132 research outputs found

    Algorithms for XML stream processing : massive data, external memory and scalable performance

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    Many modern applications require processing of massive streams of XML data, creating difficult technical challenges. Among these, there is the design and implementation of applications to optimize the processing of XPath queries and to provide an accurate cost estimation for these queries processed on a massive steam of XML data. In this thesis, we propose a novel performance prediction model which a priori estimates the cost (in terms of space used and time spent) for any structural query belonging to Forward XPath. In doing so, we perform an experimental study to confirm the linear relationship between stream-processing and data-access resources. Therefore, we introduce a mathematical model (linear regression functions) to predict the cost for a given XPath query. Moreover, we introduce a new selectivity estimation technique. It consists of two elements. The first one is the path tree structure synopsis: a concise, accurate, and convenient summary of the structure of an XML document. The second one is the selectivity estimation algorithm: an efficient streamquerying algorithm to traverse the path tree synopsis for estimating the values of cost-parameters. Those parameters are used by the mathematical model to determine the cost of a given XPath query. We compare the performance of our model with existing approaches. Furthermore, we present a use case for an online stream-querying system. The system uses our performance predicate model to estimate the cost for a given XPath query in terms of time/memory. Moreover, it provides an accurate answer for the query's sender. This use case illustrates the practical advantages of performance management with our techniques.Plusieurs applications modernes nécessitent un traitement de flux massifs de données XML, cela crée de défis techniques. Parmi ces derniers, il y a la conception et la mise en ouvre d'outils pour optimiser le traitement des requêtes XPath et fournir une estimation précise des coûts de ces requêtes traitées sur un flux massif de données XML. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de prédiction de performance qui estime a priori le coût (en termes d'espace utilisé et de temps écoulé) pour les requêtes structurelles de Forward XPath. Ce faisant, nous réalisons une étude expérimentale pour confirmer la relation linéaire entre le traitement de flux, et les ressources d'accès aux données. Par conséquent, nous présentons un modèle mathématique (fonctions de régression linéaire) pour prévoir le coût d'une requête XPath donnée. En outre, nous présentons une technique nouvelle d'estimation de sélectivité. Elle se compose de deux éléments. Le premier est le résumé path tree: une présentation concise et précise de la structure d'un document XML. Le second est l'algorithme d'estimation de sélectivité: un algorithme efficace de flux pour traverser le synopsis path tree pour estimer les valeurs des paramètres de coût. Ces paramètres sont utilisés par le modèle mathématique pour déterminer le coût d'une requête XPath donnée. Nous comparons les performances de notre modèle avec les approches existantes. De plus, nous présentons un cas d'utilisation d'un système en ligne appelé "online stream-querying system". Le système utilise notre modèle de prédiction de performance pour estimer le coût (en termes de temps / mémoire) d'une requête XPath donnée. En outre, il fournit une réponse précise à l'auteur de la requête. Ce cas d'utilisation illustre les avantages pratiques de gestion de performance avec nos technique

    Querying xml with update syntax

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    db This paper investigates a class of transform queries proposed by XQuery Update [6]. A transform query is defined in terms of XML update syntax. When posed on an XML tree T, it returns another XML tree that would be produced by executing its embedded update on T, without destructive impact on T. Transform queries support a variety of applications including XML hypothetical queries, the simulation of updates on virtual views, and the enforcement of XML access control. In light of the wide-range of applications for transform queries, we develop automaton-based techniques for efficiently evaluating transform queries and for computing their compositions with user queries in standard XQuery. We provide (a) three algorithms to implement transform queries without change to existing XQuery processors, (b) a linear-time algorithm, based on a seamless integration of automaton execution and SAX parsing, to evaluate transform queries on large XML documents that are difficult to handle by existing XQuery engines, and (c) an algorithm to rewrite the composition of user queries and transform queries into a single efficient query in standard XQuery. We also present experimental results comparing the efficiency of our evaluation and composition algorithms for transform queries

    Modeling Complex Packet Filters with Finite State Automata

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    Designing an efficient and scalable packet filter for modern computer networks becomes each day more challenging: faster link speeds, the steady increase in the number of encapsulation rules (e.g., tunneling) and the necessity to precisely isolate a given subset of traffic cause filtering expressions to become more complex than in the past. Most of current packet filtering mechanisms cannot deal with those requirements because their optimization algorithms either cannot scale with the increased size of the filtering code, or exploit simple domain-specific optimizations that cannot guarantee to operate properly in case of complex filters. This paper presents pFSA, a new model that transforms packet filters into Finite State Automata and guarantees the optimal number of checks on the packet, also in case of multiple filters composition, hence enabling efficiency and scalability without sacrificing filtering computation time

    Efficient main memory-based XML stream processing

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    Applications that process XML documents as files or streams are naturally main-memory based. This makes main memory the bottleneck for scalability. This doctoral thesis addresses this problem and presents a toolkit for effective buffer management in main memory-based XML stream processors. XML document projection is an established technique for reducing the buffer requirements of main memory-based XML processors, where only data relevant to query evaluation is loaded into main memory buffers. We present a novel implementation of this task, where we use string matching algorithms designed for efficient keyword search in flat strings to navigate in tree-structured data. We then introduce an extension of the XQuery language, called FluX, that supports event-based query processing. Purely event-based queries of this language can be executed on streaming XML data in a very direct way. We develop an algorithm to efficiently rewrite XQueries into FluX. This algorithm is capable of exploiting order constraints derived from schemata to reduce the amount of buffering in query evaluation. During streaming query evaluation, we continuously purge buffers from data that is no longer relevant. By combining static query analysis with a dynamic analysis of the buffer contents, we effectively reduce the size of memory buffers. We have confirmed the efficacy of these techniques by extensive experiments and by publication at international venues. To compare our contributions to related work in a systematic manner, we contribute an abstract framework for XML stream processing. This framework allows us to gain a greater-picture view over the factors influencing the main memory consumption.Anwendungen, die XML-Dokumente als Dateien oder Ströme verarbeiten, sind natürlicherweise hauptspeicherbasiert. Für die Skalierbarkeit wird der Hauptspeicher damit zu einem Engpass. Diese Doktorarbeit widmet sich diesem Problem, zu dessen Lösung sie Werkzeuge für eine effektive Pufferverwaltung in hauptspeicherbasierten Prozessoren für XML-Datenströme vorstellt. Die Projektion von XML-Dokumenten ist eine etablierte Methode, um den Pufferverbrauch von hauptspeicherbasierten XML-Prozessoren zu reduzieren. Dabei werden nur jene Daten in den Hauptspeicherpuffer geladen, die für die Anfrageauswertung auch relevant sind. Wir präsentieren eine neue Implementierung dieser Aufgabe, wobei wir Algorithmen zur effizienten Suche in flachen Zeichenketten einsetzen, um in baumartig strukturierten Daten zu navigieren. Danach stellen wir eine Erweiterung der XQuery-Sprache vor, genannt FluX, welche eine ereignisbasierte Anfragebearbeitung erlaubt. Anfragen, die nur ereignisbasierte Konstrukte benutzen, können direkt über XML-Datenströmen ausgewertet werden. Dazu entwickeln wir einen Algorithmus, mit dessen Hilfe sich XQuery-Anfragen effizient in FluX übersetzen lassen. Dieser benutzt Ordnungsinformationen aus Datenschemata, womit das Puffern in der Anfragebearbeitung reduziert werden kann. Während der Verarbeitung des Datenstroms bereinigen wir laufend den Hauptspeicherpuffer von solchen Daten, die nicht länger relevant sind. Eine nachhaltige Reduzierung der Größe von Hauptspeicherpuffern gelingt durch die Kombination der statischen Anfrageanalyse mit einer dynamischen Analyse der Pufferinhalte. Die Effektivität dieser Puffermanagement-Techniken erfährt ihre Bestätigung in umfangreichen Experimenten und internationalen Publikationen. Für einen systematischen Vergleich unserer Beiträge mit der aktuellen Literatur entwickeln wir ein abstraktes System zur Modellierung von Prozessoren zur XML-Stromverarbeitung. So können wir die spezifischen Faktoren herausgreifen, die den Hauptspeicherverbrauch beeinflussen


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    This thesis presents methods for efficiently evaluating structural queries over tree-structured data streams. A data stream usually consists of a sequence of items that arrive in an order determined by the source. An application that uses such data cannot revisit an earlier item in the stream unless it buffers the item itself. Naive buffering methods are not practical due to the high throughput and indefinite length of data streams. Compared with the flat, relational-like data model for data streams that has received recent attention, processing a tree-structured XML data stream poses additional challenges, since a data item cannot, in general, be interpreted without taking structural information into account. In this thesis, we focus on the evaluation of XPath queries on streaming XML. As a W3C standard, XPath has become a core XML technology not only as a standalone query language but also as the foundation of XQuery and XSLT. Features such as subqueries and reverse axes make XPath a powerful query language but they also complicate XPath query processing. We present our work on XSQ, a streaming XPath query engine. Our methods are based on a novel segment-based evaluation scheme. XSQ uses very little memory and is able to process unbounded and unsegmented streaming data because it does not build a DOM tree in memory. It also provides high throughput by only processing the relevant portions of the data and low response time by returning results as early as possible. XSQ is the first streaming system to support complex XPath features such as multiple predicates, closure axes, aggregations, reverse axes, and subqueries. We also describe our work on XPaSS, an XPath-based publish-subscribe system that simultaneously evaluates a large number of XPath queries over XML streams. Unlike other similar systems that filter pre-segmented documents as results, XPaSS returns only the precisely delineated data specified by a user query. It uses a segment-sharing scheme instead of prefix- and suffix-sharing that are commonly used. In our experiments, XPaSS supports up to one million XPath subscriptions using a modest PC-class server, with a throughput comparable to that of the simpler filtering systems

    From Relations to XML: Cleaning, Integrating and Securing Data

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    While relational databases are still the preferred approach for storing data, XML is emerging as the primary standard for representing and exchanging data. Consequently, it has been increasingly important to provide a uniform XML interface to various data sources— integration; and critical to protect sensitive and confidential information in XML data — access control. Moreover, it is preferable to first detect and repair the inconsistencies in the data to avoid the propagation of errors to other data processing steps. In response to these challenges, this thesis presents an integrated framework for cleaning, integrating and securing data. The framework contains three parts. First, the data cleaning sub-framework makes use of a new class of constraints specially designed for improving data quality, referred to as conditional functional dependencies (CFDs), to detect and remove inconsistencies in relational data. Both batch and incremental techniques are developed for detecting CFD violations by SQL efficiently and repairing them based on a cost model. The cleaned relational data, together with other non-XML data, is then converted to XML format by using widely deployed XML publishing facilities. Second, the data integration sub-framework uses a novel formalism, XML integration grammars (XIGs), to integrate multi-source XML data which is either native or published from traditional databases. XIGs automatically support conformance to a target DTD, and allow one to build a large, complex integration via composition of component XIGs. To efficiently materialize the integrated data, algorithms are developed for merging XML queries in XIGs and for scheduling them. Third, to protect sensitive information in the integrated XML data, the data security sub-framework allows users to access the data only through authorized views. User queries posed on these views need to be rewritten into equivalent queries on the underlying document to avoid the prohibitive cost of materializing and maintaining large number of views. Two algorithms are proposed to support virtual XML views: a rewriting algorithm that characterizes the rewritten queries as a new form of automata and an evaluation algorithm to execute the automata-represented queries. They allow the security sub-framework to answer queries on views in linear time. Using both relational and XML technologies, this framework provides a uniform approach to clean, integrate and secure data. The algorithms and techniques in the framework have been implemented and the experimental study verifies their effectiveness and efficiency

    Improving Programming Support for Hardware Accelerators Through Automata Processing Abstractions

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    The adoption of hardware accelerators, such as Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, into general-purpose computation pipelines continues to rise, driven by recent trends in data collection and analysis as well as pressure from challenging physical design constraints in hardware. The architectural designs of many of these accelerators stand in stark contrast to the traditional von Neumann model of CPUs. Consequently, existing programming languages, maintenance tools, and techniques are not directly applicable to these devices, meaning that additional architectural knowledge is required for effective programming and configuration. Current programming models and techniques are akin to assembly-level programming on a CPU, thus placing significant burden on developers tasked with using these architectures. Because programming is currently performed at such low levels of abstraction, the software development process is tedious and challenging and hinders the adoption of hardware accelerators. This dissertation explores the thesis that theoretical finite automata provide a suitable abstraction for bridging the gap between high-level programming models and maintenance tools familiar to developers and the low-level hardware representations that enable high-performance execution on hardware accelerators. We adopt a principled hardware/software co-design methodology to develop a programming model providing the key properties that we observe are necessary for success, namely performance and scalability, ease of use, expressive power, and legacy support. First, we develop a framework that allows developers to port existing, legacy code to run on hardware accelerators by leveraging automata learning algorithms in a novel composition with software verification, string solvers, and high-performance automata architectures. Next, we design a domain-specific programming language to aid programmers writing pattern-searching algorithms and develop compilation algorithms to produce finite automata, which supports efficient execution on a wide variety of processing architectures. Then, we develop an interactive debugger for our new language, which allows developers to accurately identify the locations of bugs in software while maintaining support for high-throughput data processing. Finally, we develop two new automata-derived accelerator architectures to support additional applications, including the detection of security attacks and the parsing of recursive and tree-structured data. Using empirical studies, logical reasoning, and statistical analyses, we demonstrate that our prototype artifacts scale to real-world applications, maintain manageable overheads, and support developers' use of hardware accelerators. Collectively, the research efforts detailed in this dissertation help ease the adoption and use of hardware accelerators for data analysis applications, while supporting high-performance computation.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155224/1/angstadt_1.pd

    Accelerating Event Stream Processing in On- and Offline Systems

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    Due to a growing number of data producers and their ever-increasing data volume, the ability to ingest, analyze, and store potentially never-ending streams of data is a mission-critical task in today's data processing landscape. A widespread form of data streams are event streams, which consist of continuously arriving notifications about some real-world phenomena. For example, a temperature sensor naturally generates an event stream by periodically measuring the temperature and reporting it with measurement time in case of a substantial change to the previous measurement. In this thesis, we consider two kinds of event stream processing: online and offline. Online refers to processing events solely in main memory as soon as they arrive, while offline means processing event data previously persisted to non-volatile storage. Both modes are supported by widely used scale-out general-purpose stream processing engines (SPEs) like Apache Flink or Spark Streaming. However, such engines suffer from two significant deficiencies that severely limit their processing performance. First, for offline processing, they load the entire stream from non-volatile secondary storage and replay all data items into the associated online engine in order of their original arrival. While this naturally ensures unified query semantics for on- and offline processing, the costs for reading the entire stream from non-volatile storage quickly dominate the overall processing costs. Second, modern SPEs focus on scaling out computations across the nodes of a cluster, but use only a fraction of the available resources of individual nodes. This thesis tackles those problems with three different approaches. First, we present novel techniques for the offline processing of two important query types (windowed aggregation and sequential pattern matching). Our methods utilize well-understood indexing techniques to reduce the total amount of data to read from non-volatile storage. We show that this improves the overall query runtime significantly. In particular, this thesis develops the first index-based algorithms for pattern queries expressed with the Match_Recognize clause, a new and powerful language feature of SQL that has received little attention so far. Second, we show how to maximize resource utilization of single nodes by exploiting the capabilities of modern hardware. Therefore, we develop a prototypical shared-memory CPU-GPU-enabled event processing system. The system provides implementations of all major event processing operators (filtering, windowed aggregation, windowed join, and sequential pattern matching). Our experiments reveal that regarding resource utilization and processing throughput, such a hardware-enabled system is superior to hardware-agnostic general-purpose engines. Finally, we present TPStream, a new operator for pattern matching over temporal intervals. TPStream achieves low processing latency and, in contrast to sequential pattern matching, is easily parallelizable even for unpartitioned input streams. This results in maximized resource utilization, especially for modern CPUs with multiple cores

    Ressourcen Optimierung von SOA-Technologien in eingebetteten Netzwerken

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    Embedded networks are fundamental infrastructures of many different kinds of domains, such as home or industrial automation, the automotive industry, and future smart grids. Yet they can be very heterogeneous, containing wired and wireless nodes with different kinds of resources and service capabilities, such as sensing, acting, and processing. Driven by new opportunities and business models, embedded networks will play an ever more important role in the future, interconnecting more and more devices, even from other network domains. Realizing applications for such types of networks, however, is a highly challenging task, since various aspects have to be considered, including communication between a diverse assortment of resource-constrained nodes, such as microcontrollers, as well as flexible node infrastructure. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with Web services would perfectly meet these unique characteristics of embedded networks and ease the development of applications. Standardized Web services, however, are based on plain-text XML, which is not suitable for microcontroller-based devices with their very limited resources due to XML's verbosity, its memory and bandwidth usage, as well as its associated significant processing overhead. This thesis presents methods and strategies for realizing efficient XML-based Web service communication in embedded networks by means of binary XML using EXI format. We present a code generation approach to create optimized and dedicated service applications in resource-constrained embedded networks. In so doing, we demonstrate how EXI grammar can be optimally constructed and applied to the Web service and service requester context. In addition, so as to realize an optimized service interaction in embedded networks, we design and develop an optimized filter-enabled service data dissemination that takes into account the individual resource capabilities of the nodes and the connection quality within embedded networks. We show different approaches for efficiently evaluating binary XML data and applying it to resource constrained devices, such as microcontrollers. Furthermore, we will present the effectful placement of binary XML filters in embedded networks with the aim of reducing both, the computational load of constrained nodes and the network traffic. Various evaluation results of V2G applications prove the efficiency of our approach as compared to existing solutions and they also prove the seamless and successful applicability of SOA-based technologies in the microcontroller-based environment

    Stream Processing using Grammars and Regular Expressions

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    In this dissertation we study regular expression based parsing and the use of grammatical specifications for the synthesis of fast, streaming string-processing programs. In the first part we develop two linear-time algorithms for regular expression based parsing with Perl-style greedy disambiguation. The first algorithm operates in two passes in a semi-streaming fashion, using a constant amount of working memory and an auxiliary tape storage which is written in the first pass and consumed by the second. The second algorithm is a single-pass and optimally streaming algorithm which outputs as much of the parse tree as is semantically possible based on the input prefix read so far, and resorts to buffering as many symbols as is required to resolve the next choice. Optimality is obtained by performing a PSPACE-complete pre-analysis on the regular expression. In the second part we present Kleenex, a language for expressing high-performance streaming string processing programs as regular grammars with embedded semantic actions, and its compilation to streaming string transducers with worst-case linear-time performance. Its underlying theory is based on transducer decomposition into oracle and action machines, and a finite-state specialization of the streaming parsing algorithm presented in the first part. In the second part we also develop a new linear-time streaming parsing algorithm for parsing expression grammars (PEG) which generalizes the regular grammars of Kleenex. The algorithm is based on a bottom-up tabulation algorithm reformulated using least fixed points and evaluated using an instance of the chaotic iteration scheme by Cousot and Cousot