25 research outputs found

    A 7 Tesla fMRI Study of Amygdala Responses to Fearful Faces

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    The amygdalae are involved in the perception of emotions such as happiness, anger and fear. Because of their proximity to the sinuses, the image signal intensity in T2* weighted fMRI data is often affected by signal loss due to through-slice dephasing, especially at high field strength. In this study, the feasibility of fMRI in the amygdalae at 7 Tesla was investigated. A paradigm based on the presentation of fearful faces was used for stimulation. Previously, opposite effects have been found for presentation of averted and direct gaze fearful faces. Here, we show that (1) sufficiently high temporal SNR values are reached in the amygdalae for detection of small BOLD signal changes and (2) that the BOLD signal in the amygdalae for presentation of a direct or averted gaze in a fearful face depends on stimulus duratio

    A 7 Tesla fMRI Study of Amygdala Responses to Fearful Faces

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    The amygdalae are involved in the perception of emotions such as happiness, anger and fear. Because of their proximity to the sinuses, the image signal intensity in T2* weighted fMRI data is often affected by signal loss due to through-slice dephasing, especially at high field strength. In this study, the feasibility of fMRI in the amygdalae at 7 Tesla was investigated. A paradigm based on the presentation of fearful faces was used for stimulation. Previously, opposite effects have been found for presentation of averted and direct gaze fearful faces. Here, we show that (1) sufficiently high temporal SNR values are reached in the amygdalae for detection of small BOLD signal changes and (2) that the BOLD signal in the amygdalae for presentation of a direct or averted gaze in a fearful face depends on stimulus duration

    Response Properties of Human Amygdala Subregions: Evidence Based on Functional MRI Combined with Probabilistic Anatomical Maps

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    The human amygdala is thought to play a pivotal role in the processing of emotionally significant sensory information. The major subdivisions of the human amygdala—the laterobasal group (LB), the superficial group (SF), and the centromedial group (CM)—have been anatomically delineated, but the functional response properties of these amygdala subregions in humans are still unclear. We combined functional MRI with cyto-architectonically defined probabilistic maps to analyze the response characteristics of amygdala subregions in subjects presented with auditory stimuli. We found positive auditory stimulation-related signal changes predominantly in probabilistically defined LB, and negative responses predominantly in SF and CM. In the left amygdala, mean response magnitude in the core area of LB with 90–100% assignment probability was significantly larger than in the core areas of SF and CM. These differences were observed for pleasant and unpleasant stimuli. Our findings reveal that the probabilistically defined anatomical subregions of the human amygdala show distinctive fMRI response patterns. The stronger auditory responses in LB as compared with SF and CM may reflect a predominance of auditory inputs to human LB, similar to many animal species in which the majority of sensory, including auditory, afferents project to this subdivision of the amygdala. Our study indicates that the intrinsic functional differentiation of the human amygdala may be probed using fMRI combined with probabilistic anatomical maps

    Modulations in resting state networks of subcortical structures linked to creativity

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    Creativity is a sine qua non ability for almost all aspects of everyday life. Although very profound behavioural models were provided by 21st century psychologists, the neural correlates of these personality features associated with creativity are largely unknown. Recent models suggest strong relationships between dopamine release and various creative skills. Herein, we employed functional connectivity analyses of resting-state functional magnetic imaging data in order to shed light on these neural underpinnings of creative aspects. For improved sensitivity, we performed the study at ultra-high magnetic field (7 T). Seed regions were defined based on subcortical (ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra, nucleus caudatus) activation foci of a remote associates task (RAT). In addition, bilateral PCC was used as seed region to examine the default-mode network. Network strength across subjects was regressed against a battery of psychological variables related to creativity. Dopaminergic network variations turned out to be indicative for individual differences in creative traits. In this regard, the caudate network showed stronger connectivity in individuals with higher extraversion measures, while connectivity with the midbrain network was found increased with higher ideational behaviour and emotional stability

    Distortion and Signal Loss in Medial Temporal Lobe

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    Background: The medial temporal lobe (MTL) contains subregions that are subject to severe distortion and signal loss in functional MRI. Air/tissue and bone/tissue interfaces in the vicinity of the MTL distort the local magnetic field due to differences in magnetic susceptibility. Fast image acquisition and thin slices can reduce the amount of distortion and signal loss, but at the cost of image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper, we quantify the severity of distortion and signal loss in MTL subregions for three different echo planar imaging (EPI) acquisitions at 3 Tesla: a conventional moderate-resolution EPI (36363 mm), a conventional high-resolution EPI (1.561.562 mm), and a zoomed high-resolution EPI. We also demonstrate the advantage of reversing the phase encode direction to control the direction of distortion and to maximize efficacy of distortion compensation during data post-processing. With the high-resolution zoomed acquisition, distortion is not significant and signal loss is present only in the most anterior regions of the parahippocampal gyrus. Furthermore, we find that the severity of signal loss is variable across subjects, with some subjects showing negligible loss and others showing more dramatic loss. Conclusions/Significance: Although both distortion and signal loss are minimized in a zoomed field of view acquisition with thin slices, this improvement in accuracy comes at the cost of reduced SNR. We quantify this trade-off between distortion and SNR in order to provide a decision tree for design of high-resolution experiments investigating the functio

    Artificial Systems Can Complement Human Vision in Medical Imaging

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    Texture analysis is an emerging field; and it is just beginning to integrate with radiology. Carrying out research with thousands of images can be overwhelming, without an effective and efficient sorting algorithm. The aim of this experiment was to develop a sample selection-elimination protocol for a large research project seeking to compare fetal 1.5- tesla versus 3-tesla magnetic resonance images. Firstly, we had to find optimal methods for image selection. In a compiled database of 1.5-tesla and 3-tesla images, we began by manually selecting sequences based on discernible-anatomical structures (ventricle, thalamus, grey matter, white matter). Then 1.5-tesla and 3-tesla image batches were categorized into two groups based on gestational age (i.e. first group: 20-28 week; second group: 29 week). The final stage was sample elimination by variance and by real bit-dept

    Case of Asperger's Syndrome and Lesion of the Right Amygdala: Deficits in Implicit and Explicit Fearful Face Recognition

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    Introduction: Studies of brain-damaged patients revealed that amygdala lesions cause deficits in the processing and recognition of emotional faces. Patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have similar deficits also related to dysfunctions of the limbic system including the amygdala.Methods: We investigated a male patient who had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome. He also presented with a lesion of the right mesial temporal cortex, including the amygdala. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate neuronal processing during a passive viewing task of implicit and explicit emotional faces. Clinical assessment included a facial emotion recognition task.Results: There was no amygdala activation on both sides during the presentation of masked emotional faces compared to the no-face control condition. Presentation of unmasked happy and angry faces activated the left amygdala compared to the no-face control condition. There was no amygdala activation in response to unmasked fearful faces on both sides. In the facial emotion recognition task, the patient biased positive and neutral expressions as negative.Conclusions: This case report describes a male patient with right amygdala damage and an ASD. He displayed a non-response of the amygdala to fearful faces and tended to misinterpret fearful expressions. Moreover, a non-reactivity of both amygdalae to emotional facial expressions at an implicit processing level was revealed. It is discussed whether the deficient implicit processing of facial emotional information and abnormalities in fear processing could contribute and aggravate the patient's impairments in social behavior and interaction

    The Impact of Echo Time Shifts and Temporal Signal Fluctuations on BOLD Sensitivity in Presurgical Planning at 7 T.

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    OBJECTIVES: Gradients in the static magnetic field caused by tissues with differing magnetic susceptibilities lead to regional variations in the effective echo time, which modifies both image signal and BOLD sensitivity. Local echo time changes are not considered in the most commonly used metric for BOLD sensitivity, temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR), but may be significant, particularly at ultrahigh field close to air cavities (such as the sinuses and ear canals) and near gross brain pathologies and postoperative sites. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have studied the effect of local variations in echo time and tSNR on BOLD sensitivity in 3 healthy volunteers and 11 patients with tumors, postoperative cavities, and venous malformations at 7 T. Temporal signal-to-noise ratio was estimated from a 5-minute run of resting state echo planar imaging with a nominal echo time of 22 milliseconds. Maps of local echo time were derived from the phase of a multiecho GE scan. One healthy volunteer performed 10 runs of a breath-hold task. The t-map from this experiment served as a criterion standard BOLD sensitivity measure. Two runs of a less demanding breath-hold paradigm were used for patients. RESULTS: In all subjects, a strong reduction in the echo time (from 22 milliseconds to around 11 milliseconds) was found close to the ear canals and sinuses. These regions were characterized by high tSNR but low t-values in breath-hold t-maps. In some patients, regions of particular interest in presurgical planning were affected by reductions in the echo time to approximately 13-15 milliseconds. These included the primary motor cortex, Broca's area, and auditory cortex. These regions were characterized by high tSNR values (70 and above). Breath-hold results were corrupted by strong motion artifacts in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: Criterion standard BOLD sensitivity estimation using hypercapnic experiments is challenging, especially in patient populations. Taking into consideration the tSNR, commonly used for BOLD sensitivity estimation, but ignoring local reductions in the echo time (eg, from 22 to 11 milliseconds), would erroneously suggest functional sensitivity sufficient to map BOLD signal changes. It is therefore important to consider both local variations in the echo time and temporal variations in signal, using the product metric of these two indices for instance. This should ensure a reliable estimation of BOLD sensitivity and to facilitate the identification of potential false-negative results. This is particularly true at high fields, such as 7 T and in patients with large pathologies and postoperative cavities

    Laughter is in the air: Involvement of key nodes of the emotional motor system in the anticipation of tickling

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    In analogy to the appreciation of humor, that of tickling is based upon the re- interpretation of an anticipated emotional situation. Hence, the anticipation of tickling contributes to the final outburst of ticklish laughter. To localize the neuronal substrates of this process, fMRI was conducted on 31 healthy volunteers. The state of anticipation was simulated by generating an uncertainty respecting the onset of manual foot tickling. Anticipation was characterized by an augmented fMRI- signal in the anterior insula, the hypothalamus, the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area, as well as by an attenuated one in the internal globus pallidus. Furthermore, anticipatory activity in the anterior insula correlated positively with the degree of laughter that was produced during tickling. These findings are consistent with an encoding of the expected emotional consequences of tickling and suggest that early regulatory mechanisms influence, automatically, the laughter circuitry at the level of affective and sensory processing. Tickling activated not only those regions of the brain that were involved during anticipation, but also the posterior insula, the anterior cingulate cortex and the periaqueductal gray matter. Sequential or combined anticipatory and tickling-related neuronal activities may adjust emotional- and sensorimotor pathways in preparation for the impending laughter response

    Intermittent compared to continuous real-time fMRI neurofeedback boosts control over amygdala activation

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    Real-time fMRI neurofeedback is a feasible tool to learn the volitional regulation of brain activity. So far, most studies provide continuous feedback information that is presented upon every volume acquisition. Although this maximizes the temporal resolution of feedback information, it may be accompanied by some disadvantages. Participants can be distracted from the regulation task due to (1) the intrinsic delay of the hemodynamic response and associated feedback and (2) limited cognitive resources available to simultaneously evaluate feedback information and stay engaged with the task. Here, we systematically investigate differences between groups presented with different variants of feedback (continuous vs. intermittent) and a control group receiving no feedback on their ability to regulate amygdala activity using positive memories and feelings. In contrast to the feedback groups, no learning effect was observed in the group without any feedback presentation. The group receiving intermittent feedback exhibited better amygdala regulation performance when compared with the group receiving continuous feedback. Behavioural measurements show that these effects were reflected in differences in task engagement. Overall, we not only demonstrate that the presentation of feedback is a prerequisite to learn volitional control of amygdala activity but also that intermittent feedback is superior to continuous feedback presentation