3,190 research outputs found

    On utilizing an enhanced object partitioning scheme to optimize self-organizing lists-on-lists

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    Author's accepted manuscript.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Evolving Systems. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12530-020-09327-4.acceptedVersio

    On improving the performance of optimistic distributed simulations

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    This report investigates means of improving the performance of optimistic distributed simulations without affecting the simulation accuracy. We argue that existing clustering algorithms are not adequate for application in distributed simulations, and outline some characteristics of an ideal algorithm that could be applied in this field. This report is structured as follows. We start by introducing the area of distributed simulation. Following a comparison of the dominant protocols used in distributed simulation, we elaborate on the current approaches of improving the simulation performance, using computation efficient techniques, exploiting the hardware configuration of processors, optimizations that can be derived from the simulation scenario, etc. We introduce the core characteristics of clustering approaches and argue that these cannot be applied in real-life distributed simulation problems. We present a typical distributed simulation setting and elaborate on the reasons that existing clustering approaches are not expected to improve the performance of a distributed simulation. We introduce a prototype distributed simulation platform that has been developed in the scope of this research, focusing on the area of emergency response and specifically building evacuation. We continue by outlining our current work on this issue, and finally, we end this report by outlining next actions which could be made in this field

    Long-term Information Preservation and Access

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    An unprecedented amount of information encompassing almost every facet of human activities across the world is generated daily in the form of zeros and ones, and that is often the only form in which such information is recorded. A good fraction of this information needs to be preserved for periods of time ranging from a few years to centuries. Consequently, the problem of preserving digital information over a long-term has attracted the attention of many organizations, including libraries, government agencies, scientific communities, and individual researchers. In this dissertation, we address three issues that are critical to ensure long-term information preservation and access. The first concerns the core requirement of how to guarantee the integrity of preserved contents. Digital information is in general very fragile because of the many ways errors can be introduced, such as errors introduced because of hardware and media degradation, hardware and software malfunction, operational errors, security breaches, and malicious alterations. To address this problem, we develop a new approach based on efficient and rigorous cryptographic techniques, which will guarantee the integrity of preserved contents with extremely high probability even in the presence of malicious attacks. Our prototype implementation of this approach has been deployed and actively used in the past years in several organizations, including the San Diego Super Computer Center, the Chronopolis Consortium, North Carolina State University, and more recently the Government Printing Office. Second, we consider another crucial component in any preservation system - searching and locating information. The ever-growing size of a long-term archive and the temporality of each preserved item introduce a new set of challenges to providing a fast retrieval of content based on a temporal query. The widely-used cataloguing scheme has serious scalability problems. The standard full-text search approach has serious limitations since it does not deal appropriately with the temporal dimension, and, in particular, is incapable of performing relevancy scoring according to the temporal context. To address these problems, we introduce two types of indexing schemes - a location indexing scheme, and a full-text search indexing scheme. Our location indexing scheme provides optimal operations for inserting and locating a specific version of a preserved item given an item ID and a time point, and our full-text search indexing scheme efficiently handles the scalability problem, supporting relevancy scoring within the temporal context at the same time. Finally, we address the problem of organizing inter-related data, so that future accesses and data exploration can be quickly performed. We, in particular, consider web contents, where we combine a link-analysis scheme with a graph partitioning scheme to put together more closely related contents in the same standard web archive container. We conduct experiments that simulate random browsing of preserved contents, and show that our data organization scheme greatly minimizes the number of containers needed to be accessed for a random browsing session. Our schemes have been tested against real-world data of significant scale, and validated through extensive empirical evaluations

    Intelligent Advancements in Location Management and C-RAN Power-Aware Resource Allocation

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    The evolving of cellular networks within the last decade continues to focus on delivering a robust and reliable means to cope with the increasing number of users and demanded capacity. Recent advancements of cellular networks such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-advanced offer a remarkable high bandwidth connectivity delivered to the users. Signalling overhead is one of the vital issues that impact the cellular behavior. Causing a significant load in the core network hence effecting the cellular network reliability. Moreover, the signaling overhead decreases the Quality of Experience (QoE) of users. The first topic of the thesis attempts to reduce the signaling overhead by developing intelligent location management techniques that minimize paging and Tracking Area Update (TAU) signals. Consequently, the corresponding optimization problems are formulated. Furthermore, several techniques and heuristic algorithms are implemented to solve the formulated problems. Additionally, network scalability has become a challenging aspect that has been hindered by the current network architecture. As a result, Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RANs) have been introduced as a new trend in wireless technologies to address this challenge. C-RAN architecture consists of: Remote Radio Head (RRH), Baseband Unit (BBU), and the optical network connecting them. However, RRH-to-BBU resource allocation can cause a significant downgrade in efficiency, particularly the allocation of the computational resources in the BBU pool to densely deployed small cells. This causes a vast increase in the power consumption and wasteful resources. Therefore, the second topic of the thesis discusses C-RAN infrastructure, particularly where a pool of BBUs are gathered to process the computational resources. We argue that there is a need of optimizing the processing capacity in order to minimize the power consumption and increase the overall system efficiency. Consequently, the optimal allocation of computational resources between the RRHs and BBUs is modeled. Furthermore, in order to get an optimal RRH-to-BBU allocation, it is essential to have an optimal physical resource allocation for users to determine the required computational resources. For this purpose, an optimization problem that models the assignment of resources at these two levels (from physical resources to users and from RRHs to BBUs) is formulated

    Effective reorganization and self-indexing of big semantic data

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    En esta tesis hemos analizado la redundancia estructural que los grafos RDF poseen y propuesto una técnica de preprocesamiento: RDF-Tr, que agrupa, reorganiza y recodifica los triples, tratando dos fuentes de redundancia estructural subyacentes a la naturaleza del esquema RDF. Hemos integrado RDF-Tr en HDT y k2-triples, reduciendo el tamaño que obtienen los compresores originales, superando a las técnicas más prominentes del estado del arte. Hemos denominado HDT++ y k2-triples++ al resultado de aplicar RDF-Tr en cada compresor. En el ámbito de la compresión RDF se utilizan estructuras compactas para construir autoíndices RDF, que proporcionan acceso eficiente a los datos sin descomprimirlos. HDT-FoQ es utilizado para publicar y consumir grandes colecciones de datos RDF. Hemos extendido HDT++, llamándolo iHDT++, para resolver patrones SPARQL, consumiendo menos memoria que HDT-FoQ, a la vez que acelera la resolución de la mayoría de las consultas, mejorando la relación espacio-tiempo del resto de autoíndices.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Binary RDF for Scalable Publishing, Exchanging and Consumption in the Web of Data

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    El actual diluvio de datos está inundando la web con grandes volúmenes de datos representados en RDF, dando lugar a la denominada 'Web de Datos'. En esta tesis proponemos, en primer lugar, un estudio profundo de aquellos textos que nos permitan abordar un conocimiento global de la estructura real de los conjuntos de datos RDF, HDT, que afronta la representación eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos RDF a través de estructuras optimizadas para su almacenamiento y transmisión en red. HDT representa efizcamente un conjunto de datos RDF a través de su división en tres componentes: la cabecera (Header), el diccionario (Dictionary) y la estructura de sentencias RDF (Triples). A continuación, nos centramos en proveer estructuras eficientes de dichos componentes, ocupando un espacio comprimido al tiempo que se permite el acceso directo a cualquier dat

    Validação de heterogeneidade estrutural em dados de Crio-ME por comitês de agrupadores

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    Orientadores: Fernando José Von Zuben, Rodrigo Villares PortugalDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Análise de Partículas Isoladas é uma técnica que permite o estudo da estrutura tridimensional de proteínas e outros complexos macromoleculares de interesse biológico. Seus dados primários consistem em imagens de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de múltiplas cópias da molécula em orientações aleatórias. Tais imagens são bastante ruidosas devido à baixa dose de elétrons utilizada. Reconstruções 3D podem ser obtidas combinando-se muitas imagens de partículas em orientações similares e estimando seus ângulos relativos. Entretanto, estados conformacionais heterogêneos frequentemente coexistem na amostra, porque os complexos moleculares podem ser flexíveis e também interagir com outras partículas. Heterogeneidade representa um desafio na reconstrução de modelos 3D confiáveis e degrada a resolução dos mesmos. Entre os algoritmos mais populares usados para classificação estrutural estão o agrupamento por k-médias, agrupamento hierárquico, mapas autoorganizáveis e estimadores de máxima verossimilhança. Tais abordagens estão geralmente entrelaçadas à reconstrução dos modelos 3D. No entanto, trabalhos recentes indicam ser possível inferir informações a respeito da estrutura das moléculas diretamente do conjunto de projeções 2D. Dentre estas descobertas, está a relação entre a variabilidade estrutural e manifolds em um espaço de atributos multidimensional. Esta dissertação investiga se um comitê de algoritmos de não-supervisionados é capaz de separar tais "manifolds conformacionais". Métodos de "consenso" tendem a fornecer classificação mais precisa e podem alcançar performance satisfatória em uma ampla gama de conjuntos de dados, se comparados a algoritmos individuais. Nós investigamos o comportamento de seis algoritmos de agrupamento, tanto individualmente quanto combinados em comitês, para a tarefa de classificação de heterogeneidade conformacional. A abordagem proposta foi testada em conjuntos sintéticos e reais contendo misturas de imagens de projeção da proteína Mm-cpn nos estados "aberto" e "fechado". Demonstra-se que comitês de agrupadores podem fornecer informações úteis na validação de particionamentos estruturais independetemente de algoritmos de reconstrução 3DAbstract: Single Particle Analysis is a technique that allows the study of the three-dimensional structure of proteins and other macromolecular assemblies of biological interest. Its primary data consists of transmission electron microscopy images from multiple copies of the molecule in random orientations. Such images are very noisy due to the low electron dose employed. Reconstruction of the macromolecule can be obtained by averaging many images of particles in similar orientations and estimating their relative angles. However, heterogeneous conformational states often co-exist in the sample, because the molecular complexes can be flexible and may also interact with other particles. Heterogeneity poses a challenge to the reconstruction of reliable 3D models and degrades their resolution. Among the most popular algorithms used for structural classification are k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, self-organizing maps and maximum-likelihood estimators. Such approaches are usually interlaced with the reconstructions of the 3D models. Nevertheless, recent works indicate that it is possible to infer information about the structure of the molecules directly from the dataset of 2D projections. Among these findings is the relationship between structural variability and manifolds in a multidimensional feature space. This dissertation investigates whether an ensemble of unsupervised classification algorithms is able to separate these "conformational manifolds". Ensemble or "consensus" methods tend to provide more accurate classification and may achieve satisfactory performance across a wide range of datasets, when compared with individual algorithms. We investigate the behavior of six clustering algorithms both individually and combined in ensembles for the task of structural heterogeneity classification. The approach was tested on synthetic and real datasets containing a mixture of images from the Mm-cpn chaperonin in the "open" and "closed" states. It is shown that cluster ensembles can provide useful information in validating the structural partitionings independently of 3D reconstruction methodsMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Beyond Personalization: Research Directions in Multistakeholder Recommendation

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    Recommender systems are personalized information access applications; they are ubiquitous in today's online environment, and effective at finding items that meet user needs and tastes. As the reach of recommender systems has extended, it has become apparent that the single-minded focus on the user common to academic research has obscured other important aspects of recommendation outcomes. Properties such as fairness, balance, profitability, and reciprocity are not captured by typical metrics for recommender system evaluation. The concept of multistakeholder recommendation has emerged as a unifying framework for describing and understanding recommendation settings where the end user is not the sole focus. This article describes the origins of multistakeholder recommendation, and the landscape of system designs. It provides illustrative examples of current research, as well as outlining open questions and research directions for the field.Comment: 64 page