound and outbound travel market are gradually changing. The number of outbound travelers exceeded inbound travelers for the first time in 1989. With one of Asia\u27s highest economic growth rates, a huge accumulation of foreign exchange and appreciation on outbound travel, Taiwan has become a source of outbound tourists second in Asia only to Japan. From 1981 to 1995, the average growth rate of outbound travelers was 18% per year. This study examines the recent trends in Taiwan\u27s inbound and outbound travel markets, analyses the structure of the travel market and offers a perspective for the future

    Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada Renter Migration

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    This Fact Sheet summarizes and expands upon the findings of Apartment List’s Renter Migration Report. The data presented herein focuses on renter search inquiries (both inbound and outbound) regarding Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada

    Perancangan Karya Desain Grafis untuk Periklanan Lembaga Java-Eleven Outbound

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    Java Eleven merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang peningkatan sumber daya manusia, khususnya outbound. Java Eleven adalah lembaga outbound organizer yang berasal dari Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Lembaga Java Eleven Outbound beralamat di Pasinan Lemah putih, RT 04/RW 01, Kec. Wringinanom, Kab. Ngresik. Melihat usia lembaga Java Eleven yang sudah lebih dari 10 tahun maka ini menjadi modal dasar bagi untuk terus berkembang cepat.Tetapi ada faktor yang menjadi penghambat dalam hal periklananya. Ternyata Java Eleven Outbound hanya menggunakan iklan di blog, antar relasi dan proposal kepada klien untuk menawarkan jasanya. Dari permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan periklanan yang tepat dan sesuai prinsip desain grafis yang bagus agar menjadikan lembaga lebih maju dan dikenal masyarakat. Perancangan desain grafis periklanan dibuat dengan dua konsep. Pertama perancangan dengan konsep sederhana menggunakan komposisi keseimbangan simetris dengan pola terpusat/sederajat (obvious balance), dengan tema “Outbound Educatif”, yang mempunyai maksud untuk mengajak konsumen menggunakan produk Java Eleven. Bentuk desain grafis dengan konsep yang lebih dinamis, untuk komposisi layout desain 2 menggunakan komposisi visualnya menampilkan ilustrasi foto aktifitas outbound yang terlihat asyik dan menyenangkan.Kedua, perancangan layout keseimbangan asimetris. Konsep ini menggunakan tema “Pilihan Tepat Orang Hebat”, Bentuk visualnya menampilkan fotografi orang yang sedang outbound, warna segar dan suasana alam segar. Desain grafis tersebut menginformasikan tentang produk Java Eleven outbound yang meliputi: informasi seputar produk, keunggulan, alamat, informasi penggunaan, serta manfaat produk. Perancangan desain grafis periklanan ini, diharapkan dapat memperoleh konsumen lebih banyak lagi, sehingga dapat meningkatkan income Java Eleven outbound. Kata kunci : desain grafis periklanan, outbound, Java Eleven   Java Eleven is an institution that engaged in the improvement  human resources, especially outbound. Java Eleven is organizer outbound agency from Surabaya East Java. Java Eleven institution is addressed by Lemah Putih RT 04/RW 01, Wringinanom sub-district Gresik regency. Seeing at the age of Java Eleven institutions that has been more than 10 years then it became the basic capital for the continuously growing faster. But there are factors that become obstacles in terms of advertising. It turns out that Java Eleven Outbound only uses advertising on blogs, inter-relationships, and proposals to clients for offering services. From these problems required appropriate advertising and graphic design principles to make the institution more advanced and known by the public. Design of advertising graphic design is made with two concepts. First, design with simple concept using symmetrical equilibrium composition with centered pattern (equal balance), with theme "Outbound Educative", which has the aim to invite consumer using Java Eleven product. The visual form displays an photo illustration of outbound activity that looks joyful and fun. Second, the design of graphic design with a more dynamic concept, for the composition of layout design 2 using the composition of the asymmetric balance layout. This concept uses the theme "The Right Choice of Great People", The visual form displays photography of people who are performing outbound, fresh colors and fresh natural atmosphere. The graphic design informs Java Eleven outbound products that include: product information, excellence, address, USAge information, and product benefits. The design of graphic design of this advertising, is expected to obtain more consumers, so as to increase the income of Java Eleven outbound. Key Words: Advertising Graphic Design, Outbound, Java Eleven

    Track Allocation in Freight-Train Classification with Mixed Tracks

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    We consider the process of forming outbound trains from cars of inbound trains at rail-freight hump yards. Given the arrival and departure times as well as the composition of the trains, we study the problem of allocating classification tracks to outbound trains such that every outbound train can be built on a separate classification track. We observe that the core problem can be formulated as a special list coloring problem in interval graphs, which is known to be NP-complete. We focus on an extension where individual cars of different trains can temporarily be stored on a special subset of the tracks. This problem induces several new variants of the list-coloring problem, in which the given intervals can be shortened by cutting off a prefix of the interval. We show that in case of uniform and sufficient track lengths, the corresponding coloring problem can be solved in polynomial time, if the goal is to minimize the total cost associated with cutting off prefixes of the intervals. Based on these results, we devise two heuristics as well as an integer program to tackle the problem. As a case study, we consider a real-world problem instance from the Hallsberg RangerbangĂĄrd hump yard in Sweden. Planning over horizons of seven days, we obtain feasible solutions from the integer program in all scenarios, and from the heuristics in most scenarios
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