294 research outputs found

    Optoelectronic mixer with a photoconductive switch for 1550 nm wavelengths

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    We demonstrate an optoelectronic mixer based on an ultrafast InGaAs photoconductive switch and its use in an innovative heterodyne detection system for Radio over Fibre transmission. The advantage of the proposed switch is its relatively flat response curve in a wide frequency range up to 67 GHz. Two mixing schemes are presented through I-Q modulated data-stream down-conversion. The data can modulate either the electrical signal or the optical signal. In case the electrical signal is modulated, a mode-locked semiconductor laser diode is used as an optical local oscillator at the self-oscillating frequency of 24.5 GHz. The InP based quantum-dash mode-locked laser emitting in the 1570 nm wavelength range is stabilized by a feedback loop and shows a low phase noise in order to increase the mixing performances of the detection apparatus. In a second experiment, the photoconductive switch is combined with a continuous wave laser to demonstrate the feasibility of down converting an optically provided data-stream with an electrical local oscillator

    Fibre laser based broadband THz imaging systems

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    Fiber-based Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Systems Operated in the Telecom Band

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    The aim of the doctoral thesis is the study of Terahertz time domain spectrometers relying on telecommunication fiber technology. Optical fiber offers low losses, high stability and compactness, features that ease the deployment of this kind of sensing instruments in industrial scenarios. The development of terahertz signal sources working at telecom wavelengths has enabled the employment of mature, telecom-related photonic components that allowed a transition within THz research from being mainly object of scientific interest to an application-oriented technology. In this thesis, fiber terahertz systems utilizing ultrafast photoconductors with integrated antenna structures have been investigated at different levels, including the control of the photoconductor structure, as well as at instrument and system levels. The carrier transport in InGaAs-InAlAs multilayer hetero-structures, present in the employed photoconductive antennas, has been investigated under the additional injection of a continuous optical wave. By varying the amplitude level of the respective optical signal injected into either the emitter or the receiver, it has been shown that the amplitude of the detected photocurrent could be controlled without affecting its bandwidth. Unlike increasing the optical power of the pulsed signal, raising the continuous optical power results in a reduction of the measured photocurrent. This lowering of the conductivity is related to changes in the instantaneous carrier momentum relaxation time in the photoactive material, rather than to variations of the free carrier density level. This behavior affects systems including continuous-wave optical components, as, for instance, optical amplifiers. The effect has been further exploited to modulate the operation conditions of photoconductive antennas, enabling an all-optical control of the THz amplitude. This represents a method to implement a signal modulation, necessary, for instance, for lock-in signal detection. Different industrial applications and THz imaging systems require fast data acquisition. Slow, stepwise working mechanical optical delay lines are about to be replaced by faster schemes. A fast THz-time-domain spectroscopy system using a coil-based rapid mechanic delay line has been set up and analyzed. A convenience of usage of optical fibers is the simplicity of signal multiplication and distribution. It can be exploited to allow centralized operation of a set of parallel terahertz sensing units. A centralized architecture with optical source sharing simplifies the implementation as well as the cost of nondestructive inspection platforms, where several sensing units would have to work in the same facility, for example at quality control in factories or security checkpoints. The cost of such a distribution system is evaluated, its feasibility experimentally demonstrated, and key features relevant to the system performance are discussed. The present document is formally structured in a brief introduction, Chapter 2, which review common terahertz technology as a whole, with the focus on optoelectronic schemes and respective technology in the telecom band. Chapter 3 includes work carried out dealing with the carrier dynamics under continuous optical wave irradiation of the photoconductive antenna modules and the application of the effect as modulation method. Chapter 4 deals with the implementation of the fast delay in the system and Chapter 5 describes and analyses architecture for parallel, remotely controlled sensing. Finally, Chapter 6 provides conclusion and future work perspectives.El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el estudio de espectroscopios temporales de Terahercios basados en tecnología de fibra óptica para telecomunicaciones. La fibra óptica ofrece bajas pérdidas de propagación, alta estabilidad y la capacidad de implementar sistemas robustos y compactos, características que facilitan el despliegue de este tipo de instrumentos de sensado en escenarios industriales. El desarrollo de fuentes de THz que operan en la banda infrarroja empleada en telecomunicaciones permite el uso de componentes maduros de la industria de las comunicaciones ópticas, lo que a su vez se ha traducido en una transición desde el uso de la banda de THz básicamente para intereses científicos al desarrollo de sistemas para aplicaciones industriales. En la presente tesis se investigan sistemas de THz basados en antenas fotoconductivas y fibra óptica a distintos niveles: control de la estructura fotoconductiva, instrumento y sistema. El transporte de portadores en heteroestructuras multicapa InGaAs-InAlAs, empleadas actualmente en antenas fotoconductivas, se ha investigado bajo la inyección de una onda óptica continua. Se ha observado que variando el nivel de amplitud de esta onda continua tanto en el emisor como en el receptor es posible controlar la fotocorriente detectada sin afectar a su ancho de banda. A diferencia de un incremento en la potencia óptica de la señal pulsada, elevar el nivel de continua resulta en una reducción de la fotocorriente medida. Esta reducción de la conductividad se relaciona con cambios en el tiempo de relajación del momento de los portadores en el material fotoactivo en lugar de variaciones de la densidad de portadores libres. Este comportamiento puede tener un efecto en sistemas que introduzcan componentes ópticos continuos como por ejemplo sistemas de sensado que empleen amplificadores ópticos. Este efecto puede ser usado para modular las condiciones de operación de las antenas fotoconductivas permitiendo el control todo-óptico del sistema. Este método permite modular la señal, lo que resulta necesario por ejemplo para realizar detección lock-in. Tanto diferentes aplicaciones industriales como los sistemas de imagen en THz requieren sistemas rápidos de captura. Para ello es necesario sustituir las líneas de retardo ópticas tradicionales basadas en motores paso-a-paso por otros sistemas de mayor velocidad. Se ha implementado y caracterizado un sistema THz-TDS usando una línea de retardo rápida basada en bobinas de voz. Una característica fundamental de la fibra óptica es su extraordinaria simplicidad para realizar la distribución de señales ópticas. Esta característica puede ser explotada para permitir la operación centralizada de un conjunto paralelo de sensores de THz. Una arquitectura centralizada en la que la fuente óptica se comparte entre muchos sensores simplifica la implementación y reduce el coste de sistemas de inspección no destructiva que requieran de múltiples sensores en paralelo, como, por ejemplo, en control de calidad industrial o en controles de seguridad. Se ha evaluado el coste de estos sistemas distribuidos, se ha validado experimentalmente su viabilidad y se han identificado y estudiado sus prestaciones. El documento de la tesis doctoral se estructura formalmente en una breve introducción, el capítulo 2, en el que se revisa la tecnología de THz en su conjunto, los esquemas optoelectrónicos y el uso de tecnologías ópticas basadas en la banda de las telecomunicaciones. El capítulo 3 incluye el estudio realizado sobre la dinámica de los portadores bajo la irradiación dela antena fotoconductiva con una onda óptica continua y su uso como técnica de modulación. El capítulo 4 trata con la implementación de un sistema THz-TDS rápido mientras que el capítulo 5 describe y analiza una arquitectura de sensado paralela para reducir costes. Finalmente el capítulo 6 recoge las conclusiones y futuras líneas de actuación.L'objectiu de la present Tesi Doctoral és l'estudi d'espectroscopis temporals de terahertzs basats en tecnologia de fibra òptica per a telecomunicacions. La fibra òptica ofereix baixes pèrdues de propagació, alta estabilitat i la capacitat d'implementar sistemes robustos i compactes, característiques que faciliten el desplegament d'aquest tipus d'instruments de sensat en escenaris industrials. El desenvolupament de fonts de THz que operen a la banda infraroja emprada en telecomunicacions permet l'ús de components madurs de la indústria de les comunicacions òptiques, el que al seu torn s'ha traduït en una transició des de l'ús de la banda de THz bàsicament per interessos científics al desenvolupament de sistemes per a aplicacions industrials. En la present tesi s'investiguen sistemes de THz basats en antenes fotoconductivas i fibra òptica a diferents nivells: control de l'estructura fotoconductiva, instrument i sistema. El transport de portadors en heteroestructures multicapa InGaAs-InAlAs, emprades actualment en antenes fotoconductivas, s'ha investigat sota la injecció d'una ona òptica contínua. S'ha observat que variant el nivell d'amplitud d'aquesta ona contínua tant en l'emissor com en el receptor és possible controlar la fotocorriente detectada sense afectar el seu ample de banda. A diferència d'un increment en la potència òptica del senyal polsada, elevar el nivell de contínua resulta en una reducció de la fotocorrent mesurada. Aquesta reducció de la conductivitat es relaciona amb canvis en el temps de relaxació del moment dels portadors en el material fotoactiu en lloc de variacions de la densitat de portadors lliures. Aquest comportament pot tenir un efecte en sistemes que introdueixin components òptics continus com ara sistemes de sensat que utilitzen amplificadors òptics. Aquest efecte pot ser usat per modular les condicions d'operació de les antenes fotoconductivas permetent el control tot-òptic del sistema. Aquest mètode permet modular el senyal, el que resulta necessari per exemple per realitzar detecció lock-in. Tant diferents aplicacions industrials com els sistemes d'imatge en THz requereixen sistemes ràpids de captura. Per a això és necessari substituir les línies de retard òptiques tradicionals basades en motors pas-a-pas per altres sistemes de major velocitat. S'ha implementat i caracteritzat un sistema THz-TDS usant una línia de retard ràpida basada en bobines de veu. Una característica fonamental de la fibra òptica és la seua extraordinària simplicitat per realitzar la distribució de senyals òptiques. Aquesta característica pot ser explotada per a permetre l'operació centralitzada d'un conjunt paral·lel de sensors de THz. Una arquitectura centralitzada en la qual la font òptica es comparteix entre molts sensors simplifica la implementació i redueix el cost de sistemes d'inspecció no destructiva que requereixin de múltiples sensors en paral·lel, com, per exemple, en control de qualitat industrial o en controls de seguretat . S'ha avaluat el cost d'aquests sistemes distribuïts, s'ha validat experimentalment la seua viabilitat i s'han identificat i estudiat les seues prestacions. El document de la tesi doctoral s'estructura formalment en una breu introducció, capítol 2, en el qual es revisa la tecnologia de THz en el seu conjunt, els esquemes optoelectrònics i l'ús de tecnologies òptiques basades en la banda de les telecomunicacions. El capítol 4 inclou l'estudi realitzat sobre la dinàmica dels portadors sota la irradiació de la antena fotoconductiva amb una ona òptica contínua i el seu ús com a tècnica de modulació. El capítol 5 tracta la implementació d'un sistema THz-TDS ràpid mentre que el capítol 6 descriu i analitza una arquitectura de sensat paral·lela per reduir costos. Finalment, el capítol 7 recull les conclusions i futures línies d'actuació.Bockelt, AS. (2017). Fiber-based Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Systems Operated in the Telecom Band [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86148TESI

    Optical rectification in semiconductor waveguides

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    In this thesis, we study optical to microwave conversion and generation of ultrashort electrical pulses by the use of optical rectification at telecommunication wavelengths, λ = 1550 nm. By using optical rectification, an electromagnetic pulse is generated in a completely passive semiconductor waveguide. This pulse is coupled in a microwave transmission line with periodically loaded ground electrodes to create a velocity-matched structure. The optical waveguide and the microwave transmission line form the optical rectification device. Although in theory, the width of the electrical pulse in a travelling wave structure is limited only by the duration of the optical excitation pulse, imperfections in the velocity matching will attenuate and disperse most of the electrical pulse. The calculated effective optical refractive index of the rectification devices, nopt - 3.30, matches the measured effective microwave index in one of our structures namely DevO68 (nmw = 3.30). If the structure is slightly velocity-mismatched, losses as high as 14 dB/mm at frequencies of 1 THz will affect the propagation of the electrical pulse. The optical rectification device was fabricated using conventional photolithography techniques and e-beam lithography techniques. The advantages of e-beam lithography are: better pattern definition, perfect alignment and easier lift-off process. The only disadvantage is the cost associated with running the e-beam writer and maybe the time it takes to complete a pattern. The semiconductor material system of choice for the rectification devices is GaAs / AlGaAs due to its well-known large nonlinear coefficient. The use of GaAs/AlGaAs with light at λ = 1550 nm, presents serious absorption effects. The absorption effects mask the pure optical rectification signal and therefore must be minimised. The most significant absorption effect at λ = 1550 nm is two-photon absorption (TPA), which in more than one experiment gave us pulses of a few nanosecons duration. Our rectification device is engineered to minimise TPA, and this is the perhaps the hardest challenge in the design of the device. This also maybe the reason why there is not rectification devices such as ours reported in the literature working at λ = 1550 nm. The reason why we wanted to work with GaAs/AlGaAs is the potential integration of the rectification device in optoelectronic systems. In the final rectification device, we could observe a clear polarization dependence of the generated signal indicating optical rectification. The signal detected was small in magnitude, ~75 dBm and on top of an offset signal which is believed to be TPA. Nevertheless, we proved that an optical rectification signal could be generated and detected by experimental means. Finally, Q-switched diode lasers in Al-quaternary material were fabricated and evaluated as possible sources for the rectification devices. The lasers produced a pulse train ranging from 1 GHz to 2 GHz depending on the bias current. We reckon that our measurement set-up is not ideal to characterize the rectification signal but is the simplest set-up capable of giving us an indicative result. The time domain observation of the optical rectification signal has still to be done and the integration of a photoconductive switch to the optical rectification device seems to be the most obvious solution to achieve this

    Propagation of terahertz radiation in non-homogeneous materials and structures

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    The work undertaken is concerned with looking at how terahertz frequency radiation (here defined as 300 GHz -10 THz) propagates through media which have a random structure ("non-homogeneous materials"). Materials of this type are important in a wide range of applications, but are of particular interest in security and surveillance. Propagation of terahertz radiation through non-homogeneous materials is not well understood: both interference and scattering effects become important in this spectral range, where the wavelength and size and separation of the scattering centres are often commensurable. A simple model, which uses the phase change of a wave to describe its transmission through media having relatively small changes in refractive index is developed and compared with both exact theories and experimentally obtained measurements. Overall, a satisfactory agreement between the experimental data for transmission through arrays of cylinders, textiles and powders is seen. It is well known that pulses of terahertz radiation from optoelectronic sources have a complex shape. Post detection signal processing routines can be used to clean up the experimentally determined signals. The development of such algorithms is described, before they are applied to experimental results to determine: the minimum size of gaps between slabs to mimic voids in media; and the response of various compounds to a sharply terminated input pulse. The investigation of scattering from random structures requires the construction of a spectrometer having the capability to measure THz pulses scattered at different angles. Such a system ideally requires fibre-fed detection schemes to be used. The construction of a scattering spectrometer is described and its performance outlined. Pulses of terahertz which have been scattered by a sample of interest can be reconstructed, using methods from conventional tomography, to produce images of the phantom under test. Such measurements are outlined here. To our knowledge, this is the first time that tomography has been undertaken using a fixed sample and rotating detector arrangement

    Direct optical control of a microwave phase shifter using GaAs fieldeffect transistors

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    The design and analysis of a novel optical-to-microwave transducer based upon direct optical control of microwave gallium arsenide (GaAs) field-effect transistor (FET) switches is the subject of this thesis. The switch is activated by illuminating the gate depletion region of the FET device with laser light having a photon energy and wavelength appropriate to the generation of free carriers (electron-hole pairs) within GaAs. The effects of light on the DC and microwave properties of the GaAs FET are explored and analyzed to permit the characterization of the switching performance and transient response of a reflective microwave switch. The switch is novel in that it utilizes direct optical control, whereby the optically controlled GaAs FET is directly in the path of the microwave signal and therefore relies on optically-induced variations in the microwave characteristics of the switch. This contrasts with previous forms of optically controlled switches which rely on indirect methods with the optical stimulus inducing variations in the DC characteristics of the GaAs FET, such that there is no direct interaction between the optically illuminated GaAs FET and the microwave signal. Measured and simulated results relating to the switching performance and transient response of the direct optically controlled microwave switch have been obtained and published as a result of this work. For the first time, good agreement is achieved between the measured and simulated results for the rise and fall times associated with the transient response of the gate photovoltaic effect in optically controlled GaAs FET switches. This confirms that the GaAs FET, when used as an optically controlled microwave switch, has a transient response of the order of several micro-seconds. An enhanced model of the GaAs FET switch has been developed, which represents a more versatile approach and leads to improved accuracy in predicting switching performance. This approach has been shown to be valid for both optical and electrical control of the GaAs FET. This approach can be used to model GaAs FET switches in discrete or packaged forms and predicts accurately the occurrence of resonances which may degrade the switch performance in both switching states. A novel method for tuning these resonances out of the switch operating band has been developed and published. This allows the switch to be configured to operate over the frequency range 1 to 20 GRz. The agreement between the models and measured data has been shown to hold for two very different GaAs FET structures. The results of the direct optically controlled microwave GaAs FET switch have been used as the basis for the design of a novel direct optically controlled microwave phase shifter circuit; Measured and simulated results are in good agreement and verify that the performance of the optically controlled phase shifter is comparable with previously published results for electrically controlled versions of the phase shifter. The 10 GRz phase shifter was optically controlled over a 1 GRz frequency range and exhibited a mid-band insertion loss of 0.15 dB. The outcome of the work provides the basis for directly controlling the phase of a microwave signal using the output of an optical sensor, with the GaAs FET acting as an optical-to-microwave transducer through a monolithic interface