34 research outputs found

    Scheduling Refactoring Opportunities Using Computational Search

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    Maintaining a high-level code quality can be extremely expensive since time and monetary pressures force programmers to neglect improving the quality of their source code. Refactoring is an extremely important solution to reduce and manage the growing complexity of software systems. Developers often need to make trade-offs between code quality, available resources and delivering a product on time, and such management support is beyond the scope and capability of existing refactoring engines. The problem of finding the optimal sequence in which the refactoring opportunities, such as bad smells, should be ordered is rarely studied. Due to the large number of possible scheduling solutions to explore, software engineers cannot manually find an optimal sequence of refactoring opportunities that may reduce the effort and time required to efficiently improve the quality of software systems. In this paper, we use bi-level multi-objective optimization to the refactoring opportunities management problem. The upper level generates a population of solutions where each solution is defined as an ordered list of code smells to fix which maximize the benefits in terms of quality improvements and minimize the cost in terms of number of refactorings to apply. The lower level finds the best sequence of refactorings that fixes the maximum number of code smells with a minimum number of refactorings for each solution (code smells sequence) in the upper level. The statistical analysis of our experiments over 30 runs on 6 open source systems and 1 industrial project shows a significant reduction in effort and better improvements of quality when compared to state-of-art bad smells prioritization techniques. The manual evaluation performed by software engineers also confirms the relevance of our refactoring opportunities scheduling solutions.Master of ScienceComputer Science, College of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136063/1/Scheduling Refactoring Opportunities Using Computational Search.pd

    Improving Developer Profiling and Ranking to Enhance Bug Report Assignment

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    Bug assignment plays a critical role in the bug fixing process. However, bug assignment can be a burden for projects receiving a large number of bug reports. If a bug is assigned to a developer who lacks sufficient expertise to appropriately address it, the software project can be adversely impacted in terms of quality, developer hours, and aggregate cost. An automated strategy that provides a list of developers ranked by suitability based on their development history and the development history of the project can help teams more quickly and more accurately identify the appropriate developer for a bug report, potentially resulting in an increase in productivity. To automate the process of assigning bug reports to the appropriate developer, several studies have employed an approach that combines natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to extract two categories of features: one targeting developers who have fixed similar bugs before and one targeting developers who have worked on source files similar to the description of the bug. As developers document their changes through their commit messages it represents another rich resource for profiling their expertise, as the language used in commit messages typically more closely matches the language used in bug reports. In this study, we have replicated the approach presented in [32] that applies a learning-to-rank technique to rank appropriate developers for each bug report. Additionally, we have extended the study by proposing an additional set of features to better profile a developer through their commit logs and through the API project descriptions referenced in their code changes. Furthermore, we explore the appropriateness of a joint recommendation approach employing a learning-to-rank technique and an ordinal regression technique. To evaluate our model, we have considered more than 10,000 bug reports with their appropriate assignees. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our model in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods in recommending developers for open bug reports

    Adaptive structured parallelism

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    Algorithmic skeletons abstract commonly-used patterns of parallel computation, communication, and interaction. Parallel programs are expressed by interweaving parameterised skeletons analogously to the way in which structured sequential programs are developed, using well-defined constructs. Skeletons provide top-down design composition and control inheritance throughout the program structure. Based on the algorithmic skeleton concept, structured parallelism provides a high-level parallel programming technique which allows the conceptual description of parallel programs whilst fostering platform independence and algorithm abstraction. By decoupling the algorithm specification from machine-dependent structural considerations, structured parallelism allows programmers to code programs regardless of how the computation and communications will be executed in the system platform.Meanwhile, large non-dedicated multiprocessing systems have long posed a challenge to known distributed systems programming techniques as a result of the inherent heterogeneity and dynamism of their resources. Scant research has been devoted to the use of structural information provided by skeletons in adaptively improving program performance, based on resource utilisation. This thesis presents a methodology to improve skeletal parallel programming in heterogeneous distributed systems by introducing adaptivity through resource awareness. As we hypothesise that a skeletal program should be able to adapt to the dynamic resource conditions over time using its structural forecasting information, we have developed ASPara: Adaptive Structured Parallelism. ASPara is a generic methodology to incorporate structural information at compilation into a parallel program, which will help it to adapt at execution

    Model-driven development of data intensive applications over cloud resources

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    The proliferation of sensors over the last years has generated large amounts of raw data, forming data streams that need to be processed. In many cases, cloud resources are used for such processing, exploiting their flexibility, but these sensor streaming applications often need to support operational and control actions that have real-time and low-latency requirements that go beyond the cost effective and flexible solutions supported by existing cloud frameworks, such as Apache Kafka, Apache Spark Streaming, or Map-Reduce Streams. In this paper, we describe a model-driven and stepwise refinement methodological approach for streaming applications executed over clouds. The central role is assigned to a set of Petri Net models for specifying functional and non-functional requirements. They support model reuse, and a way to combine formal analysis, simulation, and approximate computation of minimal and maximal boundaries of non-functional requirements when the problem is either mathematically or computationally intractable. We show how our proposal can assist developers in their design and implementation decisions from a performance perspective. Our methodology allows to conduct performance analysis: The methodology is intended for all the engineering process stages, and we can (i) analyse how it can be mapped onto cloud resources, and (ii) obtain key performance indicators, including throughput or economic cost, so that developers are assisted in their development tasks and in their decision taking. In order to illustrate our approach, we make use of the pipelined wavefront array

    Running parallel applications on a heterogeneous environment with accessible development practices and automatic scalability

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    Grid computing makes it possible to gather large quantities of resources to work on a problem. In order to exploit this potential, a framework that presents the resources to the user programmer in a form that maintains productivity is necessary. The framework must not only provide accessible development, but it must make efficient use of the resources. The Seeds framework is proposed. It uses the current Grid and distributed computing middleware to provide a parallel programming environment to a wider community of programmers. The framework was used to investigate the feasibility of scaling skeleton/pattern parallel programming into Grid computing. The research accomplished two goals: it made parallel programming on the Grid more accessible to domain­specific programmers, and it made parallel programs scale on a heterogeneous resource environ­ ment. Programming is made easier to the programmer by using skeleton and pat­ tern­based programming approaches that effectively isolate the program from the envi­ ronment. To extend the pattern approach, the pattern adder operator is proposed, imple­ mented and tested. The results show the pattern operator can reduce the number of lines of code when compared with an MPJ­Express implementation for a stencil algorithm while having an overhead of at most ten microseconds per iteration. The research in scal­ ability involved adapting existing load­balancing techniques to skeletons and patterns re­ quiring little additional configuration on the part of the programmer. The hierarchical de­ pendency concept is proposed as well, which uses a streamed data flow programming model. The concept introduces data flow computation hibernation and dependencies that can split to accommodate additional processors. The results from implementing skeleton/patterns on hierarchical dependencies show an 18.23% increase in code is neces­ sary to enable automatic scalability. The concept can increase speedup depending on the algorithm and grain size

    Model-driven development of data intensive applications over cloud resources

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    The proliferation of sensors over the last years has generated large amounts of raw data, forming data streams that need to be processed. In many cases, cloud resources are used for such processing, exploiting their flexibility, but these sensor streaming applications often need to support operational and control actions that have real-time and low-latency requirements that go beyond the cost effective and flexible solutions supported by existing cloud frameworks, such as Apache Kafka, Apache Spark Streaming, or Map-Reduce Streams. In this paper, we describe a model-driven and stepwise refinement methodological approach for streaming applications executed over clouds. The central role is assigned to a set of Petri Net models for specifying functional and non-functional requirements. They support model reuse, and a way to combine formal analysis, simulation, and approximate computation of minimal and maximal boundaries of non-functional requirements when the problem is either mathematically or computationally intractable. We show how our proposal can assist developers in their design and implementation decisions from a performance perspective. Our methodology allows to conduct performance analysis: The methodology is intended for all the engineering process stages, and we can (i) analyse how it can be mapped onto cloud resources, and (ii) obtain key performance indicators, including throughput or economic cost, so that developers are assisted in their development tasks and in their decision taking. In order to illustrate our approach, we make use of the pipelined wavefront array.Comment: Preprin

    Autotuning wavefront patterns for heterogeneous architectures

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    Manual tuning of applications for heterogeneous parallel systems is tedious and complex. Optimizations are often not portable, and the whole process must be repeated when moving to a new system, or sometimes even to a different problem size. Pattern based parallel programming models were originally designed to provide programmers with an abstract layer, hiding tedious parallel boilerplate code, and allowing a focus on only application specific issues. However, the constrained algorithmic model associated with each pattern also enables the creation of pattern-specific optimization strategies. These can capture more complex variations than would be accessible by analysis of equivalent unstructured source code. These variations create complex optimization spaces. Machine learning offers well established techniques for exploring such spaces. In this thesis we use machine learning to create autotuning strategies for heterogeneous parallel implementations of applications which follow the wavefront pattern. In a wavefront, computation starts from one corner of the problem grid and proceeds diagonally like a wave to the opposite corner in either two or three dimensions. Our framework partitions and optimizes the work created by these applications across systems comprising multicore CPUs and multiple GPU accelerators. The tuning opportunities for a wavefront include controlling the amount of computation to be offloaded onto GPU accelerators, choosing the number of CPU and GPU threads to process tasks, tiling for both CPU and GPU memory structures, and trading redundant halo computation against communication for multiple GPUs. Our exhaustive search of the problem space shows that these parameters are very sensitive to the combination of architecture, wavefront instance and problem size. We design and investigate a family of autotuning strategies, targeting single and multiple CPU + GPU systems, and both two and three dimensional wavefront instances. These yield an average of 87% of the performance found by offline exhaustive search, with up to 99% in some cases