297 research outputs found

    Selection of digital subscriber lines ready for next generation access

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    Nowadays, in the EU a lot of project concerning broadband access to the Internet for end users is being developed. The aim of those projects is to support the creation of access communication networks that can meet defined performance criteria for providing the broadband services. Such networks are in general called Next Generation Access. One of the first tasks is to identify appropriate transmission technologies that could meet the required performance criteria. For each transmission technology, it is necessary to carry out a detailed performance analysis of the transmission depending on certain transmission conditions. To perform a detailed analysis means to carry out modelling of transmission’s specific conditions for each technology. This article, specifically, discusses hybrid optical networks, which in conjunction with digital subscriber lines are one of the possible solutions for Next Generation Access. In the access network topology that combines copper and optical cables, it is necessary to optimize the mutual ratio of both infrastructure’s length. Therefore, the article also describes this issue that refers to a certain technology for the Next Generation Access. Specific performance criteria of transmission for access network in the Czech Republic are considered and the optimized location of the external node digital line access multiplexer is discussed

    Physical Layer Techniques for High Frequency Wireline Broadband Systems

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    This thesis collects contributions to wireline and wireless communication systems with an emphasis on multiuser and multicarrier physical layer technology. To deliver increased capacity, modern wireline access systems such as G.fast extend the signal bandwidth up from tens to hundreds of MHz. This ambitious development revealed a number of unforeseen hurdles such as the impact of impedance changes in various forms. Impedance changes have a strong effect on the performance of multi-user crosstalk mitigation techniques such as vectoring. The first part of the thesis presents papers covering the identification of one of these problems, a model describing why it occurs and a method to mitigate its effects, improving line stability for G.fast systems.A second part of the thesis deals with the effects of temperature changes on wireline channels. When a vectored (MIMO) wireline system is initialized, channel estimates need to be obtained. This thesis presents contributions on the feasibility of re-using channel coefficients to speed up the vectoring startup procedures, even after the correct coefficients have changed, e.g., due to temperature changes. We also present extensive measurement results showing the effects of temperature changes on copper channels using a temperature chamber and British cables. The last part of the thesis presents three papers on the convergence of physical layer technologies, more specifically the deployment of OFDM-based radio systems using twisted pairs in different ways. In one proposed scenario, the idea of using the access copper lines to deploy small cells inside users' homes is explored. The feasibility of the concept, the design of radio-heads and a practical scheme for crosstalk mitigation are presented in three contributions

    Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico"

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    En los últimos años ha habido un gran aumento en el despliegue de redes de acceso ópticas de fibra hasta el hogar (FTTH, del inglés fibre-to-the home). FTTH es una solución flexible, una tecnología de acceso de futuro que permite proporcionar tasas de datos del orden de Gbit/s por ususario. Diversos estudios indican que FTTH se convertirá en la diferencia clave entre los operadores más importantes. Además, FTTH es la única tecnolotgía capaz de crear nuevas fuentes de ingresos de aplicaciones de alta velocidad, como por ejemple entretenimiento de alta definición (vído y juegos de alta definición...) Dede el punto de vista del operador, una de las vientajas importantes que proporciona FTTH es que permite una mayor eficiencia operativa en coparción con otras tecnologías de acceso, principalmente por la reducción de costes de mantenimiento y de operación. Además, FTTH reduce los requisitos de los equipos de las centrales. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como ojetivo extender estas ventajas más allá del concepto FTTH mediante la integración de la red óptica de distribución desplegada dentro del hogar así como el enlace radio final de corto o medio alcance inalámbrico. Esto proporciona una arquitctura de red FFTH integrada de extremo a extremo. De este modo, los beneficios de la reducción de costes operativos y mayor eficiencia se extienden hasta el usuario final de la red. En esta tesis doctoral, se propone una arqutectura de acceso integrada óptica-radio basada en la multiplexación por división ortogonal de fecuencia (OFDM, del inglés orthogonal frequency división multiplexing) para proporcionar diferentes servicios al usuario como Internet, teléfono/voz, televisión de lata definición, conexión inalámbrica y seguridad en el hogar. Las señales OFDM se utilizan en muchos estándares inalámbricos como las señales de banda ultraancha (UWB, del inglés ultra-wide band), WiMAX, LTE, WLAN, DVB-T o DAB. Estos formatos aprovechan las características intrínsecas de la modulación OFDM como su mayor inmunidad ante desvanecimiento multi-camino. Esta tesis incluye la propuesta y la demostración experimental de la transmisión simultánea y bi-direccional de señales OFDM multi-estándar en radio-sobre-fibra proporcionando servicios triple-play basados en OFDM como UWB para televisión de alta definición, WiMAX para datos de Internet, y LTE para el servicio telefónico.Morant Perez, M. (2012). Architectures and Novel Functionalities for Optical Access OFDM Networks "Arquitecturas y Nuevas Funcionalidades para Redes OFDM de Acceso Óptico" [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15076Palanci

    Otimização de distribuição de conteúdos multimédia utilizando software-defined networking

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    The general use of Internet access and user equipments, such as smartphones, tablets and personal computers, is creating a new wave of video content consumption. In the past two decades, the Television broadcasting industry went through several evolutions and changes, evolving from analog to digital distribution, standard definition to high definition TV-channels, form the IPTV method of distribution to the latest set of technologies in content distribution, OTT. The IPTV technology introduced features that changed the passive role of the client to an active one, revolutionizing the way users consume TV content. Thus, the clients’ habits started to shape the services offered, leading to an anywhere and anytime offer of video content. OTT video delivery is a reflection of those habits, meeting the users’ desire, introducing several benefits discussed in this work over the previous technologies. However, the OTT type of delivery poses several challenges in terms of scalability and threatens the Telecommunications Operators business model, because OTT companies use the Telcos infrastructure for free. Consequently, Telecommunications Operators must prepare their infrastructure for future demand while offering new services to stay competitive. This dissertation aims to contribute with insights on what infrastructure changes a Telecommunications Operator must perform with a proposed bandwidth forecasting model. The results obtained from the forecast model paved the way to the proposed video content delivery method, which aims to improve users’ perceived Quality-of-Experience while optimizing load balancing decisions. The overall results show an improvement of users’ experience using the proposed method.A generalização do acesso à Internet e equipamentos pessoais como smartphones, tablets e computadores pessoais, está a criar uma nova onda de consumo de conteúdos multimedia. Nas ultimas duas décadas, a indústria de transmissão de Televisão atravessou várias evoluções e alterações, evoluindo da distribuição analógica para a digital, de canais de Televisão de definição padrão para alta definição, do método de distribuição IPTV, até ao último conjunto de tecnologias na distribuição de conteúdos, OTT. A tecnologia IPTV introduziu novas funcionalidades que mudaram o papel passivo do cliente para um papel activo, revolucionando a forma como os utilizadores consumem conteúdos televisivos. Assim, os hábitos dos clientes começaram a moldar os serviços oferecidos, levando à oferta de consumo de conteúdos em qualquer lugar e em qualquer altura. A entrega de vídeo OTT é um reflexo destes hábitos, indo ao encontro dos desejos dos utilizadores, que introduz inúmeras vantagens sobre outras tecnologias discutidas neste trabalho. No entanto, a entrega de conteúdos OTT cria diversos problemas de escalabilidade e ameaça o modelo de negócio das Operadoras de Telecomunicações, porque os fornecedores de serviço OTT usam a infraestrutura das mesmas sem quaisquer custos. Consequentemente, os Operadores de Telecomunicações devem preparar a sua infraestrutura para o consumo futuro ao mesmo tempo que oferecem novos serviços para se manterem competitivos. Esta dissertação visa contribuir com conhecimento sobre quais alterações uma Operadora de Telecomunicações deve executar com o modelo de previsão de largura de banda proposto. Os resultados obtidos abriram caminho para o método de entrega de conteúdos multimedia proposto, que visa ao melhoramento da qualidade de experiência do utilizador ao mesmo tempo que se optimiza o processo de balanceamento de carga. No geral os testes confirmam uma melhoria na qualidade de experiência do utilizador usando o método proposto.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Serviços OTT TV: aspectos técnico-económicos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe breadth of availability and variety of online video contents has helped to encourage a far more mobile experience, which has proved particularly popular among younger generations. Over The Top (OTT) services, particularly those on-demand video platforms, became more and more attractive to consumers when compared with the current main TV packages. This document describes how the video OTT Ecosystem works from a technical side. The description presented reaches both ends of the distribution chain: from how the video signals are acquired and processed, thru all the way to how they are delivered to the client, passing by the challenges and consequences that such services have on the network. The main objective of this dissertation is to understand the possibility to create in Portugal a new operator where the core business is video delivery using only OTT services.A amplitude e variedade de conteúdos disponíveis online têm ajudado a promover uma experiência cada ver mais móvel da televisão, serviço que se tem revelado particularmente popular entre os mais jovens. Serviços Over The Top (OTT), sobretudo aqueles disponíveis através de plataformas de video on-demand, têm-se tornado cada vez mais atraentes para os consumidores, em comparação com os atuais pacotes de televisão. Este documento descreve como funciona, do ponto de vista técnico, o ecossistema do vídeo sobre OTT. A descrição apresentada abrange ambas as extremidades da cadeia de distribuição: desde a forma como os sinais de vídeo são adquiridos e processados até ao modo como eles são entregues ao cliente, passando pelos problemas e consequências que tais serviços podem ter na rede. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é contribuir para compreender se é possível criar em Portugal um novo operador onde o core business seja a distribuição de vídeo utilizando apenas serviços OTT

    Cost-Effective Network Planning and Operation for Rural Communities.

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    PhD Theses.Broadband Internet access is central to the regeneration of remote communities and reducing the digital divide between rural and urban regions. This thesis focuses on rural communities with limited financial resources, environmental issues including long reach from conurbations, and mountainous or otherwise adverse terrain, typically with limited access to a wired power supply. As such, regular access technologies based on cable or fibre optics are not financially viable. To overcome this challenge, we consider the deployment of a Free-Space Optical (FSO) based relay network as the primary technology, using diversity to provide resilience to atmospheric effects. The aim of this research is to design and evaluate a rural network planning and traffic engineering framework employing FSO communication using light emitting diodes/lasers to construct backhaul rural network infrastructures. FSO systems are relatively cheap and easy to implement [1]. Various proof-of-concept technologies already exist [2] [3] [4]. However, the focus of this work is on the design of a flexible network-planning tool together with a robust management framework that is designed to operate over such an infrastructure to ensure it functions efficiently despite changes in load or communication channel outages. Although the work concentrates on an FSO based infrastructure, this could be extended to support heterogeneous networks employing a combination of technologies. More precisely, this research first describes a novel network planning tool with an intelligent resource management system based on a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) that determines the suitable location of FSO relay nodes, taking into account end-to-end link speed which is bitrate of user data and the degree of path diversity coupling with battery power. This MOEA approach can account for Line-of-Sight occlusions and allows various compromises to be selected from a Pareto front to suit individual needs. We provide suitable results to show the satisfactory operation of the tool and outline avenues for future development. Following on from this, we design and evaluate an intelligent traffic-engineering framework to make the best use of the deployed infrastructure that can adapt to environmental changes. This aims to ensure a good service is maintained at all times by suitable reconfiguration

    Control Plane Strategies for Elastic Optical Networks

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    Evaluating the energy consumption and the energy savings potential in ICT backbone networks

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