844 research outputs found

    Green computing: power optimisation of VFI-based real-time multiprocessor dataflow applications (extended version)

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    Execution time is no longer the only performance metric for computer systems. In fact, a trend is emerging to trade raw performance for energy savings. Techniques like Dynamic Power Management (DPM, switching to low power state) and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS, throttling processor frequency) help modern systems to reduce their power consumption while adhering to performance requirements. To balance flexibility and design complexity, the concept of Voltage and Frequency Islands (VFIs) was recently introduced for power optimisation. It achieves fine-grained system-level power management, by operating all processors in the same VFI at a common frequency/voltage.This paper presents a novel approach to compute a power management strategy combining DPM and DVFS. In our approach, applications (modelled in full synchronous dataflow, SDF) are mapped on heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms (partitioned in voltage and frequency islands). We compute an energy-optimal schedule, meeting minimal throughput requirements. We demonstrate that the combination of DPM and DVFS provides an energy reduction beyond considering DVFS or DMP separately. Moreover, we show that by clustering processors in VFIs, DPM can be combined with any granularity of DVFS. Our approach uses model checking, by encoding the optimisation problem as a query over priced timed automata. The model-checker Uppaal Cora extracts a cost minimal trace, representing a power minimal schedule. We illustrate our approach with several case studies on commercially available hardware

    Compiler-directed energy reduction using dynamic voltage scaling and voltage Islands for embedded systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Addressing power and energy consumption related issues early in the system design flow ensures good design and minimizes iterations for faster turnaround time. In particular, optimizations at software level, e.g., those supported by compilers, are very important for minimizing energy consumption of embedded applications. Recent research demonstrates that voltage islands provide the flexibility to reduce power by selectively shutting down the different regions of the chip and/or running the select parts of the chip at different voltage/frequency levels. As against most of the prior work on voltage islands that mainly focused on the architecture design and IP placement related issues, this paper studies the necessary software compiler support for voltage islands. Specifically, we focus on an embedded multiprocessor architecture that supports both voltage islands and control domains within these islands, and determine how an optimizing compiler can automatically map an embedded application onto this architecture. Such an automated support is critical since it is unrealistic to expect an application programmer to reach a good mapping correlating multiple factors such as performance and energy at the same time. Our experiments with the proposed compiler support show that our approach is very effective in reducing energy consumption. The experiments also show that the energy savings we achieve are consistent across a wide range of values of our major simulation parameters

    MILP formulation for controlled islanding of power networks

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    This paper presents a flexible optimization approach to the problem of intentionally forming islands in a power network. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation is given for the problem of deciding simultaneously on the boundaries of the islands and adjustments to generators, so as to minimize the expected load shed while ensuring no system constraints are violated. The solution of this problem is, within each island, balanced in load and generation and satisfies steady-state DC power flow equations and operating limits. Numerical tests on test networks up to 300 buses show the method is computationally efficient. A subsequent AC optimal load shedding optimization on the islanded network model provides a solution that satisfies AC power flow. Time-domain simulations using second-order models of system dynamics show that if penalties were included in the MILP to discourage disconnecting lines and generators with large flows or outputs, the actions of network splitting and load shedding did not lead to a loss of stability

    Voltage island based heterogeneous NoC design through constraint programming

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    This paper discusses heterogeneous Network-on-Chip (NoC) design from a Constraint Programming (CP) perspective and extends the formulation to solving Voltage-Frequency Island (VFI) problem. In general, VFI is a superior design alternative in terms of thermal constraints, power consumption as well as performance considerations. Given a Communication Task Graph (CTG) and subsequent task assignments for cores, cores are allocated to the best possible places on the chip in the first stage to minimize the overall communication cost among cores. We then solve the application scheduling problem to determine the optimum core types from a list of technological alternatives and to minimize the makespan. Moreover, an elegant CP model is proposed to solve VFI problem by mapping and grouping cores at the same time with scheduling the computation tasks as a limited capacity resource allocation model. The paper reports results based on real benchmark datasets from the literature. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A survey of offline algorithms for energy minimization under deadline constraints

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    Modern computers allow software to adjust power management settings like speed and sleep modes to decrease the power consumption, possibly at the price of a decreased performance. The impact of these techniques mainly depends on the schedule of the tasks. In this article, a survey on underlying theoretical results on power management, as well as offline scheduling algorithms that aim at minimizing the energy consumption under real-time constraints, is given

    A Control-based Methodology for Power-performance Optimization in NoCs Exploiting DVFS

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are considered a viable solution to fully exploit the computational power of multi- and many-cores, but their non negligible power consumption requires ad hoc power-performance design methodologies. In this perspective, several proposals exploited the possibility to dynamically tune voltage and frequency for the interconnect, taking steps from traditional CPU-based power management solutions. However, the impact of the actuators, i.e. the limited range of frequencies for a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) or the time to increase voltage and frequency for a Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) modules, are often not carefully accounted for, thus overestimating the benefits. This paper presents a control-based methodology for the NoC power-performance optimization exploiting the Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Both timing and power overheads of the actuators are considered, thanks to an ad hoc simulation framework. Moreover the proposed methodology eventually allows for user and/or OS interactions to change between different high level power-performance modes, i.e. to trigger performance oriented or power saving system behaviors. Experimental validation considered a 16-core architecture comparing our proposal with different settings of threshold-based policies. We achieved a speedup up to 3 for the timing and a reduction up to 33.17% of the power ∗ time product against the best threshold-based policy. Moreover, our best control-based scheme provides an averaged power-performance product improvement of 16.50% and 34.79% against the best and the second considered threshold-based policy setting

    Energy-aware Successor Tree Consistent EDF Scheduling for PCTGs on MPSoCs

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    Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) computing architectures are gaining popularity due to their high-performance capabilities and exceptional Quality-of-Service (QoS), making them a particularly well-suited computing platform for computationally intensive workloads and applications.} Nonetheless, The scheduling and allocation of a single task set with precedence restrictions on MPSoCs have presented a persistent research challenge in acquiring energy-efficient solutions. The complexity of this scheduling problem escalates when subject to conditional precedence constraints between the tasks, creating what is known as a Conditional Task Graph (CTG). Scheduling sets of Periodic Conditional Task Graphs (PCTGs) on MPSoC platforms poses even more challenges. This paper focuses on tackling the scheduling challenge for a group of PCTGs on MPSoCs equipped with shared memory. The primary goal is to minimize the overall anticipated energy usage, considering two distinct power models: dynamic and static power models. To address this challenge, this paper introduces an innovative scheduling method named Energy Efficient Successor Tree Consistent Earliest Deadline First (EESEDF). The EESEDF approach is primarily designed to maximize the worst-case processor utilization. Once the tasks are assigned to processors, it leverages the earliest successor tree consistent deadline-first strategy to arrange tasks on each processor. To minimize the overall expected energy consumption, EESEDF solves a convex Non-Linear Program (NLP) to determine the optimal speed for each task. Additionally, the paper presents a highly efficient online Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) heuristic, which operates in O(1) time complexity and dynamically adjusts the task speeds in real-time}. We achieved the average improvement, maximum improvement, and minimum improvement of EESEDF+Online-DVS 15%, 17%, and 12%, respectively compared to EESEDF alone. Furthermore, in the second set of experiments, we compared EESEDF against state-of-the-art techniques LESA and NCM. The results showed that EESEDF+Online-DVS outperformed these existing approaches, achieving notable energy efficiency improvements of 25% and 20% over LESA and NCM, respectively. \hl{Our proposed scheduler, EESEDF+Online-DVS, also achieves significant energy efficiency gains compared to existing methods. It outperforms IOETCS-Heuristic by approximately 13% while surpassing BESS and CAP-Online by impressive margins of 25% and 35%, respectively

    Circuit design and analysis for on-FPGA communication systems

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    On-chip communication system has emerged as a prominently important subject in Very-Large- Scale-Integration (VLSI) design, as the trend of technology scaling favours logics more than interconnects. Interconnects often dictates the system performance, and, therefore, research for new methodologies and system architectures that deliver high-performance communication services across the chip is mandatory. The interconnect challenge is exacerbated in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), as a type of ASIC where the hardware can be programmed post-fabrication. Communication across an FPGA will be deteriorating as a result of interconnect scaling. The programmable fabrics, switches and the specific routing architecture also introduce additional latency and bandwidth degradation further hindering intra-chip communication performance. Past research efforts mainly focused on optimizing logic elements and functional units in FPGAs. Communication with programmable interconnect received little attention and is inadequately understood. This thesis is among the first to research on-chip communication systems that are built on top of programmable fabrics and proposes methodologies to maximize the interconnect throughput performance. There are three major contributions in this thesis: (i) an analysis of on-chip interconnect fringing, which degrades the bandwidth of communication channels due to routing congestions in reconfigurable architectures; (ii) a new analogue wave signalling scheme that significantly improves the interconnect throughput by exploiting the fundamental electrical characteristics of the reconfigurable interconnect structures. This new scheme can potentially mitigate the interconnect scaling challenges. (iii) a novel Dynamic Programming (DP)-network to provide adaptive routing in network-on-chip (NoC) systems. The DP-network architecture performs runtime optimization for route planning and dynamic routing which, effectively utilizes the in-silicon bandwidth. This thesis explores a new horizon in reconfigurable system design, in which new methodologies and concepts are proposed to enhance the on-FPGA communication throughput performance that is of vital importance in new technology processes

    On-line cascading event tracking and avoidance decision support tool

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    Cascading outages in power systems are costly events that power system operators and planners actively seek to avoid. Such events can quickly result in power outages for millions of customers. Although it is unreasonable to claim that blackouts can be completely prevented, we can nonetheless reduce the frequency and impact of such high consequence events. Power operators can take actions if they have the right information provided by tools for monitoring and managing the risk of cascading outages. Such tools are being developed in this research project by identifying contingencies that could initiate cascading outages and by determining operator actions to avoid the start of a cascade.;A key to cascading outage defense is the level of grid operator situational awareness. Severe disturbances and complex unfolding of post-disturbance phenomena, including interdependent events, demand critical actions to be taken on the part of the operators, thus making operators dependent on decision support tools and automatic controls. In other industries (e.g., airline, nuclear, process control), control operators employ computational capabilities that help them predict system response and identify corrective actions. Power system operators should have a similar capability with online simulation tools.;To create an online simulator to help operators identify the potential for and actions to avoid cascades, we developed a systematic way to identify power system initiating contingencies for operational use. The work extends the conventional contingency list by including a subset of high-order contingencies identified through topology processing. The contingencies are assessed via an online, mid-term simulator, designed to provide generalized, event-based, corrective control and decision support for operators with very high computational efficiency. Speed enhancement is obtained algorithmically by employing a multi-frontal linear solver within an implicit integration scheme. The contingency selection and simulation capabilities were illustrated on two systems: a test system with six generators and the IEEE RTS-96 with 33 generators. Comparisons with commercial grade simulators indicate the developed simulator is accurate and fast