44 research outputs found

    Economic and environmental impacts of the energy source for the utility production system in the HDA process

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    The well-known benchmark process for hydrodealkylation of toluene (HDA) to produce benzene is revisited in a multi-objective approach for identifying environmentally friendly and cost-effective operation solutions. The paper begins with the presentation of the numerical tools used in this work, i.e., a multi-objective genetic algorithm and a Multiple Choice Decision Making procedure. Then, two studies related to the energy source involved in the utility production system (UPS), either fuel oil or natural gas, of the HDA process are carried out. In each case, a multi-objective optimization problem based on the minimization of the total annual cost of the process and of five environmental burdens, that are Global Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential, Human Toxicity Potential and Eutrophication Potential, is solved and the best solution is identified by use of Multiple Choice Decision Making procedures. An assessment of the respective contribution of the HDA process and the UPS towards environmental impacts on the one hand, and of the environmental impacts generated by the main equipment items of the HDA process on the other hand is then performed to compare both solutions. This ‘‘gate-to-gate’’ environmental study is then enlarged by implementing a ‘‘cradle-togate’’ Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), for accounting of emission inventory and extraction. The use of a natural gas turbine, less economically efficient, turns out to be a more attractive alternative to meet the societal expectations concerning environment preservation and sustainable development

    Multiobjective Stochastic Optimization of Dividing-wall Distillation Columns Using a Surrogate Model Based on Neural Networks

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    Surrogate models have been used for modelling and optimization of conventional chemical processes; among them, neural networks have a great potential to capture complex problems such as those found in chemical processes. However, the development of intensified processes has brought about important challenges in modelling and optimization, due to more complex interrelation between design variables. Among intensified processes, dividing-wall columns represent an interesting alternative for fluid mixtures separation, allowing savings in space requirements, energy and investments costs, in comparison with conventional sequences. In this work, we propose the optimization of dividing-wall columns, with a multiobjective genetic algorithm, through the use of neural networks as surrogate models. The contribution of this work is focused on the evaluation of both objectives and constraints functions with neural networks. The results show a significant reduction in computational time and the number of evaluations of objectives and constraints functions required to reaching the Pareto front

    Rigorous Design of Complex Distillation Columns Using Process Simulators and the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    We present a derivative-free optimization algorithm coupled with a chemical process simulator for the optimal design of individual and complex distillation processes using a rigorous tray-by-tray model. The proposed approach serves as an alternative tool to the various models based on nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) . This is accomplished by combining the advantages of using a commercial process simulator (Aspen Hysys), including especially suited numerical methods developed for the convergence of distillation columns, with the benefits of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) metaheuristic algorithm, which does not require gradient information and has the ability to escape from local optima. Our method inherits the superstructure developed in Yeomans, H.; Grossmann, I. E.Optimal design of complex distillation columns using rigorous tray-by-tray disjunctive programming models. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2000, 39 (11), 4326–4335, in which the nonexisting trays are considered as simple bypasses of liquid and vapor flows. The implemented tool provides the optimal configuration of distillation column systems, which includes continuous and discrete variables, through the minimization of the total annual cost (TAC). The robustness and flexibility of the method is proven through the successful design and synthesis of three distillation systems of increasing complexity.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Spanish “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” (CTQ2009-14420-C02-02 and CTQ2012-37039-C02-02)

    Integration of modular process simulators under the Generalized Disjunctive Programming framework for the structural flowsheet optimization

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    The optimization of chemical processes where the flowsheet topology is not kept fixed is a challenging discrete-continuous optimization problem. Usually, this task has been performed through equation based models. This approach presents several problems, as tedious and complicated component properties estimation or the handling of huge problems (with thousands of equations and variables). We propose a GDP approach as an alternative to the MINLP models coupled with a flowsheet program. The novelty of this approach relies on using a commercial modular process simulator where the superstructure is drawn directly on the graphical use interface of the simulator. This methodology takes advantage of modular process simulators (specially tailored numerical methods, reliability, and robustness) and the flexibility of the GDP formulation for the modeling and solution. The optimization tool proposed is successfully applied to the synthesis of a methanol plant where different alternatives are available for the streams, equipment and process conditions.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTQ2012-37039-C02-02)

    Logic hybrid simulation-optimization algorithm for distillation design

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    In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for the rigorous design of distillation columns that integrates a process simulator in a generalized disjunctive programming formulation. The optimal distillation column, or column sequence, is obtained by selecting, for each column section, among a set of column sections with different number of theoretical trays. The selection of thermodynamic models, properties estimation etc., are all in the simulation environment. All the numerical issues related to the convergence of distillation columns (or column sections) are also maintained in the simulation environment. The model is formulated as a Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) problem and solved using the logic based outer approximation algorithm without MINLP reformulation. Some examples involving from a single column to thermally coupled sequence or extractive distillation shows the performance of the new algorithm.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTQ2012-37039-C02-02)

    Integration of different models in the design of chemical processes: Application to the design of a power plant

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    With advances in the synthesis and design of chemical processes there is an increasing need for more complex mathematical models with which to screen the alternatives that constitute accurate and reliable process models. Despite the wide availability of sophisticated tools for simulation, optimization and synthesis of chemical processes, the user is frequently interested in using the ‘best available model’. However, in practice, these models are usually little more than a black box with a rigid input–output structure. In this paper we propose to tackle all these models using generalized disjunctive programming to capture the numerical characteristics of each model (in equation form, modular, noisy, etc.) and to deal with each of them according to their individual characteristics. The result is a hybrid modular–equation based approach that allows synthesizing complex processes using different models in a robust and reliable way. The capabilities of the proposed approach are discussed with a case study: the design of a utility system power plant that has been decomposed into its constitutive elements, each treated differently numerically. And finally, numerical results and conclusions are presented.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTQ2012-37039-C02-02)

    Design of Heat Integrated Low Temperature Distillation Systems

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    Investigation of Separation Efficiency Indicator for the Optimization of the Acetone–Methanol Extractive Distillation with Water.

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    A multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization of the extractive distillation process of acetone–methanol minimum azeotropic mixture with heavy entrainer water is investigated. The process includes the extractive and entrainer regeneration columns, and the optimization minimizes the energy cost objective function (OF) and total annual cost (TAC) and maximizes efficiency indicators Eext and eext that describe the ability of the extractive section to discriminate the product between the top and the bottom of that section. Earlier work (You et al. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2015, 54, 491) found that improvement of some designs in the literature led to an increase in those indicators. A two-step optimization strategy for extractive distillation is conducted to find suitable values of the entrainer feed flow rate, entrainer and azeotropic mixture feed locations, total number of trays, two reflux ratios, and two distillates in both the extractive column and the entrainer regeneration column. The first step relies upon the use of a nonsorted genetic algorithm (NSGA) with the four aforementioned criteria. Second, the best design taken from the GA Pareto front is further optimized focusing on decreasing the energy cost by using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method. In this way, the most suitable design with optimal efficiency indicators, low energy consumption, and low cost are obtained. Analyzed with respect to thermodynamic insights underlying the extractive section composition profile map, the Pareto front results show that there is maximum Eext at a given reflux ratio, and there is minimum reflux ratio for a given Eext. There is an optimal efficiency indicator Eext,opt which corresponds to the minimum TAC taken as the best design. In other words, Eext,opt can be a criterion for the comparison between different designs for the same separating system. A SQP-based design is only <1% better in TAC than the best NSGA design, showing that this later method is able to find a consistent design for the extractive process concerning the 1.0-1a class mixture

    Low pressure design for reducing energy cost of extractive distillation for separating Diisopropyl ether and Isopropyl alcohol

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    We show how reducing pressure can improve the design of a 1.0-1a mixture homogeneous extractive distillation process and we use extractive efficiency indicators to compare the optimality of different designs. The case study concerns the separation of the diisopropyl ether (DIPE)–isopropyl alcohol (IPA) minimum boiling azeotrope with heavy entrainer 2-methoxyethanol. We first explain that the unexpected energy cost OF decrease following an increase of the distillate outputs is due to the interrelation of the two distillate flow rates and purities and the entrainer recycling through mass balance when considering both the extractive distillation column and the entrainer regeneration column. Then, we find that for the studied case a lower pressure reduces the usage of entrainer and increases the relative volatility of DIPE–IPA for the same entrainer content in the extractive column. A 0.4 atm operating pressure is selected to enable the use of cheap cooling water in the condenser. We run an optimization of the entrainer flow rate, both columns reflux ratios, distillates and feed locations by minimizing the total energy consumption per product unit. Double digit savings in energy consumption are achieved while TAC is reduced significantly. An extractive efficiency indicator that describes the ability of the extractive section to discriminate the desired product between the top and the bottom of the extractive section of the extractive section is calculated for comparing and explaining the benefit of lowering pressure on the basis of thermodynamic insight