348 research outputs found

    IDRA (IDeal Resource Allocation): A tool for computing ideal speedups

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    Performance studies of actual parallel systems usually tend to concéntrate on the effectiveness of a given implementation. This is often done in the absolute, without quantitave reference to the potential parallelism contained in the programs from the point of view of the execution paradigm. We feel that studying the parallelism inherent to the programs is interesting, as it gives information about the best possible behavior of any implementation and thus allows contrasting the results obtained. We propose a method for obtaining ideal speedups for programs through a combination of sequential or parallel execution and simulation, and the algorithms that allow implementing the method. Our approach is novel and, we argüe, more accurate than previously proposed methods, in that a crucial part of the data - the execution times of tasks - is obtained from actual executions, while speedup is computed by simulation. This allows obtaining speedup (and other) data under controlled and ideal assumptions regarding issues such as number of processor, scheduling algorithm and overheads, etc. The results obtained can be used for example to evalúate the ideal parallelism that a program contains for a given model of execution and to compare such "perfect" parallelism to that obtained by a given implementation of that model. We also present a tool, IDRA, which implements the proposed method, and results obtained with IDRA for benchmark programs, which are then compared with those obtained in actual executions on real parallel systems

    Programming Languages for Distributed Computing Systems

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    When distributed systems first appeared, they were programmed in traditional sequential languages, usually with the addition of a few library procedures for sending and receiving messages. As distributed applications became more commonplace and more sophisticated, this ad hoc approach became less satisfactory. Researchers all over the world began designing new programming languages specifically for implementing distributed applications. These languages and their history, their underlying principles, their design, and their use are the subject of this paper. We begin by giving our view of what a distributed system is, illustrating with examples to avoid confusion on this important and controversial point. We then describe the three main characteristics that distinguish distributed programming languages from traditional sequential languages, namely, how they deal with parallelism, communication, and partial failures. Finally, we discuss 15 representative distributed languages to give the flavor of each. These examples include languages based on message passing, rendezvous, remote procedure call, objects, and atomic transactions, as well as functional languages, logic languages, and distributed data structure languages. The paper concludes with a comprehensive bibliography listing over 200 papers on nearly 100 distributed programming languages

    A proposal for a flexible scheduling and memory management scheme for non-deterministic, andparallel execution of logic programs

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    In this paper, we examine the issue of memory management in the parallel execution of logic programs. We concentrate on non-deterministic and-parallel schemes which we believe present a relatively general set of problems to be solved, including most of those encountered in the memory management of or-parallel systems. We present a distributed stack memory management model which allows flexible scheduling of goals. Previously proposed models (based on the "Marker model") are lacking in that they impose restrictions on the selection of goals to be executed or they may require consume a large amount of virtual memory. This paper first presents results which imply that the above mentioned shortcomings can have significant performance impacts. An extension of the Marker Model is then proposed which allows flexible scheduling of goals while keeping (virtual) memory consumption down. Measurements are presented which show the advantage of this solution. Methods for handling forward and backward execution, cut and roll back are discussed in the context of the proposed scheme. In addition, the paper shows how the same mechanism for flexible scheduling can be applied to allow the efficient handling of the very general form of suspension that can occur in systems which combine several types of and-parallelism and more sophisticated methods of executing logic programs. We believe that the results are applicable to many and- and or-parallel systems

    Exploiting implicit parallelism in SPARC instruction execution

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    One way to increase the performance of a processing unit is to exploit implicit parallelism. Exploiting this parallelism requires a processor to dynamically select instructions in a serial instruction stream which can be executed in parallel. As operations are computed concurrently, an execution speedup will occur. This thesis studies how effectively implicit parallelism could be exploited in the Scalable Pro cessor Architecture (SPARC)[9], a reduced instruction set architecture developed by Sun Microsystems. First an analysis of SPARC instruction traces will determine the optimal speedup that would be realized by a processor with infinite resources. Next, an analytical model of a parallelizing processor will be developed and used to predict the effects of limited resources on optimal speedup. Lastly, a SPARC simulator will be employed to determine the actual speedup of resource limited configurations, and the results will be correlated with the analytical model

    A semantics and implementation of a causal logic programming language

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    The increasingly widespread availability of multicore and manycore computers demands new programming languages that make parallel programming dramatically easier and less error prone. This paper describes a semantics for a new class of declarative programming languages that support massive amounts of implicit parallelism

    Algorithms and Implementation

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    In the past few years Tabling has emerged as a powerful logic programming model. The integration of concurrent features into the implementation of Tabling systems is demanded by need to use recently developed tabling applications within distributed systems, where a process has to respond concurrently to several requests. The support for sharing of tables among the concurrent threads of a Tabling process is a desirable feature, to allow one of Tabling’s virtues, the re-use of computations by other threads and to allow efficient usage of available memory. However, the incremental completion of tables which are evaluated concurrently is not a trivial problem. In this dissertation we describe the integration of concurrency mechanisms, by the way of multi-threading, in a state of the art Tabling and Prolog system, XSB. We begin by reviewing the main concepts for a formal description of tabled computations, called SLG resolution and for the implementation of Tabling under the SLG-WAM, the abstract machine supported by XSB. We describe the different scheduling strategies provided by XSB and introduce some new properties of local scheduling, a scheduling strategy for SLG resolution. We proceed to describe our implementation work by describing the process of integrating multi-threading in a Prolog system supporting Tabling, without addressing the problem of shared tables. We describe the trade-offs and implementation decisions involved. We then describe an optimistic algorithm for the concurrent sharing of completed tables, Shared Completed Tables, which allows the sharing of tables without incurring in deadlocks, under local scheduling. This method relies on the execution properties of local scheduling and includes full support for negation. We provide a theoretical framework and discuss the implementation’s correctness and complexity. After that, we describe amethod for the sharing of tables among threads that allows parallelism in the computation of inter-dependent subgoals, which we name Concurrent Completion. We informally argue for the correctness of Concurrent Completion. We give detailed performance measurements of the multi-threaded XSB systems over a variety of machines and operating systems, for both the Shared Completed Tables and the Concurrent Completion implementations. We focus our measurements inthe overhead over the sequential engine and the scalability of the system. We finish with a comparison of XSB with other multi-threaded Prolog systems and we compare our approach to concurrent tabling with parallel and distributed methods for the evaluation of tabling. Finally, we identify future research directions

    Logic Programming: Context, Character and Development

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    Logic programming has been attracting increasing interest in recent years. Its first realisation in the form of PROLOG demonstrated concretely that Kowalski's view of computation as controlled deduction could be implemented with tolerable efficiency, even on existing computer architectures. Since that time logic programming research has intensified. The majority of computing professionals have remained unaware of the developments, however, and for some the announcement that PROLOG had been selected as the core language for the Japanese 'Fifth Generation' project came as a total surprise. This thesis aims to describe the context, character and development of logic programming. It explains why a radical departure from existing software practices needs to be seriously discussed; it identifies the characteristic features of logic programming, and the practical realisation of these features in current logic programming systems; and it outlines the programming methodology which is proposed for logic programming. The problems and limitations of existing logic programming systems are described and some proposals for development are discussed. The thesis is in three parts. Part One traces the development of programming since the early days of computing. It shows how the problems of software complexity which were addressed by the 'structured programming' school have not been overcome: the software crisis remains severe and seems to require fundamental changes in software practice for its solution. Part Two describes the foundations of logic programming in the procedural interpretation of Horn clauses. Fundamental to logic programming is shown to be the separation of the logic of an algorithm from its control. At present, however, both the logic and the control aspects of logic programming present problems; the first in terms of the extent of the language which is used, and the second in terms of the control strategy which should be applied in order to produce solutions. These problems are described and various proposals, including some which have been incorporated into implemented systems, are described. Part Three discusses the software development methodology which is proposed for logic programming. Some of the experience of practical applications is related. Logic programming is considered in the aspects of its potential for parallel execution and in its relationship to functional programming, and some possible criticisms of the problem-solving potential of logic are described. The conclusion is that although logic programming inevitably has some problems which are yet to be solved, it seems to offer answers to several issues which are at the heart of the software crisis. The potential contribution of logic programming towards the development of software should be substantial