3,183 research outputs found

    Scalable Analysis, Verification and Design of IC Power Delivery

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    Due to recent aggressive process scaling into the nanometer regime, power delivery network design faces many challenges that set more stringent and specific requirements to the EDA tools. For example, from the perspective of analysis, simulation efficiency for large grids must be improved and the entire network with off-chip models and nonlinear devices should be able to be analyzed. Gated power delivery networks have multiple on/off operating conditions that need to be fully verified against the design requirements. Good power delivery network designs not only have to save the wiring resources for signal routing, but also need to have the optimal parameters assigned to various system components such as decaps, voltage regulators and converters. This dissertation presents new methodologies to address these challenging problems. At first, a novel parallel partitioning-based approach which provides a flexible network partitioning scheme using locality is proposed for power grid static analysis. In addition, a fast CPU-GPU combined analysis engine that adopts a boundary-relaxation method to encompass several simulation strategies is developed to simulate power delivery networks with off-chip models and active circuits. These two proposed analysis approaches can achieve scalable simulation runtime. Then, for gated power delivery networks, the challenge brought by the large verification space is addressed by developing a strategy that efficiently identifies a number of candidates for the worst-case operating condition. The computation complexity is reduced from O(2^N) to O(N). At last, motivated by a proposed two-level hierarchical optimization, this dissertation presents a novel locality-driven partitioning scheme to facilitate divide-and-conquer-based scalable wire sizing for large power delivery networks. Simultaneous sizing of multiple partitions is allowed which leads to substantial runtime improvement. Moreover, the electric interactions between active regulators/converters and passive networks and their influences on key system design specifications are analyzed comprehensively. With the derived design insights, the system-level co-design of a complete power delivery network is facilitated by an automatic optimization flow. Results show significant performance enhancement brought by the co-design

    Sizing energy storage on the 11kV distribution network

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    The cost and limited flexibility of traditional approaches to 11kV network reinforcement threatens to constrain the uptake of low carbon technologies. Ofgem has released £500m of funding for DNOs to trial innovative techniques and share the learning with the rest of the industry. One of the techniques under study is the addition of Energy Storage at key substations to the network to help with peak load lopping. This paper looks in detail at the sizing algorithm for use in the assessment of alternatives to traditional reinforcement and investigates a method of sizing a battery for use on a Network taking into account load growth, capacity fade and battery lifecycle issues. A further complication to the analysis is the method of operation of the battery system and how this affects the Depth of Discharge (DoD). The proposed method is being trialled on an area of 11kV network in Milton Keynes Central area and the simulation results are presented in this paper

    Parametric Yield of VLSI Systems under Variability: Analysis and Design Solutions

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    Variability has become one of the vital challenges that the designers of integrated circuits encounter. variability becomes increasingly important. Imperfect manufacturing process manifest itself as variations in the design parameters. These variations and those in the operating environment of VLSI circuits result in unexpected changes in the timing, power, and reliability of the circuits. With scaling transistor dimensions, process and environmental variations become significantly important in the modern VLSI design. A smaller feature size means that the physical characteristics of a device are more prone to these unaccounted-for changes. To achieve a robust design, the random and systematic fluctuations in the manufacturing process and the variations in the environmental parameters should be analyzed and the impact on the parametric yield should be addressed. This thesis studies the challenges and comprises solutions for designing robust VLSI systems in the presence of variations. Initially, to get some insight into the system design under variability, the parametric yield is examined for a small circuit. Understanding the impact of variations on the yield at the circuit level is vital to accurately estimate and optimize the yield at the system granularity. Motivated by the observations and results, found at the circuit level, statistical analyses are performed, and solutions are proposed, at the system level of abstraction, to reduce the impact of the variations and increase the parametric yield. At the circuit level, the impact of the supply and threshold voltage variations on the parametric yield is discussed. Here, a design centering methodology is proposed to maximize the parametric yield and optimize the power-performance trade-off under variations. In addition, the scaling trend in the yield loss is studied. Also, some considerations for design centering in the current and future CMOS technologies are explored. The investigation, at the circuit level, suggests that the operating temperature significantly affects the parametric yield. In addition, the yield is very sensitive to the magnitude of the variations in supply and threshold voltage. Therefore, the spatial variations in process and environmental variations make it necessary to analyze the yield at a higher granularity. Here, temperature and voltage variations are mapped across the chip to accurately estimate the yield loss at the system level. At the system level, initially the impact of process-induced temperature variations on the power grid design is analyzed. Also, an efficient verification method is provided that ensures the robustness of the power grid in the presence of variations. Then, a statistical analysis of the timing yield is conducted, by taking into account both the process and environmental variations. By considering the statistical profile of the temperature and supply voltage, the process variations are mapped to the delay variations across a die. This ensures an accurate estimation of the timing yield. In addition, a method is proposed to accurately estimate the power yield considering process-induced temperature and supply voltage variations. This helps check the robustness of the circuits early in the design process. Lastly, design solutions are presented to reduce the power consumption and increase the timing yield under the variations. In the first solution, a guideline for floorplaning optimization in the presence of temperature variations is offered. Non-uniformity in the thermal profiles of integrated circuits is an issue that impacts the parametric yield and threatens chip reliability. Therefore, the correlation between the total power consumption and the temperature variations across a chip is examined. As a result, floorplanning guidelines are proposed that uses the correlation to efficiently optimize the chip's total power and takes into account the thermal uniformity. The second design solution provides an optimization methodology for assigning the power supply pads across the chip for maximizing the timing yield. A mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) optimization problem, subject to voltage drop and current constraint, is efficiently solved to find the optimum number and location of the pads

    District Power-To-Heat/Cool Complemented by Sewage Heat Recovery

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    District heating and cooling (DHC), when combined with waste or renewable energy sources, is an environmentally sound alternative to individual heating and cooling systems in buildings. In this work, the theoretical energy and economic performances of a DHC network complemented by compression heat pump and sewage heat exchanger are assessed through dynamic, year-round energy simulations. The proposed system comprises also a water storage and a PV plant. The study stems from the operational experience on a DHC network in Budapest, in which a new sewage heat recovery system is in place and provided the experimental base for assessing main operational parameters of the sewage heat exchanger, like effectiveness, parasitic energy consumption and impact of cleaning. The energy and economic potential is explored for a commercial district in Italy. It is found that the overall seasonal COP and EER are 3.10 and 3.64, while the seasonal COP and EER of the heat pump alone achieve 3.74 and 4.03, respectively. The economic feasibility is investigated by means of the levelized cost of heating and cooling (LCOHC). With an overall LCOHC between 79.1 and 89.9 €/MWh, the proposed system can be an attractive solution with respect to individual heat pumps.This research was funded by the European Commission, H2020-project Heat4Cool, grant number 723925. The work has also been supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under Contract No. 16.0082

    Microgrids/Nanogrids Implementation, Planning, and Operation

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    Today’s power system is facing the challenges of increasing global demand for electricity, high-reliability requirements, the need for clean energy and environmental protection, and planning restrictions. To move towards a green and smart electric power system, centralized generation facilities are being transformed into smaller and more distributed ones. As a result, the microgrid concept is emerging, where a microgrid can operate as a single controllable system and can be viewed as a group of distributed energy loads and resources, which can include many renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. The energy management of a large number of distributed energy resources is required for the reliable operation of the microgrid. Microgrids and nanogrids can allow for better integration of distributed energy storage capacity and renewable energy sources into the power grid, therefore increasing its efficiency and resilience to natural and technical disruptive events. Microgrid networking with optimal energy management will lead to a sort of smart grid with numerous benefits such as reduced cost and enhanced reliability and resiliency. They include small-scale renewable energy harvesters and fixed energy storage units typically installed in commercial and residential buildings. In this challenging context, the objective of this book is to address and disseminate state-of-the-art research and development results on the implementation, planning, and operation of microgrids/nanogrids, where energy management is one of the core issues

    Voltage Rise Problem in Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation: A Review of Technologies, Impact and Mitigation Approaches

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    Energy demand has constantly been on the rise due to aggressive industrialization and civilization. This rise in energy demand results in the massive penetration of distributed generation (DG) in the distribution network (DN) which has been a holistic approach to enhance the capacity of distribution networks. However, this has led to a number of issues in the low voltage network, one of which is the voltage rise problem. This happens when generation exceeds demand thereby causing reverse power flow and consequently leading to overvoltage. A number of methods have been discussed in the literature to overcome this challenge ranging from network augmentation to active management of the distribution networks. This paper discusses the issue of voltage rise problem and its impact on distribution networks with high amounts of distributed energy resources (DERs). It presents different DG technologies such as those based on conventional and unconventional resources and other DERs such as battery storage systems and fuel cells. The study provides a comprehensive overview of approaches employed to curtail the issue of voltage increase at the point of common coupling (PCC), which includes strategies based on the network reinforcement methodology and the active distribution network management. A techno-economic comparison is then introduced in the paper to ascertain the similarities and dissimilarities of different mitigation approaches based on the technology involved, ease of deployment, cost implication, and their pros and cons. The paper provides insights into directions for future research in mitigating the impact of voltage rise presented by grid-connected DGs without limiting their increased penetration in the existing power grid

    Effective network grid synthesis and optimization for high performance very large scale integration system design

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2642号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新480

    Utilising stored wind energy by hydro-pumped storage to provide frequency support at high levels of wind energy penetration

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    Wind farms (WFs) contribution in frequency deviations curtailment is a grey area, especially when WFs replace large conventional generation capacities. This study offers an algorithm to integrate hydro-pumped storage station (HPSS) to provide inertial and primary support, during frequency drops by utilising stored wind energy. However, wind turbines follow maximum power tracking, and do not apply frequency support methods, thus the wasted wind energy is mitigated. First, HPSS rated power and energy capacity are determined based on several givens, including wind speed and load characteristics. Thus, HPSS major aspects are estimated [e.g. pump(s), reservoir layout and generator(s)]. Second, offered algorithm coordinates energy storage, and releasing through several dynamic and static factors. HPSS output is continuously controlled through a timed approach to provide frequency support. A hypothetical system is inspired from Egyptian grid and real wind speed records at recommended locations to host WFs. Case studies examine the algorithm impact on frequency recovery, at 40% wind power penetration. The responses of thermal generation and HPSS are analysed to highlight the influence of tuning the parameters of the proposed algorithm. The assessment of several frequency metrics insures the positive role of HPSS in frequency drops curtailment. Simulation environments are MATLAB and Simulink