236 research outputs found

    On parallel hybrid-electric propulsion system for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    This paper presents a review of existing and current developments and the analysis of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems (HEPS) for small fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Efficient energy utilisation on an UAV is essential to its functioning, often to achieve the operational goals of range, endurance and other specific mission requirements. Due to the limitations of the space available and the mass budget on the UAV, it is often a delicate balance between the onboard energy available (i.e. fuel) and achieving the operational goals. One technology with potential in this area is with the use of HEPS. In this paper, information on the state-of-art technology in this field of research is provided. A description and simulation of a parallel HEPS for a small fixed-wing UAV by incorporating an Ideal Operating Line (IOL) control strategy is described. Simulation models of the components in a HEPS were designed in the MATLAB Simulink environment. An IOL analysis of an UAV piston engine was used to determine the most efficient points of operation for this engine. The results show that an UAV equipped with this HEPS configuration is capable of achieving a fuel saving of 6.5%, compared to the engine-only configuration

    A review of variable-pitch propellers and their control strategies in aerospace systems

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    The relentless pursuit of aircraft flight efficiency has thrust variable-pitch propeller technology into the forefront of aviation innovation. This technology, rooted in the ancient power unit of propellers, has found renewed significance, particularly in the realms of unmanned aerial vehicles and urban air mobility. This underscores the profound interplay between visionary aviation concepts and the enduring utility of propellers. Variable-pitch propellers are poised to be pivotal in shaping the future of human aviation, offering benefits such as extended endurance, enhanced maneuverability, improved fuel economy, and prolonged engine life. However, with additional capabilities come new technical challenges. The development of an online adaptive control of variable-pitch propellers that does not depend on an accurate dynamic model stands as a critical imperative. Therefore, a comprehensive review and forward-looking analysis of this technology is warranted. This paper introduces the development background of variable-pitch aviation propeller technology, encompassing diverse pitch angle adjustment schemes and their integration with various engine types. It places a central focus on the latest research frontiers and emerging directions in pitch control strategies. Lastly, it delves into the research domain of constant speed pitch control, articulating the three main challenges confronting this technology: inadequacies in system modeling, the intricacies of propeller-engine compatibility, and the impact of external, time-varying factors. By shedding light on these multifaceted aspects of variable-pitch propeller technology, this paper serves as a resource for aviation professionals and researchers navigating the intricate landscape of future aircraft development

    An intelligent power management system for unmanned earial vehicle propulsion applications

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    Electric powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a promi- nent aviation concept due to the advantageous such as stealth operation and zero emission. In addition, fuel cell powered electric UAVs are more attrac- tive as a result of the long endurance capability of the propulsion system. This dissertation investigates novel power management architecture for fuel cell and battery powered unmanned aerial vehicle propulsion application. The research work focused on the development of a power management system to control the hybrid electric propulsion system whilst optimizing the fuel cell air supplying system performances. The multiple power sources hybridization is a control challenge associated with the power management decisions and their implementation in the power electronic interface. In most applications, the propulsion power distribu- tion is controlled by using the regulated power converting devices such as unidirectional and bidirectional converters. The amount of power shared with the each power source is depended on the power and energy capacities of the device. In this research, a power management system is developed for polymer exchange membrane fuel cell and Lithium-Ion battery based hybrid electric propulsion system for an UAV propulsion application. Ini- tially, the UAV propulsion power requirements during the take-off, climb, endurance, cruising and maximum velocity are determined. A power man- agement algorithm is developed based on the UAV propulsion power re- quirement and the battery power capacity. Three power states are intro- duced in the power management system called Start-up power state, High power state and Charging power state. The each power state consists of the power management sequences to distribute the load power between the battery and the fuel cell system. A power electronic interface is developed Electric powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a promi- nent aviation concept due to the advantageous such as stealth operation and zero emission. In addition, fuel cell powered electric UAVs are more attrac- tive as a result of the long endurance capability of the propulsion system. This dissertation investigates novel power management architecture for fuel cell and battery powered unmanned aerial vehicle propulsion application. The research work focused on the development of a power management system to control the hybrid electric propulsion system whilst optimizing the fuel cell air supplying system performances. The multiple power sources hybridization is a control challenge associated with the power management decisions and their implementation in the power electronic interface. In most applications, the propulsion power distribu- tion is controlled by using the regulated power converting devices such as unidirectional and bidirectional converters. The amount of power shared with the each power source is depended on the power and energy capacities of the device. In this research, a power management system is developed for polymer exchange membrane fuel cell and Lithium-Ion battery based hybrid electric propulsion system for an UAV propulsion application. Ini- tially, the UAV propulsion power requirements during the take-off, climb, endurance, cruising and maximum velocity are determined. A power man- agement algorithm is developed based on the UAV propulsion power re- quirement and the battery power capacity. Three power states are intro- duced in the power management system called Start-up power state, High power state and Charging power state. The each power state consists of the power management sequences to distribute the load power between the battery and the fuel cell system. A power electronic interface is developed with a unidirectional converter and a bidirectional converter to integrate the fuel cell system and the battery into the propulsion motor drive. The main objective of the power management system is to obtain the controlled fuel cell current profile as a performance variable. The relationship between the fuel cell current and the fuel cell air supplying system compressor power is investigated and a referenced model is developed to obtain the optimum compressor power as a function of the fuel cell current. An adaptive controller is introduced to optimize the fuel cell air supplying system performances based on the referenced model. The adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based controller dynamically adapts the actual compressor operating power into the optimum value defined in the reference model. The online learning and training capabilities of the adaptive controller identify the nonlinear variations of the fuel cell current and generate a control signal for the compressor motor voltage to optimize the fuel cell air supplying system performances. The hybrid electric power system and the power management system were developed in real time environment and practical tests were conducted to validate the simulation results

    A scientometric analysis and critical review of gas turbine aero-engines control: From Whittle engine to more-electric propulsion

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    The gas turbine aero-engine control systems over the past eight decades have been thoroughly investigated. This review purposes are to present a comprehensive reference for aero-engine control design and development based on a systematic scientometric analysis and to categorize different methods, algorithms, and approaches taken into account to improve the performance and operability of aircraft engines from the first days to present to enable this challenging technology to be adopted by aero-engine manufacturers. Initially, the benefits of the control systems are restated in terms of improved engine efficiency, reduced carbon dioxide emissions, and improved fuel economy. This is followed by a historical coverage of the proposed concepts dating back to 1936. A comprehensive scientometric analysis is then presented to introduce the main milestones in aero-engines control. Possible control strategies and concepts are classified into four distinct phases, including Single input- single output control algorithms, MIN-MAX or Cascade control algorithms, advanced control algorithms, More-electric and electronic control algorithms and critically reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of milestones are discussed to cover all practical aspects of the review to enable the researchers to identify the current challenges in aircraft engine control systems

    Adaptive Controller with PID, FOPID, and NPID Compensators for Tracking Control of Electric – Wind Vehicle

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    This paper presents a new combination between the Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) with several types of PID’s controllers (PID, Fractional order PID (FOPID), and Nonlinear PID (NPID)) optimized using a new Covid-19 algorithm. The proposed control techniques had been applied on a new model for an electric-wind vehicle, which can catch the wind that blows in the opposite direction of a moving vehicle to receive wind; a wind turbine is installed on the vehicle’s front. The generator converts wind energy into electricity and stores it into a backup battery to switch it when the primary battery is empty. The simulation results prove that the new model of electric–wind vehicles will save power and allow the vehicle to continue moving while the other battery charges. In addition, a comparative study between different types of control algorithms had been developed and investigated to improve the vehicle dynamic response. The comparison shows that the MRAC with the NPID compensator can absorb the nonlinearity (air resistance and wheel friction) where it has a minimum overshoot, rise time, and settling time (35 seconds) among other control techniques compensators (PID and FOPID).

    UAV Simulation Environment for Autonomous Flight Control Algorithms

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    This thesis presents the development of a UAV simulation environment for the design, analysis, and comparison of autonomous flight control laws. The simulation environment was developed in MATLAB/Simulink, with custom map generation software and FlightGear 3-D visualization. Graphical user interface of the simulation environment is user-friendly and all available options are discussed in detail. Aircraft dynamic models are presented, with emphasis on newly designed UAV models. Five different aircraft models are available, with several path planning and trajectory tracking algorithms implemented. Emphasis is given to simulation of failures and other abnormal conditions, so that appropriate tools for failure detection, evaluation, and accommodation can be designed. The development of new path planning methodologies, such as optimized point of interest or automatic landing algorithms, is introduced. New developments in trajectory tracking algorithms, including adaptive controllers are discussed. An example simulation study is presented to investigate obstacle avoidance path planning algorithms, as well as the performance of trajectory tracking algorithms under both nominal and failure conditions. The results of this study are discussed with respect to optimum algorithm choice, as well as the user-friendliness of the UAV simulation environment as a whole. Finally, possible strategies for future improvements and expansion of the UAV simulation environment and its components are introduced

    Advanced Control and Estimation Concepts, and New Hardware Topologies for Future Mobility

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    According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies

    Sustainable aviation electrification: a comprehensive review of electric propulsion system architectures, energy management, and control

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    The civil aviation sector plays an increasingly significant role in transportation sustainability in the environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Driven by the concerns of sustainability in the aviation sector, more electrified aircraft propulsion technologies have emerged and form a very promising approach to future sustainable and decarbonized aviation. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive and broad-scope survey of the recent progress and development trends in sustainable aviation electrification. Firstly, the architectures of electrified aircraft propulsion are presented with a detailed analysis of the benefits, challenges, and studies/applications to date. Then, the challenges and technical barriers of electrified aircraft propulsion control system design are discussed, followed by a summary of the control methods frequently used in aircraft propulsion systems. Next, the mainstream energy management strategies are investigated and further utilized to minimize the block fuel burn, emissions, and economic cost. Finally, an overview of the development trends of aviation electrification is provided

    A survey of free software for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze free software for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Free software is the best choice when the reduction of production costs is necessary; nevertheless, the quality of free software may vary. This paper probably does not include all of the free software, but tries to describe or mention at least the most interesting programs. The first part of this paper summarizes the essential knowledge about UAVs, including the fundamentals of flight mechanics and aerodynamics, and the structure of a UAV system. The second section generally explains the modelling and simulation of a UAV. In the main section, more than 50 free programs for the design, analysis, modelling, and simulation of a UAV are described. Although the selection of the free software has been focused on small subsonic UAVs, the software can also be used for other categories of aircraft in some cases; e.g. for MAVs and large gliders. The applications with an historical importance are also included. Finally, the results of the analysis are evaluated and discussed—a block diagram of the free software is presented, possible connections between the programs are outlined, and future improvements of the free software are suggested. © 2015, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FAI/2015/001, IGA/FAI/2014/006
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