15 research outputs found

    Is this the beginning of the end for retail websites? A professional perspective

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    This paper expects to understand professionals opinion concerning the impact of the increasing use of Social Media (SM) and commercial Mobile Applications (MA) instead of retail websites in their online strategy. Unstructured interviews with Internet professionals were applied on the LinkedIn professional SM platform, and one hundred and twenty-seven professionals provided their perspective. Data were analyzed using a Text Mining approach, and the outcome revealed professionals resistance to set SM in the center of the online strategy and highlighted the preference of users to use search engines that, in turn, will lead them to a retail website.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Online advertising and consumer behavior in Tunisia

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    The aim of this study was to present new mediating and moderating variables in the relationship between online advertising and purchase intention as well as visiting the store. Therefore, a qualitative study of 17 Tunisian Internet users was conducted (semi-structured interview). Results showed that the lifestyle change and the disposition to visit the store are the mediating variables between these consequences and electronic advertising (purchase intention and visiting the store). Furthermore, the involvement with the product is the moderating variable between e-advertising and lifestyle change, including disposition to visit the store

    The Impact of Online Advertising on Store Visiting: Saudi Arabia

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    This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the issue of electronic advertising in Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of this research is to explore the impact of internet advertising on companies’ visits to stores through an exploratory study. The systematization of literary sources and approaches for solving electronic advertising problems indicates that new mediating and moderating variables could have an impact on the relation between Internet advertising and visits to stores. In this research, the disposition to visit the point of sale is assimilated as a mediating construct rather than an implication with the product as a moderating variable. The relevance of this scientific problem decision is that this investigation of the consequences of electronic advertising for offline customer comportment in Saudi Arabia is unprecedented research that seeks to address this interesting question. The investigation of the role of online advertising and the impact of mediating and moderating variables on the visit to the store in the paper was carried out in the following logical sequence: the data were collected via an electronic survey. Of the 500 randomly selected Internet users in Saudi Arabia, only 350 responses were valid. This research used a structural equation model and multigroup analysis to examine the direct and indirect influences of variables. This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis that revealed a positive relation between internet advertising and visits to points of sale. The disposition to visit the point of sale mediates the relationship between Internet advertising and concrete visits to the store. The effect of the product moderates the effect of internet advertising on the disposition to visit the point of sale in Saudi Arabia. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that Saudi shoppers fine online advertising to be attractive when this advertising must have some actions and concepts flash. Therefore, Saudi directors should follow this form and use an effective mixture of content and animation. The e-shoppers who are involved are persons who have little engagement; for this reason, they are simply concerned about the tools of the publicity communication

    Profit maximization through budget allocation in display advertising

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    Online display advertising provides advertisers a unique opportunity to calculate real-time return on investment for advertising campaigns. Based on the target audiences, each advertising campaign is divided into sub campaigns, called ad sets, which all have their individual returns. Consequently, the advertiser faces an optimization problem of how to allocate the advertising budget across ad sets so that the total return on investment is maximized. Performance of each ad set is unknown to the advertiser beforehand. Thus the advertiser risks choosing a suboptimal ad set if allocating budget to the one assumed to be the optimal. On the other hand, the advertiser wastes money when exploring the returns and not allocating budget to the optimal ad set. This exploration vs. exploitation dilemma is known from so called multi-armed bandit problem. Standard multi-armed bandit problem consists of a gambler and multiple gambling-slot machines i.e. bandits. The gambler needs to balance between exploring which of the bandits has the highest rewards and simultaneously maximising the reward by playing the bandit having the highest return. I formalize the budget allocation problem faced by the online advertiser as a batched bandit problem where the bandits have to be played in batches instead of one by one. Based on the previous literature, I propose several allocation policies to solve the budget allocation problem. In addition, I use an extensive real world dataset from over 200 Facebook advertising campaigns to test the performance impact of different allocation policies. My empirical results give evidence that the return on investment of online advertising campaigns can be improved by dynamically allocating budget. So called greedy algorithms, allocating more of the budget to the ad set having the best historical average, seem to perform notable well. I show that the performance can further be improved by dynamically decreasing the exploration budget by time. Another well performing policy is Thompson sampling which allocates budget by sampling return estimates from a prior distribution formed based on historical returns. Upper confidence and probability policies, often proposed in the machine learning literature, don’t seem to apply that well to the real world resource allocation problem. I also contribute to the previous literature by providing evidence that the advertiser should base the budget allocation on observations of the real revenue generating event (e.g. product purchase) instead of using observations of more general events (e.g. clicks of ads). In addition, my research gives evidence that the performance of the allocation policies is dependent on the number of observations the policy has to make the decision based on. This may be an issue in real world applications if the number of available observations is scarce. I believe this issue is not unique to display advertising and consequently propose a future research topic of developing more robust batched bandit algorithms for resource allocation decisions where the rate of return is small

    The Analysis of Research on Internet Marketing

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    The targeted development of internet marketing faces the dynamic environment and its alterations that occur both – in business terms and conditions and in the use of e­tools and applicable concepts. The growing importance of internet marketing is indicated by a growth in e­markets, an increasing number of new generation consumers, investments of organizations in e­based decisions, a strong interest of scientists representing different fields as well as by widening the base of knowledge related to the above introduced phenomenon. Despite a continuously increasing amount of scientific literature on Internet marketing, this area of research is still at the initial stage. The article is aimed at analysing the fields of ongoing researches into Internet marketing and at identifying the areas required for deeper examination. The article has applied for the methods such as a comparative analysis and summary of scientific literature, information comparison and techniques for grouping and the graphical visualization of information

    Impacto de la publicidad en internet en la decisión de compra

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    La publicidad tiene el propósito de mantener la atención de la audiencia para lograr metas específicas -- Las nuevas plataformas digitales, como redes sociales, correo electrónico, blogs y páginas web, se han convertido en medios eficaces para informar, persuadir o recordar diferentes aspectos de un producto -- Este artículo presenta un estudio realizado con el objetivo de analizar y evaluar el impacto de la publicidad en internet para determinar su influencia en la decisión de compra de artículos de la categoría cocina del hogar -- Se realizó un estudio descriptivo orientado hacia hombres y mujeres de 23 a 60 años de edad de todos los estratos -- Los resultados sugieren que la publicidad en los canales digitales es un factor preponderante sobre el proceso de estímulo-respuesta de los consumidores en aspectos como el precio, la confiabilidad y la comodidad para realizar transacciones comerciale

    Os principais objetivos da publicidade display online e as métricas adequadas na sua avaliação

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisEm Portugal, a televisão foi desde sempre a média favorita dos portugueses, porém, com a rápida penetração da Internet, ocupa hoje o segundo lugar da tabela com 3,1 horas de visualização diária face às 4,2 horas de utilização diária da Internet (Meios & Publicidade, 2015). As organizações perceberam as oportunidades publicitárias associadas à sua presença neste canal, assistindo-se atualmente a uma proliferação de dinâmicas publicitárias cada vez mais diversificada e profissionalizada, onde a publicidade display se insurge. Adjacente ao aparecimento das novas formas publicitárias, surgiram também novas formas de as avaliar, traduzidas em métricas digitais, que os profissionais dizem ser demasiadas e confusas, para definição e estandardização de modelos de avaliação da publicidade online. Este trabalho representa uma abordagem a essa mesma questão: esclarecer junto dos profissionais das agências de meios, quais as métricas de exposição, estratégicas e financeiras mais adequadas, na avaliação dos principais objetivos da publicidade display. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte das métricas propostas no modelo, são relevantes para a avaliação dos objetivos em questão, ainda que as métricas de exposição sejam a tipologia mais usada, pela acessibilidade que as caracterizam. As métricas estratégicas incorrem em mais custos e são mais complexas de implementar. As métricas financeiras, são recorrentemente usadas, no entanto o ROI, uma das métricas mais consideradas na avaliação do Marketing, é percecionado como uma métrica difícil de apurar, considerando a complexidade que exibe, na correlação dos resultados ao investimento realizado, exceto se for usado em e-commerce.In Portugal, television has always been the portugueses´s prefered media, however, with the rapid penetration of Internet, today takes the second place on the ranking, with 3,1 hours of daily viewing against 4,2 hours of daily use of Internet (Meios & Publicidade, 2015). Companies understood the advertisement opportunities with its presence in this channel, currently witnessing a proliferation of advertising dynamics increasingly diversified and professionalized, where the display advertising stands out. Adjacent to the appearance of these new forms of advertising, also have emerged new forms of evaluating them, translated into digital metrics, which professionals say that are too many and confused, for the definition and standardization of online advertising evaluation models. This work represents an approach to this subject: clarify with the professionals of the media agencies, which are the most appropriate exposure, strategic and financial metrics to assessing the main objectives of the display advertising. The results indicate that most of the metrics proposed in the model are relevant for the evaluation of the objectives in question, although the exposure metrics are the most used typology because of the accessibility that characterize them. Strategic metrics incur in more costs and are more complex to implement. Financial metrics are often used, however ROI, one of the most considered metrics in Marketing´s assessment, is perceived as a metric that is difficult to ascertain, considering its complexity in assigning the results to the investment made, unless it is used in a model of e-commerce.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Publicidade Online nos jornais generalistas em Cabo Verde e Portugal: estudo comparativo

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social – Vertente Comunicação EstratégicaA presente dissertação visa um estudo comparativo relativamente à Publicidade Online nas homepages de websites de jornais generalistas portugueses e cabo-verdianos. Estudos têm revelado que a publicidade é uma das principais fontes de receitas da maioria dos websites de notícias. Os anunciantes estão a recorrer cada vez mais a essas plataformas para fazerem a inserção de seus anúncios, no sentido de captar o público. No entanto, as evidências empíricas apuradas nesta investigação – que incidiu os jornais portugueses Correio da Manhã, Público e Diário de Notícias e os caboverdianos Notícias do Norte, A Nação e Expresso da Ilhas – demonstraram um escasso aproveitamento por parte dos anunciantes das potencialidades da Publicidade Online, tanto a nível da produção dos formatos, como em termos de dinamismo e interatividade, assim como algumas similitudes e disparidades entres os países e jornais em estudo. Os anunciantes portugueses estão a utilizar mais formatos de publicidade, comparativamente com os cabo-verdianos. O Correio da Manhã é, dos jornais estudados, o que mais formatos apresenta, enquanto A Nação é dos que menos se diversificou. Todos os jornais portugueses apresentaram formatos enriquecidos com animação, áudio e vídeo, e formatos que incorporam a tecnologia floating. Em Cabo Verde, apenas o Notícias do Norte apresenta anúncios enriquecidos com vídeo. No entanto, todos os jornais apresentam formatos publicitários animados e estáticos. Quanto à interatividade, enquadram-se no nível reativo.The present dissertation aims at a comparative study on Online Advertising in the homepages of websites of Portuguese and Cape Verdean generalist newspapers. Studies have revealed that advertising is one of the main sources of revenue for most news websites. Advertisers are increasingly turning to these platforms for insertion of their ads in order to engage the audience. However, the empirical evidence found in this investigation - which included the Portuguese newspapers Correio da Manhã, Público and Diário de Notícias and the Cape Verdean Newspapers Notícias do Norte, A Nação and the Expresso das Ilhas - showed a scarce use by advertisers of the potentialities of Online Advertising, both in the production of formats, and in terms of dynamism and interactivity, as well as some similarities and disparities between the countries and newspapers under study. Portuguese advertisers are using more advertising formats compared to Cape Verdeans. Correio da Manhã, is one of the newspapers studied, which presents the most formats, while A Nação newspaper is one of that least diversified. All the Portuguese newspapers presented formats enriched with animation, audio and video, and formats that incorporate floating technology. In Cape Verde, only the Notícias do Norte features ads enriched with video. However, all newspapers feature animated and static advertising formats. As for interactivity, they fit into the reactive level.N/

    Internet user behavior change: an evaluation under three dimensions: scholars, professionals, and users

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    Pouco se sabe sobre a mudança de comportamento dos utilizadores em relação aos websites, influenciados pelo uso das Redes Sociais (SM) e Aplicações Móveis (MA). Evidencias estatísticas revelam que as SM e as MA estão a ganhar relevância na Internet e o acesso está sendo feito de forma crescente através desses canais, relegando os Websites a um papel secundário. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender a mudança no comportamento do utilizador na Internet, realizando uma revisão de literatura e compreender a perspetiva dos profissionais e utilizadores da Internet neste contexto. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de mineração de texto (TM) para uma compreensão exaustiva, e encontrar informação e padrões escondidos nos dados recolhidos. Os resultados revelam que o estudo da usabilidade nas três dimensões indica uma lacuna na literatura nas áreas de nutrição e marketing, para além de que o estudo nas MA está subdesenvolvida. Profissionais da Internet revelam resiliência em colocar as SM no centro da estratégia online, revelando confiança de que os utilizadores continuarão a usar os motores de busca que os levarão ao website e que a relevância e a qualidade do conteúdo determinarão o uso contínuo dos websites. Os utilizadores com idade inferior a 31 anos têm mais propensão a usar as SM e as MA em detrimento de websites para pesquisar um produto ou serviço, o que implica que, no futuro, essas plataformas superarão o uso de websites.Little is known regarding the change of users’ behavior towards websites, influenced by the use of Social Media (SM) and Mobile Applications (MA). Statistical evidence reveal that SM and MA are gaining relevance in the Internet and the access is increasingly being made through these channels, taking Websites to a secondary place. The goal of this study is to understand the shift on the Internet user behavior by conducting a usability literature review in the three dimensions (website, SM and MA), and understand the perspective of Internet professionals and users in this context. Data was analyzed through text mining (TM) technique for a comprehensive understanding and search for hidden information and patterns. Result outcome reveals that the research in the usability of website, SM and MA contexts, indicate a gap in the literature in the areas of nutrition and marketing and the study of MA is undeveloped. Internet professionals’ reveal resilience on setting SM in the center of the online strategy, revealing trust that users will continue to use search engines that will lead them to their website, and that relevance and quality of content will determine the continued use of websites. Users under 31 years old have more propensity to use SM and MA instead of websites to search for a product or service, implying that in the future, these platforms will overcome the use of websites

    Search Engine Marketing como atração de tráfego online internacional: um estudo de caso da marca Olivus Floris

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Negócios InternacionaisEste relatório de estágio provém da análise de um problema da organização Neoneris, Gestão de Negócios, Lda.: a execução do seu plano de internacionalização. A aplicação de uma estratégia digital integrada foi identificada como impulsionadora do seu negócio, da sua expansão internacional e da visibilidade da sua marca e dos seus produtos, reconhecendo que o digital incitará a sua aproximação e contacto às empresas, mercados e consumidores. Os resultados da implantação da sua primeira fase de uma estratégia de Inbound Marketing na atração de tráfego qualificado foram positivos, conseguindo um melhoramento do ranking substancial e gradual, tendo como instigadores a otimização SEO on page, por trazer notoriedade digital à marca; a navegação responsiva e a velocidade de página, fulcral por melhorar a experiência de consumidor e prevenir a perda de tráfego internacional e de potenciais leads, numa atenção redobrada ao mobile pela sua expressividade; o marketing de conteúdo, por estimular e reter o visitante; o SEO off page link building, imprescindível quando segmentado para o retorno de leads; destacando-se ainda o protocolo de segurança https e a permuta para um domínio internacional pelos súbitos proveitos e o SEA pelos seus resultados céleres e valiosos face aos mercados. A estratégia digital mostra-se imprescindível nos insights que proporcionou, por permitir observar, estudar e compreender o funcionamento dos mercados, do seu público-alvo, os seus hábitos e preferências, intenções e tendências de consumo singulares a cada mercado, fortificando a teoria de SEM e permitindo recomendações aos gestores de internacionalização, por assumir uma posição de relevo em todo o processo. Os esforços digitais traduziram-se no estímulo do tráfego internacional, correspondendo às expectativas de penetração aos mercadosalvo e na expansão internacional da empresa.This internship report examines an organizational concern at Neoneris, Gestão de Negócios, Lda.: the execution of an approach to new international markets. The development of an integrated digital strategy allows it to push the business online, motivate its expansion and promote its brand and products internationally, recognizing its strategic implications and bringing it closer to businesses, markets and, ultimately, consumers, as a new form of contact its potential business partners and customers. The results accomplished in the first phase of an Inbound Marketing strategy as in attracting qualified traffic, achieved substantial and gradual ranking improvement, having as its instigators the SEO on page, by bringing digital notoriety to the brand; responsive navigation and page speed, crucial for improving the customer experience and preventing the loss of international traffic and potential leads, with increased awareness to mobile for its expressiveness; content marketing, by stimulating and retaining the visitor; SEO off page link building, essential when targeted for lead benefit; and, also noteworthy, the https security protocol and the switch to an international domain for the sudden overall gains and the SEA for its fast yet valuable results regarding the markets. The digital strategy determines indispensable results and insights, by allowing to observe, study and understand how markets behave, their target audience, their habits and preferences, search intentions and consumption trends unique and exclusive to each market, therefore fortifying the SEM theory and allowing recommendations for international managers to take a prominent position in their internationalization process. The digital efforts resulted in the stimulation of international traffic, meeting the expectations of penetration to target markets and the company's international expansion