20 research outputs found

    Novel Methods in Computational Imaging with Applications in Remote Sensing

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    This dissertation is devoted to novel computational imaging methods with applications in remote sensing. Computational imaging methods are applied to three distinct applications including imaging and detection of buried explosive hazards utilizing array radar, high resolution imaging of satellites in geosynchronous orbit utilizing optical hypertelescope arrays, and characterization of atmospheric turbulence through multi-frame blind deconvolution utilizing conventional optical digital sensors. The first application considered utilizes a radar array employed as a forward looking ground penetrating radar system with applications in explosive hazard detection. A penalized least squares technique with sparsity-inducing regularization is applied to produce imagery, which is consistent with the expectation that objects are sparsely populated but extended with respect to the pixel grid. Additionally, a series of pre-processing steps is demonstrated which result in a greatly reduced data size and computational cost. Demonstrations of the approach are provided using experimental data and results are given in terms of signal to background ratio, image resolution, and relative computation time. The second application involves a sparse-aperture telescope array configured as a hypertelescope with applications in long range imaging. The penalized least squares technique with sparsity-inducing regularization is adapted and applied to this very different imaging modality. A comprehensive study of the algorithm tuning parameters is performed and performance is characterized using the Structure Similarity Metric (SSIM) to maximize image quality. Simulated measurements are used to show that imaging performance achieved using the pro- posed algorithm compares favorably in comparison to conventional Richardson-Lucy deconvolution. The third application involves a multi-frame collection from a conventional digital sensor with the primary objective of characterizing the atmospheric turbulence in the medium of propagation. In this application a joint estimate of the image is obtained along with the Zernike coefficients associated with the atmospheric PSF at each frame, and the Fried parameter r0 of the atmosphere. A pair of constraints are applied to a penalized least squares objective function to enforce the theoretical statistics of the set of PSF estimates as a function of r0. Results of the approach are shown with both simulated and experimental data and demonstrate excellent agreement between the estimated r0 values and the known or measured r0 values respectively

    Direct imaging with highly diluted apertures. I. Field of view limitations

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    Future optical interferometric instrumentation mainly relies on the availability of an efficient cophasing system: once available, what has so far postponed the relevance of direct imaging with an interferometer will vanish. This paper focuses on the actual limits of snapshot imaging, inherent to the use of a sparse aperture: the number of telescopes and the geometry of the array impose the maximum extent of the field of view and the complexity of the sources. A second limitation may arise from the beam combination scheme. Comparing already available solutions, we show that the so called hypertelescope mode (or densified pupil) is ideal. By adjusting the direct imaging field of view to the useful field of view offered by the array, the hypertelescope makes an optimal use of the collected photons. It optimizes signal to noise ratio, drastically improves the luminosity of images and makes the interferometer compatible with coronagraphy, without inducing any loss of useful field of view.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Full-resolution version available at http://www.obs-hp.fr/~lardiere/publi/2006-Lardiere-MNRAS.pd

    Hypertelescopes: The Challenge of Direct Imaging at High Resolution

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    This book is a collection of 19 articles which reflect the courses given at the CollĂšge de France/Summer school “Reconstruction d'images − Applications astrophysiques“ held in Nice and FrĂ©jus, France, from June 18 to 22, 2012. The articles presented in this volume address emerging concepts and methods that are useful in the complex process of improving our knowledge of the celestial objects, including Earth

    Formation, Simulation and Restoration of Hypertelescopes Images

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    This book is a collection of 19 articles which reflect the courses given at the CollĂšge de France/Summer school “Reconstruction d'images − Applications astrophysiques“ held in Nice and FrĂ©jus, France, from June 18 to 22, 2012. The articles presented in this volume address emerging concepts and methods that are useful in the complex process of improving our knowledge of the celestial objects, including Earth

    Discretized aperture mapping with a micro-lenses array for interferometric direct imaging

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    Discretized Aperture Mapping (DAM) appears as an original filtering technique easy to play with existing adaptive optics (AO) systems. In its essential DAM operates as an optical passive filter removing part of the phase residuals in the wavefront without introducing any difficult-to-align component in the Fourier conjugate of the entrance pupil plane. DAM reveals as a new interferometric technique combined with spatial filtering allowing direct imaging over a narrow field of view (FOV). In fact, the entrance pupil of a single telescope is divided into many sub-pupils so that the residual phase in each sub-pupil is filtered up to the DAM cut-off frequency. DAM enables to smooth the small scale wavefront defects which correspond to high spatial frequencies in the pupil plane and to low angular frequencies in the image plane. Close to the AO Nyquist frequency, such pupil plane spatial frequencies are not well measured by the wavefront sensor (WFS) due to aliasing. Once bigger than the AO Nyquist frequency, they are no more measured by the WFS due to the fitting limit responsible for the narrow AO FOV. The corresponding image plane angular frequencies are not transmitted by DAM and are useless to image small FOVs, as stated by interferometry. That is why AO and DAM are complementary assuming that the DAM cut-off frequency is equal to the AO Nyquist frequency. Here we describe the imaging capabilities when DAM is placed downstream an AO system, over a convenient pupil which precedes the scientific detector. We show firstly that the imaging properties are preserved on a narrow FOV allowing direct imaging throughout interferometry. Then we show how the residual pupil plane spatial frequencies bigger than the AO Nyquist one are filtered out, as well as the residual halo in the image is dimmed

    Imaging stellar surfaces with intensity interferometry

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    Context. Intensity interferometry was invented and used by R.Hanbury Brown and R.Q.Twiss in the 1960's to measure stellar angular diameters. Its main advantage over conventional interferometry is that it enables very long baselines and is insensitive to poor seeing. However, because it requires very large light collectors, it was never pursued further. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new upcoming facility that will detect rapid flashes of optical Cherenkov light induced by extraterrestrial gamma-rays. Its large telescopes could very well be used part-time for intensity interferometry. With its 2 km maximum baseline, it could image surfaces of hot stars at an unprecedented sub-milliarcsecond resolution. Aim. To experimentally simulate intensity interferometry in the laboratory with an array analogous to the planned CTA. Methods. Small pinhole apertures were illuminated by experimentally produced light with appropriate quantum statistics to simulate stars. High-speed single-photon counting avalanche diode detectors mounted on laboratory telescopes made up the array, enabling more than 100 baselines. A digital data processor was used to calculate the spatial coherence of the stars. Results. Intensity interferometry was successfully performed for stars of different sizes and shapes. With all the baselines available, it was possible to reconstruct two-dimensional maps of the spatial coherence required for image restoration. Conclusions. The results experimentally demonstrated the validity and potential of a multi-telescope array similar to the CTA for stellar surface imaging.StjĂ€rnorna pĂ„ himlen syns vara smĂ„ eftersom de Ă€r avlĂ€gsna objekt, solar pĂ„ enorma avstĂ„nd. Den nĂ€rmaste stjĂ€rnan Ă€r Alfa Centauri pĂ„ ett avstĂ„nd av 4,4 ljusĂ„r, cirka 41 miljon miljoner kilometer. Solen Ă€r den enda stjĂ€rna vars yta vi kan se i detalj medan andra stjĂ€rnor Ă€r sĂ„ avlĂ€gsna att de inte ens i de största teleskopen syns som mer Ă€n smĂ„ ljusa prickar. De skarpaste bilder som i dag erhĂ„lls av himmelsobjekt fĂ„s med sĂ„ kallade interferometrar. Dessa Ă€r anlĂ€ggningar dĂ€r flera teleskop kopplas ihop för att bilda ett gemensamt större instrument. Kraftfullast bland dessa Ă€r Europeiska Sydobservatoriets interferometer i Chile och dess amerikanska motsvarighet i Kalifornien. Med dessa har man lyckats avbilda ett fĂ„tal stora stjĂ€rnor. NĂ„gon visade sig inte vara rund utan kraftigt avplattad eftersom den snurrar jĂ€ttesnabbt kring sin axel. Andra stjĂ€rnor kan tĂ€nkas ha andra former eller kan bestĂ„ av flera stjĂ€rnor i omloppsbanor tĂ€tt kring varandra. Att se stjĂ€rnor som utstrĂ€ckta objekt kan lĂ€ra oss mycket om dem men ocksĂ„ om vĂ„r egen stjĂ€rna, solen. De stjĂ€rnor som hittills kunnat avbildas Ă€r jĂ€ttestjĂ€rnor, mycket större Ă€n solen, och det finns tusentals ljusa stjĂ€rnor som fortfarande bara kan ses som prickar. BildskĂ€rpan i en interferometer bestĂ€ms av avstĂ„ndet mellan de teleskop som ingĂ„r i anlĂ€ggningen: större avstĂ„nd ger bĂ€ttre skĂ€rpa. FastĂ€n man sedan lĂ€nge drömt om att lĂ€nka teleskop över mĂ„nga kilometrar, Ă€r det Ă€nnu inte möjligt över mer Ă€n ett par hundra meter. BegrĂ€nsningarna sĂ€tts av kraven pĂ„ extrem precision i hur ljuset mellan teleskopen mĂ„ste kombineras, samt av luftoron i jordens atmosfĂ€r. En annan teknik, sĂ„ kallad intensitets-interferometri, tillĂ„ter lĂ€ngre avstĂ„nd mellan teleskopen och dĂ€rmed en högre bildskĂ€rpa. Metoden innebĂ€r att det synliga ljuset i teleskopet omvandlas till elektroniska signaler som överförs i kablar utan att störas av luftens turbulens. Nackdelen Ă€r att viss information gĂ„r förlorad, vilket gör det svĂ„rare att Ă„terskapa bilder av himmelsobjekten. Dessutom krĂ€ver denna teknik mycket ljus och dĂ€rför ocksĂ„ stora teleskop. Genom en historisk tillfĂ€llighet uppförs nu en anlĂ€ggning med sĂ„dana stora teleskop, CTA, ”Cherenkov Telescope Array”, för ett helt annat huvudĂ€ndamĂ„l, att observera gammastrĂ„lning frĂ„n vĂ€rldsrymden. NĂ€r energirika gammastrĂ„lar trĂ€nger in i jordens atmosfĂ€r, skapas partiklar som utsĂ€nder blixtar av blĂ„aktigt ljus, sĂ„ kallad TjerenkovstrĂ„lning. Eftersom denna Ă€r mycket ljussvag, mĂ„ste teleskopen vara bĂ„de stora och mĂ„nga. Teleskopens prestanda rĂ„kar motsvara vad som krĂ€vs för intensitets-interferometri och möjligheten till denna tillĂ€mpning har uppmĂ€rksammats inom projektet. Teleskopen kommer att ligga pĂ„ avstĂ„nd upp till ett par kilometrar vilket möjliggör en bildskĂ€rpa som Ă€r storleksordningen bĂ€ttre Ă€n med dagens anlĂ€ggningar. Detta kommer att möjliggöra avbildning av frĂ€mst stjĂ€rnor som Ă€r hetare Ă€n solen (tekniken fungerar bĂ€st för varmare stjĂ€rnor). Möjligen kommer man till och med att kunna se silhuetter av planeter nĂ€r de syns passera över stjĂ€rnskivan! Eftersom tekniken aldrig anvĂ€nts med modern digital elektronik, mĂ„ste metoderna utvecklas och testas innan observationer i full skala kan pĂ„börjas. Detta Ă€r vad som gjorts i detta examensarbete. MĂ„nga smĂ„ teleskop sattes upp i ett laboratorium i ett mönster motsvarande det kommande CTA. Med denna installation mĂ€ttes olika konstgjorda stjĂ€rnor. Efter analys av mĂ€tningarna, kunde storlek och form pĂ„ de olika ”stjĂ€rnorna” bestĂ€mmas och det kunde experimentellt visas att teorin fungerade. Detta Ă€r första gĂ„ngen som avbildande intensitets-interferometri genomförts för astronomiskt relevanta objekt. Med denna teknik torde det bli möjligt att erhĂ„lla bilder av stjĂ€rnytor nĂ€r CTA kommer i drift nĂ„gon gĂ„ng kring Ă„r 2020

    PAINTER: a spatio-spectral image reconstruction algorithm for optical interferometry

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    International audienceAstronomical optical interferometers sample the Fourier transform of the intensity distribution of a source at the observation wavelength. Because of rapid perturbations caused by atmospheric turbulence, the phases of the complex Fourier samples (visibilities) cannot be directly exploited. Consequently, specific image reconstruction methods have been devised in the last few decades. Modern polychromatic optical interferometric instruments are now paving the way to multiwave-length imaging. This paper is devoted to the derivation of a spatio-spectral ("3D") image reconstruction algorithm, coined PAINTER (Polychromatic opticAl INTErferometric Reconstruction software). The algorithm relies on an iterative process, which alternates estimation of polychromatic images and of complex visibilities. The complex visibilities are not only estimated from squared moduli and closure phases, but also differential phases, which helps to better constrain the polychromatic reconstruction. Simulations on synthetic data illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm and in particular the relevance of injecting a differential phases model in the reconstruction

    Remote-Sensing Image Classification Based on an Improved Probabilistic Neural Network

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    This paper proposes a hybrid classifier for polarimetric SAR images. The feature sets consist of span image, the H/A/α decomposition, and the GLCM-based texture features. Then, a probabilistic neural network (PNN) was adopted for classification, and a novel algorithm proposed to enhance its performance. Principle component analysis (PCA) was chosen to reduce feature dimensions, random division to reduce the number of neurons, and Brent’s search (BS) to find the optimal bias values. The results on San Francisco and Flevoland sites are compared to that using a 3-layer BPNN to demonstrate the validity of our algorithm in terms of confusion matrix and overall accuracy. In addition, the importance of each improvement of the algorithm was proven