26 research outputs found

    Critical success factors for preventing E-banking fraud

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    E-Banking fraud is an issue being experienced globally and is continuing to prove costly to both banks and customers. Frauds in e-banking services occur as a result of various compromises in security ranging from weak authentication systems to insufficient internal controls. Lack of research in this area is problematic for practitioners so there is need to conduct research to help improve security and prevent stakeholders from losing confidence in the system. The purpose of this paper is to understand factors that could be critical in strengthening fraud prevention systems in electronic banking. The paper reviews relevant literatures to help identify potential critical success factors of frauds prevention in e-banking. Our findings show that beyond technology, there are other factors that need to be considered such as internal controls, customer education and staff education etc. These findings will help assist banks and regulators with information on specific areas that should be addressed to build on their existing fraud prevention systems

    Perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) as key drivers of mobile banking adoption : a case of Zimbabwe

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    The traditional brick and mortar buildings labeled “Banks” are fast becoming a historical notion being replaced by electronic, paperless and virtual money. Globalisation has ushered a new era resulting in availability of mobile phones to the larger populace of the world despite physical location. Mobile networking has created a platform that has seen acquisition of mobile phones which in turn has accorded billions of people Self Service Technologies (SST). These services know no boundaries. This paper seeks to explore two determinant variables of the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) which have become major variables in the implementation of mobile banking projects. Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) are arguably the cornerstones if mobile banking is to be successfully implemented, and hence adopted, in these financial services sector advancements. This Paper seeks to hypothetically explore the argument that PU and PEOU have the greatest impact on the implementation of mobile banking projects when considered in relation to other factors. The case of the mobile banking situation in Zimbabwe will be explored.peer-reviewe

    When customer behaviours change, should banks’ approaches to online trading stay the same?

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    What drives the behaviors of banks and their customers in time of profound changes? The modern economic crisis has significantly affected consumers' willingness to invest and made them more price sensitive, more rational in their decision making, and thus more challenging for banks to serve. Considering these relevant changes, banks have pursued projects to improve their internal processes and online services. Considering these changes in customer behavior and in the banking sector, some crucial questions arise. How has the strategy banks use to provide online trading services changed in the past decade? Can outsourcing and new managerial practices resolve the lack of specific competencies and assets that marked the banking sector in the past? This study, conducted in an Italian banking context, suggests that banks can attain all three elements by engaging in smart sourcing of online services to minimize costs, gain and sustain competitive advantages, and promote strategic assets

    Cloud computing (SaaS) adoption as a strategic technology: results of an empirical study

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    El presente estudio analiza empíricamente los factores que determinan la adopción de cloud computing (modelo SaaS) en empresas donde esta estrategia se considera estratégica para ejecutar su actividad. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de investigación para evaluar los factores que influyen en la intención de usar la computación en la nube que combina las variables encontradas en el modelo de aceptación de tecnología (TAM) con otras variables externas, como el apoyo de la alta gerencia, la capacitación, la comunicación, el tamaño de la organización y la complejidad tecnológica. Los datos compilados de 150 empresas en Andalucía (España) se utilizan para probar las hipótesis formuladas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejan qué factores críticos deben considerarse y cómo están interrelacionados. También muestran las demandas organizacionales que deben ser consideradas por aquellas compañías que desean implementar un modelo de gestión real adoptado para la economía digital, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la computación en la nube.The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms where this strategy is considered strategic for executing their activity. A research model has been developed to evaluate the factors that influence the intention of using cloud computing that combines the variables found in the technology acceptance model (TAM) with other external variables such as top management support, training, communication, organization size, and technological complexity. Data compiled from 150 companies in Andalusia (Spain) are used to test the formulated hypotheses. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. They also show the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.peerReviewe

    Diseño de una metodología para medir el uso de internet banca en Colombia

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    El propósito de ésta investigación consiste en diseñar una propuesta metodológica para medir el uso de Internet Banca en Colombia. Para ello, se siguieron tres objetivos específicos, considerando un enfoque metodológico mixto exploratorio: Revisar desde la literatura estudios y metodologías utilizadas en la medición de Internet Banca, diseñar la propuesta metodológica para medir el uso de Internet Banca y testear la propuesta metodológica en un contexto de aplicación. Como resultado de ésta investigación se proponen cuatro grandes pasos para la medición del uso de Internet Banca. Primero, La descripción de la situación actual en la medición en el uso de Internet Banca. Segundo la definición de un sistema de medición que comprende de dimensiones e indicadores. Tercero, la implementación del sistema de medición en un contexto que comprende la selección de la muestra, la aplicación de la prueba piloto, la recolección de datos y el análisis de fiabilidad, éste último aplica para indicadores con escala de medida. Y cuarto, el Informe de resultados. Finalmente, para la fase de testeo, se realizó un estudio en el cual se seleccionaron 150 personas con acceso a internet y dispositivos de cómputo, utilizando plataformas tecnológicas y redes sociales para la divulgación y recolección de datos. Como resultado de este estudio, se encontró que la consulta de extractos y saldos de cuenta es el servicio de Internet Banca más utilizado por los usuarios mientras que la consulta a asesores es el servicio menos utilizado. Adicionalmente, la calidad, la familiaridad, la usabilidad y utilidad y la confianza son aspectos que influyen en el uso de Internet Banca en Colombia.Abstract. The purpose of this research consists in to design a methodological proposal for measuring the usage of Internet Banking in Colombia. The specific objectives for this research are composed in three objectives follwing a methodologic focus exploratory mix: To review through literature studies and methodologies used in the measurement of Internet Banking, to design the methodological proposal for measuring the usage of Internet Banking and to testing the methodological proposal in an application context. In the results of this research, four stage were proposed. The first stage consists in to describe the actual situation in the usage of Internet Banking in Colombia, Latin America and the world context. The second stage consists in to define de measurement system composed by dimensions and indicators. The third stage consists in to implement de measurement system in an application context. And finally, the report of results. Finally for the testing phase, a study was applied using the stage and steps defined in the methodological proposal. In the results, it can conclude that the usage of Internet Banking is related with the ICT and financial services access and participation. The Checking on banking statements and account statements were the most used services , while the Asking a commercial advisor through chat tools was the least used service. And the quality, the familiarity and the trust are enabled aspects in the usage of Internet Banking in ColombiaMaestrí

    Customer satisfaction with the electronic banking services in Zimbabwe: a case of Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.With the constant advances in technology, it is expected that life should become easier in various way, one of these being that people would no longer have to wait in queues in banks as technology allows people to do most of their transactions by computer or cell phone. This research sought to gather information on customer satisfaction with the electronic banking (e-banking) facilities and services in Zimbabwe. The problem which was identified is that people spend a lot of time waiting in queues for services they could access much more quickly on e-banking platforms. Three e-banking platforms were examined, these being automated teller machines (ATMs), internet banking, and mobile banking (m-banking). The research took the form of a descriptive case study design. It also took a mixed method approach where both quantitative and qualitative data was used. Mashonaland West Province in Zimbabwe was the location for the study. Questionnaires were distributed in all seven districts of this province, on a pro rata basis depending on population size. According to the 2012 census survey in Zimbabwe, the total population of economically active people, between the ages of 15 and 64 years living in the province was 825 911 people. The researcher used Kredjice and Morgan’s table to calculate the sample size of 384 people. Two hundred and eighty-three (283) questionnaires were returned out of the three Hundred and eighty-four (384) questionnaires which were distributed, thus the response rate was 73.7%. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 20) was used to analyze the data. Results showed that e-banking services in Zimbabwe are satisfactory as there was not a single attribute of banking where the majority of people showed dissatisfaction. However, there is a need for Zimbabwean banks to continue to educate citizens on how to use e-banking facilities effectively. Internet banking had the lowest levels of reported user satisfaction with the problem emanating from a lack of internet access by the majority of citizens. There was also no significant gap realized between bank sector managers’ perceptions of customers’ needs and wants and the actual needs of customers. A model for adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe has been developed by the researcher and is made up of five key factors which determine the adoption of electronic banking in Zimbabwe, these are: education, accessibility, ease of use, friendliness, and security. These key factors determine the success of electronic banking in Zimbabwe. If this model is adopted it can assist Zimbabwe banks in new products development, improving service quality and therefore establish sustainable competitive advantage

    Identification of the critical success factors for public-funded R&D projects in South Africa

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    South Africa (SA) is classified as a middle-income emerging market, with the most resource-rich economy in Sub-Saharan Africa (SAccess, 2012). Its Research and Development (R&D) journey is characterised by a history of imbalances and oppression. Since the introduction of SA’s National R&D Strategy, recorded government R&D spending has been on the rise. However, the success rate for public-funded R&D projects has neither been satisfactory nor readily exposed for all to see. Factors considered critical for project success are largely contextual and tend to differ per project and industry. There appears to be no general consensus among scholars and authors on the common factors deemed critical in influencing the success of public-funded R&D projects. In SA, such factors still remain a mystery for further exploration. This research study sought to develop a model that will assist in achieving two key objectives, namely to identify the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of public-funded R&D projects in SA, as well as to exhume possible interrelationships between the identified critical success factors. This paper argues for a systemic and structure-based holistic approach and adopts Warfield’s Interactive Management (IM) in its endeavour to identify those factors that are deemed critical in the successful implementation of public-funded R&D projects in SA. The methodology comprises three key phases: a planning phase; a workshop phase; as well as a follow-up phase. The planning phase is a foundational phase that lays the basis and a plan for the ensuing two phases. The workshop, also known as the conversation phase, could be conceptualised as a process for building patterned interactions among the participants. It is in this phase that a relationship model, in the form of a diagraph, is constructed. The follow-up phase is the last phase and involves the implementation of the results to prove validity of solutions proposed in the workshop phase. However, since this last phase falls outside the scope of this paper, it has been excluded. Through the application of the IM methodology, a total of 35 identified CSFs were reduced to 23 key to formulate the CSF relationship model using the Interpretive Structural Model (ISM). Based on the model results, the study is concluded by identifying “Product market viability” and “Executive management support” as the two primary success factors that are most significant and have the greatest leverage to influence other factors towards the successful completion of public-funded R&D projects in SA