1,597 research outputs found

    Strong scaling of general-purpose molecular dynamics simulations on GPUs

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    We describe a highly optimized implementation of MPI domain decomposition in a GPU-enabled, general-purpose molecular dynamics code, HOOMD-blue (Anderson and Glotzer, arXiv:1308.5587). Our approach is inspired by a traditional CPU-based code, LAMMPS (Plimpton, J. Comp. Phys. 117, 1995), but is implemented within a code that was designed for execution on GPUs from the start (Anderson et al., J. Comp. Phys. 227, 2008). The software supports short-ranged pair force and bond force fields and achieves optimal GPU performance using an autotuning algorithm. We are able to demonstrate equivalent or superior scaling on up to 3,375 GPUs in Lennard-Jones and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations of up to 108 million particles. GPUDirect RDMA capabilities in recent GPU generations provide better performance in full double precision calculations. For a representative polymer physics application, HOOMD-blue 1.0 provides an effective GPU vs. CPU node speed-up of 12.5x.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    Predictive analysis of a hydrodynamics application on large-scale CMP clusters

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    We present the development of a predictive performance model for the high-performance computing code Hydra, a hydrodynamics benchmark developed and maintained by the United Kingdom Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). The developed model elucidates the parallel computation of Hydra, with which it is possible to predict its runtime and scaling performance on varying large-scale chip multiprocessor (CMP) clusters. A key feature of the model is its granularity; with the model we are able to separate the contributing costs, including computation, point-to-point communications, collectives, message buffering and message synchronisation. The predictions are validated on two contrasting large-scale HPC systems, an AMD Opteron/ InfiniBand cluster and an IBM BlueGene/P, both of which are located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in the US. We validate the model on up to 2,048 cores, where it achieves a > 85% accuracy in weak-scaling studies. We also demonstrate use of the model in exposing the increasing costs of collectives for this application, and also the influence of node density on network accesses, therefore highlighting the impact of machine choice when running this hydrodynamics application at scale

    A Parallel Mesh-Adaptive Framework for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

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    We report on the development of a computational framework for the parallel, mesh-adaptive solution of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws like the time-dependent Euler equations in compressible gas dynamics or Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) and similar models in plasma physics. Local mesh refinement is realized by the recursive bisection of grid blocks along each spatial dimension, implemented numerical schemes include standard finite-differences as well as shock-capturing central schemes, both in connection with Runge-Kutta type integrators. Parallel execution is achieved through a configurable hybrid of POSIX-multi-threading and MPI-distribution with dynamic load balancing. One- two- and three-dimensional test computations for the Euler equations have been carried out and show good parallel scaling behavior. The Racoon framework is currently used to study the formation of singularities in plasmas and fluids.Comment: late submissio

    PPF - A Parallel Particle Filtering Library

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    We present the parallel particle filtering (PPF) software library, which enables hybrid shared-memory/distributed-memory parallelization of particle filtering (PF) algorithms combining the Message Passing Interface (MPI) with multithreading for multi-level parallelism. The library is implemented in Java and relies on OpenMPI's Java bindings for inter-process communication. It includes dynamic load balancing, multi-thread balancing, and several algorithmic improvements for PF, such as input-space domain decomposition. The PPF library hides the difficulties of efficient parallel programming of PF algorithms and provides application developers with the necessary tools for parallel implementation of PF methods. We demonstrate the capabilities of the PPF library using two distributed PF algorithms in two scenarios with different numbers of particles. The PPF library runs a 38 million particle problem, corresponding to more than 1.86 GB of particle data, on 192 cores with 67% parallel efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, the PPF library is the first open-source software that offers a parallel framework for PF applications.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; will appear in the proceedings of the IET Data Fusion & Target Tracking Conference 201

    DD-α\alphaAMG on QPACE 3

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    We describe our experience porting the Regensburg implementation of the DD-α\alphaAMG solver from QPACE 2 to QPACE 3. We first review how the code was ported from the first generation Intel Xeon Phi processor (Knights Corner) to its successor (Knights Landing). We then describe the modifications in the communication library necessitated by the switch from InfiniBand to Omni-Path. Finally, we present the performance of the code on a single processor as well as the scaling on many nodes, where in both cases the speedup factor is close to the theoretical expectations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201

    Accelerating MPI collective communications through hierarchical algorithms with flexible inter-node communication and imbalance awareness

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    This work presents and evaluates algorithms for MPI collective communication operations on high performance systems. Collective communication algorithms are extensively investigated, and a universal algorithm to improve the performance of MPI collective operations on hierarchical clusters is introduced. This algorithm exploits shared-memory buffers for efficient intra-node communication while still allowing the use of unmodified, hierarchy-unaware traditional collectives for inter-node communication. The universal algorithm shows impressive performance results with a variety of collectives, improving upon the MPICH algorithms as well as the Cray MPT algorithms. Speedups average 15x - 30x for most collectives with improved scalability up to 65536 cores.^ Further novel improvements are also proposed for inter-node communication. By utilizing algorithms which take advantage of multiple senders from the same shared memory buffer, an additional speedup of 2.5x can be achieved. The discussion also evaluates special-purpose extensions to improve intra-node communication. These extensions return a shared memory or copy-on-write protected buffer from the collective, which reduces or completely eliminates the second phase of intra-node communication.^ The second part of this work improves the performance of MPI collective communication operations in the presence of imbalanced processes arrival times. High performance collective communications are crucial for the performance and scalability of applications, and imbalanced process arrival times are common in these applications. A micro-benchmark is used to investigate the nature of process imbalance with perfectly balanced workloads, and understand the nature of inter- versus intra-node imbalance. These insights are then used to develop imbalance tolerant reduction, broadcast, and alltoall algorithms, which minimize the synchronization delay observed by early arriving processes. These algorithms have been implemented and tested on a Cray XE6 using up to 32k cores with varying buffer sizes and levels of imbalance. Results show speedups over MPICH averaging 18.9x for reduce, 5.3x for broadcast, and 6.9x for alltoall in the presence of high, but not unreasonable, imbalance

    Automatic mapping of parallel applications on multicore architectures using the Servet benchmark suite

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Computers & Electrical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2011.12.007[Abstract] Servet is a suite of benchmarks focused on detecting a set of parameters with high influence on the overall performance of multicore systems. These parameters can be used for autotuning codes to increase their performance on multicore clusters. Although Servet has been proved to detect accurately cache hierarchies, bandwidths and bottlenecks in memory accesses, as well as the communication overhead among cores, up to now the impact of the use of this information on application performance optimization has not been assessed. This paper presents a novel algorithm that automatically uses Servet for mapping parallel applications on multicore systems and analyzes its impact on three testbeds using three different parallel programming models: message-passing, shared memory and partitioned global address space (PGAS). Our results show that a suitable mapping policy based on the data provided by this tool can significantly improve the performance of parallel applications without source code modification.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educación; FPU; AP2008-01578Xunta de Galicia; INCITE08PXIB105161P

    Automated Application-level Checkpointing of MPI Programs

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    Because of increasing hardware and software complexity, the running time of many computational science applications is now more than the mean-time-to-failure of high-performance computing platforms. Therefore, computational science applications need to tolerate hardware failures. In this paper, we focus on the stopping failure model in which a faulty process hangs and stops responding to the rest of the system. We argue that tolerating such faults is best done by an approach called application-level coordinated non-blocking checkpointing, and that existing fault-tolerance protocols in teh literature are not suitable for implementing this approach. In this paper, we present a suitable protocol, and show how it can be used with a precompiler that instruments C/MPI programs to save application and MPI library state. An advantage of our approach is that it is independent of the MPI implementation. We present experimental results that argue that the overhead of using our system can be small