9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Dan Spiritualitas Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Intention To Stay Pada Karyawan Milenial PT X Di Jakarta Selatan

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    The intention to stay or the tendency of employees to stay afloat is something that companies need to pay attention to today, especially with the number of millennial workers currently dominating. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational citizenship behavior and work environment spirituality on the intention to stay in millennial employees at PT X South Jakarta, the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the intention to stay at PT X South Jakarta, the effect of environmental spirituality on the intention to stay at PT X South Jakarta. This research was conducted at PT X which is located in South Jakarta with the subjects being all millennial employees with a total of 46 people. This study used a data collection method by distributing a Likert scale adapted from previous research. This study used a data analysis technique using bootstrap multiple linear regression by resampling the data 10,000 times. The results of this study are that there is a significant positive effect of organizational citizenship behavior and work environment spirituality on intention to stay, there is a significant positive effect of organizational citizenship behavior on intention to stay and there is a significant positive effect of work environment spirituality on intention to stay


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh altruisme dan kendali diri terhadap kepuasan hidup dengan organizational citizenship behavior sebagai variabel pemediasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu jenis non-probability sampling, yaitu snowball sampling, dengan subjek penelitian pengurus koperasi yang tersebar di Kota Yogyakarta. Kuesioner cetak dibagikan kepada 145 responden dari 39 koperasi, dengan total 130 pengurus koperasi mengisi dan mengembalikan kuesioner kepada peneliti. Data kuantitatif yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM dengan bantuan piranti lunak SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa organizational citizenship behavior berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan hidup, altruisme berpengaruh positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior, kendali diri berpengaruh positif terhadap organizational citizenship behavior, organizational citizenship behavior mampu memediasi antara altruisme dan kepuasan hidup, serta organizational citizenship behavior mampu memediasi antara kendali diri dan kepuasan hidup

    Factors influencing the intention to leave job among generation Z in information technology (IT) industry in Klang Valley

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    This study examines the factors that influence the intention to leave among generation Z in IT industries. Generation Z, who cannot be wedged at one working place, is the new emerging employees entering the workforce. High turnover rates may have negative impact on the organization, such as creating instability and uncertainty on labor conditions and rising human resource costs such as investment on training and recruitment. Therefore, this study analyzes salary satisfaction, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior towards employee’s outbound intention. It adopts a quantitative method where questionnaires were distributed to respondents using stratified random sampling. A total of 250 respondents participated in this study. Findings have shown that salary satisfaction, job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a negative relationship with intention to leave job except one variable which is organizational citizenship behavior. High intention to leave can result in low organization performance therefore retention strategies are proposed

    The Effect of Principal Leadership Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teachers on the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Learning

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    This paper investigates the pivotal role of school principals in shaping and enhancing Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among teachers to enhance the quality of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) instruction. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Bumi Raya, located in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, employing descriptive-qualitative methodologies. Data analysis was conducted using the N-Vivo software. The findings of this study underscore the multifaceted role of principals in fostering OCB. Principals emerge as both motivators and supervisors within the educational setting. As motivators, they offer support and encouragement to teachers facing challenges, convene regular meetings to address issues, and deliver motivating messages during ceremonial gatherings. As supervisors, they diligently assess and oversee the performance of their teaching staff, ensuring a high standard of educational delivery. Internally, factors influencing OCB include teachers' personality development and perception of organizational support. Externally, the quality of relationships between superiors and subordinates and the length of service significantly impact OCB outcomes. In summary, this research sheds light on the pivotal role of school principals as motivators and supervisors and identifies key internal and external factors that influence the optimization of OCB among teachers. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for improving the management and quality of Islamic Religious Education learning in educational institutions

    Perceived organizational support, coworkers' conflict and organizational citizenship behavior: the mediation role of work-family conflict

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate the extent to which perceived organizational support and coworkers’ conflict and work-family conflict play a role in the performance of three types of organizational citizenship behaviors. A cross-sectional design was used comprising a sample of 164 health support workers working in Portuguese elderly care facilities. Using structural equation model findings showed that perceived organizational support is linked with organizational citizenship behaviors, directly and indirectly, via work-family conflict. Furthermore, coworkers’ conflict was also related with organizational citizenship behaviors, directly and indirectly via work-family conflict. The linkage between perceived organizational support and coworkers’ conflict through work-family conflict can offer new insights into how to enhance organizational citizenship behaviors by active management. These findings can help elderly care organizations and their managers to design better workplace conditions where organizational support and coworkers’ conflict can be better managed allowing workers to have more control over work-family conflict and promoting organizational citizenship behaviors

    Employee engagement and work-related outcomes: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This study examines the specific work-related outcomes of employee engagement such as affective commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and intention to quit in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this purpose, employee engagement was divided into job and organization engagement. We used the quantitative research instrument and the cross-sectional survey method for primary data collection. The final sample consisted of 682 usable responses. By using the hierarchical regression analysis, we found that both job and organization engagement have a positive and significant relationship with affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior, while in the case of intentions to quit, only organization engagement was negatively related. The results show that companies can achieve several benefits by focusing on employee engagement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh organizational citizenship behaviour terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bank BTN KC Yogyakarta. Dari 70 kuesioner yang disebar, ada 48 kuesioner yang kembali dan 48 kuesioner yang dapat diolah. Data yang didapat dari responden diolah menggunakan software SPSS. Data diolah menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda, dengan organizational citizenship behavior sebagai variabel independent dan kinerja karyawan sebagai variabel dependen. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan organizational citizenship behaviour memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Analisis pengesahan faktor tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi dalam kalangan guru sekolah di Selangor

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    Peranan tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi pada masa kini adalah sangat penting bagi memastikan organisasi dapat berkembang dengan baik dan cemerlang, terutamanya dalam kalangan guru sekolah. Sehubungan itu, kajian tinjauan telah dijalankan untuk menentukan Analisis Pengesahan Faktor (CFA) bagi skala tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi. Kajian ini telah dijalankan ke atas seramai 361 orang guru sekolah di Selangor. Responden kajian dipilih dengan menggunakan Teknik persampelan rawak berkelompok pelbagai peringkat. Tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi di dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada lima dimensi iaitu tingkahlaku menolong, kehematan, kesopanan, kemurnian sivik dan semangat setiakawan. Data kajian telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan CFA di dalam perisian AMOS. Dapatan menunjukkan CFA bagi tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi tidak mencapai kesepadanan model yang baik. Oleh itu, model CFA spesifikasi semula bagi tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi dilaksanakan. Keputusan akhir menunjukkan model CFA spesifikasi semula telah mencapai kesepadanan model yang baik dengan relatif chi-sq = 2.83, GFI = 0.91, CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.94 dan RMSEA = 0.07. Selain itu, kriteria model CFA turut dicapai dengan jumlah keseluruhan Purata Varian Memusat (AVE) ialah 0.62, dan AVE bagi setiap dimensi tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi adalah di antara 0.55 dan 0.73. Kebolehpercayaan konstruk (CR) telah dicapai dengan nilai 0.96, dan setiap dimensi menunjukkan CR di antara 0.79 dan 0.92. Kesimpulannya, skala tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi adalah sesuai digunakan untuk mengukur tingkahlaku kewargaan organisasi dalam kalangan guru sekolah di Selangor. Kajian akan datang dicadangkan untuk menggunakan skala ini kepada pelbagai organisasi di Malaysia


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    This study examined the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of bank employees in the United States. The study was necessary, as bank customers are urging banks to go the extra mile or engage in OCB to improve customer service given the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected customers\u27 use of bank services. The study used the 20-item MLQ Form 5X-short for transformational leadership and the OCB instrument developed by Podsakoff et al. to collect data from bank employees in the National Capital Region (NCR) of the United States. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to analyze the data, and the results showed a statistically significant relationship between transformational leadership and OCB. The multiple regression analysis conducted to test the relationship between the dimensions of transformational leadership and OCB indicated that idealized influence (attributed) and idealized influence (behavior) with statistical significance at 5% and 10%, respectively, exerted the greatest influence in explaining changes in OCB. Overall, the coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.11) indicated that 11% of the variance in OCB was due to the five dimensions of transformational leadership. Based on the results, the study suggests that bank leaders may consider the practice of transformational leadership behaviors to promote the OCBs of employees. The findings also suggest that the aggregate effort of OCB could create better bank service delivery and improved customer satisfaction. These suggestions are supported by previous studies that show that organizations that promote OCB perform better than those that do not