430 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of a parallel mechanism for kinematically redundant hybrid planar laser cutting machine

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    Conventional planar laser cutting machines cannot achieve high accelerations, because the required precision values cannot be achieved due to the high inertial loads. Machines configured as kinematically redundant mechanisms are able to reach 5-6 g acceleration levels since they include a parallel mechanism with a smaller workspace which is exposed to smaller inertial loads. The study presented in this paper focuses on the design of a parallel planar mechanism to be integrated to the main axes of conventional planar laser cutting machines to achieve higher accelerations of the laser head up to 6 g. Parallel mechanism’s conceptual design and dynamic balancing studies are provided along with the joint clearance effect on precision due to having more joint structures.Republic of Turkey Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology & Coşkunöz Metal Form (Project code: 01668.STZ.2012-2

    Design and analysis of kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulator for isotropic stiffness condition

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    Parallel manipulators are a form of closed loop linkages and have a wide range of applications e.g. surgical robots, flight simulators, pointing devices etc. Parallel mechanisms have many advantages over serial manipulator. Higher accuracy, stiffness and increased payload capacity are the characteristics of parallel manipulator. In spite of many advantages, they have limited workspace and more singularity regions. So, redundant architectures have become popular. However, redundancy leads to infinite solutions for inverse kinematic problem. The current work addresses this issue of resolving the redundancy of kinematically redundant planar parallel manipulators using optimization based approach. First the conventional non-redundant 3-RPR planar parallel manipulator is presented. Afterwards the kinematically redundant counterpart 3-PRPR is discussed and actuation redundant 4-RPR has been touched upon briefly. Computer simulations have been performed for the kinematic issues using MATLAB programme . The workspace of redundant and non-redundant parallel manipulators have been obtained. The generalized stiffness matrix has been derived based upon the Jacobian model and the principle of duality between kinematics and statics. A stiffness index has been formulated and the isotropy of stiffness index is used as the criterion for resolving redundancy. A novel spiral optimization metaheuristics has been used to achieve the isotropic stiffness within the selected workshape and the results are compared against particle swarm optimization. The results obtained from the novel Spiral optimization are found to be more effective and closer to the objective function as compared to the particle swarm optimization. Optimum redundant parameters are obtained as a result of the analysis. A wooden skeletal prototype has also been fabricated to enhance the understanding of the mechanism workability

    Modeling, Control and Estimation of Reconfigurable Cable Driven Parallel Robots

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    The motivation for this thesis was to develop a cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR) as part of a two-part robotic device for concrete 3D printing. This research addresses specific research questions in this domain, chiefly, to present advantages offered by the addition of kinematic redundancies to CDPRs. Due to the natural actuation redundancy present in a fully constrained CDPR, the addition of internal mobility offers complex challenges in modeling and control that are not often encountered in literature. This work presents a systematic analysis of modeling such kinematic redundancies through the application of reciprocal screw theory (RST) and Lie algebra while further introducing specific challenges and drawbacks presented by cable driven actuators. It further re-contextualizes well-known performance indices such as manipulability, wrench closure quality, and the available wrench set for application with reconfigurable CDPRs. The existence of both internal redundancy and static redundancy in the joint space offers a large subspace of valid solutions that can be condensed through the selection of appropriate objective priorities, constraints or cost functions. Traditional approaches to such redundancy resolution necessitate computationally expensive numerical optimization. The control of both kinematic and actuation redundancies requires cascaded control frameworks that cannot easily be applied towards real-time control. The selected cost functions for numerical optimization of rCDPRs can be globally (and sometimes locally) non-convex. In this work we present two applied examples of redundancy resolution control that are unique to rCDPRs. In the first example, we maximize the directional wrench ability at the end-effector while minimizing the joint torque requirement by utilizing the fitness of the available wrench set as a constraint over wrench feasibility. The second example focuses on directional stiffness maximization at the end-effector through a variable stiffness module (VSM) that partially decouples the tension and stiffness. The VSM introduces an additional degrees of freedom to the system in order to manipulate both reconfigurability and cable stiffness independently. The controllers in the above examples were designed with kinematic models, but most CDPRs are highly dynamic systems which can require challenging feedback control frameworks. An approach to real-time dynamic control was implemented in this thesis by incorporating a learning-based frameworks through deep reinforcement learning. Three approaches to rCDPR training were attempted utilizing model-free TD3 networks. Robustness and safety are critical features for robot development. One of the main causes of robot failure in CDPRs is due to cable breakage. This not only causes dangerous dynamic oscillations in the workspace, but also leads to total robot failure if the controllability (due to lack of cables) is lost. Fortunately, rCDPRs can be utilized towards failure tolerant control for task recovery. The kinematically redundant joints can be utilized to help recover the lost degrees of freedom due to cable failure. This work applies a Multi-Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE) framework to enable online and automatic objective reprioritization and actuator retasking. The likelihood of cable failure(s) from the estimator informs the mixing of the control inputs from a bank of feedforward controllers. In traditional rigid body robots, safety procedures generally involve a standard emergency stop procedure such as actuator locking. Due to the flexibility of cable links, the dynamic oscillations of the end-effector due to cable failure must be actively dampened. This work incorporates a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) based feedback stabilizer into the failure tolerant control framework that works to stabilize the non-linear system and dampen out these oscillations. This research contributes to a growing, but hitherto niche body of work in reconfigurable cable driven parallel manipulators. Some outcomes of the multiple engineering design, control and estimation challenges addressed in this research warrant further exploration and study that are beyond the scope of this thesis. This thesis concludes with a thorough discussion of the advantages and limitations of the presented work and avenues for further research that may be of interest to continuing scholars in the community

    Dexterity, workspace and performance analysis of the conceptual design of a novel three-legged, redundant, lightweight, compliant, serial-parallel robot

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    In this article, the mechanical design and analysis of a novel three-legged, agile robot with passively compliant 4-degrees-of-freedom legs, comprising a hybrid topology of serial, planar and spherical parallel structures, is presented. The design aims to combine the established principle of the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum model for energy efficient locomotion with the accuracy and strength of parallel mechanisms for manipulation tasks. The study involves several kinematics and Jacobian based analyses that specifically evaluate the application of a non-overconstrained spherical parallel manipulator as a robot hip joint, decoupling impact forces and actuation torques, suitable for the requirements of legged locomotion. The dexterity is investigated with respect to joint limits and workspace boundary contours, showing that the mechanism stays well conditioned and allows for a sufficient range of motion. Based on the functional redundancy of the constrained serial-parallel architecture it is furthermore revealed that the robot allows for the exploitation of optimal leg postures, resulting in the possible optimization of actuator load distribution and accuracy improvements. Consequently, the workspace of the robot torso as additional end-effector is investigated for the possible application of object manipulation tasks. Results reveal the existence of a sufficient volume applicable for spatial motion of the torso in the statically stable tripodal posture. In addition, a critical load estimation is derived, which yields a posture dependent performance index that evaluates the risks of overload situations for the individual actuators

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Increasing the Automation Level of Serial Robotic Manipulators with Optimal Design and Collision-free Path Control

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    The current hydraulic robotic manipulator mechanisms for heavy-duty machines are a mature technology, and their kinematics has been developed with a focus on the human operator maneuvering a hydraulically controlled system without numerical control input. As the trend in heavy-duty manipulators is increased automation, computer control systems are increasingly being widely used, and the requirements for robotic manipulator kinematics are different. Computer control enables a different kind of robotic manipulator kinematics, which is not optimum for direct control by a human operator, because the joint motions related to the different trajectories are not native for the human mind. Numerically controlled robotic manipulators can accept kinematics that is more efficient at doing the job expected by the customer.To increase the autonomous level of robotic manipulator, the optimal structure is not enough, but it is a part of the solution toward a fully autonomous manipulator. The control system of the manipulator is the main part of computer-controlled manipulators. A collision avoidance system plays an important role in the field of autonomous robotics. Without collision avoidance functionality, it is quite obvious that only very simple movements and tasks can be carried out automatically. With more complicated movement and manipulators, some kind of collision avoidance system is required. An unknown or changing environment increases the need for an intelligent collision avoidance system that can find a collision-free path in a dynamic environment.This thesis deals with these fundamental challenges by optimizing the serial manipulator structure for the desired task and proposing a collision avoidance control system. The basic requirement in the design of such a robotic manipulator is to make sure that all the desired task points can be achieved without singularities. These properties are difficult to achieve with the general shape and type of robotic manipulators. In this research work, a task-based kinematic synthesis approach with the proper optimization method ensures that the desired requirements can be fulfilled.To enable autonomous task execution for robotic manipulators, the control systems must have a collision avoidance system that can prevent different kinds of collisions. These collisions include self-collisions, collisions with other manipulators, collisions with obstacles, and collisions with the environment. Furthermore, there can be multiple simultaneous possible collisions that need to prevented, and the collision system must be able to handle all these collisions in real-time. In this research work, a real-time collision avoidance control approach is proposed to handle these issues. Overall, both topics, covered in this thesis, are believed to be key elements for increasing the automation of serial robotic manipulators

    Kinematics and Robot Design II (KaRD2019) and III (KaRD2020)

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    This volume collects papers published in two Special Issues “Kinematics and Robot Design II, KaRD2019” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KRD2019) and “Kinematics and Robot Design III, KaRD2020” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KaRD2020), which are the second and third issues of the KaRD Special Issue series hosted by the open access journal robotics.The KaRD series is an open environment where researchers present their works and discuss all topics focused on the many aspects that involve kinematics in the design of robotic/automatic systems. It aims at being an established reference for researchers in the field as other serial international conferences/publications are. Even though the KaRD series publishes one Special Issue per year, all the received papers are peer-reviewed as soon as they are submitted and, if accepted, they are immediately published in MDPI Robotics. Kinematics is so intimately related to the design of robotic/automatic systems that the admitted topics of the KaRD series practically cover all the subjects normally present in well-established international conferences on “mechanisms and robotics”.KaRD2019 together with KaRD2020 received 22 papers and, after the peer-review process, accepted only 17 papers. The accepted papers cover problems related to theoretical/computational kinematics, to biomedical engineering and to other design/applicative aspects