11 research outputs found

    An automatic generation of textual pattern rules for digital content filters proposal, using grammatical evolution genetic programming

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    AbstractThis work presents a conceptual proposal to address the problem of intensive human specialized resources that are nowadays required for the maintenance and optimized operation of digital contents filtering in general and anti-spam filtering in particular. The huge amount of spam, malware, virus, and other illegitimate digital contents distributed through network services, represents a considerable waste of physical and technical resources, experts and end users time, in continuous maintenance of anti-spam filters and deletion of spam messages, respectively. The problem of cumbersome and continuous maintenance required to keep anti-spam filtering systems updated and running in an efficient way, is addressed in this work by the means of genetic programming grammatical evolution techniques, for automatic rules generation, having SpamAssassin anti-spam system and SpamAssassin public corpus as the references for the automatic filtering customization

    Evolutionary Multi-objective Scheduling for Anti-Spam Filtering Throughput Optimization

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    This paper presents an evolutionary multi-objective optimization problem formulation for the anti-spam filtering problem, addressing both the classification quality criteria (False Positive and False Negative error rates) and email messages classification time (minimization). This approach is compared to single objective problem formulations found in the literature, and its advantages for decision support and flexible/adaptive anti-spam filtering configuration is demonstrated. A study is performed using the Wirebrush4SPAM framework anti-spam filtering and the SpamAssassin email dataset. The NSGA-II evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm was applied for the purpose of validating and demonstrating the adoption of this novel approach to the anti-spam filtering optimization problem, formulated from the multi-objective optimization perspective. The results obtained from the experiments demonstrated that this optimization strategy allows the decision maker (anti-spam filtering system administrator) to select among a set of optimal and flexible filter configuration alternatives with respect to classification quality and classification efficiency

    SDRS: a new lossless dimensionality reduction for text corpora

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    In recent years, most content-based spam filters have been implemented using Machine Learning (ML) approaches by means of token-based representations of textual contents. After introducing multiple performance enhancements, the impact has been virtually irrelevant. Recent studies have introduced synset-based content representations as a reliable way to improve classification, as well as different forms to take advantage of semantic information to address problems, such as dimensionality reduction. These preliminary solutions present some limitations and enforce simplifications that must be gradually redefined in order to obtain significant improvements in spam content filtering. This study addresses the problem of feature reduction by introducing a new semantic-based proposal (SDRS) that avoids losing knowledge (lossless). Synset-features can be semantically grouped by taking advantage of taxonomic relations (mainly hypernyms) provided by BabelNet ontological dictionary (e.g. “Viagra” and “Cialis” can be summarized into the single features “anti-impotence drug”, “drug” or “chemical substance” depending on the generalization of 1, 2 or 3 levels). In order to decide how many levels should be used to generalize each synset of a dataset, our proposal takes advantage of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA) and particularly, of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). We have compared the performance achieved by a Naïve Bayes classifier, using both token-based and synset-based dataset representations, with and without executing dimensional reductions. As a result, our lossless semantic reduction strategy was able to find optimal semantic-based feature grouping strategies for the input texts, leading to a better performance of Naïve Bayes classifiers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Multiobjective optimization of classifiers by means of 3-D convex Hull based evolutionary algorithms

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    The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and detection error tradeoff (DET) curves are frequently used in the machine learning community to analyze the performance of binary classifiers. Recently, the convex-hull-based multiobjective genetic programming algorithm was proposed and successfully applied to maximize the convex hull area for binary classification problems by minimizing false positive rate and maximizing true positive rate at the same time using indicator-based evolutionary algorithms. The area under the ROC curve was used for the performance assessment and to guide the search. Here we extend this research and propose two major advancements: Firstly we formulate the algorithm in detection error tradeoff space, minimizing false positives and false negatives, with the advantage that misclassification cost tradeoff can be assessed directly. Secondly, we add complexity as an objective function, which gives rise to a 3D objective space (as opposed to a 2D previous ROC space). A domain specific performance indicator for 3D Pareto front approximations, the volume above DET surface, is introduced, and used to guide the indicator -based evolutionary algorithm to find optimal approximation sets. We assess the performance of the new algorithm on designed theoretical problems with different geometries of Pareto fronts and DET surfaces, and two application-oriented benchmarks: (1) Designing spam filters with low numbers of false rejects, false accepts, and low computational cost using rule ensembles, and (2) finding sparse neural networks for binary classification of test data from the UCI machine learning benchmark. The results show a high performance of the new algorithm as compared to conventional methods for multicriteria optimization.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Improved scheme of e-mail spam classification using meta-heuristics feature selection and support vector machine

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    With the technological revolution in the 21st century, time and distance of communication are decreased by using electronic mail (e-mail). Furthermore, the growing use of e-mail has led to the emergence and further growth problems caused by unsolicited bulk e-mails, commonly referred to as spam e-mail. Many of the existing supervised algorithms like the Support Vector Machine (SVM) were developed to stop the spam e-mail. However, the problem of dealing with large data and high dimensionality of feature space can lead to high execution-time and low accuracy of spam e-mail classification. Nowadays, removing the irrelevant and redundant features beside finding the optimal (or near-optimal) subset of features significantly influences the performance of spam e-mail classification; this has become one of the important challenges. Therefore, in order to optimize spam e-mail classification accuracy, dimensional reduction issues need to be solved. Feature selection schemes become very important in order to reduce the dimensionality through selecting a proper subset feature to facilitate the classification process. The objective of this study is to investigate and improve schemes to reduce the execution time and increase the accuracy of spam e-mail classification. The methodology of this study comprises of four schemes: one-way ANOVA f-test, Binary Differential Evolution (BDE), Opposition Differential Evolution (ODE) and Opposition Particle Swarm Optimization (OPSO), and combination of Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The four schemes were used to improve the spam e-mail classification accuracy. The classification accuracy of the proposed schemes were 95.05% with population size of 50 and 1000 number of iterations in 20 runs and 41 features. The experiment of the proposed schemes were carried out using spambase and spamassassin benchmark dataset to evaluate the feasibility of proposed schemes. The experimental findings demonstrate that the improved schemes were able to efficiently reduce the number of features as well as improving the e-mail classification accuracy

    A spam filtering mult-iobjective optimization study covering parsimony maximization and three-way classification

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Classifier performance optimization in machine learning can be stated as a multi-objective optimization problem. In this context, recent works have shown the utility of simple evolutionary multi-objective algorithms (NSGA-II, SPEA2) to conveniently optimize the global performance of different anti-spam filters. The present work extends existing contributions in the spam filtering domain by using three novel indicator-based (SMS-EMOA, CH-EMOA) and decomposition-based (MOEA/D) evolutionary multi-objective algorithms. The proposed approaches are used to optimize the performance of a heterogeneous ensemble of classifiers into two different but complementary scenarios: parsimony maximization and e-mail classification under low confidence level. Experimental results using a publicly available standard corpus allowed us to identify interesting conclusions regarding both the utility of rule-based classification filters and the appropriateness of a three-way classification system in the spam filtering domain